After hanging up the phone, Rem Kaminagi was a little surprised. This was... too simple.

Is it so easy to compromise?

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what I was doing in Wang Guangming.

It would have been nice to hand over the information honestly before, so why wait until now.

Anyway, since the other party has agreed, please arrange for someone to pick it up.

Afterwards, Rem Kaminagi immediately arranged for someone to get the relevant information.

And in the sky high, I look at Guangming Office.

After sorting out the relevant information, I Wang Guangming handed it to Lishenhou and asked him to pass it on to the guys in Consortium X.

"My lord, is it necessary to hand over the research data to those guys? Even if you don't hand it over, there is nothing they can do.

If they want to take it hard, I will definitely let them know what pain is!

As he spoke, Lishenhou clenched his fists.

Lishenhou heard the phone call just now clearly.

He was very unhappy in his heart that a mere Rem Kaminagi dared to be so disrespectful to me, Wang Guangming.

In his opinion, this kind of guy should be taught a lesson to let him know what Iron Fist is.

Shaking my head slightly, I looked at Guangming's face and looked very calm.

"Lishen, Consortium X is not as simple as you think, those guys have already mastered a lot of power.

My plan has not been completed yet, and competing head-on with these guys may affect my next plan.

Anyway, the end result is the same, everything will disappear, I will go to the Dark Nebula to meet the Giver, and the entire earth will be destroyed. "

Hearing this, Lishenhou nodded with all his thoughts in mind.

"I hope you are wise, everything is just for your final plan."

Lishenhou knew very well what would happen once he opened the door to leap.

Everyone, including him, would probably die.

But even so, Lishenhou was still willing to work for me, Wang Guangming, until the last moment.

Then, I looked at the light and handed the information to Lishenhou and asked him to arrange it...

"Lishen, we are at a critical stage now. I don't want to conflict with Consortium X. You should be a little more restrained. Do you understand?"

He knew that Li Shenhou was in awe of him and his loyalty to him had almost reached 100%.

But he didn't want unnecessary things to affect his next plan.

"Understood, sir, I hope you can rest assured!"

Afterwards, Li Shenhou left the room and prepared to go to the underground parking lot to wait for the arrival of Consortium X.

After Lishenhou left, I looked into the light and my eyes suddenly turned red.

"Haha! Consortium X is just a self-righteous guy. When I complete the final plan, you will all be wiped out.

So what if I give you the information, you don't understand the true meaning of the existence of the Star Disciple Switch.

Although I chose to cooperate with Consortium X, I hope that the things that Guangming and Consortium X value are fundamentally different.

What Consortium X only values ​​is the powerful power brought by the Star Disciple Switch, which can be used as a war weapon.

As for me, I hope that by collecting all the Zodiac Disciple Switches, I can successfully go to the Dark Nebula.

The purposes of both parties can be said to be completely different, which is why I hope that Consortium X does not understand the true meaning of the existence of the Star Disciple Switch.

After a period of time.

Li Shenhou waited for a while in the underground parking lot, and finally waited until the people from Consortium X arrived.

The people who came to collect the data were the same people who came to collect the research data last time.

When this group of people saw Lishen Roar, a flash of fear flashed in their eyes.

Obviously they still remember very clearly what happened before.

Seeing that these guys seemed to be afraid of him, a flash of sarcasm flashed in Lishenhou's eyes.

But considering that I asked Guangming for his orders, he did not laugh at these people out loud.

"Here, take it, it's what you want.

With that said, Li Shenhou picked up the suitcase in his hand.

Seeing that Lishenhou really had no intention of taking action, this group of people boldly stepped forward and took the suitcase from his hand.

"Okay, now that the things have been handed over to you, get out of here and don't be an eyesore here."

Anyway, the research data has been handed over to the other party, even if Consortium X wants to cause trouble.

At this time, Lishenhou naturally did not need to continue to give them a good look.

Hearing this, the people in Consortium X suddenly turned red.

They felt insulted, but facing the strong guy in front of them, they had absolutely nothing to do.

If you rush into conflict with the other party, you will only bring humiliation to yourself.

Even though they were unhappy inside, they could only hold it back.


With a cold snort, the people from Consortium X left in dejection.

Watching this group of people leave, Li Shenhou couldn't help but sneer.

"Haha! A bunch of trash."

After that, Rem Kaminagi, who successfully obtained the latest research information on the Star Disciple Switch, immediately asked his research department to speed up research and make what he wanted.

With this latest research information, Rem Kaminagi feels that he is getting closer and closer to his plan.

Although we already have the latest research data on the Star Disciple Switch, the research data on the core coins is not yet available.

