Even though they have become a makeup hybrid, their strength is much stronger than before, but facing so many Amazons, they don't feel they have a chance of winning.

"Don't panic! The more panicked you are, the more sleepy you will be. Think less about these things and pay attention to defense.

You must not be broken by these guys."

Even the captain at this moment has no confidence to say that he can take everyone away. It is a question whether he can survive.

These soldier ants Amazoni came to their floor in a static state. Their movement speed is not fast, and it can even be said to be relatively slow.

This gave them time to react, and the final conclusion was to retreat first.

The retreat location is naturally the room where the queen Amazon lived before.


Before they retreated to the room, they heard a shrill scream.

This miserable scream made all the members of the task force startled.

As members of the task force, they are naturally familiar with each other. The miserable scream came from the companion who was temporarily left behind by them before.

The members of the task force immediately broke in, and saw a soldier ant Amazon eating the injured member before.

"Assholes! Shoot!"

As the captain, he could not bear to see his team members being bitten. He immediately ordered an attack:

Everyone focused their fire on the soldier ant Amazon who was enjoying the food. Under the suppression of heavy firepower, they successfully killed the soldier ant Amazon.

However, their companion had lost vital signs at this time and was beyond help.

The members of the extermination team retreated into the room and naturally saw this scene.

They had also faced the death of their companions before, and they could understand this complicated feeling.

Kouta Fukuda quickly took out the interception device and sealed the door here for the time being.

It can temporarily ensure safety, but it does not mean that it can last too long.

The number of soldier ants Amazon outside is too large. After blocking the door, they will not even have a way to get out.

"Misaki, come here quickly and pile these things at the door for me to build a simple partition wall!" Shito Makoto immediately thought of a temporary solution.


"We don't have time to mourn here now. Team 1, hurry up and move all these things to the door!" The task force leader also spoke.

Everyone took action and immediately took out all the things that could be lifted in the room.

More than a dozen people squeezed into a room, which seemed a bit crowded, but under the current situation, this was the best way.

Everyone was together, which also meant that they could take care of each other.

If there was any problem, they could react at the first time.

A soldier ant Amaz0n walked in slowly from the door, but just when it touched the two electromagnetic flow blocks, it was immediately bounced out.

That thing couldn't last too long. Every collision of the soldier ant Amazon could not only reduce its power, but also relax both ends.

"Damn! Why are there so many Amazons here?"

Shito Makoto looked at the soldier ant Amazon outside by his master, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Here, Mizusawa Yu, who had successfully obtained the new equipment Jungle Raider, was just on his way to the apartment.

There was an ordinary motorcycle next to it, driven by Yuhara Lai.

Mizusawa You glanced at Yuhara Lai, feeling slightly confused.

He didn't understand why this woman came with him. Could she also fight?

Not long after, the two finally arrived at the building.

As soon as he looked up, he could see soldier ants Amazon walking at the corners of each staircase.

This scene was naturally fed back to Lu Li through the invisible camera on Yuhara Lai's chest.

Without thinking too much, Mizusawa You immediately took out the Amazon driver from his backpack.

Noticing Yuhara Lai who was unmoved next to him, Mizusawa You didn't think too much and immediately twisted the handle on the left.


As he shouted, the two eyes on the Amazon driver seemed to activate the Amazon: cells in his body.

"Boom! ! "

The red flames instantly enveloped Mizusawa Yu, and a powerful high-heat energy instantly spread to the surroundings.

But Yuhara Lai, who was relatively close, was naturally also within the impact range of this terrifying energy. 】

On Lu Li's side, the high-level meeting had ended, and Lu Li returned to her office under the leadership of Mizusawa Reika.

He was accompanied by Kano Shogo.

The three were watching the live broadcast on the computer.

Seeing Mizusawa Yu transformed into an Amazon, Mizusawa Reika secretly said that it was indeed the case.

She had already guessed before that the green Amazon might be Mizusawa Yu.

I didn't expect it to be true.

Seeing that Lu Li was still very calm, he was not nervous at all because the high-heat energy generated by Mizusawa Yu's transformation would affect Yuhara Lai.

It was as if everything was under control, and he always looked confident.

She was quite curious about Lu Li in this state.

"Mr. Lu Li, your subordinates are so close to Yu, don't you worry about being hurt by the terrifying energy?"

Hearing this, Lu Li calmly shook his head and chuckled.

"It's just the impact of the transformation. It's not a big deal. Yu... is very strong."

