He did not conduct a detailed analysis of the specific situation.

Could it be that... Tsubasaki Chuta really deceived him?

Thinking of this, Shotaro Zuo couldn't help but focus on Chuta Tsubasaki.

Suddenly being looked at by Shotaro Zuo, Tsubozaki Chuta's heart suddenly tightened, and he immediately grabbed the handbag placed on the table.

As soon as I opened the handbag, I touched my memory in the inner compartment.

Sure enough, it's still there!

With a face full of ecstasy, Tsubozaki Chuta immediately took out the memory from his handbag.

A purple memory stick with a letter T made of mushroom-like plants drawn on it.

"Hehehe! Finally I got my memory back!"

The reason why he chose to take it out at this time was entirely because of the fear he felt in his heart.

Once people perceive fear in their hearts, they want to use powerful power to defeat the fear.

Tsubozaki Chuta hopes to rely on the power of memory to help him get rid of Lu Li. This man is too terrifying.

But as long as he transforms back into a doped body, he will be able to gain powerful power, and then nothing will be a problem.

Shi Mo, who had just put down his handbag, immediately took two steps back and returned to Lu Li.

"Tada! I didn't expect that you are the dopant!"

Seeing this situation, Zuo Shotaro had already guessed the whole story.

His client turned out to be a dopant, and he was deceived by the other party and even did things for the other party.

Hearing this, Tsubozaki Chuta showed a smile on his face. Now that he has the memory in hand, he is not afraid of anything at all.

"That's right! I always have a memory in my handbag.

The reason I told you that I fell in love with the witch at first sight was just to prevent you from focusing on my handbag.

Who knew you were so useless, you found the witch but couldn't get my handbag back, but now you took the initiative to send it back. "

As long as people who use Gaia Memory have more negative emotions in their hearts, they will be affected to a certain extent after using Gaia Memory.

You may have seemed like a loyal and honest person in the past, but once the negative emotions become more severe, using Gaia memory will have a corresponding impact, and the dark side of your heart will be removed.

Infinite zoom.

He may have been a nice person at first, but he suddenly turns into a person that everyone hates.

Although Phillip was not involved in this incident, he had figured out what was going on with his clever mind.

“I see, you wanted to get the handbag back from the beginning, but you just pretended to be in love at first sight and deceived Shotaro.

Sure enough, Shotaro, you were deceived by this guy just because of your empathy. Sure enough, you are still a dabbler.

As soon as he heard that his partner called him half-hearted, Shotarou Zuo's face suddenly turned red.

This is too much!

Even though he knew he was wrong, he still wanted to whip the corpse!

Forcing himself to calm down, Zuo Shotaro felt that he still needed to persuade Tsubozaki Chuta.

The more you use Gaia's memory, the greater the impact will be, and in the end you will be completely dominated by negative emotions and the dark side.

Having seen too many such examples, Zuo Shotaro still hopes to make the person in front of him change his mind.

Even if he is cheated, he is still willing to help the other party.

This is Shotaro Zuo!

"Tch! Don't think that you understand me very well, you don't understand at all!

As long as I have this memory, I can become a superman. I will no longer be called inconspicuous or dispensable. No one can look down on me anymore! Ha ha ha ha! "

Along with his wild laughter, Tsubasaki Chuta immediately pressed the memory in his hand.


On his wrist, a memory interface appeared.

Insert the toadstool memory in your hand into your wrist.

As the memory was integrated into the body, Tsubozaki Chuta felt a powerful force emerge from the body.

"Hahahaha! This is the power! With this power, I am Superman, I can do whatever I want, and no one will look down on me anymore!"

A man with low self-esteem lost himself after relying on the power of memory to become stronger:

The body suddenly grew taller, with a skull-like head and a mushroom-like body behind it, which looked extremely ugly.

Seeing the toadstool doped body that had completed its transformation, a hint of sadness flashed in Zuo Shotaro's eyes.

Another person who lost himself because of his strength.

“In this case, there is nothing I can say to let you continue, otherwise you will pose a threat to this city.

I once vowed to protect this city. Although the process was not particularly smooth, my current goal has not changed. "

Speaking of things not going particularly well, Zuo Xiangtaro glanced at Lu Li covertly.

But it was just a quick glance, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Li for too long.

Just by looking at it, my heart beats faster and my blood pressure rises. If I look at it for a longer time, I'm afraid I will be like yesterday again.


