Anyway, in his opinion, even if the two of them have some strength, they are not as good as him. Who knows that he comes from the future forty years later?

With the Poseidon Drive forty years later and the power of the core coin, there is no reason these two would be his opponents.

"Then give it a try and see who gives it to whom!"




"Transform!" x2

W and the policeman completed their transformation at the same time.

The battle is about to break out. Faced with Poseidon's wanton destruction, W and the police cavalry naturally cannot let him continue to act recklessly.

A fierce battle began immediately.

After fighting two Kamen Riders at once, Poseidon was at a disadvantage at first.

Faced with the sharp and quick blows from the two men, Poseidon could only barely resist, and would be hit from time to time!

But as time went by, Poseidon seemed to have adapted to this battle rhythm, and was actually able to fight one against two without falling into a disadvantage.


The extremely deep harpoon scratched W's chest, leaving a white mark on the half-black, half-green chest.

"Shoutaro, he is adapting to our fighting style, please switch to other fighting methods."




Immediately switching to W's fiery metal form, holding a long metal pole, W suddenly changed to another way of fighting, catching Poseidon off guard for a moment.

The fighting rhythm that they had just adapted to before was suddenly disrupted. The police cavalry seized this opportunity very accurately, and directly hit Poseidon with a series of fierce slashes.


Poseidon, who was full of confidence just now, was beaten and retreated.

However, this injury obviously will not affect the Poseidon battle.

Gently patting the spot on his chest where he had just been hit, Poseidon didn't seem to be nervous at all.

"Hmph! I still have some skills, and I can even change my form, but it's useless. You are no match for me.

In this case, then I'll be a little more serious! "

Twisting his arm, Poseidon seemed to have not used all his fighting power just now, but was just enjoying the feeling of fighting.

"Really? We also didn't use our full strength!"

Before he finished speaking, the policeman immediately took out the trial memory.

Poseidon's strength is indeed very good, but he only has this form. Although his combat power is strong, it does not mean that he can handle W and the policeman's final form at the same time.


Insert the trial memory in your hand into the drive, and the light above the trial memory lights up, changing from red light to yellow light.

The red knight armor on the police cavalry also turned into golden yellow.

But then the light of the trial memory turned blue again, and the police cavalry in golden knight armor bloomed with a faint blue light. The knight armor on its body changed from its original color.

The thickness turned into light armor.

The blue eye armor also turns orange.

Kamen Rider Cop. Judgment Form!

"Can you...can keep up with my speed?"

As soon as he said this, the policeman rushed towards Poseidon at a very fast speed.

The speed was extremely fast, and there were even afterimages behind him, making it difficult to see his movement speed clearly with the naked eye.


Poseidon had just become serious, but found that the other party was more serious than himself.

Is this acceleration serious? Such a fast speed? !

For a moment, Poseidon couldn't understand what was going on.

What follows is a much-loved sandbag fight. Even though Poseidon could barely see the police cavalry, his body's reaction speed couldn't keep up at all, and he could only be passive.


"Uh. With this guy's strength, he actually wants to dance. You're not joking, right?"

Shotaro Zuo on the left side of W found it incredible.

Who gave this guy the courage to dare to challenge Lu Li? He couldn't even defeat the policeman in his trial form, let alone challenge Lu Li.

I'm afraid this is mindless!

Hearing this, Phillip nodded in agreement.

"You are right. According to my calculations, if he challenges Lu Li with his fighting ability, the probability of victory is only 0%, not even 0,000.1%."

"This is too shocking. With such a low probability, no one would even try it."

Shotaro Zuo also said that no one would try it.

But now there is a problem: Poseidon is not a human at all!

He is just a consciousness born in the future, which is equivalent to an existence similar to a greedy person. Can this kind of guy be a human being?


While the fierce battle was going on in Fengdu, Lu Li was indeed injecting memories of the Earth into Misaki Nadeshiko.

Earthly memories of emotions can help her give birth to her true self.

At the same time, Lu Li also injected corresponding earth knowledge, so that Misaki Nadeshiko did not have to learn from scratch like a baby.

Fortunately, Misaki Nadeshiko is a very special individual. As the seed of life in the universe, after accepting the earth's memory and common sense about emotions, she seems to have entered the

A wonderful state.

