Sure enough, not long after, Kisaragi Gentaro arrived at the scene with several members of the Kamen Rider Club.

Seeing that Cancer was destroying things, Kisaragi Gentaro rushed up and yelled.

"Hey! Onigashima! Stop it!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Cancer stopped what he was doing.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Kisaragi Gentaro, who made him feel the most uncomfortable.

It was because of the existence of these guys that his true identity was exposed.

Now he can only hide and cannot show his true face.

"Humph! If you tell me to stop, I will stop. Then I will... lose face."

The huge crab claw in his left hand suddenly cut a tree next to him into two pieces.


The tree fell to the ground, and the cut looked very smooth.

Cancer's left hand is a sharp giant crab claw with a very terrifying cutting force, which can easily cut any object.

"You are the ones who revealed my identity before. In that case, let me... thank you."

Thinking back to the fact that his identity was revealed and he could not go out and about in the school at will, he felt very unhappy inexplicably.

Sakuta Ryusei, who was originally a Kamen Rider Ryusei, pretended to be a little bottom at this time, hiding behind with a face full of fear.

Kisaragi Gentaro came to the front with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Then let me be your opponent, a one-on-one duel between you and me!"

After saying that, he immediately pressed four astronomical switches.



After the transformation was completed, Ceqi was about to pose in a standard posture and shouted that the universe was coming.


But Cancer didn't care about you. Before Zhouqi could shout out the rest of the words, he immediately launched a fierce offensive.

The huge crab claws swept across, and Siqi didn't care about shouting his signature catchphrase and hurriedly took a step back.

"Hey, hey, hey! You are too unethical. I have to wait for me.

I'll finish shouting this sentence!"

Siqi was slightly dissatisfied when his catchphrase was interrupted.

Hearing this, Cancer smiled coldly.

"Haha! Who cares about you!"

The next second, Cancer rushed up again.

Sakuta Ryusei, who was hiding behind the Kamen Rider Club like a little bottom, now looked very sharp.

[Cancer, one of the twelve constellations, let me determine how strong you are. ]

Noticing that no one was paying attention to him now, he sneaked to a place where no one could see him.

He immediately took out the meteor driver and put it on his waist, inserted the pop switch to the left, and pushed the push rod on the right at the same time.

"Meteor. Ready?"

Outside the earth, the artificial satellite M-Bus responded immediately.

The satellite unfolded to both sides, revealing the transmitter in the middle.


Accompanied by the sound of Sakuta Ryusei, a blue beam shot out from the satellite and hit Sakuta Ryusei on the ground head-on.

Sakuta Ryusei, who was covered by the blue beam, immediately completed the transformation.

Kamen Rider Ryusei!

Then he quickly turned into a ball of blue light, soared into the sky, and flew towards the battlefield at a rapid speed.

Ghost Island Xiaer, who has become a Cancer, is much stronger than him when he was still a Pegasus.

The armor that looks like a hairy crab has extremely terrifying defensive power.

No matter what kind of attack Siqi launched, it can be easily blocked by this armor, and there is no way to hurt Cancer.

Ceqi, who used the hammer switch, just raised the hammer in his hand and smashed it down, but Cancer was fine, but Zhouqi's hand was numb under the reaction force.

At this moment, a ball of blue light suddenly fell from the sky and landed between Cancer and Siqi.

"That's... Meteor!"

Ceqi recognized Meteor at first sight.

This guy just showed up two days ago. He is very powerful and is also a Kamen Rider, but he is not easy to get along with.

"Kamen Rider Meteor, your fate is determined by me."

The iconic catchphrase and words always make people feel very uncomfortable.

Especially for people like Cancer who are already very arrogant, after hearing this, they are even more disdainful.

"Another Kamen Rider? But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there are a few.

But...isn't that guy ready to take action? "

Cancer was in a very bad mood. He had been fighting with Siqi for so long, why was Lu Li still not moving.

That guy...was he playing a trick on him?

This thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and Cancer was in a very bad mood.

Moreover, considering that this was an order from me, Wang Guangming, he had to listen.

Only after seeing me, Wang Guangming, could one truly feel the power of me, Wang Guangming, which was a special sense of oppression from the star disciples.

Even though he was unhappy, Cancer still fought with Siqi Liuxing.

