Seeing her mother's support, Mizuki Mizuki smiled.

"Okay, thank you, mom!

She really couldn't understand why her daughter didn't think of going to Fengdu to study at university when her daughter and Lu Li shouldn't have had much contact!


She obviously didn't want her daughter to do this, but as a mother, she couldn't interfere too much with her daughter's ideas.

Let it go.

A week passed in a blink of an eye.

During this week, Lu Li had been concentrating on studying Amazon cells.

It was precisely because of the existence of those experimental subjects that Lu Li could extract Amazon cells anytime and anywhere.

After a week of research, Lu Li had almost a thorough understanding of Amazon cells, and also knew where to make corrections and changes.

After a series of transformations by Lu Li, Amazon cells on cells have strong plasticity

Although different from human cells, Amazon cells will not crave protein like before.

The modified Amazon cells are almost the same as human cells.

The experiment has reached this point, and Lu Li's next step is to carry out actual operations.

The captured Amazons naturally became his experimental subjects.

At first, these people wanted to resist Lu Li and did not want to cooperate.

But when they learned that Lu Li could let them live like normal people and eat human food normally, they were like possessed and wanted to become Lu Li's

experimental subjects.

After a series of transformations, the Amazons used as experimental subjects: All the cells have changed.

The final result is that Lu Li succeeded.

Amazon? The cell transformation was successful, and the Amazons, as the experimental targets, can all eat normal food like humans and no longer crave protein.

Of course, they are still Amazons, but they don't crave protein.

After completing the transformation of the Amazon experiment, Lu Li immediately began to transform Yuyuan Lai.

Yuyuan Lai is an undead, and her body cells have completely lost their vitality. She relies entirely on the vitality Lu Li sends to her to maintain her.

And the transformation Lu Li intends to perform on Yuyuan Lai is to replace the cells in her body with Amazon cells.

Directly inject Amazon cells, and then guide Amazon cells to The Amazon cells devoured her original cells and quickly split into more Amazon cells.

Due to the transformation, even if Yuyuan Lai became a new Amazon, she would not become an Amazon-like monster like other Amazons.

When performing cell transformation, Lu Li had already taken this into consideration, retaining the powerful power of Amazon cells and removing their transformation characteristics.

In the laboratory.

Lu Li, who had just injected Yuyuan Lai with the transformed Amazon cells, was guiding these injected Amazon cells.

Use these Amazon: cells to devour the cells on Yuyuan Lai's body that rely on vitality to maintain, and quickly divide.

Yuyuan Lai herself is an undead and no longer has the so-called pain.

But even so, she can still feel that her body is undergoing huge changes and has a strong sense of discomfort.

This feeling makes her very uncomfortable, but she must grit her teeth and persevere.

Whether she can really revive, whether she can restore her body temperature and no longer be as cold as that, this is the key.

Absolutely can't give up!

The process of Amazon: cells transforming the body is very long, it took several hours, and it was almost dark outside.

Finally, the transformation process was over.

Lying on the experimental table, Yuhara Lai was sweating all over.

This was the appearance that she would never have before.

As an undead, her body had almost lost its vitality, so naturally there would be no physiological process such as sweating.

"Plop! Plop!"

A faint sound came from Yuhara Lai's chest. Her heart, which had stopped beating a long time ago, began to beat again at this moment.

Lu Li naturally heard it clearly, and there was no difference from the experimental result he expected.

The beating of the heart meant that Yuhara Lai had successfully resurrected.

Lying on the experimental table, Yuhara Lai felt as if she had had a very long dream.

She went from life to death, and then from death to rebirth.

Slowly opening her eyes, Yuhara Lai looked at the white ceiling, turned her head and looked at Lu Li who was smiling on the side.

"Lord Lu Li! "

She wanted to stand up immediately to see the result. Yuhara Lai, who had just completed the body transformation, had just landed on the ground, and her feet softened instantly, and she fell forward.

Lu Li, who was standing in front, hugged Yuhara Lai, not disdaining the sweat on her body at all.

"Don't be so excited, you can feel it well, you have recovered now, and now you... are alive again."

Carrying her back to the experimental table, Lu Li lifted the wet black hair on her forehead to the side.

Hearing this, Yuhara Lai finally reacted.

Slowly raised her right hand and placed it on her chest with shaking hands.


She felt her own heartbeat.

She had lost her heartbeat since becoming undead, and now it has resumed her heartbeat. The excitement in her heart is self-evident.

"I...I...I really...wait to survive?!"