Misaki Nadeshiko was lying on the bed, sleeping like a normal person, seeming to be absorbing and digesting these things.

Earth's memories of emotions are quite complicated and the data is huge. Even as Solu, it would take her some time to fully digest them, right?

What's more, there is a lot of common sense on earth, which also takes time to digest.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Li planned to do one more thing.

That is to choose a suitable memory for Erika Satonaka.

After all, Erika Satonaka specifically mentioned when she made the request before that she needed a memory suitable for her use so that it would not become ugly after the transformation.

This can be quite difficult.

After much thought, the memory that Lu Li finally thought of was the Nazca memory.

Nazca memory is a very powerful memory. If the power of the memory can be fully activated, it will also have very good combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the fact that he now has fused memory technology, Lu Li naturally has to consider upgrading Nazca memory:

Select the corresponding memory from among many memories and fuse it with Nazca to exert more terrifying power.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Li already had a plan in mind.

He immediately went to the laboratory to sort out Nazca-related earth data and the earth data that needed to be fused, and transferred it to the computer to start manufacturing.

Having already had experience with fused memory, Lu Li was able to do it easily and smoothly.

It's just that the manufacturing process of fusion agent memory is more complicated and takes some time.

Lu Li was naturally aware of the battle taking place in Fengdu at this time.

He was curious about who the other force was besides W and the policemen.

This power gave him a familiar feeling, just like the power of the core coin, but it seemed a little different.

Since there was nothing to do now, Lu Li was going to go over and see who this force similar to the core coin was.

The power of this core coin is not the same as Oates, and there is a certain difference in feeling.

Could it be that this fellow Kogami Mitsuo has researched something again?

This scenario cannot be completely ruled out.


With the snap of fingers, Lu Li's figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already not far away from the battle.

At this time, Poseidon was simply in a state of complete abuse.

Facing the super-fast police cavalry, he wanted to keep up, but he couldn't do that fast.

Fortunately, Poseidon was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so he was not completely defeated for a while.

On the contrary, W was completely unable to intervene at this time and could only watch the show from the side.

Lu Li suddenly frowned when he saw that another force similar to the core coin was Poseidon.

Of course he knew this was Poseidon, but because of his interference, both Hino Eiji and Anku were fine now, so there was no reason for this guy to show up.

And because the Dinosaur Greed has been eliminated by himself in advance, he has not sent a large number of core coins to the future.

The falling meteorite indeed opened a space wormhole and distorted time and space.

A guy who was almost unlikely to appear now actually appeared in front of him. What Lu Li was more curious about was whether this guy was still possessed by Minato Weiqing.

And how did (Wang Dezhao) awaken?

The reason for awakening in the original drama is to absorb a large number of core coins. These core coins come from greedy people, allowing the core of consciousness that should not have been born.

The coin gave birth to consciousness.

Maybe it was because of his changes that something would go wrong in the future, Lu Li could only think this way now.

But why on earth did this guy come to Fengdu?

What Lu Li still remembered was that Poseidon was a madman who loved fighting, and he came back from the future just to be able to fight.

Shouldn't he go find Oz? Isn't it funny to go to Fengdu to find W and the Police Cavalry?

W and Police Cavalry are now able to transform into their respective final forms, and their combat effectiveness is quite good.

In this case, Poseidon's visit to Fengdu is no different from delivering food.

Is this considered to be giving away experience across a thousand miles across several decades?

There are still some things that he has not yet figured out. Lu Li wants to know some things from Poseidon, why did this guy suddenly become so angry, how did he become conscious, etc.

All kinds of questions now needed this guy to answer for Lu Li.

Just when Lu Li was about to take action, Poseidon I had already caught the traces of the police attack.

Just when the policeman suddenly approached and used a flying kick, Poseidon decisively leaned back to avoid the kick, and grabbed the policeman's arm.


"Got you!

After receiving so many beatings, Poseidon was not in vain.

He had been observing the movements and fighting habits of the police cavalry. How could he let go so easily after finally seizing this opportunity?


Feeling the power coming from his feet, the policeman secretly thought something bad.

When he was careless!

The attack just now was so smooth that he mistakenly thought that Poseidon would lie down soon.

He didn't expect that the other party deliberately sold him a flaw, and he couldn't wait to rush forward.


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