He couldn't help but speed up the car and press the accelerator to the bottom.

Here, Shotaro Zuo has returned to the detective agency, looking frustrated.

He didn't want to be so frustrated, but he had no choice. This commission might be ruined.

For a detective, it is such a shame to be raped by one's client at the first sight.

After the news spread, Shotaro Zuo was very embarrassed.

By then everyone will know that his reputation will definitely plummet.

No, this commission must continue.

The witch has been found, but it is not easy to get Chuta Tsubasaki to meet her.

Akiko Naruhaiya, who was sorting things out, turned around and noticed Shotarou Zuo who had quietly appeared at the door of the detective agency, and asked curiously.

"Eh? Shotaro, when did you come in? You are so dejected. Could it be that something happened?"

At this time, Philip just walked out of the basement of the office.

"々. Asukiko, don't you know Shotaro yet? This guy must have encountered some trouble to be like this. I think... it must be related to that witch.

As expected, Philip was not only very smart, but also had a clear mind and could guess right.

"Is there a clue so soon? Come and tell us what the clue is."

Putting down what she was doing, Akiko Narukai looked at Shotaro Zuo with curiosity, waiting for his answer.

After taking off the hat and hanging it on the basement door, Shotaro Zuo returned to the chair and sat down before telling the two of them what happened.

It felt a bit embarrassing to say it. As soon as I saw Lu Li, I couldn't walk.

He wanted to avoid this situation, but unfortunately he couldn't avoid it.

The fear that came from the bottom of his heart didn't give him any chance at all. As soon as he saw Lu Li, this fear would instantly invade his body and make him unable to move.

Regarding this issue, Philip and Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi are very clear in their hearts.

The two of them had discussed this issue before, but there was no solution.

The fear in one's heart is far from being overcome as easily as one says.

Overcoming fear is a very difficult thing, and Naruya Shuko also has fears in her heart.

I'm afraid that only Philip and Terui Ryu don't feel much about fear.

"Then what should we do now? Since Lu Li has taken the witch away, it may not be easy for us to find the witch again."

Tapping her chin with her finger, Naruto realized that this would be difficult.

The difficulty of this commission has exceeded what they thought before. It is now almost impossible to complete this commission.

"Philip, what do you think?"

Looking at Phillip, Zuo Shotaro wanted to know if Phillip could do anything.

Hearing this, Phillip put down the book in his hand and shook his head slightly.

"If it were someone else, maybe we could solve this problem through some methods, but this target is Lu Li.

We...can't deal with him, and I can't deal with him.

Shotaro, Lu Li has been tolerant of us, (well done) and now the museum has little to do with the dopant, we can no longer hold on to it.

Otherwise you will be in danger and your life may be in danger at any time. "

At the end of the sentence, Phillip looked serious.

He knew very well how serious this matter was, and hoped that Zuo Xiangtaro would not continue to have too much contact with Lu Li. It was too dangerous.

The three of them discussed for a long time whether to give up the commission.

The final conclusion was to take a look at the situation and see if the witch would take action.

Even though Sonosaki Saeko didn't say anything about the sudden addition of someone to her family, she was still somewhat unhappy in her heart.

After all, Lu Li has been very busy during this period and has hardly come back to accompany them. Now that there is another person suddenly, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

But after Lu Li's affectionate comfort, the eldest sister Sonosaki Saeko was successfully taken care of.

Of course, I also paid a price, that is, I couldn't go to the company the next day.

Shi Mo had no memory. This was the first time he came to such a luxurious place.

It can be said that in the entire Fengdu, there is no more luxurious address than Sonosaki's house.

And since the museum got on the right track, it has developed very quickly, especially the relationship with the upper management has been very good. It can be said that everything is smooth sailing.

Although Lu Li could use other methods to make the people above him obey, it was too troublesome. Not only did he have to control so many people, but he also had to avoid being noticed as abnormal. It was very troublesome.

Anyway, those guys are just chasing fame and fortune. If you give them some benefits, they will naturally be obedient.

For disobedience, just deal with it.

Moreover, it is the kind of factory that will be disposed of without anyone noticing, and no one will find it at all.

It will be regarded as a normal death or an accidental death.

Then, by supporting obedient and suitable people, we can also ensure the smooth development of the museum.

This is why the choice of Fengdu Police Station is not focused on the museum at all. The higher-ups have already spoken. The companies run by the Sonosaki family involve all walks of life, which is very important.

The company must not have any problems.

Chapter 332 Damaged, returned memory

No matter how unwilling the people below are, they can only obey me honestly. If they don't obey, they will just beat them to the end.

Although Terui Ryu is tough, he also knows how to assess the situation.

