Not only the bastard, but everyone failed to see clearly what happened just now.

It was as if the bastard was knocked away by an invisible force.

Too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Qi, after releasing the transformation, Lu Li walked over and took Misaki Nadeshiko's little hand, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The whole Tiangao Festival, I had a very happy time, but in the end it was almost ruined because of this incident.

When the state rider stood up again, he found that the target had left.

Not only did Lu Li leave, he also took that girl with him!

I don't know why, but when Gentaro Kisaragi saw the girl for the first time, he felt that she suited him very well.

Because my love career was about to begin, but I didn't expect it to be strangled in the cradle.

And the person who strangled the seeds of his love in the cradle was the abominable Lu Li.

Time and time again, he seemed so powerless when facing Lu Li, which made Gentaro Kisaragi feel very sad.

PS: Thank you

One by one Mo Zi’s monthly pass!


Chapter 350 Poseidon has arrived on the battlefield, Rem Kaminagi: Is it gone?

Is there really such an enemy that you can't defeat no matter how hard you try?

Doesn't Lu Li have any weaknesses?

"Gentaro! Are you okay?!"

"Xiao Xian! Don't be discouraged! I believe you will have a chance to defeat Lu Li in the future! Don't fall down here!"

"You're right! You can definitely become stronger, and you will definitely be able to defeat Lu Li when the time comes!"

Facing the comfort from everyone, a forced smile appeared on Taro Kisaragi's face.

"I know, don't worry, I won't give up!"

Although he said so verbally, Gentaro Kisaragi failed with Lu Li not once or twice, but many times.

After suffering so many blows, whether he can continue to maintain sufficient self-confidence has become a question.

Only he knows this problem, others may not be able to discover it.

There is no news about the singer Kengo so far. Even if Lu Li said that he would not hurt the singer Kengo, how could Gentaro Kisaragi believe Lu Li's words.

The other party is an enemy. Can you believe what the enemy says?

Obviously not!

The sky is high, I look forward to the bright office.

Just using space transfer, the three Sagittarians returned here.

Press the Star Disciple switch to cancel the transformation.

At this moment, I Wang Guangming is no longer as elegant as before. Instead, I look very embarrassed.

He has never been so embarrassed as he is now.

Tachigamihou and Hayami Hoshi were not much better off.

Even though the two of them were not hit directly, the energy impact of the terrifying explosion made them equally embarrassed.

Hayami Koichi, in particular, had the lowest fighting ability among the three, but he was the most embarrassed.

Previously, Li Shenhou thought that the relationship between Sagittarius and Lu Li should be 50-50. With the help of himself and Libra, the chance of winning was still very high.

But unexpectedly, Lu Li used some strange means to appear in front of them in an instant, and also completed the energy gathering of the reawakening gun.

They were caught off guard and didn't even have a chance to defend themselves.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Even Sagittarius couldn't keep up with Lu Li. Even if he transformed into a supernova form, he might not be able to suppress Lu Li.

Thinking of this, Lishenhou's expression was quite complicated.

Hayami Koi lifted up his messy hair and said with lingering fear.

"I hope your lord, even with my Laplace Eyes, I couldn't see clearly how Lu Li11 acted just now."

Hearing this, I looked into the light with a serious face, squinted my eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice with bursts of cold light in my eyes.

"It's the power of time! Lu Li has the power to control time, otherwise there is no way to explain what just happened.

If you want to achieve the level just now, only the power of time can achieve this step. "


Hayami Koei and Tachigamihou's eyes widened in unison.

You must know that it is the power of time. If you can really control time, wouldn't it be equivalent to being a god?

Their breathing became slightly rapid. Tachigamihou and Hayami Toei had both thought about whether they could kill Lu Li.

But now it seems that they would have such an idea, which is simply very stupid.

If the other party really controls the power of time, then they are simply not an opponent they can handle, not even the Supernova of Sagittarius.

Naturally, it was impossible to say these words, otherwise I would be angered by Wang Guangming, and they would be the ones who couldn't bear to eat.

Seeing me standing there with a gloomy look on my face, Koi Hayami walked over cautiously and asked.

"My lord, then... what should we do now?"

When things got to this point, he didn't dare to make any decision easily.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced down at the Sagittarius Star Disciple switch in my hand.

"Ignore Lu Li for now, just do your own thing and find the last zodiac as soon as possible, I don't have much time left.

I have to open the jump gate and go to the Dark Nebula before Lu Li reacts. Do you understand?


Koi Hayami nodded quickly.

As my loyal dog, Wang Guangming, he obeys my instructions 100%.

The last zodiac sign has not been found after looking for it for so long, and Hayami Kouki is also very anxious.

After Hayami Eiroji left, I walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. My eyes were deep and a flash of red light flashed through my eyes.

