Although Philip doesn't understand people's hearts and doesn't understand many emotions at present, he will not take it upon himself to tell this matter.

He has been getting along with Zuo Shotaro for a year, and he knows what kind of temper he has.

After hearing Phillip's analysis, Narukiya Shuko nodded thoughtfully.

"Shoutaro, you don't need to be so depressed. I heard Phillip said that guy is very strong, so there's no need to blame yourself if you can't beat him.

As for your childhood sweetheart, this can’t be entirely your responsibility, no one expected that something unexpected would happen..."

Narumi Asukiko gave full play to her mouth dodge ability, crackling and outputting like a machine gun.

Even Zuo Shotaro, who was thinking seriously at this time, really couldn't bear it anymore.

His eyes finally regained focus, Zuo Shotaro said impatiently.

"That's enough, Ya Shuzi, you don't need to tell me so much, I know it very well myself.

I just...feel very powerless. "

Recalling the terrifying strength of the White Knight, Shotaro Zuo felt a huge sense of oppression.


Phillip also had a deep understanding of what Shotaro Zuo said was weak.

As two knights in one, Philip can also feel the powerful power of the white knight.

Facing that terrifying white knight, there was nothing but a sense of powerlessness.

The two of them seemed to be a little depressed. Narumi Yasuki took out the classic green slippers from nowhere.

"Pah! Pah!"

Hitting both of them on the head from left to right.

"I...! Ya Shuzi!"

Shotaro Zuo, who held his head, stared at Asukiko Narumi with an angry face.

That look in his eyes seemed as if he wanted to eat Narukiya Shuko alive.

Seeing that his attack was effective, Narumi Asukiko said.

"You are such a dabbler! What does one failure mean?

How could there be no time to fail? Can you still be regarded as my father's apprentice like this? ! "

Those words were like enlightenment, and Shotaro Zuo woke up instantly.


No one is perfect, and he did not expect that this situation would arise. It was not all his fault.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the depressed mood after failure.

Once such emotions are allowed to develop, the situation will only get worse in the end.

"Shoutaro, what Asukiko said makes sense, you have done your best."

Philip didn't think that this incident was because of Shotaro Zuo.

Originally, things were developing in a good direction at first, but unexpected situations occurred that he had not expected.

Then, Phillip continued.

"Besides, I always feel that this incident is not that simple. Although Togawa Yosuke is dead, but..."

Before Phillip could finish speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Someone is coming!"

Narumi Asukiko put away her slippers and immediately ran to open the door.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman standing outside.

Isn't this person the previous client, Shina Tsumura?


Seeing the client appearing at the door, Narumi Asukiko's expression changed on the spot.

It's better to come early than to come by chance. This point has just come.

It wasn't Tsumura Marina who came directly. It was before that Shotaro Zuo called her to tell her that Togawa Yosuke had passed away.

Tsumura Marina had been hiding in the dark and paying attention to the battle, so she naturally knew that Togawa Yosuke was dead.

I didn't feel a little sad in my heart, but on the contrary, I felt very happy.

In order not to show any abnormality, she rushed to the detective agency after receiving the call.

When she walked to the door, she deliberately used the onions prepared in her bag to irritate her eyes.

This made me look like a pear blossom with rain in it now.

Seeing Shina Tsumura walking into the house with pear blossoms and rain, Shotaro Zuo was filled with self-blame.

Enduring the physical discomfort, he stood up and bowed to Jinmura Jinna to apologize.

"I'm sorry! Jinna, I didn't protect Togawa Yosuke, I'm very sorry!"

His attitude was very sincere, and Shotarou Zuo still thinks that it is because he is too weak.

"Woooooo~! Xiao Xiang, I know you are not to blame for this matter, Yosuke, Yosuke... Woooooo!"

He stepped forward and hugged Zuo Shotaro and continued to cry.

The crying pear blossom with rain in it made Zuo Shotaro feel even more guilty.

He really doesn't know how to comfort Tsumura Shina now so as to ease her uncomfortable mood.

Where Shoutaro Zuo couldn't see him, there was a smile of success on Tsumura Jinna's face.

This smile just flashed away, there was no problem at all.

