I want you to help me... help me control this kind of power in my body, otherwise my life will be greatly affected. "

I thought this girl would have something wrong, but I didn't expect that she would ask me to help her control the power.

This is not a difficult task. Lu Li is just preparing to take a break recently, and he can train Di Muli well when he has time.

"Of course, no problem.

In fact, the best person to teach should be Yu Yuanlai, but Yu Yuanlai obviously doesn't have the patience.

She herself is impatient, and it is impossible to expect her to teach Di Muli with patience.

Seeing that Lu Li actually agreed to it at once, Di Muli was slightly stunned.

I thought Lu Li had a lot of things to do and had no time to accompany me to train this power.

But I didn't expect Lu Li to agree on the spot, and there was no hesitation.

This made Di Muli very happy in his heart. After coming back to his senses, a gentle smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

I have to say that this smile is really healing.

Lu Li was unconsciously attracted by this smile and pinched Di Muli's face again.

This time, Di Muli did not retreat, but lowered his head with a blushing face.

She did not know how to refuse, and did not know whether she should refuse Lu Li.

Anyway, she found that this strange feeling was not bad, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

The fingers of the two little hands were intertwined, and it can be seen that Di Muli seemed to be quite entangled in his heart.

"Brother Lu, can I ask you for a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Next time you pinch my face, can you be gentler, so it hurts a little."

"Uh... OK.

I thought it was a request, but it turned out to be just this. Lu Li smiled awkwardly.

I didn't expect that it was because I pinched her face with a little too much force that the girl didn't like it.

In the following days, Lu Li was happy to be free and helped Di Muli adapt to her current body.

The power brought by the Amazon cells in the body can be well controlled.

Di Muli can also live like a normal girl.

Before, if the power was not used accidentally, it might even crush the cup.

Having been here for a while, Di Muli is ready to go back to the bird /Wu Jingzaka, go back to see my father and my old home.

Lu Li happened to have nothing to do, so he prepared to send Di Muli back.

She was used to living here, but Di Muli felt that she hadn't seen her home for a long time and missed it.

Moreover, she always felt that there seemed to be someone familiar in Bird/Wu Jingzaka.

Di Muli herself couldn't explain why she had this feeling.

When Di Muli told Lu Li about this, Lu Li had already guessed what Di Muli's current situation was.

Although Di Muli was dominated by the original memory after resurrection, a small part of his memory as a doll before resurrection was also retained, but now it was covered by the original


This memory may be expressed, it may be expressed No, it has something to do with Di Muli himself.

As a doll, whether Di Muli can remember it or not, it has no effect on Lu Li.

Now Di Muli can only act as a member of the museum.

This trip to Bird/Wu Jingzaka, Lu Li did not plan to stay for long, so naturally he did not take others with him.

Shi Mo wanted to stay in the museum and wait for her memory to be repaired.

The memory is now being repaired, but it will take some time to completely repair it, and it will not be completed so quickly.

In the back seat of a luxury car, Di Muli stared out the window, watching the scenery outside the window moving backwards.

Sitting next to him was Lu Li, who was sitting naturally, with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine with a leisurely look on his face, very leisurely.

And driving in the driver's seat The person who came was naturally Erika Satonaka, the all-round female secretary.

She was assigned to Lu Li during this period of time, and had to take care of Lu Li's food, clothing, and daily life.

It is not possible to reach from Fudu to Torii/Kuoisaka in one go. The two cities are not adjacent cities, and there is a city between them, Kyoto.

When he thought that he would be able to go home soon, Di Mu Li's face was full of excitement that he could not hide.

A person's life is very short, and Di Mu Li has the memory of her own death.

At that time, she had been tortured by illness and deeply realized that life was hard-won.

Now that Di Mu Li has been resurrected, she cherishes her hard-won life very much. She wants to live and live well.

In the middle, you need to pass through Kyoto. Lu Li had come here once before to destroy the Four Saints Seal.

It must be said that Erika Satonaka's driving skills are really good. Not only does she drive fast but she is also very stable.

Near noon, the car finally entered the Torii/Kuoisaka area.

Looking at the strange yet familiar city in front of her, Di Mu Li found that it was very different from what she had seen before.

It is normal for cities to change as they develop and progress.

According to her memory, Di Mu Li provided an address.

That place was her home, a villa in the suburbs, where she grew up when she was young.

Based on this address, Erika Satonaka turned on the navigation and fortunately was able to find a place near the address.

At this time, Lu Li seemed to have noticed something, raised his head slightly, and looked out the window.

There seemed to be a magical gadget flying in the sky above.

As for what it was, Lu Li was not sure yet.

Soon, the car continued to drive along the navigation route.

In the sky, a red-looking bird/crow was staring at the car where Lu Li was.

This red bird/crow was the son of Cao Zhenqingren's servant, Garuda.

