Is it over?

My life... Is it over?

I will never see my Lord Wang again, and I will never see that single-celled loyal dog lion again

Countless thoughts emerged in his mind, and suddenly, Libra's eyes burst into a dazzling light

A ball of energy emitting silver-white light was born from his chest and instantly merged into his body.

Indistinctly, a huge eyeball can be seen emerging.

Outside the dark space carried by the Fear Swamp.

Lu Li can feel the specific situation of Libra in the Fear Swamp at any time and anywhere.

Libra awakened!


As expected, the final result is similar to what Lu Li expected.


With a light snap of his fingers, a hole suddenly appeared on the calm surface of the Fear Swamp.

This hole was opened up by Lu Li for Libra.

With the Eye of Laplace, he should be able to find this hole in the dark space and come out of the dark space.

At this time, Libra, who had just awakened the Eye of Laplace, had a dazzling light shining from the eyes in the middle of his huge hat.


His words were full of surprise, he actually saw the exit.

Although he didn't know why he suddenly saw the exit, this was his only chance to leave here alive.

Without time to think too much, Libra hurried to the exit.

When he came to this exit emitting a faint white house, he jumped in.

In the hole opened up above the fear swamp, a black figure jumped out.

"Finally out."

With a smile on his lips, Lu Li waved his hand casually.

The fear swamp with a dark atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Libra, who finally left the dark space, stood on the ground and looked at the familiar environment, the familiar blue sky and white clouds, and his heart was full of surprise.

Finally out!

He didn't want to go back to the dead silence and darkness just now.

That place was as terrifying as the dark nebula.

Pah pah pah! "

The sound of applause came from above, which immediately attracted Libra's attention.

Lu Li, who was floating in the sky, landed steadily, and it was him who was applauding.

When Libra saw Lu Li, he immediately became alert.

It was said to be alert, but it was more of fear.

After all, the means used by the other party before sent him to that extremely dark space. Such a terrifying means still made him very afraid.

Lu Li's means were too terrifying!

He never wanted to enter the dark space again!

"Don't be so nervous. If I don't want to let you out, you can't see the hole just now. Do you understand? "

Since the opponent has awakened, there is no need to continue fighting.

After closing the fusion drive, Lu Li directly canceled the transformation.

Seeing that Lu Li was so bold to cancel the transformation and exposed his true body in front of him without any scruples.

Libra had no other thoughts at all, and did not dare to have any thoughts.

Although he had succeeded, it did not mean that he had overcome the fear in his heart.

Even though he was very wary of Lu Li just now, his trembling hands had already explained everything, and the fear in his heart was still affecting him.

Pressing the star switch, Libra also changed back to the appearance of Hayami Gongping.

Looking at Lu Li, Hayami Gongping's eyes were filled with strong fear, and he turned his head aside unconsciously.

He didn't understand why he was so afraid of Lu Li, as if it was an instinctive reaction of his body.

"You...what do you mean by this? "

Even when he was talking, Hayami Gongping did not dare to look directly into Lu Li's eyes.

"You were able to walk out of the dark space, which means that you saw the hole I opened for you. It seems that you have awakened the supernova, the Eye of Laplace.

After awakening the supernova, you will be able to see the fate of other people's constellations, and it will be much easier to find the remaining twelve constellations. "

With his hands behind his back, Lu Li looked into the distance with a calm face.

As if everything he had done before was so insignificant.


At this time, Hayami Gongping suddenly reacted.

When he was in the dark space just now, he really felt a force surging out of his body, a force he did not have before.

Suddenly, Hayami Gongping thought of something, and unconsciously looked at Lu Li's back and questioned.

"What if I didn't awaken the supernova? Then would I...would I stay in that dark space forever? "

When the dark space was mentioned, Hayami Gongping's body showed an instinctive resistance.

It was a place that made people extremely desperate. There was no existence, only darkness except for himself.

If you stay in that place, it won't take long for people to fall into madness.

"You are right to think so. Only you who have awakened the supernova are meaningful to me and my hope for light.

If you don't awaken, I can only say sorry. You may be locked up in that dark space forever.