"Lishen, I still underestimated Lu Li too much before. His strength is higher than mine. Even if I use Supernova, I am not sure I can defeat him.

When I open the door to jump, I hope you will hold Lu Li back no matter what and never let him get close. Do you understand what I mean? "

This is the death order I hope Guangming is giving to Lishenhou.

This means that even if he dies, Lishenhou must stop Lu Li.

Now I hope Guangming has felt a serious threat. The only one who can enter the jump gate is myself, and only myself.

He had to ensure that he was the one who finally entered the jump gate, not Lu Li.

Lishenhou bowed slightly and said respectfully.

"Understood, please don't forget, Sir, as long as I am still alive, he will never get close!

If you want to get over, you have to step over my body! "

Nodding with satisfaction, the person I trust most in Wang Guangming is Lishenhou.

"Well, let's go change clothes first. We're not in a good state."

This man is his die-hard loyalist. Even at this time, if he is convinced, he will not hesitate.

Fengdu, Yuanfu's family.

Two figures appeared out of thin air in the garden. Naturally, these two figures were Lu Li and Misaki Nadeshiko, whom he had just brought back.

Facing the sudden transformation of space, Misaki Nadeshiko had strong curiosity in her eyes. It was obvious that she didn't know why she suddenly came to this place.

He tilted his little head and looked around curiously, looking here and there.

As a life form on Mars, Misaki Nadeshiko has not yet fully adapted to the human lifestyle. She has to adapt little by little.

"Okay, this is your home from now on. Don't be around me. No one can do anything to you, and no one can take you away."

These words actually did not have much appeal to Misaki Nadeshiko.

To be precise, Solu is just the seed of life in the universe, and the cells in his body contain the energy of the universe.

It can divide cells at extremely fast speeds, create new tissues, and change elements with ease.

But Solu is supposed to be without intelligence and can only reflexively copy what he sees.

Even the current appearance of Misaki Nadeshiko is just an appearance copied by Solu.

You can change it into other forms at any time if you want.

At this time, Misaki Nadeshiko didn't even have much intelligence, and Lu Li could feel her confusion.

But since you can feel confusion, you must be thinking, not without any thinking at all.

In the play, Solu also developed self-emotions because of Gentaro Kisaragi.

As the seed of life in the universe, it is probably not a strange thing to be born out of my emotions.

After all, the universe is full of all kinds of magical things. As the seed of life in the universe, it is normal for new life to be born.

As for Misaki Nadeshiko, who was the seed of life in the universe, Lu Li had a lot of curiosity in his heart.

However, it would be a bit unreasonable to directly conduct research since he had just come into contact with it, so Lu Li planned to spend some time to get familiar with it first.

Wait until you are a little familiar with it before analyzing it.

The most important thing is to let Misaki Nadeshiko gain self-emotion and understanding of the world as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will always be just an abnormal person who imitates the reflexive behavior of others.

Intelligent creatures.

Regarding how to help Misaki Nadeshiko gain self-awareness and emotions, Lu Li already had the simplest and most straightforward method.

Lu Li, who controls the memory of the earth, can easily imprint the relevant knowledge about emotions and self directly into Misaki Nadeshiko's mind.

In this way, Misaki Nadeshiko can have emotions close to human beings in the shortest possible time, and gradually begin to take root.

At this time, Fengdu welcomed a very special "guest".

Poseidon, holding a very deep harpoon in his hand, finally arrived in this city.

His purpose in coming to this kind of city was to find Lu Li, a powerful opponent.

With a crazy obsession with fighting, he wanted to find a powerful opponent, and Lu Li was his chosen target.

It came from forty years later. He had never actually met Lu Li. He only knew the name from Koshang Mitsuo forty years later.

Lu Li is a very terrifying and powerful being. Even Ozzy is no match for him.

Such a powerful opponent naturally made Poseidon very excited.

"This should be Fengdu, and Lu Li should be here. In that case, let me make a big fuss, and I'll see when you come out!"

Poseidon had no consciousness of being a Kamen Rider and immediately launched an attack on the surrounding areas.

The deep harpoon bloomed with blue light and released one slash after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

Facing the sudden attack, the surrounding people fled in panic.

Fengdu has been quiet and peaceful for a long time since the dopant disappeared, and many people have even forgotten about the dopant.

The streets were filled with residents fleeing in all directions. Seeing these people running wildly, Poseidon had no intention of restraining himself at all.

But what Poseidon didn't know was that although Lu Li was in Fengdu, he was not the one guarding the city.

It was the half-witted fellow and another police officer.

Just as Poseidon began to wreak havoc, the Fuuto Police Station received a call immediately.

Terui Ryu received the news immediately and drove to the scene.

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