If he could, he really didn't want to fight with the other party.

But now, he had no choice.

If he didn't fight, he would be killed by the other party, and the other party would even continue to be at large.

He could only fight.


The battle had already begun, and hidden in the dark, there was a man who was witnessing the battle with his own eyes.

He was wearing a straight suit, with a white scarf around his neck, and there was a pool of red like blood on it.

"Is that... W?"

Sudo Kirihiko frowned slightly as he looked at W who was fighting with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

He had heard something about this W before.

He had always been against the company, preventing the sale of Gaia memory, and even destroying those Gaia memories that had been sold.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex memory in Tsumura Marinazu's hand was sold by Sudo Kirihiko.

In the past, Sudo Kirihiko was only responsible for selling Gaia memory.

But now it's different.

He is already the head of the sales department, and is also responsible for after-sales issues.

As the buyer of Gaia memory, he would naturally protect the other party's rights from being infringed.

He immediately took out the Gaia drive and put it on his waist, and at the same time took out the Nasca memory.


Inserting the Nasca memory into the Gaia drive, a very powerful force instantly surged into the body.

This is the first time that Sudo Kirihiko has transformed into a Nasca dopant.

It can only be said that it is really worthy of being a golden memory. I felt such a powerful force in the first transformation.

Looking at his hands, Sudo Kirihiko was very happy at the moment.

Now he is a cadre of the museum.

Next, I will witness the power of the cadres.

Taking out the Nasca blade in his hand, the Nasca dopant walked straight out of the darkness.

W will become his trial stone, the trial stone of the first battle.

If possible, he will destroy the other party and will never allow anyone to stop the sale of Gaia memory.

Ming Hai Ya Juzi is now supporting Philip and witnessing this terrifying battle with his own eyes.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was very powerful, and it fought back and forth with W.

"Shotaro! Get rid of this guy quickly! Philip is too heavy!"

Even if it was Akiko Narumi, a female man, it would be very difficult to hold a man like this all the time.

"I know, don't rush!"

W just responded, and a flash of fire suddenly appeared on his back.



With a scream of pain, W was instantly knocked out by this powerful force.


Akiko Narumi opened her mouth slightly, and then rubbed her eyes hard. She actually saw another dopant!

"Another dopant?!"

No matter what, she didn't expect that there would be another dopant.

W rolled over and stood up quickly, carefully guarding against the Nazca dopant.

"There is another doped body?! Philip, what is going on?!"

"I don't know! I didn't find any information about him before!"

Philip is currently in the middle of a battle and cannot enter the Earth Library to search for information.

At this time, the Nazca doped body who had just launched an attack said coldly.

"From today on, don't think about destroying any Gaia memory in my hands."

What a flag!

Just when wondering why another doped body appeared, W suddenly noticed the Gaia driver on the waist of the Nazca doped body.

"That is...?! He is a cadre of the organization!"

My thoughts suddenly went back to a year ago, the doped body with the same driver.

"Shotaro, now is not the time to think about these things! The current situation is two against one. It is very difficult for us to defeat two doped bodies, and one of them is a cadre."

"No matter how difficult it is, we must go! Philip, switch forms!"

W took off the wind and ace memory on his waist and reinserted the other two memories.

"Heat! Metal!"

The power of fire and metal is half and half, Kamen Rider W, hot metal form!

After a year, W can now skillfully use the power of various memories.

Pulling out the metal iron rod behind him, it instantly stretched out and turned into a long-handled weapon.

W quickly rushed up and launched an agile counterattack.

The Tyrannosaurus hybrid obviously understood that the Nazca hybrid was here to help him, so it was good, just in time to solve W's trouble.

As for Zuo Xiangtaro, the Tyrannosaurus hybrid couldn't wait to eat him.


The metal rod collided with the Nazca blade, splashing out bright sparks.

The fiery red right arm condensed into a ball of strong flames, and W shouted loudly, and slammed into the Tyrannosaurus hybrid.