The production method of 3.7 core coins is too complicated, and it even incorporates special methods of alchemists. It is difficult to copy with current technology.

But this is not a big problem. Although there is currently no way to copy the core coins, Rem Kaminagi knows that there are still core coins in the world.

As long as you can get the core coins, nothing is a problem.

It won't be long before he can successfully dominate the entire consortium X, no, it should be the entire world!

For a time, Rem Kaminagi was full of imagination about the near future.

That era will be an era when he rules everything, everyone will surrender to him, and he will become the most powerful lonely king.

But he doesn't know that the ideal is beautiful and the reality is skinny.

And his so-called imagination was eventually broken without mercy.

These are things for later, let’s not mention them for now.

After successfully imprisoning the singer Xian Wu, Lu Li no longer has to worry about the core switch.

Now we just need to wait for the last Zodiac Disciple switch to be collected and grab it when the time comes.

Everything is going according to plan.

But before that, Lu Li still needed someone to be his internal coordinator.

After all, Lu Li can't pay attention to my Wang Guangming's movements anytime and anywhere. This guy is not an honest person.

As for the internal candidate, he has already decided on it.

Ehonshu Teru!

Which is now one of the zodiac signs, Virgo.

The Anti-Star Disciple Alliance was formed behind the scenes in the hope of stopping my plan to see the light.

But as the number of twelve constellation switches increased, he became anxious.

But now there is a very difficult problem, which is facing the most powerful Sagittarius, Wang Guangming.

With his current strength or the strength of Seqi and Meteor, it is simply impossible to do it.

It is extremely difficult to prevent me from Wang Guangming opening the door to jump on the earth.

Chapter 345: Transaction, meteorite falls, S0LU appears!

At this time, Emoto Shuteri should be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He was eager to find new ways to prevent the jump gate from opening.

There is still the last Zodiac Disciple switch left, time is running out, and he must hurry up.

Wanting to contact Emoto Shuhui was a very simple matter for Lu Li. His contact information could easily be found in Earth's memory.

Emoto Shuhui, who was struggling with this matter, suddenly received an unknown and mysterious phone call.

"Hello! I'm Teru Emotoshu.

"Hello, Professor Emoto, no, to be more precise, I should call you Virgo, or Tachibana."

If the three words "Virgo" were enough to shock Emoto Shuteru in his heart, then these two words "Tachibana" were destined to stir up a storm in his heart.

You must know that Emoto Shuhui has always been very good at hiding his identity.

Even Sakuda Ryusei, who cooperates with him, has no idea of ​​his true identity.

But now a phone call comes suddenly, and he directly reveals his double hidden identity. Who is the other party?

Emoto Shuhui, whose pupils shrank into needle shapes, felt very uneasy at this time and did not reply for a long time.

After about half a minute, Emoto Shuhui finally calmed down.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed up his glasses slightly and asked in as calm a tone as possible.

"Who is your Excellency? What do you want to do?"

He was still prepared to find out who the other party was first.

From the other party's voice, I can confirm that he is not the person I wish to see.

Lu Li chuckled and gave Jiang Benzhouhui a slight hint.

"Who am I? Haha! Professor Emoto is really forgetful. We have met twice before. Did he forget me so quickly? It really makes me sad."

"I've met twice...

Jiang Benshuhui's eyes flickered, and suddenly, he thought of someone.

That man who even I am a little afraid of when I look at the light.

Land from!

"Are you...Mr. Lu Li?!"

"It seems that the professor has not completely forgotten me. Yes, I am Lu Li, Professor Emoto. I called you suddenly because I hope you can do something for me.

But instead, how about I help you prevent the jump gate from opening on Earth?

This deal is a good deal for you, right?

One sentence directly stated what Jiang Benshu Hui wanted to do most at the moment, which made Jiang Benshu Hui even 10 have to wonder if Lu Li had planted something in his mind.

Otherwise, why would Lu Li know so clearly what he was thinking and what he wanted to do.

But since the other party already knows his dual identity, it doesn't seem too strange to know his plan.

It's just that Jiang Benshu Hui doesn't understand why Lu Li wants to help him.

Aren’t he and I, Wang Guangming, partners?

"Mr. Lu Li, what did you mean by what you just said? Don't you cooperate with me, Wang Guangming?"

Now that everything has been exposed, Emotoshu Teru did not continue to avoid the question, but asked directly:

It has been seen from the previous battles that Lu Li possesses a very terrifying combat power, which neither Bastard Cavalry nor Meteor can match.

Even the bastard in the cosmic form felt like he was being tortured in front of Lu Li.

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