Phillip, who was standing beside him, moved his nose slightly.

He seemed to smell a different smell.

The smell... seems to be onions.

The smell is very light, almost inaudible.

If it weren't for Philip's keen sense of smell and the fact that something was wrong before, he might not have been able to smell this different smell.

After Lu Li left Wind Dance Radio, he went directly to his research room.

He has also set up his own research lab this year, the main purpose of which is to study Gaia memory, and Eternal memory was also born here.

Now, Lu Li needs to make some detailed adjustments to Eternity.

After the transformation, the power is quite strong, but that is also because Lu Li himself is very strong.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that they would not be able to exert even a little bit.

Generally speaking, there is a certain connection between Gaia memory and the user.

The stronger the user, the stronger the memory can naturally develop.

But if the user is not good, no matter how powerful the memory is, it will not play a big role, but will drag down the memory.

For Lu Li, adjusting Eternal Memory is not difficult, and it can be done with a little time.

The current Eternal Memory is a bit similar to the Eternal Memory used by Jia Toushun, and it is still in the experimental stage.

To complete it completely, it will take some time and more data and information calibration is needed.

Looking at the Eternal Memory being calibrated, Lu Li left the laboratory.

What he wanted to do was done.

The Eternal Memory will calibrate itself in the future, so there is no need for him to continue to guard here.

At the same time, Lu Li is currently conducting another research.

That is how to turn the power of the memory into an awakening card that he can use.

For example, when he transforms into Eternal in the future, Lu Li no longer needs to carry the Lost Drive, but can use his own awakening device.

This ability is given to him by the Sealing Slate.

But it has not been used yet, and Lu Li has not figured out how to use it yet.

Perhaps it takes too much data and information to adjust the memory to the most stable stage.

Now it is not far from this stage, and Lu Li must collect some combat data.

Especially the data about the Eternal Memory.

As for how to obtain the power of other memories after using the awakening device to transform into the Eternal Rider, Lu Li certainly has considered it.

That is to transform the power of other memories into awakening cards as well.

Similar to Calis's Red Heart deck, Lu Li can completely transform the power of other memories into the Eternal Rider's memory deck.

He is currently working towards this direction.

But experimental research always takes time, and he has no shortage of time at the moment.

At night, the Sonozaki family.

There was moonlight in the sky, but it didn't cover the Sonozaki family.

It was as if this family was shrouded by some kind of dark power, and even the moonlight could hardly shine in.

Today, a guest came to the house.

Lu Li had just come back from outside, and saw an extra person next to the huge table in the hall.

He was not unfamiliar with this person. They had just met during the day (Li Wanghao), Sudo Kirihiko.

When Sonozaki Ryubei saw Lu Li suddenly coming back from outside, a hint of displeasure flashed across his face.

But he hid it very well, especially with sunglasses on, so no one could see it at all.

"' Dear, you're back."

Sonozaki Saeko turned into a good wife and mother at this moment, and quickly got up to greet Lu Li.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Sudo Kirihiko's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't expect that he was just invited to have a meal here, and he was fed dog food before the meal started!

It's really too much!

But even if he was upset, what could he do? After all, he was just a guest, and he couldn't get angry in front of the host.

If he really did that, he would probably receive a resignation letter early tomorrow morning.

Lu Li sat down at his seat under the welcome of Sonozaki Saeko.

He glanced at Sudo Kirihiko who was sitting at the end.

Lu Li didn't expect that he could come here after he intercepted Sonozaki Saeko.

It seems that the old fox really saw his talent and thought that Sudo Kirihiko had the talent to use a higher level memory.

Nazca memory is a special memory, representing the ancient civilization of Nazca.

The reason why this memory is special is that Nazca memory can strengthen itself many times.

That is the so-called stage evolution.

In order for the memory to complete the stage evolution again, someone must be able to become the guinea pig.

And the Sudo Kirihiko in front of him was obviously the little white mouse chosen by the old fox.

After Lu Li sat down, Sonosaki Saeko immediately turned her head and whispered in his ear.

"Dear, he is the best salesperson in our company, Sudo Kirihiko, who was specially called home by his father today."

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