Relying on his own strong defense, neither Siqi nor Liuxing could do anything to him for the time being.

On a building, Lu Li and Libra stood together.

Seeing that Cancer was fighting one against two below, Libra not only did not urge Lu Li, but watched the battle with interest.

He was very unhappy with Cancer in his heart. He was a senior and his principal after all, and that guy dared to be so disrespectful to him.

Take this opportunity to teach that guy a lesson.

Lu Li clearly knew what Libra was thinking, but it didn't matter. Whether or not Libra was there didn't affect his plan.

Slowly stretching out his hands, Lu Li began to change the target's spatial position.

Seeing Lu Li's posture, Libra couldn't help but take a step back.

Mainly because he didn't know what Lu Li's abilities were and whether he would be affected.

"Don't be so afraid, it's just a simple space transfer, transfer us to Kyoto."

"Space transfer. Kyoto...!"

Libra was very shocked. Lu Li actually wanted to use space transfer to transfer all the people to Kyoto.

You must know that there is such a long distance between Tiangao and Kyoto. It is just a direct use of space to transfer oneself. It is also ridiculous to be able to transfer other people there.

After a while, Lu Li controlled the energy output.


With a snap of his fingers, he and Libra disappeared in unison.

At the same time, Cancer, Qi Qi and Meteor, who were fighting seriously below, disappeared at the same time.

The enthusiasm of the fight suddenly disappeared, as if it evaporated out of thin air.

The sudden situation shocked everyone in the Kamen Rider Club.

"Eh?! What happened? Why is the person missing?"

"Kengo! It's so strange. Gentaro and Ryusei, who were fighting Cancer just now, have disappeared! Suddenly, it's like they disappeared!"

"Oh my god, it feels like I'm in a dream. Why do people disappear when I hit them?"

Hearing the bursts of sounds coming from his ears, singer Xianwu felt that his brain was a little exhausted.

"No! Are you kidding? How could it disappear out of thin air?"

I immediately ran the operation on the computer and found that there was nothing unusual about Ceqi.

There was still no abnormality, which meant that Gentaro Kisaragi had not released his transformation.

This means that the other person is still there, but just not where they were.

"Ah! What on earth is going on?!"

After scratching his hair vigorously, the singer Xianwu felt a headache.

Inexplicably disappearing, but everything else is normal, damn it!

At this time, Kyoto.

Cancer, Zhou Qi and Meteor, who were fighting fiercely, all suddenly felt dizzy.

But then, they found themselves in a strange place.

"Huh? This is...?!"

Seeing that the location of the battle had changed, Bastard Qi was immediately surprised.

Even Meteor felt very strange when faced with this situation. Why did he suddenly come to this place?

Cancer looked around and whispered.

"Really or not, that guy...really brought us to Kyoto?!"

There was disbelief in his tone, and he didn't seem to believe that Lu Li could do this at first.

But now that things are happening in front of him, even happening to him, he can't help but not believe it.

Cancer's muttering happened to be heard by Zhou Qi.

"Ha! You mean Kyoto?!"

Looking around in shock, Seqi didn't understand at all why he suddenly came to Kyoto.

Isn’t this nonsense?

How could something so outrageous happen? One moment it was high in the sky, and the next second it was already in Kyoto.

Meteor was also shocked. He didn't know what happened, but he knew that they were definitely not in Tiangao now.

"No! He didn't tell lies, he just... told the truth."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

After hearing these words, Meteor immediately assumed a fighting stance and looked at the intruder warily.

Lu Li was seen with his hands in his pockets, followed by Libra, walking towards here step by step.

"Land from!"

Seeing Lu Li again, Ce Qi recognized him immediately.

"Long time no see, Kozuki Gentaro."

After greeting him in a friendly manner, Lu Li seemed to have no sense of being a partner of We Wang Guangming.

"Libra! cooperate with these guys?!"

Even the state knight, who was relatively slow to react, understood the current situation at this time.

If it weren't for cooperation, there would be no reason why Lu Li and Libra would be so close.

"You're right to understand that. I do have some cooperation with their boss."

Lu Li is just cooperating with me, Wang Guangming, and has no cooperation at all with Libra and other Twelve Stars disciples.

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