Anyway, you are also a zodiac sign and a very defensive Cancer, so I know you will be fine. "

These words are quite high-sounding, but to put it bluntly, they just leave Cancer in the same place.

The two of them seemed to be quarreling. Lu Li frowned and scolded.

"That's enough, Libra, do what you should do and destroy all the stone tablets sealed by the Four Saints.

Don't miss it, otherwise... you should know what will happen.

.clear! "

Although he was unhappy with Lu Li ordering him, considering that he was here to cooperate after all, Libra did not refute.

When the cosmic energy exploded previously, Libra could clearly see where the four light pillars that shot up into the sky were.

Next, you just need to leave it to him to solve. Lu Li has no interest in such trivial matters.

He doesn't need to do anything else, the main thing has been done.

After Libra left, only Lu Li and Cancer were left here.

Seeing Lu Li's condescending look, Cancer felt very unhappy.

Why did he have to do the hardest and most tiring work, and even get injured because of it, yet Lu Li could stand aside and boss him around.


The body is trembling slightly again. This is not the Cancer who is afraid, but the Cancer who is angry.

Even though he roughly knew that Lu Li was probably very powerful, he was never the kind of person who remained indifferent after being wronged.

As a person who must avenge his enemies, he will definitely avenge himself!

"Go to hell!!"

Cancer roared fiercely.

He rushed over and raised the huge pliers in his left hand, ready to cut Lu Li in half with the sharp pliers.

Launching a surprise attack from behind, Cancer does not think that his sneak attack will fail.

Seeing that there was no movement from Lu Li, Cancer was ecstatic.

【Arrogant guy! Die under my crab claws! 】


Unsurprisingly, the sharp crab claws instantly cut across Lu Li's body.


There was no touch at all, just like... it cut through the air!

Cancer passed directly through Lu Li's body.

"How can it be?!"

When he turned around, he would find that Lu Li, who was supposed to be cut in half by him just now, was actually smiling at him.

This situation was completely unexpected by Cancer.

He couldn't understand, how could it be like this?

Why (cddd) can you pass through his body? If it was an afterimage, why did he stay there and laugh?

There are too many thoughts flashing through the mind, and Cancer suddenly feels that his brain is not enough.

"You are really a person who will retaliate for your anger, but... I don't hate your character, because... I am also such a person."

A meaningful smile formed on the corner of Lu Li's mouth.

The next second, Lu Li's expression suddenly changed. The smile on his face turned cold now.

“Since you have taken action against me, it means that you are already my enemy.

Since we are enemies, then I... you're welcome! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark golden awakening device appeared from Lu Li's waist, and the red heart in the middle revealed a faint golden color.

A golden awakening card appeared out of thin air in his hand. This awakening card was the Ace of Clubs.

Slide the golden club A in your hand across the awakening device.

"Change! Evolution!"

Under the influence of the golden plum blossom A, Lu Li took the lead in transforming into different forms Leangl...

Immediately afterwards, the power belonging to the King category was instantly activated.

The whole body was shining with golden light, and the knight armor on Lu Li's body changed rapidly.

Under the shroud of this golden light, the figure became more burly, and each with extremely terrifying and oppressive figures appeared in the golden light.

When the golden light dissipated, Lu Li, who had successfully transformed into the Leanglei emperor form, appeared in front of Cancer.

The purple eye armor gives people a breathtaking feeling, as if it is impossible to look directly at it.

The body is covered in thick golden armor, which gives the impression of strong defense at first glance.

The black cloak behind him moved automatically without wind.

Compared with before, the armor on his body has more texture, and the overall power is far greater than the first time he transformed into Leangle's emperor form.

Kamen Rider Leangle-One by One Full Fusion.Emperor Form!

Although Lu Li just held a golden Plum Blossom A awakening card in his hand, it was actually the power of all the awakening cards in the Plum Blossom series gathered together.

Only then did he transform directly into his final form after the transformation. To be precise, the current emperor form is more terrifying than the previous one.