The excitement was beyond words. She never thought that she would actually be able to live again.

Resurrection from the dead is indeed exciting. It is not surprising that Hahara Lai would be so excited.

I believe that no matter who it is from death to resurrection, they will be very excited.

"Yu, although the cells in your body are not human cells, but Amazo cells, after my transformation, they are almost not much different from human cells.

Amazon? The cells give you stronger combat power and stronger recovery power. You are stronger than you were when you were undead. "

Retaining many characteristics of Amazon: Cell, Lu Li can be very sure that Habara is definitely stronger now than before.

Although the memory she uses is not a fusion of golden memory, if it is powerful enough, the power it exerts will not be inferior to that of golden fusion memory.

On the original basis, Hahara Lai's combat effectiveness has become more powerful.

As a cadre of a museum, it is natural to have strong strength. Even if you were strong enough before, wouldn't it be better to become stronger now?

"Lord Lu Li!"

Looking at Lu Li with excited eyes, Hahara Lai just didn't know how to express his excitement.

The joy of being resurrected from the dead is indescribable.

Seeing her excitement, Lu Li patted her shoulder gently.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go and experience the current world. You are no different from a normal person, but remember to come back early in the evening.

I will go back first, and you can enjoy the feeling of resurrection.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and left the laboratory.

The newly resurrected Habara must have a lot of things he wants to do, and Lu Li naturally has no objections to them.

After finally regaining some strength, Habara stood firm.

Pressing it gently on her arm, she could feel the warmth instead of the coldness before, and she smiled sincerely.

..Please give me flowers….

Putting on her coat, Hahara Lai left the laboratory excitedly. She wanted to experience what life was like when she was alive.

When he came outside and felt the fresh air, Hahara Lai felt very comfortable inside.

Having become immortal before, she no longer needs to breathe.

Now that I have found it again, I suddenly feel that breathing feels really good.

It wasn't until very late that Hahara Lai finally returned to Sonosaki's house.


at dinner.

Lu Li told the girls about his resurrection of Habara.

After hearing the news, everyone's eyes widened with disbelief.

They couldn't imagine that someone who had been dead for so long could actually be resurrected.

Simply outrageous!

Resurrection naturally has a prerequisite, that is, it must have a complete body.

Without this as a premise, resurrection can only be nonsense.

Moreover, Lu Li told them about his transformation of Amazon's cell technology without any concealment.

The modified Amazon: Cell can make the modified person more powerful, but will not turn into a monster.

After hearing the news, the girls immediately became interested.

There is no doubt that this is an epoch-making study.

Sonosaki Wakana looked at Lu Li with gleaming eyes. She originally thought that Lu Li was very outstanding, but she didn't expect that he could be so outstanding now.

"Lu Li, you are so awesome! You can actually make something like this! Oh my god!"

She couldn't help but be surprised, mainly because Lu Li felt like a god by his behavior.

I'm afraid only God can do it and truly bring the dead back to life!


If this is not God, what is it?

Mina looked at Lu Li tenderly, her eyes full of obsession.

This is the man he fell in love with, and he can even bring the dead back to life. What a terrifying power this is.


Only the word god can be worthy of Lu Li.

As the eldest sister, Sonosaki Saeko also had the same idea in her mind.

"My dear, why are you so powerful? I feel like there is nothing in this world that you can't do. You are like a god!"

Sonosaki Saeko's eyes were filled with tears. She was very glad that she could meet Lu Li.

It is precisely because of Lu Li that she has reached this point, becoming the queen of the museum and leading the museum to develop and grow.

When he mentioned something he didn't know how to do, Lu Li couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"Weizi, what you said is wrong. There are things I don't know how to do."

Hearing this, Sonosaki and Saeko were stunned, staring at Lu Li with curiosity on their faces.

"My dear, are you kidding? How could there be something you can't do? You are almighty!" Sonosaki Yueko looked surprised and shook her head, obviously still dissatisfied.


"That's right, what sister just said is right! I don't believe there is anything you can't do!" Sonosaki Wakana crossed her arms on her chest, looking like I didn't believe it.

"Mr. Lu Li is the most powerful! There must be nothing he can't do." Mina looked determined.

"Mr. Lu Li must be joking. How could there be something you can't do?" Jiu Tiao Ling didn't believe that Lu Li couldn't do anything.

Metzler didn't say anything, but the expression on her face said it all. She didn't believe it either.

Seeing that everyone trusted him so much and praised him so highly, Lu Li smiled and pointed at them.

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