20Although he thinks he can do it, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Moreover, memory is very easy to blur, and machines are prone to problems.

Memories are stored deep in the brain, in a place that is currently unexplorable.

Even people who have lost their memory can regain their memory after certain treatments.

If his daughter could still remember him after being resurrected, Di Muzou would not only have no dissatisfaction, but would be even more ecstatic in his heart.

Very good!

The daughter still remembers herself and will never forget her father.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Dimuzao put his hands on the table and asked impatiently.

"Mr. Lu, when can we start? I don't know how long the current situation can last. If it can be faster, I hope it will be as soon as possible."

Currently, Dimoli can only rely on his body to replenish his magic power. Once his magic power is insufficient, he will faint.

If possible, he certainly hopes to resurrect his daughter as soon as possible.

It's not incomprehensible that Fueki Kanade is so anxious. After all, he keeps running around for his daughter just to find a way to resurrect her.

The opportunity was now in front of him, and of course he had to seize it.

Seeing his impatient look, Lu Li tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly

"I know you want your daughter to be resurrected as soon as possible, but resurrection requires a process. At least give me time to prepare a little bit.

When it's ready, I'll let you know. "

When she learned that she could not immediately resurrect her daughter, the excitement and joy on Dimu Zuo's face gradually cooled down.


It's not that easy to resurrect a person.

It definitely takes time to prepare a little bit. I have already waited for such a long time and I don’t mind waiting a little longer.

"Okay! Mr. Lu, I don't care about waiting a little longer, I just hope that you will resurrect my daughter.

If you want to resurrect my daughter, I can agree to any conditions, even if it means my life, you can take it! "

Di Muzou is indeed a good father.

In order to resurrect his daughter, he would not hesitate to pay no matter how high the price was.

Lu Li's purpose was already obvious from the beginning. It was useless for him to kill Dimu Zuo. He shook his head and smiled.

"Why do I want your life? Since I said I will help you resurrect your daughter, I will definitely help you resurrect your daughter.

But I also have a condition, that is, you will be a cadre of the museum in the future, and I also want the Philosopher's Stone. "

These are two conditions.

But these two conditions are completely acceptable to Di Muzou.

He is not even afraid of death for his daughter, so what does it mean to join a museum?

After learning about the conditions proposed by Lu Li, Di Muzou didn't even consider the test and agreed to it.

"No problem! As long as my daughter can be resurrected, I am willing to hand over the Philosopher's Stone, and I am also willing to join the museum and become a cadre of the museum!"

Lu Li didn't find it strange at all that the other party agreed so readily.

This is Fueki Kanade, the one who went crazy in order to resurrect his daughter!

The reason why he was allowed to join the museum was of course because Lu Li was interested in his abilities.

Using technology to create an artificial phantom, the powerful Kabunkru is enough to prove that his ability is very powerful.

They are free thugs and very capable. Including such people into the museum can enhance the strength of the museum.

"Okay, let's do this for now. You can go back first. I will notify you in advance when I am ready."

"Understood! Thank you Mr. Lu for helping me. As long as my daughter can be resurrected, I am willing to do anything for you from now on. So...goodbye."

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Muzou stood up and left.

After Fueki Kanade left, Lu Li took out his cell phone and called Hahara Lai.

"Yu, arrange it in my research laboratory to cultivate some of the modified Amazon cells. I can use them."


Although he didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to cultivate some modified Amazon cells, Hahara Lai would never ask Lu Li what he wanted to do.

No matter what he does, Hahara Lai will absolutely support him in his heart.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead, Hahara Lai is willing to jump down.

Fueki Kanade left the cafe and headed straight back towards Tori/Karouizaka.

Before resurrecting his daughter, he still needs to make some arrangements in advance. After all, his daughter is not with her now, but in the Shadow Hall.

"Calendar, just wait a little longer. As long as you wait a little longer, you can be resurrected!"

There was a hint of excitement in his tone, and Dimu Kan couldn't wait to see what his daughter would look like after she was resurrected.

At the same time, there is another issue that needs to be considered when playing the flute.

This problem has something to do with the phantoms under my control.

The reason why he has been asking his phantom cadres to find ways to create some phantoms is to find those who have the qualifications to become magicians.

Only by gathering four magicians can you carry out your own resurrection plan.

Now, he no longer needs to continue to do this kind of thing. Whether the phantom exists or not has nothing to do with him.

As for feelings, his only feelings are placed on his daughter.

The phantom is just a tool in his hands.

It's just a tool. Once it's gone, it's gone. He doesn't care at all.

