"Just now after you left, there was a monster on the top of the tunnel. Brother Lu Li got the monster down and solved it in a few moves.

And it disappeared in a flash, super awesome!"

While speaking, Mizuki Mizuki looked at Lu Li with admiration, and her eyes seemed to be shining with little stars, feeling like a little fangirl.

With a slight smile, Lu Li neither stopped Mizuki Mizuki nor said it clearly, but just rubbed her head gently with his hand.

Feeling the warm big hand on her head, Mizuki Mizuki's face flashed with joy.

For some reason, she... likes this feeling very much.

Mizuki Mizuki, who just wanted to grow up with her mother, has hardly experienced any fatherly love.

And Lu Li's intimate action to her made her very happy.

This warm big hand seemed to be able to heal everything.

Seeing Mizuki Mizuki admiring Lu Li so much, Mizuki You didn't know why, but he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Although he wanted to stay away from the home that used to be like a water tank, he didn't hate Mizuki Mizuki. The other party... could be said to be his only friend.

Suddenly being taken away by Lu Li, he was seriously unbalanced and even felt very uncomfortable.

After all, Shui Zeyou looked like a young man, but in fact he was only two years old.

He did not have the thinking method of a real adult863.

This is why Shui Zeyou was wavering at the beginning, because he did not have a firm goal.

Without a mature way of thinking, there is naturally no way to set a long-term goal.

Seeing Lu Li rubbing Shui Ze Meiyue's head, a sense of anger rose in his heart, and Shui Zeyou immediately rushed up and slapped Lu Li's hand away.


"Take your hand away!"

The sudden action made Shui Ze Meiyue suddenly come back from that comfortable feeling:

She was a little shy at first, but when she saw Shui Zeyou's angry face, her little face suddenly turned cold.

"You! What are you going to do?!"

She never talked to Shui Zeyou like this before, but the other party's current behavior made her feel very uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Shui Zeyou's anger became even worse.

He was clearly protecting Mizuki Mizuki, but the other party seemed unable to understand his behavior.

But he would not get angry with Mizuki Mizuki.

Instead, he stared at Lu Li with red eyes and said solemnly.

"In the future... I will not allow you to get close to Mizuki! Absolutely not!"

This tone was not a discussion, but an order.

Or it could be a threat and warning.

Looking at Shui Zeyou calmly, Lu Li did not take his threat and warning to heart at all.

"What if I say... No? What can you do?"

The sound of the voice made Shui Zeyou furious.

"If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

While speaking, Shui Zeyou had already touched the handle equipped with the Amazon drive, and seemed to be ready to transform into Lu Li to fight.

He knew that Lu Li was not an ordinary person. Even if he wanted to fight with him, it was still unknown how likely he was to win.

Shi Teng Zhen, who had been standing behind, noticed the situation and warned him immediately.

"Stop it! Mizusawa Yu! Do you know what you are doing? He is not Amazon! Do you want to attack people?"

Even if he felt that Mizusawa Yu was not a bad Amazon, Lu Li was still a human being, and he would never allow Amazon to hurt humans.

Mizusawa Yu had seen Lu Li transform into Ozwing Tyrannosaurus before, and he knew very well that Lu Li was definitely not an ordinary human.

"Mr. Shito! I know, but... he is not an ordinary person! His threat is much greater than Amazon...!"

As his voice fell, Mizusawa Yu immediately unscrewed the handle of the driver.


"Boom! ! "

The green flames instantly enveloped Mizusawa Yuu, and a terrifying high-heat energy burst out.

The members of the Extermination Team who were relatively close to him quickly lay down. If they were to face this explosive energy head-on, they would be blown away anyway.

Seeing Mizusawa Yuu suddenly transformed, Mizusawa Mitsuki's eyes widened slightly. She was a little overwhelmed for a moment. What on earth was going on?

Why could Yuu, who was weak and sick before, still transform?

The powerful explosive energy attacked, and Lu Li pulled Mizusawa Mitsuki over and blocked Mizusawa Mitsuki in front of him.

The explosive energy poured on Lu Li's body without causing any effect at all.

And Mizusawa Mitsuki could feel that the air around him seemed to become steaming hot, which must be related to Mizusawa Yuu's transformation just now.

Looking at the tall figure in front of her blocking the way, Mizusawa Mitsuki felt an inexplicable sense of relief in her heart.

Having completed the transformation into Amazon Omega, she raised her head slightly, and stared at Lu Li with her scarlet eyes.

"Leave....Mitsuki! "

He let out a low growl, as if giving Lu Li a final warning.

"Shui Ze You! I'm warning you! Stop immediately, otherwise... don't blame us for being rude!"

At this time, the expulsion squad stood up again, but now, they raised their weapons to aim at Amazon Omega.

Even though Shui Ze You did help them before, it didn't mean that Shui Ze You could do whatever he wanted in front of them.

Faced with the threat of the Exorcist Squad, Amazon Omega remained unmoved and only had Lu Li in his eyes.

