To put it bluntly, he didn't want to be on the opposite side of Anku.

Unconsciously, he had already regarded Anku as the most important part of his life.

In this case, of course, he didn't want Anku to be on the opposite side.

The two sides have been together for such a long time, and the tacit understanding between them has reached a very high level.

Anku didn't answer Hino Eiji at the first time, but fell into silence.

Compared with the experience 800 years ago, the human life during this period has made Anku have an inexplicable feeling.

Especially Hino Eiji, Anku didn't know how to express it.

Although he seemed to be annoyed with Hino Eiji on the surface, he had already recognized him in his heart.

The two who have been fighting side by side have unknowingly been able to trust each other.

After the king of the same generation 800 years ago betrayed him, Anku no longer even believed in others.

But the appearance of Hino Eiji broke the shackles in his heart, and unknowingly there was another person he was willing to trust.

"I promise you.

After a long while, Anku finally said these four words in the expectant eyes of Hino Eiji.

After getting the answer he wanted, Hino Eiji saw that Tebuan's mood finally calmed down.

He was really worried just now that Anku was unwilling to answer his question.

Now he finally got the answer.

Even if it can't be 100% guaranteed, at least... he believes in Anku.

Since Anku has already said so, he has no reason to continue to doubt

"If you have nothing to do, go to work quickly. If you have finished eating the popsicles in the refrigerator, go buy me some."

"Yes, yes, yes! I know, I know.

Hino Eiji, whose mood has finally recovered a little, naturally doesn't mind buying Anku some popsicles.

After Hino Eiji left, Anku fell into deep thought alone.

He is in a complicated mood at the moment.

On the one hand, he wants to restore his complete body, and on the other hand, he seems a little afraid of restoring his complete body.

Once he restores his complete body, he will not be able to continue using this body.

After turning back into a complete form, what will happen is hard to say now, so we can only take it one step at a time.

Regaining his energy, Hino Eiji quickly started his work, sweeping here and wiping there.

While working, he also noticed that Izumi Bina has been laughing non-stop since she came today.

He didn't know what it was for the time being.

Unable to hold back his curiosity, Hino Eiji asked in confusion.

"Bina, you seem to be very happy today, did something good happen?"

Hearing this, Izumi Bina realized that she seemed to be very happy all the time today.

He quickly restrained the smile on his face and continued to laugh in his heart.

"Nothing, actually I... I'm already in love."


Hearing such an explosive answer suddenly, Hino Eiji's head was buzzing.

He didn't expect that Izumi Bina would move so quickly, even though she hadn't contacted many people.

Suddenly, he thought of the scene when Izumi Bina chased Lu Li away before, and he was suddenly shocked.

"Hina, is your lover Lu Li?!"

The words were full of surprise. He really couldn't imagine that Izumi Hina would actually fall in love with Lu Li.

In his opinion, Lu Li was a very dangerous person. It was dangerous for Izumi Hina to get close to this man. Now she was going to fall in love with him.

Isn't this a double danger? !

After being exposed, Izumi Hina nodded with a slightly red face.

The attitude said it all. Hino Eiji guessed it right.

Slapped on the forehead, Hino Eiji really didn't know what to say now.

"Hina! I have reminded you before that Lu Li is not a simple person. He is very dangerous.

And he has cooperated with other greedy people. How can you..."

He didn't blame Izumi Hina, but was worried about her safety."

Hearing this, Izumi Hina naturally heard Hino Eiji's concern and didn't get angry.

"Eiji, I made the decision. I do like Lu Li. At least in my eyes, he is a good person.

Although he may have some sides that I don't know, doesn't everyone have a side that is unknown to others?"

This is to the point. Even Eiji Hino has a side that is unknown to others.

After opening his mouth, Eiji Hino found that he could not refute Izumi Hina, so he could only let it go.

"Since you have made the decision, be careful and come to me if you have any questions."

He could only say so much. It would not make much sense to explain too much to a girl whose IQ is negative in love.

On the contrary, people would think that he was slandering Lu Li and making the relationship between the two worse.

"Well, OK, I'll find you if I have any questions."

Quan Binai certainly wouldn't refuse the other party's kindness, as long as he didn't say bad things about Lu Li.

A city adjacent to Fengdu.

A white van was speeding on the road, and the people in the car were wearing strange uniforms.

There were two people in the front passenger seat, and five more in the back compartment.

The five people in the back were sorting out their equipment, guns, and specially made ammunition.

