"You. Where exactly are you taking me?"


Before falling asleep, Dimoli vaguely heard these two words.

Bird/Ujingzaka, inside the Shadow Hall.

Kaoma Haruto and Shigeru Wajima were sitting on the sofa with a depressed look on their faces.

Scratching his hair vigorously, Kao Zhenqing couldn't understand why Koyomi suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

Just go out by yourself, and when you come back, the person is gone.

Although Wajima Shigeru stayed in the Menkagedo all the time, he did not stare at Koyomi Tomo all the time.

I just went to process things by myself for a while, but as soon as I came out, the person disappeared. It was like seeing a ghost.

"Haruto, do you think it was Koyomi who went out on his own?"

Hearing this, Cao Zhenharuto felt very uneasy and shook his head vigorously.

"No! I know her physical condition very well. It is absolutely impossible for her to wander around. Someone must have taken her away! Who is it?"

Putting his hands together between his eyebrows, Qingzhen 1.3 Haruto thought hard about who could have taken away Fueki Koyomi.

But after thinking about it, he could never think of anyone who had such ability.

The most important thing is that Shigeru Wajima was not alarmed at all, which in itself was very wrong.

A living person would not disappear inexplicably. Unless she left on her own, there would be no movement at all.

"I'll go out and look for it again! Uncle Wajima, just wait in the store. Maybe Calendar will come back suddenly."

"Okay! Then please pay attention to your safety.

"I know."

He hurried out the door and used all the summoning magician rings he could.

Three small familiars, Garuda, Unicorn, and Kraken, are dispatched one after another to help find Dimo ​​Calendar!

Haruto Kao is driving his exclusive mechanical winger, galloping crazily in Bird/Uraizaka.

However, he didn't know that Dimoyuki had already left Bird/Ujingzaka and was on his way to Fengdu.

Here, Lu Li had just hung up the phone and was about to leave for Fengdu first.

Lu Li would certainly not go back on his promise to Di Muzhuo.

Over in the research room, the Amazon cells transformed by Lu Li had been cultured long ago and were waiting for Lu Li to use them.

Before resurrection, corresponding preparations need to be made.

The only one who can do these things is Lu Li. Other than that, no one else can do it.

Hahara Lai was quite curious when he saw Lu Li busy in the research room as soon as he came back.

"Is that person so important? You even want to help him resurrect his daughter?"

I had heard a little bit about Fueki Kanade, but Hahara Lai didn’t know much about it in detail.

In her opinion, the people who could let Lu Li personally help with the resurrection should at least be the officials of the museum.

PS: Thank you Yiyiyiyi for your monthly ticket!

thanks one

Fate.. monthly ticket!

Chapter 316 New Core Coin, Resurrected Dimu Calendar, Acceleration

Putting down what he was doing, Lu Li looked at the confused Hahara Lai and smiled.

“To conquer Dimu Kanade, resurrecting his daughter is the key.

To him, his daughter was everything to him, and he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life for this.

Besides, I not only value his ability, but I also value something in his hands. "


Haharai looked confused.

Obviously, he didn't know what Di Muzhuo had in his hands that was worth Lu Li's efforts to get.

"The Philosopher's Stone is something that exists in legend. It is very magical and... very special.

Regarding the so-called Philosopher's Stone, Hahara Lai also had no idea what it was.

Slightly shrugging his shoulders, Hahara Lai stopped asking these questions.

Mainly because of the things Lu Li made, she found that she had no idea about them at all.

After asking for a long time, I still didn't understand what the situation was, so it was better not to ask.

It was near noon that Dimu Zuo took Dimu Calendar to the place mentioned by Lu Li.

When he arrived here, Lu Li and Hahara Lai were already waiting here.

Hurrying over, Dimu Kanade apologized.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Lu Li, there was a slight delay on the way.

This is my daughter, Li. I hope you can resurrect her and fulfill my long-cherished wish.

If you can resurrect my daughter, my life will be yours from now on, including the Philosopher's Stone! "

Fueki Kanade expressed his determination that he would do anything to resurrect his daughter.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li glanced at Hahara Lai beside him.

When he understood what Lu Li meant, Haharai walked over and took the Dimu Calendar.

Even though he felt a little reluctant to give up in his heart, Fueki Kanade still handed over the Fueki Calendar to Hahara Lai honestly.

If he wanted to resurrect his daughter, he couldn't do it according to his own ideas, everything had to be done according to Lu Li's ideas.

"Mr. Dimu, please feel free to leave your daughter to me. I will notify you as soon as there is news.