He immediately took out the dual drive and put it on his waist, and at the same time quickly took out the ace memory.


"Cyclone! Joker!"


Phillip's body went limp, and Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi, who was standing next to him, quickly hugged him.

Kamen Rider W Gale Ace!

"Kamen Rider...!"

The Toxic Fungus Doped Body had naturally heard of the legend about Kamen Rider.

But he didn't expect that the other party was actually the detective from the detective agency he had found.

Good guy!

Didn't he expect such a coincidence?

He just wanted to get his memory back, but he had no intention of fighting the other party.

The Toxic Fungus Doped Body immediately spread his hands, and a large amount of white stuff sprayed out of his body, like foam.


These are spores released by the toxic fungus, which are toxic and can easily paralyze the target.

"My... my body... can't move?"

Ming/ Wu Hai Ya Shuzi was the first to suffer, and she could feel that her body seemed to be stiff.

"Shotaro! The spores are poisonous! Be careful!"


Immediately use the power of the wind to blow away the scattered spores.

Seeing that the spores he released seemed to be useless, the poisonous fungus doped body immediately rushed out of the detective agency.

He wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible, and he just needed to take the memory back.

Passing Shi Mo and Lu Li, the poisonous fungus doped body quickly fled to the outside.

Seeing that Lu Li did not stop the poisonous fungus doped body, W was very upset in his heart, but he did not question Lu Li.

This matter has little to do with Lu Li himself. It was because Shotaro Zuo was too careless that it became like this.

Now this mess needs to be dealt with by himself.

Immediately rushed out, W must get rid of the poisonous fungus doped body before it causes more trouble.

Although Shi Mo had covered his mouth and nose in advance, But the spores themselves have a certain paralysis toxicity, and Shi Mo also felt that her body was a little paralyzed.

Noticing her situation, Lu Li took Shi Mo away.

The poisonous fungus doping body itself does not have too powerful abilities, but this poisonous spore is indeed very troublesome.

Especially in a city like Fengdu where there is often wind, the spores can be blown to a very far place by the wind.

At that time, the impact caused is not a little bit, but a big one.

After taking Shi Mo away, Lu Li did not leave directly. He wanted to test the power of the transformed Shocker 0O0000.

As for the test subject, of course it is W.

Poor W, she has no idea that she has been used as a test subject again.

It is also the so-called grindstone.

"Lu Li, what was that just now.

For Zuo Xiangtaro who suddenly transformed into W, Shi Mo was a little curious in my heart, what exactly is the other party.

It seems that the power of memory is also used, but the memory seems to be different from the memory she knows.

"That's Kamen Rider W. In his own words, he is the hero who protects this city."

"Kamen Rider.?"

For some reason, this name feels a little familiar, but Shi Mo can't remember where he heard it before.

Could it be... related to his previous memory? Otherwise, why would he remember this name?

Lu Li and Shi Mo appeared not far from where W and the poisonous fungus hybrid were fighting.

The two sides fought very fiercely. The poisonous fungus hybrid itself is not good at close combat. Its main ability is to rely on the spores on its body.

There is more than one kind of spores on his body. When he first transformed, the spores released from his body have paralysis toxins.

He can also switch to spores with stronger toxins, which can be fatal if inhaled slightly too much.

The previous spores were white, and the spores sprayed out now are a brighter purple.

"Shotaro, be careful. Since it is the power of the toxin memory, I am afraid that these bright spores will be more poisonous."

"Understood, Philip, switch to the fiery memory."

"Heat! Joker!"

Kamen Rider W fiery ace form.

Since it is spores, then fire is naturally the best way to restrain them.

The fiery right fist burned with blazing flames, and the purple spores were burned to ashes in an instant wherever the flames passed.

Seeing this, the toxin doped body was shocked and immediately prepared to turn around and run away!

His own combat power is not particularly strong, and the means of releasing spores was restrained by the opponent. If this battle continues, he will probably lose.

...Please give me flowers...

The toxin doped body is very clear about its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no need to use its own disadvantages to touch the opponent's advantages.

I want to escape, but unfortunately W will not give him a chance.

Immediately remove the fiery memory and insert it into the slot on the right side of the belt.


The flaming right arm was wrapped in flames. Under the high temperature flames, W seemed to have no feeling at all.

With a leap, W did a 360-degree turn in the air and fell towards the escaping toadstool at a rapid speed.


The fist burning with flames hit the back of the toadstool heavily.

"Bang! !"

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