The only woman among the seven people was holding a melee weapon in her hand, which looked like a special dagger, and had electromagnetic leggings tied on her legs, looking fully armed.

This group of people is the Peston extermination team under Nozama Pharmaceutical.

Their mission is to eliminate "pests and beasts".

The pests here are not pests in the conventional sense, but the terrifying monster Amazon.

Of course, the people in the extermination class don't know the specific situation, they just get paid to do things.

The reason why I stay here to do such a dangerous job is because the pay is high enough.

In the carriage, a middle-aged man with a beard and adjusting his shotgun suddenly said.

"Brother Zhen, have you heard?"

Shito Zhen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around, glanced at Misaki Kazuya, and frowned.

"What did you hear?"

Obviously, he didn't understand what Misaki Kazuya meant for a while.

Seeing that he really didn't know anything, Misaki couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Oh! Don't you know about such a big thing? I heard from people in other classes that Director Mizusawa seems to have brought back some new equipment from other cities, which seems pretty good.


You said...are those things for us? "

Shito shook his head, indeed he had never heard of this matter.

"Really? I don't think I've heard of it, Futian, have you heard of it?"

Kota Fukuda, who was driving the vehicle, shook his head, obviously not knowing about this matter.

"New equipment? What new equipment?"

Gao Shouwang asked with a hint of anticipation as he expelled a little bit of red from the class.

Although she is only twenty-two years old, the youngest woman in the entire exorcism class, and also the only woman, her strength is not low at all.

Normally, when performing extermination tasks, she relies on close combat. The dagger in her hand and the electromagnetic leggings on her legs are her advantageous weapons.

"I have also heard them mention this. It seems that this equipment comes from Fengdu, and it can gain good power after using it.

However... I feel that this thing is definitely not for us. After all, we are outsourced personnel, not even regular employees. "

Maehara Jun, the youngest among the seven, shrugged slightly and analyzed it calmly.

He didn't think that the chief would hand over these equipment to them.

First of all, their extermination squad is already capable of getting rid of those pests. Even if they are given some good equipment, the efficiency may not increase much.

This batch of equipment should be handed over to the company, which will then arrange to form a new batch of teams.

Otaki Ryusuke, who has a passionate personality, suddenly became unhappy and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"No way! We are fighting on the front line to eliminate those pests and beasts. We have good equipment but are not allowed to use it. It is too much!"

Mamoru, the only non-human member of Ban Ming's face, asked curiously with a childish look on his face.

"What's the new equipment?"

Mamoru is Amazon managed by Nozama Pharmaceutical with the identification code M.

Although he appears to be an adult male messenger, his mental age is extremely childish and he does not understand many things.

The extermination team composed of seven people also exterminated several pests and beasts this year, and they have rich combat experience.

The main reason is that the special closed-loop potions on the arms of Amazons who escaped have been used up one after another.

Once the potion is used up, the eye part on the armband will turn red, thereby transmitting location information to Nozama Pharmaceuticals.

Last year was the first year after Amazon: Escape. The special potion was still in effect, and only a handful of Amazons were awakened.

But this year is already the second year, and the number of Amazon awakenings is increasing day by day.

The eviction team sometimes even just evicted an Amazon, but before they had time to rest, a second Amazon would appear.

Shito Makoto was also very curious at this moment about what kind of equipment it was.

But since no one from the company notified them, it means that this batch of equipment is indeed not for them.

"Why do we think so much? Just do our own thing.

Just say that without that batch of equipment, we can still get rid of pests and beasts, are you right? "

Shito Zhen is the leader of the exorcism team, and he speaks very authoritatively.

He used to be a member of the Special Forces of the Police Department, but in order to earn money for his separated son, he chose to join the extermination class.

Although the job is very dangerous, the income is indeed quite high, and thanks to his rich combat experience and command skills, he really wouldn't be able to serve as the team leader otherwise.

Maehara Jun, who has a calm mind, thought of something at these times and continued to analyze.

"It's okay to think so. However, if these new equipment allow the company to form a new extermination team, is it possible that we will be paid as much as

not enough?

After all, besides our extermination team, there will be others who can also get rid of pests. "

After his analysis, everyone was shocked and all their eyes focused on him.

Just because they felt that what Jun Maehara said just now made sense.

If this were the case, their role as exorcists would be greatly weakened.

In this situation,

Can they hunt more pests?

It seems quite difficult!

Unconsciously, the problem of equipment changed to the problem of their survival by obtaining rewards.

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