Of course, catching Poseidon only requires a little effort, not too much effort.

Using the extremely deep harpoon as support, Poseidon immediately used his arms to force himself, turned his body, and kicked Lu Li violently.

Seeing that Poseidon continued to attack, Lu Li casually threw away the deep harpoon in his hand.

It was precisely because of the powerful force of this action that it directly interrupted Poseidon's next actions.

But before Poseidon could land, an invisible force suddenly took control of Poseidon, binding him firmly in mid-air.

"Hmm?! What's going on?!"

He was suddenly restrained and unable to move, as if a huge hand was holding his body. Apart from his head being able to move as he pleased, there was nothing he could do with his body.

Can't move.

Although his strength is not small, he can't exert any force in his current state, let alone break free from control.

He twisted his neck with difficulty and looked at Lu Li who was holding out a hand. The direction of his hand was facing him.

Although he didn't understand what this meant, he probably understood that Lu Li suddenly took control of his body.

"Hey! What the hell kind of power do you have?! Let me go quickly. If we can, we will fight face to face! Even if you control me with this kind of power, you won't be able to win!"

Although he has a strong fighting spirit and his fighting ability is not weak, he has absolutely no way to deal with this weird ability.

W and the policeman had experienced Lu Li's powerful telekinesis a long time ago, which was very terrifying.

When using telekinesis to surround a target, it was as if a huge hand easily suppressed their survival range.

Seeing Poseidon struggling hard above but unable to break away at all, Lu Li asked the question again.

"Answer my question first, how did you give birth to consciousness? Could it be that Koshang Mitsuo borrowed the core coins that could give birth to consciousness in the past to create you?"


We are fighting. Can you be more serious?

You make me lose face like this!

Poseidon was very brave and didn't say a word. It was still in the fighting stage and he hadn't said anything yet.


Using all his strength to burst out the most terrifying power, Poseidon wanted to break free from the control of telekinesis.


The extremely deep harpoon in his hand burst out with brilliant blue energy.

It was precisely because of this energy burst that the telekinesis released by Lu Li was disrupted.

Feeling that the power to control his body has weakened a bit, Poseidon certainly won't let this opportunity pass him by.

He quickly escaped from the control range and fell to the ground in a panic.

He still didn't understand what happened just now, but he only knew one thing: Lu Li might be as powerful as the rumors said.

"Lu Li, the battle between us has just begun. If you want to know the answer, you just have to defeat me and I will definitely tell you!"

I originally wanted to get the answer I wanted as quickly as possible, but I didn't expect that the power of the mind was unbalanced due to the energy burst, and it became weak after controlling it.

This battle is still unavoidable, Poseidon is determined to fight Lu Li.

Since you want to fight, let the other party see what real violence is.

"Since you insist on fighting, don't regret it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared from the spot like a ghost.


Poseidon's eyes never left Lu Li. The sudden disappearance of the other party made him feel inexplicably nervous.

Suddenly, a purple shadow suddenly appeared in front of Poseidon.

Before he had time to react, he grabbed his head and pressed it hard towards the back.

His body tilted back uncontrollably, and Poseidon had no time to react as his head slammed to the ground.


Debris flew.

Poseidon felt groggy, his brain hurt, and it went blank.

Lu Li's shoulders trembled, and the huge purple dragon wings behind him spread out.

A strong force burst out, grabbing Poseidon's head and flying forward.


An extremely strong force dragged his head and slid on the ground at a very fast speed.

The friction between the knight's armor and the ground turned into a large amount of gravel and endless sparks.

The whole person was like a kite with its string broken, and Poseidon didn't even have the strength to resist.

Witnessing this scene with their own eyes, W and the policeman shuddered secretly in their hearts. They had no idea that Lu Li would be so violent.

Especially W, who couldn't help but touch the back of his head.

If you wear it like this, even if you have a knight's armor, your skin will be worn away.

After gliding for several hundred meters, the dragon's wings shook, and the purple figure carried Poseidon straight into the sky.

Not long after, W and the policeman saw a black spot in the sky, falling towards the ground at a very fast speed.

