Chapter 329 Witch! I'm just a secretary, I'm not responsible for anything else

In the past, he had experienced the power of memory.

That kind of power is like being addictive. When a person obtains the powerful power of memory, he will involuntarily fall in love with this power.

People who cannot resist the temptation will become addicted to this power, their hearts will sink, and they will want to obtain this power.

Such is the case with Tsubozaki Chuta.

He had tested this powerful power once and couldn't stand the temptation of the power of the memory, so he bought the memory specifically.

However, the memory he purchased was not the memory currently being secretly sold by the museum, but the Gaia memory that had been discontinued before.

After Tsubozaki Chuta's narration, Zuo Shotaro probably already knew what the other party was thinking.

"Then, Mr. Tsubozaki Chuta, your commission should be to catch that woman and recover the money. I'm right."

Hearing this, Tadada Tsubasaki, who looked nervous, nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, that handbag is a very important thing given to me by my family."

There was obviously a lot of money in the bag, but he seemed to care more about the handbag than the money.

Naru Haiya Shuko, who already had a certain detective consciousness, felt something was not right at first.

"Compared to the money in the handbag, is that handbag more important?"

Upon hearing this, Tsubozaki Chuta suddenly became nervous and clenched his pants involuntarily with both hands.

"Yeah...but forget it.

He knew that there was something shameful in his handbag. It was a memory. If the police found out that he had purchased and used the memory, he would definitely be arrested.

Get up.

This kind of thing must not happen!

According to normal logic, if someone like him lost a very important handbag, and there was still cash in the handbag, he should report it to the police, and it should not be a detective matter.


There is no doubt that there must be something hidden in this matter.

Shotaro Zuo is now barely considered a qualified detective, so he is naturally aware of this!

"No matter how you ask, you can't help but tell me directly. How much money is in the handbag?"

Shotaro Zuo was curious about how much was in that handbag.


Two hundred and eighty thousand is not a big number, but is it as coy as it is now?

"There seems to be a lot of money, but why did you come to our detective agency? If you just lost the money, you can go to the police. The detective fee of the detective agency

It's not free. "

After listening to Zuo Shotaro's words, Tsubozaki Chuta suddenly blushed.

But his blush was not really blushing, it was just to mislead Shotaro Zuo so that he would no longer suspect the situation of the handbag that he had accidentally emphasized just now.

You must not let others know that there is a memory hidden inside!

Seeing his sudden blush, Shotarou Zuo suddenly smiled like only a man can.

"Oh~! I see, I understand. You don't want us to help you get your handbag back. You probably want to reunite with that lady again. Am I right?"

It has to be said that Chuta Tsubasaki is very good at acting and successfully deceived Shotaro Zuo.

He hadn't thought about what to say yet, but he didn't expect Zuo Shotaro to take the initiative to find a reason for himself.

Pretending to be read through his thoughts, Tsubasaki Chuta nodded slightly.

"Yes, it's really embarrassing to say it, but this is the first time I have had such thoughts about women."

On the side, Naru Haiya Shuko showed a surprised expression, put her hands on the table, and said with a look of disbelief.

"Eh?! Is it true? In other words, you fell in love at first sight with the witch who attacked you?!"

Putting his hands on his knees, Tsubasaki Chuta lowered his head, preventing the two of them from seeing his specific eyes and expressions.

"I wanted my handbag back, but if possible, I'd also like to see her again.

Tell her not to be a thief again, that's why I don't want to tell the police.

Isn't this okay? Is this wish too rash? "

He climbed up the pole and directly used the conjecture that Zuo Shotaro had just raised to create an affectionate image for himself.

After hearing this, Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi's eyes flickered as if he was empathized with.

Looking at this, I have completely believed what Tsubozaki Chuta said about love at first sight.

And Shotaro Zuo, who is quite emotional himself, can understand this feeling very well.

Slowly standing up, Zuo Shotarou said to himself.

"Each client has his own engine. If there are no detectives in this city, who will listen to people's private thoughts that they don't want to be known?"

He has a very deep look, giving the impression that he is a very mature detective.

However, even the current Shotaro Zuo is sometimes very immature, that is, half-baked.

"Okay, I'll take over your commission, the commission to find the witch.

When he learned that his commission was accepted, Tsubozaki Chuta's face suddenly became happy.

"Mr. Detective, thank you very much!

Later, after explaining the matter clearly, Tsubozaki Chuta left the detective agency.

When he walked out of the door of the detective agency and closed the door, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

He knew that his acting skills were very successful and he had successfully deceived Zuo Shotaro.

This idiot detective, as long as he has a little empathy, he will directly believe himself. He is really easy to deceive.