He was not worried at all that Hahara Lai would not be able to withstand such an impact.

"is that so?"

Mizusawa Reihua, who was unclear about the specific situation, could only believe that what Lu Li said was true.

Back to the scene.

Mizusawa Yu has transformed into Amazon Omega form.

The green body, arms, calves and back have very sharp spikes.

It seems that this is completely a biological weapon.

If necessary, the arm blades on the hands or the leg blades on the legs can all be turned into sharp weapons to deliver terrifying blows to the target.

PS: Thank you

A monthly pass with half a piece of paper!

Chapter 279 The flame containing the power of death, the hybrid beast!

Putting down his hand, Hahara Lai looked like nothing was wrong.

He looked at Amazon Omega carefully with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Oh? Is this the power of Amazon? It seems pretty good."

That aggressive look made Hahara Lai feel good.

It is simply like a biological weapon created for combat.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Hahara Lai casually took out the blazing skull fusion memory.

The memory is dark red in color, and you can feel the surging power just by holding it in your hand.

Wearing the new Gaia driver around your waist, put the fiery skull fusion memory in your hand to your mouth and kissed it gently.

His movements are still as enchanting as when he transformed into a fiery doped body.

The next second, Hahara Lai threw it away.

The thrown blazing skull fusion memory rotated twice, as if it was being pulled by some force.

He accurately inserted it into the new Gaia driver on Hahara Lai's waist, spread his hands, and Hahara Lai seemed to be receiving the blessing of power.


The terrifying flames suddenly erupted, instantly covering Hahara Lai, and the flames engulfed everything.

This flame is not red, but dark red.

The dark red flame carries the power of death, giving people a feeling that they absolutely don't want to get close.

Feeling the power of death, Amazon Omega unconsciously took two steps back.

It's as if this flame can restrain Amazon cells and make him want to retreat involuntarily:

The completed transformation of the fiery skull-doped body appeared in front of Amazon Omega, and he had only one feeling in his heart.

In the past, this guy was definitely not easy to mess with, and he had very strong fighting ability.

This is a biological instinct, an intuition from Amazon.

After Amazo Omega stabilized his body, he no longer paid attention to the fiery skull dopant, but quickly searched for the location of the Exorcist Squad.

He also has an extremely keen sense of perception and can sense where Amazon is.

The soldier ant Amaz0n is approaching a room, which means that the room is probably where the extermination team is currently located.

After reaching the destination, Amazonl Omega immediately took action.

After finding the corresponding floor, he squatted down slightly and poured all his strength into his legs.


He suddenly burst out with all his strength and jumped up.

The powerful force instantly made Amazon Omega jump high into the sky, and his body suddenly jumped tens of meters high.

This terrifying jumping ability is indeed quite surprising.

The fiery skull dopant was stunned for a moment, and a desire to fight arose in his heart.

She can also jump so high.

The body squatted slightly, and dark red flames burned on the dark red body. Finally, the flames gathered on the legs.


An extremely terrifying force suddenly erupted, and under the impact of the powerful force, the fiery skull-doped body suddenly jumped up

The impact of the explosion helped the fiery skull dopant jump directly into the air, easily jumping to the same height as Amazo Omega, or even higher.

The extermination squad and the task force squad were gathered together at this moment and were temporarily in safety.

The people in the exorcism squad were very puzzled that the people in the special squad had become like this.

"Why do you all seem to look the same? Aren't you all human?" It's not surprising that Shito would ask this.

After all, the special team members are all dressed up as adulterants, so how can they not look strange.

Hearing this, the captain of the first task force came out, took out the costume memory from his neck, and turned back to his human appearance.

Such a magical scene made the people in the exorcism class suddenly light up.

"We are indeed human beings. This thing is called a memory, and it is a new type of equipment sent to us from above.

After using the memory, we will gain stronger power than ordinary people. Minister Mizusawa has established a special task force, divided into three teams. Just like you, they are all for consumption.

Kill Amazon.

When they learned that such a small thing was actually a new type of equipment, a flash of envy flashed in the eyes of the exorcist class.

Can you not be envious?

Such a small thing can actually gain more power than ordinary people.

Every time their extermination team goes out to perform a mission, it can be said that they are almost always licking blood from the knife edge. There is no way to guarantee safety.

If we could obtain powerful power to deal with those terrifying Amazons, it wouldn't be so difficult.

But it looks a little ugly like this.

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