Notifying Lu Li at this time was also for safety reasons.

With Di Mu's combat power, he was not 100% confident that he would be able to kill the golden magician. I'm afraid Lu Li would still need to take action.

Lu Li, who was studying Hideo Chiba, received a call from Yu Dimu.

Through this phone call, Lu Li also learned about the existence of the golden magician.

I just didn't expect that this guy Gulemlin would be entangled with the golden magician. It was indeed a bit surprising.

Although he had reminded Dimuzou before that it was best to deal with Gulemlin in advance, he still let him escape in the end.

The only one to blame was Dimuzou for underestimating Gulemlin's vigilance. After the other party sensed something was wrong, he was already ready to escape.

As expected of the thoughtful Golemlin, it would be a bit wrong if he was dealt with so simply.

In the face of absolute strength, Gulemlin could not make any trouble.

Lu Li planned to finish studying Chiba Hideo first, and then deal with the matter of the golden magician.

Logically speaking, the golden magician should not appear at this time, but now he appears.

The golden magician has pretty good power.


A universal magic ring can use a variety of magic, eliminating the need to switch magic rings back and forth.

But what Lu Li was more curious about was whether to use the magic ring, one must have magic power, or other energies could also be used.

Can you use it yourself?

This is a problem.

After getting the golden magician's drive and magic ring, you can verify it when the time comes.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li continued to seize the time to study Chiba Hideo.

Through Earth's memory, I found Dr. Hellstein's research at that time. Although there were no very detailed details, it was enough to inspire Lu Li.

Coupled with the fact that he had a complete sample in his hands, Lu Li's research speed was very fast and he hardly encountered any bottlenecks.

As for Di Muzou, he could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief as he was not punished in any way.

After all, Lu Li had previously assigned him the task of killing Golemlin. Although he did not take action, the remaining Medusa and Phoenix/Crow did not complete this task. It was indeed a failure.


Lu Li was coming to deal with the golden magician's matter personally, so Dimu Xuan no longer worried.

So what if the golden magician is stronger? Can he still beat Lu Li?


Although he had never witnessed Lu Li's battle, Lu Li's combat power was definitely superior to his own, and Di Muzou knew this very well.

Now, what Dimuzou wants to do is to give birth to the Philosopher's Stone.

This was the top priority, the most important task assigned to him by Lu Li.

It won't be long before the Philosopher's Stone can be nurtured again, but not enough magicians have been found yet.

But the golden magician who appeared at this time was already the second magician, which was an unexpected surprise.

But what Fengzi didn't know was that Oma, who had become a golden magician, was not a real magician at all, but a phantom.

The phantom possesses magical powers, so theoretically it is not surprising that it can use the power of a magic ring.

After all, the power of the magic ring does not distinguish whether the target is a human or a demon. It mainly depends on whether the target has magic power.

For the next two days, Lu Li was completely immersed in the research of immortality.

After two days of research, Lu Li was finally able to completely replicate Dr. Hellstein's successful case.

I have to say that this Dr. Hellstein is indeed very smart, and he can have such an unconstrained idea.

Of course, this so-called immortality also has certain drawbacks, and Lu Li made corresponding improvements in the past two days.

Completely eliminate the shortcomings of immortality research, and what remains is the true immortality.

Moreover, Lu Li also added some other features to this technology, such as rapid self-healing, etc.!

After this transformation, it is still human.

But his essence has undergone great changes. He has superhuman strength and speed, and also has powerful self-healing abilities and so on.

To put it simply, in addition to making people immortal, technology can also make people become supermen.

Of course, Superman may be a bit exaggerated, but it can bring people's physical fitness as close to the limit as possible.

The results of the experiment had come out, and Lu Li immediately upgraded the girls who were still human.

The whole process is not short, and everyone needs to spend at least eight hours to complete the upgrade.

The first person to complete the upgrade was naturally Sonosaki Saeko as the eldest sister.

After completing the upgrade, Sonosaki Saeko walked out of the experimental cabin.

Others gathered around and looked at Sono Sakiko with curious faces, wanting to see if there were any changes in her body.

Then they didn't see any changes, there was no sudden surge of muscles, it was no different from before.

If there is a real change, it is that the skin looks better and the whole person seems to be rejuvenated.

Then came the performance of physical qualities such as strength, which far exceeded that of ordinary people, and then the fire power awakened by Sonosaki Saeko.

This time, it has been strengthened. The control of the flame has become significantly stronger, and the power of the flame has also increased a lot.

Seeing such a huge change, the girls were immediately overjoyed and entered the laboratory one after another for eight hours of upgrades.

While the girls were busy upgrading, Lu Li was going to Niao/Wujingzaka.

Of course, Lu Li had not forgotten about the golden magician, so he would eliminate this unstable factor this time.

Since Metzl did not need to upgrade and had nothing to do, she just followed Lu Li to Niao/Wujingzaka.