Although Mizusawa Mitsuki didn't understand Mizusawa Yu's current situation, she didn't like Mizusawa Yu threatening Lu Li like this, and she didn't want him to hurt Lu Li.

Stepping forward, Mizuki Mizusawa yelled sharply.

"Yu! What on earth do you want to do?!"

As soon as her voice fell, a big hand gently patted her shoulder.

"Meiyue, there's no need to worry about me, it's just a child having a tantrum, just give him a lesson and it'll be fine.

Okay, you go and stand aside and let me handle it.

With that said, Lu Li crossed Mizusawa Meiyue.

During this process, Lu Li took out the fusion driver and placed it on his waist. The silver-white belt automatically wrapped around Lu Li's waist.

At some point, a memory stick appeared in Lu Li's hand, a white memory stick.

Since the other party dares to threaten you, no matter who he is, you should give him a good beating first and let the other party understand what the gap in strength is.

Seeing Mizusawa Mitsuki protecting Lu Li like this, Mizusawa Yukong felt inexplicably uncomfortable.


Obviously they have been together longer, and the relationship between him and Mizusawa Mitsuki should be better.

But now, Mizuki Mizusawa is on the opposite side of herself because of this man.

When he thought of this, the fierce light in Amazonl Omega's eyes became even more fierce.

Shito Makoto and others already knew about the existence of memory, but the memory in Lu Li's hand looked slightly different from the Gaia memory they had seen.

"That's a memory! So, is he Director Mizusawa's collaborator in Fengdu?" Shito Zhen had already guessed Lu Li's identity.

A flash of curiosity flashed in Misaki Kazuya's eyes, and he touched his mustache.

"Eh? Brother Zhen, why does his memory look different from the memory that Director Mizusawa got? Are they different types?"

There was no result from asking this question. No one except Lu Li could answer it.



Insert the T2 permanent memory in your hand into the fusion drive and turn on the fusion drive.


A blue flame soared into the sky and instantly enveloped Lu Li.

Unlike the high-temperature and high-temperature energy emitted by Amazon when he transformed, this blue flame only existed around Lu Li and did not affect anyone around him.


In the cold and deep blue flames, a pure white figure like a king should slowly step out.

The white crown on his head is particularly obvious, as if he was born to be a king.

The highlighted yellow eye armor gives people an extremely noble feeling that can only be looked up at.

The black eternal ceremonial robe behind him fluttered under the blue flames.

Kamen Rider One-One Eternal Rider!

"Lu Li...brother?"

Mizusawa Mizuki, who witnessed Lu Li's transformation, had sparkling eyes and the admiration in her eyes was beyond words.

The pure white warrior in front of him looked very noble. Compared with the wild Amazon Omega, it was like the gap between nobles and commoners.

Amazonl Omega was confused. What he had seen before was the form of Lu Li's Winged Horned Tyrannosaurus, not the current Yongqi.

Only then did he realize that Lu Li had more than one transformation.

They also witnessed the entire transformation process of Exorcist Class, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Isn't it?! Why is it different from the previous transformation of the special team?" Gao Shouwang rubbed his eyes and realized that he seemed to have read it correctly.

“I feel so strong, and...not like a monster.

At this time, Shito Zhen recalled that the beast-doped body transformed by the task force leader before was completely different from the Yongqi transformed by Lu Li now.

"This... real brother, then... what should we do now?"

Hitting his forehead with a headache, Misaki Kazuya didn't know what to do now.

One is the son of Director Mizusawa. Even though he is an adopted son, he is still considered a son.

The other one is Director Mizusawa's collaborator, and the memory was brought by him.

Neither side seems to be able to afford to offend, and based on their expulsion squad, there seems to be no use for them at all.

The calm Kota Fukuda did not speak, but focused his attention on the team leader, Shito Makoto.

The two used to be teammates. They didn't need too many words to each other, even a simple word, they knew what the other person was going to do. He really heard Shito.

When asked this question suddenly, Shinya Shito felt a headache.

It's really troublesome. Neither party can afford to offend anyone. Do they want to watch a show here?

"Kazuya, call Director Mizusawa immediately and report the situation here to her. Tell her that we don't know how to handle this matter and let her come."

This matter was a hot potato. Shito really didn't want to take the initiative to get involved, but he couldn't just watch it.

The best way is to leave this matter to Mizusawa Reika herself and let her handle it.

"Understood, I'll make a call right now."

Before he finished speaking, Misaki Kazuya hurriedly ran out of the tunnel.

The signal inside the tunnel is not good and I can't make calls at all.

This is why the feedback signal from the armband was very weak when detected before.

"Meiyue, wait obediently at the side. Just teach the disobedient child a lesson. Don't worry... I won't kill him."

Lu Li's voice came from the front. Mizuki Mizuki felt that his words were extremely credible.

She nodded her head and retreated to the side without any doubt.

She believed that Lu Li could handle this matter.

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