Clenching his fists tightly, Tsubozaki Chuta seemed to have seen the Gaia memory return to his hands.

He must get that power back, it is his power!

After Tsubozaki Chuta left, a hand came out from the bed in the corner of the office holding a book.

"Witch? It sounds very interesting. I'm a little eager to try it."

Philip also seemed to be interested in this matter.

It was mainly Chuta Tsubasaki's description of the witch that got him interested.

People can jump out of thin air, or even disappear, and it feels like they are traveling through another space.

This situation, which is beyond ordinary people's understanding, has successfully aroused Philip's interest.

Perhaps, this time it might be another doping incident?

Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi asked curiously after thinking for a while.

"Tell me, is the so-called witch related to the dopant? Or is she herself a dopant?"

Phillip stuck his head out from behind the curtain and said seriously.

"There is this possibility. After all, the previous Gaia memories are still in circulation on the market. Although they are not sold in museums, they have not completely disappeared.

This is true. Even if the museum has not sold Gaia memory for a long time, this kind of memory that can turn people into doped bodies does not mean that they are doped.

The clutter disappears.

"Well, maybe there is a shadow of a dopant behind this. Anyway, let's investigate first. I won't use your power for the time being, partner."

Shotaro Zuo crossed his hands confidently, as if he believed that he could complete this commission alone.

With a slight shrug, Phillip had a strange expression on his face.

"Shoutaro, what interests me is your attitude. You are a beautiful witch who captures the hearts of men with your beauty. No matter how you look at it, this type seems to be your Achilles' heel.

When I think about whether you are going to suffer again, I have been trembling with excitement since just now. "

Good guy!

His face suddenly darkened, Zuo Shotaro couldn't hold back any longer and broke his defense on the spot.

"Hey! Philip, what are you talking about?"

He didn't think so himself, but the disbelieving look in Yashuzi's eyes seemed to be on Phillip's side.

Seeing that neither of them seemed to believe him, Shotaro Zuo was too lazy to continue explaining so much.

"Maybe she is just a little more agile. This city is like my backyard. No matter where she is, I can get her right away.

You all keep an eye on me, I will catch her soon. ?

But it was already late at night, which was obviously not suitable for detective work. I had to go to bed first to recuperate my energy and wait until tomorrow.

As soon as he got up the next day and had a quick bite to eat, Shotaro Zuo immediately began to investigate.

Since Lu Li had nothing to do for the time being, he was ready to train the secretary he had brought back from Konogami Mitsuo, Satonaka Erika.

Early in the morning, Sonosaki Saeko had already informed Satonaka Erika, asking her to come directly to Sonosaki's house in the morning.

A special task will be assigned to her today.

Although she didn't know what was going on, as a secretary, Erika Satonaka would naturally not refuse the boss's order.

After all, her salary is very high, although this salary is not paid by Sonosaki Saeko, but by Honggami Mitsuo.

Lu Li was having breakfast, and Erika Satonaka finally arrived at Sonosaki's house.

When she came to the hall, she saw that only Lu Li was in the hall and no one else was there.

Erika Satonaka hadn't seen Lu Li for a long time since the last time.

Before going to Tiangao, or researching the core coins and the six-link drive, Lu Li was busy with his own things.

Erika Satonaka did not live in Sonosaki's house, so naturally she had no chance to meet Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, good morning!"

Erika Satonaka greeted respectfully.

There was a flash of doubt and surprise in her eyes. She obviously didn't quite understand what task Sonosaki Saeko had assigned to her.

Seeing the confused look on her face, Lu Li smiled lightly.

"Erika, there's no need to read. Your mission today is to stay with me."


My brain shut down for an instant. Why did this statement sound so strange?

What does it mean to accompany? !

What kind of company? !

With a slight blush on her face, Erika Satonaka took a step back unconsciously and shook her head quickly.

"Mr. Lu, I'm just a secretary. I'm not responsible for other things."

Obviously, even Erika Satonaka, who is usually bolder, is scared inside.

If he really wanted to do something to her, she knew very well that she wouldn't be able to resist at all.

The person in front of her was very powerful. Even though she had experience as a bodyguard, she didn't think she could fight against Lu Li.

With a raised brow, Lu Li clearly understood that Erika Satonaka must have thought of somewhere else.

"Don't worry, I just asked you to go out with me. I don't want to do anything to you, so there's no need to be so nervous."

Asking for flowers...

Lu Li's nonchalant attitude made Erika Satonaka feel even more ashamed.

What are you thinking about? !

The other person didn't express any meaning at all, but I misunderstood.


This is simply a social demise!

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