He knew very well that he had been investigating in secret and had not brought this matter to light.

Just because he knows that it is useless to show it directly. On the contrary, it will make him very passive.

There were enough rooms in the house, and Shi Mo, as a new member, was naturally assigned one.

Shi Mo didn't pay much attention to the fact that there were so many women in Lu Li's house.

In her opinion, the fact that there were so many outstanding and beautiful women around Lu Li was enough to illustrate one point.

He...is excellent!

And Lu Li also said that if you step into his world, you will see a more exciting world.

Shi Mo firmly believed in this.

Whether it was the power that Lu Li had shown before or the power that Lu Li had shown, it undoubtedly proved this point.

Shimo was standing by the balcony, looking at the Sonosaki family courtyard under the moonlight, which was very spacious.

The area around here is full of Sonosaki's houses. Listening to the chirping/whining of insects outside, Shi Mo feels quite peaceful.

Jade reached into her pocket and took out a memory.

This memory is a damaged memory.

There is no memory symbol on it, so it is impossible to tell what memory it is.

The only thing that is certain is that this memory is a Gaia memory, the kind that can transform into a dopant, and nothing else is known.

Shi Mo didn't know why she carried this memory with her, but when she woke up, she found that it was in her hand.

I keep this thing with me all the time. Maybe it has something to do with my past experience.

However, she knew nothing about the memory in her hand and had no idea where to start investigating.

"what's on your mind?"

Suddenly there was an inappropriate sound in the room.


Suddenly turning around, Shi Mo saw Lu Li sitting beside the bed.

She thought that her perception was very sharp, how could Lu Li suddenly appear in her room out of nowhere.

There was no sign of the door being opened at all, and it was obvious that the other party did not come in from the outside.

Something is wrong.

With strong curiosity in her eyes, she was not angry at breaking into her room.

Lu Li came full of curiosity, staring at Lu Li closely, tapping his lips with his fingers, and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Lu Li, how did you get in? Why did you suddenly appear in my room when I didn't hear any sound?"

She was wearing a sling gauze. Except for covering important parts with clothes, her fair skin was clearly visible.

She didn't know how charming her current action was. Fortunately, Lu Li was no longer the 260 who had just been reborn.

If Lu Li was at that time, he might actually be able to pounce on him.

Reaching out his hand, Lu Li gently touched Shi Mo's smooth face and smiled.

"You need to discover this yourself slowly. After getting along for a long time, you will know why I can come in and out at will without you noticing."


Shi Mo didn't feel anything shy at all.

He stretched out a pair of white arms and put them on Lu Li's shoulders. The two were so close that they could almost feel each other's breathing.

Of course, Lu Li himself did not need to breathe. The reason why he breathed was just to simulate the human state.

This is also a kind of disguise, disguising oneself as an ordinary person.

Just as Shi Mo gradually lowered his head and approached, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Have a good rest, the days of wandering around are gone, you can have a good sleep.

Don't worry, you are absolutely safe here, I will go back first.

After putting Shi Mo down, Lu Li stood up and disappeared into the room.

This time, Shi Mo saw clearly that Lu Li disappeared into the room out of thin air.

It was completely different from the way she disappeared before entering Fengdu. There was no passage created by road doping here, so it was naturally impossible to enter Fengdu.

"What a curious man."

With a charming smile on his lips, Shi Mo stood up and walked to the door to open it.

I saw a slightly reserved-looking girl standing at the door.

Because Dimu Li was relatively unfamiliar with Shi Mo, he almost didn't talk to her during dinner, and he didn't even say hello.

After going back, Dimoli felt that it was still a bit bad to do so.

So now I mustered up the courage to come to see Shi Mo again, wanting to get to know him again.

"Hello, Miss Shimo, I am Dimoli, and I am also the one who lives here temporarily. My room is next to yours."

Dimoli doesn't like to meet unfamiliar people, but considering that he will live here in the future, he can't do it without contact.

Seeing Di Muli's polite look, Shi Mo smiled.

"Hi, Li, come in, we can chat."

Seeing that Shi Mo was so easy to talk to, Di Muli secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the people living in this house seemed to be easy to talk to, at least to her.

Nodding, Dimuli walked into Shi Mo's room.

The next day, Shi Mo had to go out after breakfast.

But because she was not particularly familiar with the surroundings, Shi Mo took Lu Li out with her.

As for what she was doing, Shi Mo was going to return a handbag that she (abei) had robbed the day before yesterday.

She had not touched the things inside, and now she no longer needed them.

Shi Mo, who had lost her memory, had a simple mind and was not a bad person.

She robbed things just to survive. She had no memory, but she also guessed that her identity was not ordinary.

The lifestyle of ordinary people was not suitable for her.

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