Of course, if you can withstand the extreme loneliness in your heart, maybe you can get out in the future. "

Speaking horrible words in a calm tone, Hayami Gongping suddenly found that the young man in front of him was too horrible, just like a demon.

Compared with the other party, the difference between myself and the other party is not just a little bit, but a big difference.

Even if he knew what Lu Li had done, Hayami Koei could not express his dissatisfaction.

If the other party sends him to that dark space again, he will have no place to cry.

Chapter 324 What a coincidence! Consortium X is in trouble, targeting the son of the core

He was able to come out this time, thanks to the other party opening a hole. There may not be such an opportunity next time.

"Principal Hayami, I ask you to use more force to reach the students in the Zodiac as soon as possible so that they can awaken as soon as possible.

Hurry up, after don't want me to be disappointed when I see the light.

Lu Li kindly reminded Hayashi Fairy.

Don’t think that after awakening Supernova, I will be favored by Wang Guangming, but if he does something that does not satisfy me, Wang Guangming, he will still be dealt with.

Afterwards, Lu Li took Sui Shuihei and left the wilderness.

I'm afraid less than an hour had passed since Lu Li brought Hayashi Gongjin, and the two of them returned to my office where Wang Guangming was.

At this time, there were not only me Wang Guangming and Li Shenhou in Wang Guangming's office, but also a group of people wearing white clothes~.

Consortium X!

I didn’t expect such a coincidence!

Lu Li was also a little surprised when he saw the people from Consortium X.

But he didn't think it was any surprise.

After all, Consortium

This time, the purpose of Consortium

During this period of time, I hope Guangming has not submitted the results of the research report, and Consortium X is naturally impatient to wait.

Especially after experiencing the museum incident, Consortium X has become a lot more sensitive.

If someone like me, Wang Guangming, has not submitted a research report for a while, Consortium X will naturally come to urge me.

It’s not their style to invest money and not get a return.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time. I hope Chairman, if I come at this time, I won't disturb you, right?"

Although he said so verbally, Lu Li didn't take Consortium X seriously at all, and walked to the sofa nearby and sat down on his own.

The person from Consortium X who was responsible for the research report on the Star Disciple Switch had never met Lu Li.

Seeing him look so rude, he was used to being a superior consortium, so he was naturally very uncomfortable.

"Look at the light, who is this guy? We are talking about things now, shouldn't we let this guy out?"

His nostrils were turned upward, as if someone owed him something.

Hearing this, I looked at Guangming with a faint smile on his face and didn't care about people like Consortium X at all.

"Of course not, Mr. Lu is my friend, he has a certain connection with my plan, there is no need to go out.

Please wait a little longer for the research results. My plan is almost finished.

Now is the critical period of the plan. I hope Guangming doesn't want guys like Consortium X to disturb me.

Hearing this, the face of the leader of the consortium X sank, and he suddenly felt very humiliated.

I didn't expect that Wang Guangming would be so disrespectful to him and had no intention of driving Lu Li away.

You must know that they are the father of the funder, but this guy is so disrespectful to the father of the funder!

But considering that this is the opponent's territory after all, no matter how strong Consortium X is, it still needs to be a little more careful.

After all, strong dragons do not overwhelm local cowards. In his opinion before, the consortium X to which he belonged was a strong dragon. I hope that Guangming would be a local coward at best.

"The headquarters is impatient to wait, hand over the research results immediately!

This made it clear that this was no longer a discussion, but an order.

Lu Li almost laughed while listening.

This is why I hope that if it were Lu Li, he would destroy these guys on the spot.

But these things have nothing to do with me now. After all, the other person came to me for hope.

The smile on my face instantly faded, and I looked at the people from Consortium X coldly.

"I said, I refuse."


Slapping his hand on the table, the leader of Consortium X said with an angry look on his face

"Don't forget, we provided you with the funds, you have no right to refuse!"

"Lishen, let's see the guests off.

I don’t want to make this matter a big deal just yet, and I have no plans to deal with guys like Consortium X.

At this time, Consortium X was angered, which did not do much good for his plan.


Lishenhou strode over quickly.

With three strokes, five divided by two, he easily knocked several people to the ground, and then threw them out of the office.

The vast majority of people in Consortium X are still just ordinary people, and they do not have strong power.

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