At this time, Medusa, who was far away in Bird/Ujingzaka, could feel a chill coming.

Holding her chest with one hand, Medusa had not felt like this for a long time.

She didn't understand why she felt like this, as if something important was leaving her.

Exactly..what would it do?

For a moment, Medusa had no idea what it would be.

Phoenix/Wu, who was standing aside, noticed Medusa's condition and frowned unconsciously.

"Hey! Medusa, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Medusa lowered her hand covering her chest and shook her head slightly.

"It's nothing. I just had a strange feeling suddenly. I'm fine now."

"Strange feeling?"

Phoenix/Wu obviously doesn't quite understand what Medusa's so-called strange feeling is. Anyway, he doesn't have such a feeling.

"Forget it, I feel so bored. I really want to find someone to fight! Ah!!"

Roaring in the sky, Phoenix/Wu felt like his whole body was getting rusty.

Finding a suitable opponent is not an easy task.

The phoenix/crow is the most special kind of all phantoms.

It is immortal in the true sense!

Even if it is killed, the phoenix/crow can be resurrected quickly, but it only needs to consume magic power.

When the magic power is not enough, the recovery process will become very slow, but it will eventually be resurrected.

This also means that the phoenix/crow is like an undead creature and cannot die in the true sense.

Moreover, Phoenix/Crow has a very special situation, that is, whenever he dies, his resurrection power will be greatly improved.

As for whether there is an upper limit to this increase in strength, he himself doesn't know because he has never died.

Just because he has such special attributes, he is not afraid of death at all.

Death can make him stronger, but it's a pity that there are too few people who can defeat him!

If possible, he even wanted to experience the taste of death many times, it was exciting enough!

"Shut up! Don't forget what our mission is. Don't think about fighting every day."

Faced with Medusa's scolding, Phoenix/Ao slightly shrugged his shoulders. He had long been used to it.

"Don't be so cold. I'm just complaining. You go on, you go on."

In terms of strength, Medusa is not inferior to Phoenix/Uro, and may even be a little stronger now.

The most important thing is that Medusa is relatively restrained against Phoenix/Uro.

If a fight breaks out between the two sides, Phoenix/Crow can indeed rely on death to become stronger, but what if the other party doesn't let him die?

Medusa has the ability to petrify targets like this. She only uses petrification instead of killing the Phoenix/Arow, and even the Phoenix/Arow can't do anything about it.

Seeing that Phoenix/Wu shut up and relented, Medusa began to concentrate on finding a suitable target.

Magic door!

Humans with powerful magical powers are called phantoms.

Through such people, new phantoms can be born.

Medusa's special ability is to find people with powerful magic.

As long as it can make the other party despair, the phantom born in the inner world will rush out and materialize in reality.

As for those who are already desperate, they will die, and the phantom will break out of the body left behind.

If you can successfully suppress the phantom demon in your body because of a glimmer of hope in the process of despair, not only will you not continue to be despised, but you will also be able to gain magic power.

To retain, and therefore be able to obtain the qualifications to become a magician.

"found it!"

Medusa's eyes turned cold.

High within the sky.

After two days, Onigashima Natsu'er was completely familiar with the power of the Star Disciple Switch.

Having mastered this power, the evil thoughts in his heart began to spread.

In order to make himself happy, he even started killing people.

Killing makes him feel happy, and it becomes one of his pleasures.

Once the evil consciousness is led out, it is difficult to change it back.

Unless you defeat him to transform into a star disciple and destroy the star disciple switch, you will never be able to change back.

Onigashima Natsu'er was very smart. When doing these things, she almost wiped away all traces of herself, leaving no trace behind.

This also means that he will not reveal his identity at all, and he does not have to worry about anyone causing trouble for him.

The abilities displayed by Natsu Onigashima surprised me.

Unexpectedly, Onigashima Natsu'er was able to achieve this. Although she has not yet completed evolution, she already has the qualifications to evolve.

"Hehehehe! The student provided by Lu Li is really good. He has great potential. Hayami, it seems that you still need to improve.

Why didn't you find such an outstanding student? It happened to be found by an outsider, you said...right? "

There was a faint smile on his face, but he exuded an aura of calmness and dignity.

I looked at Guangming and leaned back on the chair, looking at Hayami Fair with long eyes, and my words already showed my dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Hayami Koi was suddenly shocked.

Don't you think I'm already dissatisfied with myself?

He felt very anxious inexplicably in his heart. He had been looking for students for so long and trained many students, but they all drove Sarina Sonoda a few years ago.

There is no second palace.

Hayami Kouhei, feeling very nervous, said hurriedly.

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