The time for resurrection is uncertain, but it will take at least a few days. During this period, you can do whatever you need to do and don't bother me. "

Using modified Amazon cells to resurrect people requires a process and time.

It does not mean that people can be resurrected immediately after injecting Amazon cells.

It's not that simple.

He was very worried about his daughter's condition, but Dimuzou knew that now that he had taken this step, he had to accept the result.

"I understand! Mr. Lu Li, I'll leave you with all that trouble."

Looking at the unconscious Dimu Li with reluctant eyes, Dimu Zao turned around and left reluctantly.

Glancing down at the pale-faced and light-hugging Toyomi, Hahara Lai could indeed feel the coldness on her body.

Just like his previous self, similar to a doll or a living dead.

Perhaps because of the resonance in his heart, Hahara Lai's eyes towards Koyomi Fuegi became much softer.

"Yu, take her back to the laboratory to clean her up first.


The Dimo ​​Calendar Resurrection Plan begins!

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

During these five days, Lu Li spent most of his time researching and manufacturing core coins, except for observing the status of the modified Dimu Calendar.

Having already had the experience of repairing the first core coin, making subsequent core coins is relatively simple.

But even so, after spending five days, Lu Li only produced two core coins, namely the Galxiuka core coin and the Distron core coin.

And the power of the purple core coin is injected into these two core coins, blending together perfectly.

Looking at the two strange-looking core coins in his hand, Lu Li directly put them into his body.

A dark golden light flashed in the black and white eyes, and a terrifying energy burst out from Lu Li's body.

This terrifying energy seems to be full of evil, giving people an extremely bad feeling.

It is a core coin created by an evil organization, and the power it possesses naturally has an evil aura.

But I have to say that the power is indeed very powerful.

But since he had no consciousness, no riots occurred after the core coin was integrated into the body.

Soon, Lu Li had restrained the evil energy erupting from his body and returned to his former self.

His strength has increased a bit. It is almost difficult for Lu Li to increase his strength significantly.

Unless all six core coins of the evil organization are made and integrated into the body, it can increase one's own strength a lot.

There are three core coins left, and it will take some time to fully create them.

Today is the sixth day. Dimu has been in good condition during this period and has not experienced any abnormal reactions!

The cells in the body have also been completely replaced by Amazon cells. Although they look exactly like humans, they are actually very different.

He can't transform into Amazon, but he still has more power than ordinary people.

Dimuli, who was lying in the nutrient water tank, moved his fingers slightly.

She reluctantly opened her eyes, and saw that her eyes were full of water. She seemed to be in the water.

【here it is..? 】

She didn't know why she was here, and she had no memory of this place in her mind.

There was a flash of fear in his eyes. When he woke up, he suddenly found himself in an unknown place. He felt more or less very uneasy in his heart.

Dimuli, who had just woken up, felt that his body was not completely under his control.

I have a strange feeling, as if my body is not my own.

Trying hard to adapt to his body, Dimoli struggled to climb out of the nutrient water tank.

At this time, Dimuli felt like a relatively large newborn, trying hard to adapt to his body.


After struggling for a while, Dimuli finally climbed out of the water.

His hands were placed on the edge of the nutrition cabin, and his wet hair rested on his shoulders.

She glanced around with doubtful eyes. She had indeed never seen this place before.

Suddenly, a wave of memories emerged in Dimoli's mind.

This memory includes all her memories from childhood to adulthood.


A large number of memories crazily poured into his mind, making Dimoli unable to adapt for a while.

And precisely because of this crazy influx of memories, the memories that should have belonged to her were severely impacted and were actually covered up.

Shaking his head vigorously, Di Muli quickly passed out under the crazy impact of memories in his brain.

At this time, Lu Li, who noticed something unusual, came into the room and saw the unconscious Dimuli lying beside the nutrition cabin.

“I’ve just woken up and haven’t adapted to my body yet, so I’m so anxious.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Li hooked his finger, and Dimuli, who was lying next to the nutrition cabin, flew out.

The water on his body kept dripping, and the completely naked Dimu Calendar appeared in front of Lu Li.

However, Dimoli obviously didn't know this. She was currently accepting the memories that had awakened in her brain.

The old memory replaced the previous memory. Dimoli didn't even know that when he was reading and writing, she would remember a lot, but she would also forget a lot.


With the sound of snapping fingers, Lu Li and Di Muli disappeared from the research room at the same time.

After sending Dimuli back to Sonosaki's house, Lu Li went directly to Tiangao.

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