Just standing here, Cancer felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Even though he has not seen the full power of my hope for the light, he has more or less felt the pressure from my hope for the light.

However, now, he found that the oppression brought by Lu Li in front of him was even more terrifying.

Just looking at it like this, he felt like his body wanted to tremble.

"How could it be possible?! Impossible!!"

For a moment, Cancer couldn't accept this situation, and there was a slight tremor in his voice.

He couldn't understand why Lu Li was so strong.

Just the terrifying aura emanating from the transformation was almost enough to overwhelm him.

Now I realize that I have provoked an existence that I cannot afford to offend.

I couldn't help but feel bitter in my heart. You said you already had such strength, wouldn't it be better if you just showed it? Maybe I don’t have such thoughts anymore.

It's only showing up now, how can I handle it?

He held his right hand in the air, and the Awakening Staff, like a huge battle ax, appeared out of thin air in Lu Li's hand.


The reawakening staff hit the ground casually, and the terrifying power caused cracks to appear on the ground in an instant.

"Okay, now it's my turn. Are you ready?"

There was no emotion in the voice, and it was extremely cold.

Cancer really wants to say something now, but I'm not ready.

But even if he said he wasn't ready, he couldn't stop Lu Li's attack.

Cancer is really upset at this moment.

Why don't I have the ability like Libra and Virgo to use space transfer by just stamping my feet?

Even if you can't escape too far, you can at least escape some distance!

However, what he didn't know was that even if Virgo or Libra faced Lu Li now, they couldn't escape at all.

Regarding space transfer, Lu Li can even achieve space blockade, making the target temporarily unable to carry out space transfer.

Holding the Awakening Staff in hand, Lu Li approached Cancer step by step.

"Ta! Ta! Ta! Ta!"

The reason why he chose to use Leangle's emperor form was, of course, to teach Cancer a lesson and let him know what true power and defense are.

Every step he takes seems to step on Cancer's heart, making him unable to help but feel his heart pounding and his heartbeat speeding up a lot.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Cancer also knew that he would definitely not be able to escape this time. After all, he had just launched an attack on Lu Li.

If you ask for mercy at this time, it is impossible for the other party to forgive you.

In this case, the worst case scenario is a fight.

He still didn't believe it. Did Lu Li really dare to kill him?

If I really kill myself, what will I hope the bright side will say?

When thinking of this, Cancer feels great confidence in his heart.

As long as he doesn't die, the worst he can do is get beaten!


After mustering up his courage, Cancer actually pounced on Lu Li.

Seeing that this guy dared to rush forward, Lu Li was particularly surprised.

What the hell?

When did Cancer become so brave?

Who gave him the courage to rush forward?

court death!

If Lu Li knew Cancer's inner plan, he would probably laugh out loud.

Do I hope for the light?

Even if I kill Cancer with my own hands, I hope Guangming will not break up with Lu Li because of this matter.

Totally unnecessary.

Because what I really want from Wang Guangming is not Cancer users, but Cancer star disciple switches.

As long as the Star Disciple Switch remains intact, it doesn't matter if the user dies, he can only blame his own lack of strength.


The ax blade at the top of the reawakening staff shone with a cold light, slashing vertically from top to bottom.

Although Cancer feels tremendous pressure, they still choose to fight head-on.

He didn't believe it, why couldn't he compare to Lu Li!


Along with Cancer's roar, the sharp crab claws and the reawakening staff collided violently.

“Dang Cang!!”


There was a crisp sound, followed by a violent roar/whimper.

The collision of the two forces placed a huge burden on the land.

Regardless of whether it was Lu Li or Cancer, cracks appeared on the ground beneath their feet.

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass from Kuno, one by one!

thanks one

11AA-Monthly pass for Honghui hotel supplies!

Chapter 319 Plum Blossom Flush! frozen and broken

Struggling to maintain this position of support, Cancer never gives in.


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