Since she had been to Niao/Wujingzaka once, she did not need to take a car to Niao/Wujingzaka this time.

Lu Li directly held Metzl's hand and used space transfer to switch their positions to Niao/Wujingzaka.

Even though she knew the powerful ability of Lu Li's space transfer, she still felt very surprised every time.

Metzl looked at the completely unfamiliar scene around her and was very curious about this city she had never been to.

"Is this Niao/Wujingzaka? It looks really different from the wind.

By the way, Lu Li, where are we going now?"

Speaking of where to go, Lu Li really didn't know where to go for a while.

Both Gulemlin and the golden magician were very secretive and did not reveal their locations.

"Walk around first. Anyway, I have no news about the golden magician at the moment."

The last time Lu Li came to Bird/Wu Jingzaka, he came and left in a hurry.

This time he came again. There is no news about the golden magician for the time being. Let's take a walk first, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Bird/Wu Jingzaka is not a big city, and it is still a little smaller than the scale of Fengdu.

Fortunately, the city is still 3.5 more prosperous, and there are many interesting places.

Lu Li suddenly thought of a place at this time, where Cao Zhenqingren likes to eat donuts the most.

The last time he came in a hurry, Lu Li did not see Cao Zhenqingren.

This time he did not come to Dimu Li, but Lu Li wanted to meet this magician.

I just don't know how strong Cao Zhenqingren is at this moment, and whether he has already obtained the magic dragon form.

Take this opportunity to take a look.

By the way, it also helps me understand whether magic power is the same as the energy in the body.

As for donuts, it is easier to find them. Lu Li easily found the donut shop opened by the androgynous store manager through the Earth Memory.

This donut shop itself is a mobile stall, and most of the time it is placed in a fixed position.

After finding the specific location, Lu Li took Metzler to the donut shop.

Ever since he was severely beaten by the white magic before, Cao Zhenqingren has been in a low mood recently.

But fortunately, he did not forget his work. As long as the phantom magic appeared, he would rush to the scene as quickly as possible.

But without Li by his side, Cao Zhenqingren always felt empty in his heart.

After he traveled here, he went to the place where he was defeated by the white magician before, but found nothing there.

After searching around for a long time, he did not find any traces of Li.

Originally thought to have grasped a little clue, but unexpectedly, even the illusory hope was shattered.

As usual, Cao Zhen Qingren came to the mobile donut shop.

So the regular customer here, the androgynous store manager recognized Qingren at the first time, and hurriedly said with a smile

"Qingren, our store has launched a new product today. This is carefully designed by me. The taste is first-class. Do you want to try it?"


Chapter 370 The formal meeting with Wuqi, testing magic

The store manager can be said to have made donuts in various styles and flavors.

Every time Cao Zhen Qingren came here, the store manager would recommend him various new donuts.

However, every recommendation was very unsuccessful. Cao Zhen Qingren had no interest in these so-called new products.

With a forced smile on his face, Cao Zhen Qingren shook his head.

"Please give me a powdered sugar donut."

The store manager was speechless for a while.

He had never seen such a difficult customer.

You know, the donut shop he runs is very famous, and all kinds of new products are very popular.

But no matter what kind of new donuts, it seems that they have no effect on the man in front of him.

He seems to have no interest in donuts other than powdered sugar donuts, which makes people anxious!

Why can't this man try it?

With a bitter face, the store manager added a powdered sugar donut and put it on the plate and handed it to Cao Zhenqingren.

"Okay, please take it."

After paying, Cao Zhenqingren sat on a small chair beside him and tasted it slowly.

The reason why he chose to eat powdered sugar donuts is that he likes to eat them, and there is another reason, that is, he gets hungry easily after using magic every time.

And the sugar on the surface of powdered sugar donuts can quickly help him recover his physical strength, and donuts can also fill his stomach.

As for other novel donuts, they are far less restorative than powdered sugar donuts.

While slowly tasting the powdered sugar donuts, Cao Zhenqingren suddenly noticed that two people were walking towards the donut shop.

If it were ordinary people, Cao Zhenqingren would not care at all.

But he obviously realized that these two people were not ordinary people.

Especially the demon dragon hidden in his body, which was actually reminding Haruto Misaki.

"Pay attention, the two guys in front of you are not ordinary people, be careful."

The voice of the magic dragon echoed in his ears, making Cao Zhenqingren alert immediately.

You know, the magic dragon almost never communicates with him, but he didn't expect that he would be willing to talk to him in this situation.

It is enough to show that the magic dragon is very afraid of these two people!

The action of eating donuts also slowed down a lot, and his eyes looked at the two people walking towards this side.

That's right, the people walking towards the donut shop are Lu Li and Metzler.

Lu Li came here just to try his luck, but he didn't expect that he would run into Cao Zhenqingren as soon as he arrived.

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