It would be fine if they were ordinary pictures, but these pictures are all about core coins, and they are all core coins that have never been seen before.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hongshang, what are you doing again? Could this be the core coin you plan to make? It's not that easy to make."

This is no joke by Anku. He certainly knows that the production process of core coins is very complicated:

Hearing this, Kogami Mitsuo simply explained all the ins and outs of the matter. After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

The core coin from the future!

Idaming scratched his hair vigorously. For a moment, he couldn't accept this answer.

"No, it's true! The core coin actually comes from the future?!

"President, did you suddenly summon us here just to

Shintaro Goto had a vague guess.

If it weren't for something very troublesome, it would be impossible for Kosami Mitsuo to summon them to come suddenly.

"Actually, before you guys came, I had already monitored the guy from forty years later and discovered an interesting thing, that is, he did not stay here.

city, but headed to Fengdu. "

"Wind City?!" x4

The four of them shouted these two words almost in unison.

Naturally, they were no strangers to Fengdu, especially Huano Eiji and Anku, who had been there once before.

Seeing the surprised look of the four of them, Koshang Mitsuo nodded vigorously.

.Yes, why that guy suddenly went to Fengdu is still unknown.

But I think it's possible that he went to find Lu Li. After all, this guy is eager to fight, and Lu Li has extremely powerful and terrifying fighting power, so he probably became his target. "

An Ku frowned slightly, knowing very well how powerful Lu Li was in combat.

"Since that guy went to find Lu Li, it has nothing to do with us.

Let that guy go. Anyway, with Lu Li here, that guy will definitely suffer.

According to Anku, that Poseidon guy went directly to Fengdu. He was simply causing trouble for himself and deserved it.

Anku didn't have any other ideas and had no plans to go to Fengdu for the time being.

There are no happy memories from that place, but some uncomfortable ones.

It was precisely because of that place that they met Lu Li, that scary guy, for the first time.


Huano Eiji couldn't make up his mind for a while, not knowing what to do about this matter.

The time came a few hours later.

Lu Li didn't do anything else. He kept waiting for the person who arranged the trip to get a reply from him.

After waiting for so long, Lu Li has been feeling a little impatient recently.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for Consortium X to be so inefficient.

Just when Lu Li was about to find something to do, a phone call suddenly came through.

"Lord Lu Li! We found traces of these guys from Consortium

Hearing this, Lu Linian finally smiled.

After all this time, my goal was not wasted, and it’s finally here.

"I know, I'll be there soon.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li snapped his fingers and his figure immediately disappeared.

When Lu Li appeared again, he was already on the road mentioned by his subordinate.

Sure enough, Lu Li, who had just appeared, saw a van driving slowly not far away.

“It’s better to come early than to come by chance, the time is just right.

Lu Li stood in the middle of the road, not worried that a car would hit him.

The member of Consortium

"There is a person in front of me, what should I do now?"

The member sitting in the passenger seat frowned.

"Stop for a moment and see what this guy is going to do. Pay a little attention. After all, this is not our territory."

It’s hard to overstate how arrogant and domineering Consortium

Once the museum is angered, they will be the only ones who can’t afford to eat and walk around:

Regarding some of the museum's methods, they certainly know that although they are backed by Consortium X, it does not mean that they can use Consortium X's name to do whatever they want.

Once you mess up here, the consequences will be disastrous.

The box car stopped slowly, and the member of Consortium X in the driver's seat opened the door and got out, looking at Lu Li with a serious look on his face.

"Sir, what's the matter with you? If you have nothing else, please give way. We have to go over."

Unexpectedly, people from Consortium X would be so polite, and Lu Li felt a little surprised.

"You can go there if you want, just hand over the things you brought, and I will let you go.

At this time, the members of Consortium X realized that the other party had come prepared, and the purpose was to collect Solu from the meteorite.

No matter who the other party is, if they dare to take advantage of the consortium's X thing, they are the enemy!

The member of Consortium X immediately took out a star apprentice switch and pressed the button on it.

Dark nebulae appeared, and a constellation pattern appeared above the nebula.

When the companions in the car saw this situation, they immediately summoned their men behind the car.

Putting the storage tank in his hand on the seat, he rushed over with a group of costumed dopers.

Even if Consortium X no longer provides financial support to the museum, Consortium X, which has already obtained a lot of information, can completely mass-produce low-cost costume memory.