The terrifying fist burning with flames hit the huge head of the Tyrannosaurus hybrid.


The Tyrannosaurus roared in pain and opened its bloody mouth. It looked like it was going to eat W in one bite.

W leaned back quickly and barely avoided the terrifying mouth.

But the Nazca dopant would not let W go so easily. It avoided W's metal rod and slashed down with a sword.

"That was close!"

She quickly rolled to the side and dodged the blade slashed by the Nazca dopant.

The two-on-one situation barely ended in a tie. The Nazca dopant and the Tyrannosaurus dopant could not take down W in a short time.

The thrilling battle scared Ming Haiya, who was hiding and observing the battle.

Especially the thrilling attacks again and again, Ming Haiya was even more worried about whether W could cope with it.

"Trouble, trouble! Two dopant appeared, what should I do now?!"

Ming Haiya was squeezed and jumped like an ant on a hot pot, but Ming Haiya had no way out.

She was just an ordinary person, how could she join this terrifying battle, wasn't it looking for death?

0 ······Please give flowers· ·········

Besides being anxious, Ming Haiya could only watch.


On a building not far away, Lu Li was standing at the highest point at this time.

Looking down at the battle happening below from a high place.

Seeing W alone in a tough battle against Nazca and Tyrannosaurus, Lu Li couldn't help but shake his head.

Although W is now able to skillfully use the power of memory, his combat power is not particularly strong.

With this kind of combat power, it would be very difficult to deal with the forbidden hybrid transformed by Sonosaki Saeko.

You should know that after a year, with the help of Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko's control of the forbidden memory has become stronger.

When the power of Gaia memory is mastered to a certain extent, the power itself will undergo a qualitative change.

This is why Sonosaki Ryubei, who has used the fear memory for more than ten years, has such terrifying power.

And after using it for so many years, Sonosaki Ryubei has never thought of changing other golden Gaia memories, just because the power of fear is the most suitable for him.

Sonosaki Saeko's current combat power has been improved by several levels. With her current combat power, she can completely deal with the current W.

Of course, except for the Fang Ace form.

The power of the Fang Ace is much stronger than that of other memory transformations, but it is still no problem to fight evenly or slightly superior.

Last time, Lu Li had fought with W. This time, he set his sights on the Nazca doped body.

I still remember that yesterday, Sudo Kirihiko teased him before leaving, but Lu Li did not react at that time.

As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

And Lu Li took revenge only one night later, which is already very fast.

..... ...... ...

Take out the Lost Drive with your left hand and the Eternal Memory that has been debugged again with your right hand.

This time, it depends on whether the power of the Eternal Memory can be completely stable.

Once it can be stabilized, Lu Li can consider making it into an awakening card.



Insert the Eternal Memory System into the Lost Drive, and bursts of white arcs are wrapped around the Lost Drive.

I don't know if it is because the power of the Eternal Memory has been strengthened after adjustment, the Lost Drive is more difficult to open than before.

Lu Li clearly felt that the Lost Drive was a little different, but it did not affect this transformation.

Black debris instantly enveloped Lu Li, white armor attached to his body, and a black eternal robe was born behind him.

What was slightly different was that the arms that were supposed to have blue flame patterns had become darker at this time.

The flame patterns on the arms were a deeper shade of blue.

"Hmm? Has the power increased?"

Lu Li was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that after I transformed into the Eternal Rider, my power seemed to be a little stronger than the last time.

He clenched his fists and looked at the blue flame patterns on his arms. Lu Li did feel that his power had increased.

If the memory is not adjusted stably, it may cause the combat power to fluctuate.

And now, Lu Li feels that the eternal memory is very stable.

Whether it is really stable or statically stable, the answer can be determined through fighting.

He slightly spread his hands and came to the edge of the rooftop. The wind of Fengdu blew gently on Lu Li.

He fell down gently, and the white body fell straight down from the high building.

There was no unnecessary movement in the air, and it fell straight down.


The white figure instantly fell to the ground.

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