The black spot is getting bigger and bigger, it's Poseidon

His head was facing down, falling quickly towards the ground.


The moment the head landed, there was a loud bang, causing an extremely terrifying movement.

Thick smoke and dust filled the air, and for a moment it was unclear what the condition of Poseidon's head was when it landed.

However, by landing on his head from such a high distance, even the Kamen Rider is basically almost ascending to the sky.

PS: thanks

Broly x’s monthly pass!

thanks one

Tiao Hua’s monthly ticket!


Longlong’s monthly pass!

thanks one

Fox 777 monthly pass!

Chapter 353: Brutal violence, two foxes!

Poseidon: I say! !

Rubbing his neck unconsciously, W gasped sharply.


Mainly because it felt so scary, falling from such a high place and still landing on my head.

It hurts just to look at it. If it were W, I'm afraid it would have ascended to heaven by now.

As for Poseidon, because this guy himself does not possess anyone, he is just composed of a bunch of cell coins.

Therefore, even if it suffers such a strong impact, at most it will only lose a part of the cell coins.

It was also the first time for the policemen to see such a violent fight.

Although he had experienced many battles before, he had never encountered an opponent as cruel as Lu Li.

Fighting against such a terrifying opponent, even death may be a luxury.

"Cough! Cough cough!!"


Along with a coughing sound, there was a sound of falling gravel from the smoke-filled place.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Poseidon, whose head seemed to be broken, staggering out of the smoke and dust.

Even if his head is broken, he is still alive. This tenacious vitality has to be admired.

It’s so cool!

However, Yingjiu could still clearly see a few cell coins falling from Poseidon's body from time to time.

Obviously, it is not easy to completely recover from physical injuries. Even if he is not a human being, recovery will at least take some time.

And if you want to fully recover, you need to absorb a certain amount of Cell Coins. Of course, it can only be completed when there are enough Cell Coins.

Poseidon, who had just walked out of the smoke and dust, took two staggering steps and almost fell down when he lost his balance.

If it weren't for the support of the extremely deep harpoon, this guy might have arrived.

But after reaching this level, he still didn't lie down. I have to say that his ability to withstand beatings is really impressive.

After shaking his neck hard, Poseidon reluctantly moved his neck back.

To this day, he is still confused.

However, there is no time for him to be in a daze here now.


The purple figure fell from the sky, and its target was Poseidon, who was unable to stand firmly on the ground.


Poseidon had just repaired his neck, and now he couldn't even adapt to it, so he raised his head with difficulty.

I saw that terrifying purple figure falling from the sky.

For some reason, Poseidon no longer had the arrogance he had before, and a sense of fear suddenly arose in his heart.

I thought I had found a very powerful opponent who could give me a good fight.

But the result was completely different from what he thought. He was like a little insect that the other party could easily crush to death.


There was another loud bang, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

Poseidon's body fell to the ground instantly as if it had been hit by a cannonball, and slid far away on the ground.

After dividing it for about tens of meters, it reluctantly stopped.

The surrounding cement floor seemed to have been reclaimed and looked in a mess. It would probably take a lot of time to repair it.

The diffuse smoke and dust enveloped Poseidon again.

At the same time, the sky is high here

Since I had already contacted Wang Guangming in advance, it didn’t take much effort to enter Tiangao.

Not long after, Rem Kamanagi led Solaris and Catalu to the agreed place with a cold face.

Underground Parking Lot.

Rem Kannagi, who had just stepped out of the car, saw two men in black clothes at a glance.

One of them is naturally I Wang Guangming, and the other is naturally his bodyguard and secretary Li Shenhou.

When he saw me looking at the light again, Rem Kaminagi vaguely saw that there seemed to be a little scar on his face.

I was immediately surprised in my heart, who could actually make me look at the light and get hurt.

Not only was I looking at Guangming, but Li Shenhou next to him looked hurt.

Although Rem Kannagi doesn't know what kind of strength I ask Guangming has, he does know how strong Tachigami Roar is.

In terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid that even his own Catalu and Solaris may not be able to deal with Leo together.

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