At the same time, Lu Li had not completed a more important task.

Next, Lu Li will focus on this matter.

Six-link drive!

The six-link drive is made based on the Oz drive, and the principle is naturally similar.

Although Lu Li does not have the Oz drive, he knows everything about how to make the Oz drive.

After all, he has successfully replicated Kara's ability before, which is indirectly equivalent to the manufacturer of the Oz drive, so making the Oz drive is a piece of cake.

But making a six-link drive is much more difficult than making an Oz drive.

This is more difficult than making the six core coins of the evil organization before.

The six-link drive must be able to perfectly adapt to the power of the six core coins of the evil organization.

Otherwise, it is impossible to exert the powerful power of the six core coins.

Lu Li himself can't say how long this process will take.

He can only try it out first.

If the test product can be made, even if there is only one chance of success, it is enough.

Li Fengdu.

Since the death of Inosaka Shinkuro, Wan Deng Xue Shi has been silent until now, and has never been to Fuuto.

Not for anything else, just because he knows in his heart that he can't deal with Lu Li.

Since he can't deal with him, he can only choose to avoid the edge for the time being.

So much time has passed, and he has also tried to go to Fuuto during this period, and found that the degree of crisis has been reduced a lot compared to before.

After hiding for so long, it is time to continue his plan, and he can't continue to wait like this.

Although Lu Li is a very terrifying and powerful opponent, he can't hide from Lu Li all the time.

If he can completely avoid Lu Li to complete his plan, he will definitely implement such a plan without hesitation.

But such a plan does not exist, and any plan will have risks.

He can only minimize the risk as much as possible, rather than completely avoid it.

Standing on the top of the building, Wan Deng Xue Shi jumped and looked at the inner Fuuto.

It took a lot of effort to build this place into what it is now.

It was silent for a while before, and now it has gradually begun to open up and speed up construction.

In addition, Lu Li has hardly appeared in Fengdu during this period of time, which gave Wan Deng Xue Shi an illusion.

That is, Lu Li is not in Fengdu for the time being, so he can take this opportunity to seize the time and do something big.

A boy with a bowl-cut hairstyle came over from the side, wearing a suit.

He looked harmless.

"Are you finally ready to do it? I have been waiting for so long, and now I don't have to wait any longer."

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but that smile looked very cold.

He is one of the cadres of Li Fengdu, named Chiba Hideo.

Although he looks like a teenager in formal clothes, he is actually an old man, older than everyone in Li Fengdu.

Even in human form, he can release powerful telekinesis and even control people's physical movements.

Although he looks young on the surface, he is the most respected cadre in Li Fengdu by Wan Deng Xue Shi.

He is very rigorous in his work and obeys Wan Deng's orders.

At the same time, another person came from the other side.

I saw a strange woman wearing Gothic clothes and looking pretty good slowly walking over.

"Is that Lu Li really that scary? I'm really curious!

Hehehe! I really want to meet him and kill him!"

The terrifying and cold laughter, with a chilling coldness, gave people an extremely perverted feeling.

Gojo Ichiba!

Although she looks pretty, she is an extremely perverted woman.

Her hobby is to collect photos of murder.

She usually does her own thing and has no desire for power.

I'm afraid her only hobby is killing.

She is also one of the cadres of Lifengdu.

Because of the previous period of time, Wan Deng Xue Shi's request was to let everyone be quiet and not leave Lifengdu casually.

This made Gojo Ichiba, who took killing as fun, very dissatisfied in her heart.

After all, the other party was the leader and she was a cadre. Even if she was quite dissatisfied in her heart, she could only choose to endure it.

Now she can finally be liberated and can collect photos of murder like before, which made her feel suffocated.

Knowing that Gojo Ichiye actually targeted Lu Li, Wandeng Xueshi could not help but frown slightly.

"I advise you not to have such an idea. The strength of that man is beyond your imagination.

Once you provoke him, I can't guarantee that you will come back alive.

I still don't know how strong he is...even I don't want to provoke him."

Hearing this, Gojo Ichiye immediately laughed creepily.

"Hehehe! So powerful? It's getting more and more interesting! Hahaha!"

What Wandeng Xueshi said just now not only failed to dispel Gojo Ichiye's thoughts, but aroused her curiosity.

