It's better to be careful at this time, otherwise you may lose your life at any time.

Nothing given to him was important. The most important thing was his own life. Chiba Hideo didn't want to die so early.

".~Shaking your head? It seems that you like the life here, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to me whether you like it or not. Your role as experimental material has ended, and

It's time to give you an ending.

Everyone in Lifengdu is dead. As one of them, you are naturally embarrassed to live in this world. I will give you a ride to reunite with your companions. "

As he spoke, Lu Li slowly raised his hand.

Seeing such a situation, Chiba Hideo suddenly couldn't believe how big his eyes were, and his eyes were full of horror.

The body struggled wildly, hoping to break free from its control, but to no avail.

He kept using his telekinesis, trying to interfere with Lu Li, but his telekinesis was not enough in front of Lu Li.

After trying every means, Chiba Hideo never managed to hurt Lu Li, not even able to repel him.

"There's no need to struggle. Your struggle is meaningless to me. As for your telepathy, it's a pity. You can't affect me without my strength."

An invisible big hand has already pinched Qianye Xiufu's neck. With just a little bit of force, Qianye Xiufu will think it's a burp.

Feeling the big hand on his neck tightening, Chiba Hideo's eyes were filled with despair. Was he really going to die?

His vision gradually became blurred, and Hideo Chiba's body struggled less and less vigorously, and finally lost his life completely.

The records of the instruments on the side were all reset to zero, because Chiba Hideo had lost his vital signs.

Seeing Hideo Chiba losing all vital signs, Lu Li waved his hand casually.

The powerful space force instantly cut his body into countless particles and dissipated into the air, leaving nothing behind.

They have all become this state, and there is no possibility for Chiba Hideo to change back.

Although he has an immortal body, immortality only refers to the body's immortality, and it does not mean that (Nuo Wang Zhao) is really unkillable.

He is not an undead creature, so how can he not be killed?

It is very simple to kill Chiba Hideo, without any unnecessary actions at all.

After doing all this, Lu Li directly transferred space and left the research room.

Goal, sky high, zodiac star disciple switch!

The sky is high this way.

Libra finally found a suitable opportunity. When Yuki Shiroshima didn't notice, Libra came out from behind her and clamped her down.

Then he put the Star Disciple switch in her hand and forced her to press it.

After pressing the switch, Yuki Shirojima, who was struggling, suddenly became quiet.

To be precise, it shouldn't be called Jojima Yuuki now, it should be called Gemini.

Geminis are different from other star disciples.

When the Star Disciple switch is pressed for the first time, the personality of the person using the switch and the black desire suppressed in his heart will be released and separated.

Both the body and the clone represent two extreme personalities that will eliminate each other after a period of time and then merge into one again.

The party with a strong sense of presence will become dominant, while the party with a weak sense of presence will be eliminated.

When he saw Gemini appearing and Yuki Shirojima lying unconscious on the ground, Libra finally felt relieved.

"Finally! Finally I found the last zodiac sign, Gemini!"

His tone was full of excitement. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

If Gemini is not found again, he may even be sent to the Dark Nebula, which is simply an incredible nightmare.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from behind.

"Hahaha! Libra, you did a great job. I didn't expect you to finally find the last zodiac sign, Gemini!"

When hearing this extremely familiar voice, Libra immediately came back to his senses.

When he turned around, he saw Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo walking towards this side.

"Lord Sagittarius, you are so lucky!"

Bowing slightly, Libra explains very well what it means to be a loyal bitch.

Chapter 377: Cut off the Gemini switch! The ultimate key!

Unconsciously wiping the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, Libra felt that he could finally relax at this time.

I have always been very anxious to find the last zodiac sign.

But there has been no result, which makes him anxious, fearing that he will be sent to the Dark Nebula sooner or later.

Now that he finally found the last Gemini, the huge stone in his heart could finally be let go.

At this time, Gemini has released his transformation and turned into faceless An Yumu.

She looked at the zodiac signs in front of her with confusion. She only knew that she was a Gemini now, and she didn't know much about things like the zodiac sign.

Although there are no facial features, Sagittarius can still see An Youmu's doubts at this time.

Arriving in front of An Youmu, Sagittarius slowly opened his hands and said.

“Gemini, you are our last member, and with your arrival, our zodiac will be complete.

You are the treasure given to me by God, please serve me well. "

Looking at the Sagittarius in front of him with his head tilted, An Youmu was completely impressed by the strong aura exuding from him.

She only knew that the Sagittarius star disciple in front of her was very strong.

Not only does he have the aura of a strong man, but he also has very strong leadership abilities.

Such people are worth following.

"Yes, Mr. Sagittarius!"

An Youmu nodded, happily ran over and hugged Sagittarius's arm.