Using their own things to deal with themselves, Lu Li shook his head helplessly, it was really nothing.

They are all a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers. Although two members of Consortium X have the Star Apprentice Switch, their combat effectiveness is probably only that.

PS: Thank you

Qiu Yu Hongyan for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 347 Freeze Tornado, intercept Gentaro's future girlfriend in person

Since these guys want to fight, Lu Li doesn't mind teaching them well.

A golden awakening device appeared on his waist, and Lu Li took out the awakening card with three purple core coins printed on it.

"Change! Pu.To.Trya (Pterosaur)!"

A purple light suddenly appeared and instantly engulfed Lu Li's body.

Three purple core coins surrounded Lu Li's side, intertwined and overlapped, and accurately printed on his chest.

His eyes were covered with emerald eye armor, looking full of coldness.

The whole body exudes a burst of cold air, which makes people feel very cold.

"Come on!"

The unknown star disciple gave an order, and all the makeup mixed bodies rushed forward, ready to besiege Lu Li.

There were dozens of makeup mixed bodies in total, which seemed to give people a sense of large numbers.

However, even if there were dozens of them, it was no big deal, they were just a group of small fish, and Lu Li didn't take them seriously at all.

"Don't worry, in just a moment... I will wipe you out.

The wings behind him suddenly spread out, and Lu Li flew into the air.

The power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is that it can freeze everything in an instant, and the freezing power is extremely terrifying.

Lu Li flew into the sky and spun quickly in the sky, and the powerful freezing power affected the surrounding airflow.

Under the influence of the terrifying freezing power, a tornado emitting a biting cold air formed in the sky.

In an instant, the terrifying frozen tornado swept over quickly.

Faced with this powerful pulling force, the makeup dopants were completely unable to resist and were sucked into the frozen tornado by this pulling force.

"Ah! !"

"Help! "

And the moment they were sucked into the tornado, the strong cold air instantly froze their bodies into ice cubes.

This scene was very horrifying.

The two unknown star disciples were frightened when they saw such a situation.

For a moment, they didn't know whether they should leave Solu to retreat or fight to the end.

Didn't you see that all those guys have been frozen into ice cubes?

I'm afraid they are the next target.

If they can't make a decision as soon as possible at this time, it will be a big trouble.

The two star disciples looked at each other and glanced at the co-pilot of the vehicle behind them at the same time:

The two of them thought that one person would hold back, and the other would run with the things first, maybe they would have a chance to escape.

Lu Li saw the two people's little tricks very clearly.

The miscellaneous soldiers have been dealt with, and Lu Li doesn't want to continue to dally with these two guys.

Sorlu, he will definitely get it.

"Swish! ! "

Suddenly, a sound of 857 breaking through the air came from above.

It turned out that the Gust of Wind Spikers on Lu Li's shoulders were aimed at two Star Apprentices on the left and right respectively.

Lu Li's movements were too fast, and the temperature around them dropped sharply, so they had no time to make an effective response.

"Puff! !"

The two Star Apprentices on the left and right were pierced by two Gust of Wind Spikers.

The terrifying cold air hit, freezing the two unknown Star Apprentices instantly.

The Gust of Wind Spikers were put back on his shoulders, and Lu Li folded his wings behind him and fell from the sky.

He walked towards the van step by step. As for the two Star Apprentices who had been pierced and frozen, they could no longer pose a threat.

When Lu Li passed between the two unknown Star Apprentices, cracks appeared on the bodies of the two Star Apprentices that were frozen into ice.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

"Bang! ! "

There were only cracking sounds, and in an instant, the two star disciples had shattered into ice.

As for the two members of Consortium X, they could not die any more.

When Lu Li came to the co-pilot seat and took out the storage tank containing Solu, he found that the contents were gone.


Lu Li frowned slightly, obviously not expecting Solu to disappear.

When the members of Consortium X held the storage tank, Solu should have been there.

But now he is gone, he must have escaped.

Throwing the storage tank aside, Lu Li canceled the transformation at the same time.

If Solu is not here now, then the biggest possibility is that he went to Tiangao!

After all, Solu transformed into Misaki Nadeshiko in Tiangao.

I didn't plan to go to Tiangao for the time being, but now it seems that I still have to go to Tiangao first.

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