It was following the orders of its master Cao Zhenqingren and was still looking for Di Muli.

However, just when it thought it would find nothing today, it suddenly saw a familiar figure.

These servants naturally recognized Di Muli and could not make a mistake.

Garuda also flew over to take a look. Sitting in the back seat of the luxury car was indeed a person who looked exactly like Di Muli.

After searching for so long, he finally got such critical information.

Garuda immediately returned to the Face Shadow Hall and prepared to report the news to Cao Zhenqingren.

The reason why he didn't catch up was because Garuda's existence time was limited.

As a familiar, even if it could be summoned, it had to rely on magic to maintain.

It couldn't be sure how far the car would go, and chasing it rashly might lead to insufficient magic.

The best way was to go directly to Cao Zhenqingren. As for the tracking, Garuda arranged this matter to another familiar unicorn.

Face Shadow Hall.

Due to the sudden disappearance of Dimu Li, Cao Zhenqingren almost couldn't eat or sleep well during this period, and the whole person would become a little mentally exhausted.

If it weren't for Wajima Shigeru who could take care of him a little, I'm afraid this guy would have died now.

Seeing him like this, Wajima Shigeru repeatedly advised Cao Zhenqingren to look at it a little more openly, maybe Li was nothing at all.

Li was entrusted to Cao Zhenqingren by the White Mage, and it was very likely that the White Mage took it away.

Moreover, the White Mage has not appeared yet, which just proves that this may be true.

But even if he said so, Cao Zhenqingren was still worried.

In fact, after just having contact with Riki for a while, Soma Haruto already knew that Riki was definitely not ordinary.

The reason for this is that Riki's body needs magic power to maintain. Once the magic power is insufficient, it is likely to lose vitality.

Why this state occurs, Soma Haruto still has not figured it out, but he can be sure that Riki is completely different from himself.

It's just that he didn't delve into this issue. Soma Haruto feels that there is nothing wrong with living like before.

"Haruto, eat this quickly, you will have the strength to continue looking for Riki. If you don't eat, your body will collapse sooner or later."

Putting the lunch on the table, Wajima Shigeru gently patted Soma Haruto's shoulder.

Hearing this, Soma Haruto, who was originally bowing his head, raised his head and looked at Wajima Shigeru gratefully.

In just a period of time, Soma Haruto seemed to have matured a lot, with a scruffy beard around his mouth, and the whole person was a little decadent.

"Uncle, thank you."

He knew that the other party was doing this for his own good, so he didn't refuse the other party's kindness. He picked up the lunch on the table and ate it in big mouthfuls.

When he was halfway through eating, the familiar Garuda suddenly flew back.

While eating, he listened to Garuda's report. When Soma Haruto learned that there was news about Dimu Li, his body suddenly stopped and the fork in his hand

fell to the ground.

"Huh? What's the situation? Did Garuda bring back any important news?"

Nodding vigorously, Soma Haruto said excitedly.

"That's right, Garuda saw Li! It found Li!

On a car, and now it is handed over to Unicorn to track."

Sometimes there is really news about Dimu Li, and Wajima Shigeru also showed a touch of joy on his face.

"Really? That's great! Li finally has news!"

In his eyes, Li is a girl with a sad life experience, who can only live in this way.

Often need to replenish magic power, feeling like Soma Haruto's familiar.

There was no time to eat the leftovers. Soma Haruto finally found Li, and at this time he must have the mind to continue eating slowly.

"Uncle Wajima, I'm going out first! I will bring Li back soon. When I do, please make a delicious meal! It's a little salty."

Before he finished speaking, he had already walked out of Menyingtang.

Seeing the disappearing back, Wajima Shigeru smiled helplessly.

"This kid, ah! I don't know what Li is like now?

Why did he suddenly disappear, and now he suddenly appeared? I always feel that there seems to be something else here."

Wajima Shigeru always felt that this matter was not that simple. What exactly was going on was not possible at present.

Riding on the mechanical wingman, Soma Haruto quickly rushed to the location of the unicorn familiar.

He actually had a question in his mind, that is, why didn't Li contact him?

According to the information just passed back by Garuda, Li should be in a state of awakening.

But since he was in a state of awakening, why didn't he contact himself?

Regarding this question, Soma Haruto is completely confused now.

Only after finding Dimu Calendar can we know what happened here.

Thinking that he would be able to see Dimo ​​Koyomi soon, Kao Zhenqingren suddenly turned the accelerator and shuttled quickly on the road.

other side

Of course, Dimuzou also knew that his daughter was coming back today, so he returned home and arranged it as soon as possible, hoping to give his daughter a surprise.

After all, no one had lived in the house for a long time, and a lot of dust had accumulated. After he returned, he took the lead in using magic to clean away all the dust in the house.

all over.

I have to say that magic is very useful sometimes.

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