Although Gemini has been successfully awakened, Gemini is not completely complete.

In order to finally complete Gemini, An Yumu needs to become complete.

This requires her to fuse with another Jojima Yuuki.

"Okay, go do what you should do and make yourself complete as soon as possible. I shouldn't need to teach you about this, right?"

Hearing this, An Youmu nodded without hesitation.

“Sagittarius, don’t worry, I know what to do.

Before he finished speaking, An Youmu left quickly.

What she has to do now is to unleash her nature and play pranks.

Seeing that An Yumu has left, Sagittarius returns his attention to Libra.

"Libra, you are so lucky. You even asked Virgo to take you back to be punished. I didn't expect you to find the last Gemini.

Yes, you did not disappoint me.

The dog-legged Libra quickly laughed and said

"No matter what Mr. Sagittarius said, if it weren't for your wise leadership, I wouldn't be able to reach the last Gemini. It's all due to you."

I have to say, this flattery is really a technical job.

A good shot makes people feel happy, but a bad shot directly hits the horse's hooves.

Obviously this time Libra's flattery hit Sagittarius's butt, and it was very accurate, which made him very happy.

Leo turned his head away, and he couldn't see Libra's flattering look.

If you want strength but don't have strength, you will tell nonsense every day.


"Then we just need to wait for Gemini to become one again, and the star disciple switch should be complete.

Until then, we will collect all of their Zodiac switches.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner according to my plan, hahahaha! ! "

He seemed to see that the plan had been successful. As long as there was no hindrance in the next moment, everything would be over.

Virgo unconsciously clenched the wand in his hand, feeling turbulent in his heart.

At this time, Virgo really wants to go up and kill Sagittarius, but he knows that such an idea of ​​his is impossible to realize.

Not to mention that Sagittarius is extremely powerful, but there are also Leo and Libra around.

Libra may not be strong, but Leo has a fighting power that is not inferior to itself, or even stronger.

Coupled with an unfathomable Sagittarius, if Virgo takes action rashly at this time, the final outcome is almost foreseeable.

Even though he has been following me Wang Guangming for many years, he still dare not take the initiative to challenge me Wang Guangming.

The power of Sagittarius has been almost developed to the extreme by me Wang Guangming.

In this case, how could he be an opponent? Isn't that asking for death?

Watching An Yumu leaving with the Gemini switch, Virgo wanted to take him away directly, but the three people next to him stared at him so that he didn't dare to do anything more.

Yu's actions.

I hope Guangming is definitely a ruthless person. Even if Virgo has been with him for many years, if he has any thoughts of betrayal, he will be killed as soon as possible.

This is me looking at the light, ruthless, everything I do is just to pursue the truth of the universe.

Other than that, it seemed like everything had nothing to do with him and he wouldn't care.

Kamen Rider Club here.

Shirojima Yugi had no memory of what happened before. He only knew that he suddenly fainted and didn't take it too seriously.

I just thought that I might be too tired and didn't understand at all that my dark personality had been released.

At this moment, An Youmu is doing various things in Tiangao.

It's just that none of these things are good things, but bad things.

He graffitied everywhere in the academy and made all kinds of pranks.

However, all of this was not believed by everyone to be the real Yuki Jojima. However, Yuki Jojima, who was told that he had done so many things, turned his eyes completely black.

She had never done any of these things and had no idea why these things were blamed on her.

Yami Yuuki knows what Shirojima Yuuki will think and do, because she is the other person's dark personality and knows everything about the other person.

Therefore, An Yuuki can always play pranks at the most appropriate time, making everyone think that it is Jojima Yuuki and not another person.

At this time, Qi Qi and Meteor were chatting with the Gemini star disciples.

Although Gemini Xingtu does not have very strong fighting ability, he can control extremely high energy to fight.

In battle, she will use two types of cards, one is the red card Luceus that can explode instantly behind the object it touches, and the other is the card that can be attached to the target.

And you can control the blue card Eddas that detonates time at will.

Facing Gemini with such a high explosive attack, it was very difficult for Zhou Qi and Meteor to fight for a while.

The most important thing is that they all thought that the Gemini in front of them was Yuuki Jojima.

Therefore, they were somewhat restrained during the battle, after all, they were companions!

Of course, they could not be ruthless to their companions, and this situation gave Gemini a better opportunity.

Looking at the battle below, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

Although the combat power of Zhouqi and Liuxing was much stronger, the restrained battle made the two helpless for a while.

After successfully knocking down the two again, Gemini jumped away.

She had a lot of fun.

In the heart of Yuuki Jojima, who was hidden in the dark side, there were always some evil thoughts, but she never did them.

And all these things were realized by An Yuuki one by one.

Every time he did something like this, An Yuuki's presence would become stronger and stronger.

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