With a slight change in her eyes, Wandeng Xueshi didn't want her plan to be disturbed in any way.

"I don't want the plan to be disturbed in any way, should understand what the outcome will be."

This is no longer a reminder, but a direct threat.

Gojo Kazuha stopped laughing and his eyes changed slightly.

After a moment of silence, Gojo Kazuha no longer dwelled on the matter.

With a slight shrug, Gojo Ichiha replied casually.

"I understand. Since it can't affect the plan, I just don't regard him as a target."

Facing her own BOSS, she decisively chose to give in. If she really annoyed the other party, it would not do her any good at all.

Lu Li didn't know about the fact that Li Fengdu was gradually becoming active.

He is now focusing on making the six-link drive and doesn't care about other things at all. Nothing can interfere with him.

And even if he knew that Li Feng was taking action, Lu Li wouldn't take it to heart at all.

Lifengdu does have good power, but the current museum is no longer the museum it used to be.

There are many cadres in the museum, and they are all very powerful.

If we really encounter them, with the current combat effectiveness of the museum cadres, we really don't have to worry about not being able to deal with the cadres in Lifengdu.

As long as Li Feng doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, the museum will not touch it casually.

The biggest problem currently in making six-link drives is materials.

The six-link drive must withstand the force of six powerful core coins!

The materials used are naturally not just the materials produced by alchemy to make the Oz driver.

Not strong enough!

If it is not strong enough, it will naturally be unable to withstand the power experiment of the core coin, and it will be declared a failure before it even begins.

Lu Li had to create more powerful materials through alchemy, which was exactly a problem.

Just when Lu Li was stumped by this problem, Lu Li suddenly thought of something.

There is something that seems to be able to withstand a very strong force without worrying about being damaged.

This thing is the Philosopher's Stone!

Yes, the Philosopher's Stone is still a legendary substance that is wildly praised by alchemists.

This thing can withstand very powerful power. After absorbing enough magic power, it can bring people back to life, and even allow people to complete their evolution.

It seems feasible that six consecutive drives can be manufactured with the same medium to withstand the power of six core coins of an evil organization.

Lu Li immediately called Di Muzou over and told him about similar materials that he needed when he was idle.

Research room.

Just now, Lu Li told Di Mu his thoughts.

"Dimu, you should know very well what I just said. How did you create the Philosopher's Stone? Now I need you to help me create the corresponding materials."

Hearing this, a look of embarrassment flashed across Dimuzo's face.

This is actually not impossible, but the Kabangkru I created can only breed magic gems, not corresponding materials.

I can make another piece of the Philosopher's Stone, but I can't turn it into a material that can be used to cast a driver. "

He didn't lie at all.

Even if Kabangkru can breed the Philosopher's Stone, there is no way to convert the Philosopher's Stone into the corresponding material.

After listening to his words, Lu Li frowned slightly and fell into silence.

After a while, Lu Li looked at Di Muxiu.

“No matter what, this is always the direction I need.

You continue to cultivate the next Philosopher's Stone. Before that, give this Philosopher's Stone to me. I will try to turn it into material. "

After finally finding a direction, Lu Li was certainly not willing to give up.

When he learned that he had to get another Philosopher's Stone, Dimuzou sighed slightly.

I am really a tired person!

It is not an easy task to use Kabangklu to give birth to a Philosopher's Stone, and it will take time no matter what.

But this was a task assigned to him by Lu Li, and it would be impossible not to do it.

After all, he is now a member of the museum and a cadre under Lu Li.

His boss has already spoken, what else can he say?

Just do it.

Before leaving, Dimuzou kept the Philosopher's Stone.

"Dimu, the matter regarding the magician must continue. Don't just catch one end, but both ends."

Good guy!

Di Muzhuo suddenly realized that he seemed to be a social person and was being squeezed hard by Lu Li.


With a wry smile, Di Muzou seemed to agree honestly.


Looking at the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

How can I turn this thing into the material I want?

Dimuzo is indeed very capable. You must know that even Kara has not created the Philosopher's Stone.

You must know that something like the Philosopher's Stone exists in legends. It is a mythical substance that all alchemists yearn for.

Although Kara had never made the Philosopher's Stone, her ability as an alchemist provided Lu Li with a good foundation.

After getting the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li immediately started working on it to turn it into the material he wanted.

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