"I need to leave tomorrow and go to the Dark Nebula, which is a very far place, and may even cross the galaxy.

I can't say how long this trip will take, but I will be back as soon as possible."

When Lu Li finished speaking, the whole hall suddenly became quiet:

The girls widened their eyes and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

They had never thought that Lu Li would go on a long journey, and to such a far place.

Among them, only Sonosaki Saeko was relatively calm.

It was because she had picked up Lu Li outside, and then she knew that Lu Li did not belong to this world, and came to this world by chance.

Before, Sonosaki Saeko even thought about whether Lu Li would suddenly leave at any time.

But Lu Li never mentioned this matter, and Sonosaki Saeko never asked much, nor did she take it too seriously.

Now the matter was brought up again, Lu Li was about to go to the so-called Dark Nebula, and Sonosaki Saeko didn't know where it was, but she was sure that it must be very far away.

It was unknown how long Lu Li would be away, so they naturally felt reluctant to let him go.

Seeing that they were silent and had disappointed expressions on their faces, Lu Li had already guessed that this would be the result.

"Everyone, be happy, 990, don't be depressed, I will be back as soon as possible, when have I not fulfilled what I said?"

Seeing that Lu Li had indeed made this decision, Sonosaki Saeko, as the eldest sister, naturally couldn't drag Lu Li down at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Sonosaki Saeko resisted the slight sense of loss in her heart and stood up and said.

"Okay, everyone, don't be sad, Lu Li has already said that he will be back as soon as possible after being away for a while, and during this period we need to take care of the house.

Don't let anything go wrong, do you understand?"

One person started, and the others naturally responded.

Even though they might still feel a little disappointed and unhappy in their hearts, they didn't show it.

It was just a temporary separation, not a permanent separation. It was difficult for Lu Li to show such sentimentality.

They naturally didn't want Lu Li to be in a difficult position, as Lu Li had done something for them before.

Now, they also had to consider Lu Li, they shouldn't hold him back, and they should take care of the family in the future.

At this time, Shi Mo suddenly stood up, raised the wine glass in front of him, and said loudly.

"Lu Li, don't worry, we will wait for you to come back.

Before you come back, we will protect the family.

After saying that, he drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

Seeing this, the others stood up at the same time.

"Lu Li, don't be gone for too long, come back early!"

"Boss, I wish you a safe journey!"

"Brother Lu Li, go early and come back early!"

As the last person to join this big family, Misaki Nadeshiko was about to say something when Lu Libie suddenly interrupted her.

"Ndeshiko, you don't have to say it, you have to go to the Dark Nebula with me. ”


All the people present had question marks in their heads, and they all focused their attention on Misaki Nadeshiko.

Sonozaki Wakana muttered, biting her lips unwillingly.

“Why? Lu Li, why can’t it be me? I want to go with you too!”

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled helplessly, walked over and rubbed Sonozaki Wakana’s head.

“Wakana, the place I want to go is in the universe. Without cosmic energy, I am not sure whether you can resist cosmic radiation.

You said that it was not easy for you to maintain your current beauty, but because of cosmic radiation, you have become something else...

There was no need for Lu Li to continue, Sonozaki Wakana immediately shook her head like a wave drum.

“No, no! I won’t go, I won’t go!”

When she thought that her body or appearance might change due to cosmic radiation.

If she became an ugly monster, Sonozaki Wakana could not accept such a blow.

After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. Sonosaki Wakana didn't want to have a drastic change after going out.

Not only Sonosaki Wakana, but other girls who were eager to try also calmed down immediately.

So it was decided that Misaki Nadeshiko and Lu Li would go to the Dark Nebula together.

The reason why Lu Li brought Misaki Nadeshiko was because Misaki Nadeshiko had great potential as a cosmic life seed.

Maybe this trip to the Dark Nebula would bring some unexpected gains.

The dinner lasted until very late.

No words were spoken all night.

On the other side

Fumu Zou had just received the news that Lu Li was going to leave for a while.

During this period, all questions about the Philosopher's Stone or the magician were handled by Fumu Zou himself.

Although he didn't know what Lu Li was going to do, Fumu Zou was very tactful and didn't ask too much.

Let him know what he should know, and it would be useless to ask what he shouldn't know.

After thinking about it, Fumu Zou also felt that it was time to upgrade Cao Zhenqingren.

Although Soma Haruto is already a magician, his current strength is not enough to deal with even the leaders of the phantom demons.

In the future, he will be used as a Jinchūriki, and when holding a demon feast, there will be no shortage of magic power due to insufficient strength.

As for how to become stronger, of course, use the magic gem.

Use the magic gem to make the corresponding ring, and you can get the corresponding power.

Thinking of this, Dimuzou took out a red magic gem from the side.

This magic gem contains the powerful magic of fire, which can help Cao Zhenqingren to obtain a more powerful form.

With the help of the magic dragon power in his body, it is enough to make Cao Zhenqingren stronger.

Put the magic gem in his hand into a box and hand it to the white Garuda servant beside him, Dimuzou ordered.

"Send this thing to the Face Shadow Hall."

The white Garuda nodded and immediately grabbed the box and flew outside.

In order to make Cao Zhenqingren grow up, Dimuzou was both worried and laborious, and spent a lot of effort.

Of course, all of this is to make adequate preparations for the magic feast later.

Since the future trouble of Gulemlin was solved, and the golden magician was also solved, Dimuzou had no worries when doing things.

Everything went smoothly according to plan, that is to say, no new magician has been born yet.

To break through despair, defeat despair, and gain hope from despair, there are only a few people who can do this.

It is even more difficult to find such a person among those who have magic power.

Fortunately, with Medusa and Phoenix/Crow, Fumu Sou doesn't have to do everything himself, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Soma Haruto walked down from the second floor and came to the lobby of Menying Hall.

Just happened to see his apprentice Nara Shunpei sitting on a chair and observing with a box.

"Shunpei, why are you here so early?"

He said he was an apprentice because it was only what Nara Shunpei thought. Soma Haruto had no intention of accepting an apprentice.

Although he was always rejected, he has been working very hard, going back and forth between Menying Hall and being Soma Haruto's assistant.

He wanted to start as an assistant and then become an apprentice little by little by using a roundabout way to save the country:

He was chosen by Medusa before, his hopes were shattered, and he was desperate and almost turned into a phantom demon.

If it weren't for Soma Haruto's timely action and successful resolution of the phantom demon in his body, he would have become a phantom demon now.

"This, I saw this thing when I came here. Is the thing inside a gem?"

As he said this, Nara Shunpei opened the box directly, revealing the red magic gem inside.

When he saw the magic gem, Soma Haruto's face suddenly changed, and he took the box.

"This is... a magic gem!

He didn't understand why a magic gem suddenly appeared in the Face Shadow Hall.

The magic gem couldn't appear here out of thin air, it must have been placed here by someone, Soma Haruto asked hurriedly.

"Shunpei, did you see who put the thing here when you came?

Hearing this, Nara Shunpei touched the back of his head and fell into thought.

"No! "

When he came, the things were already here, and he didn't see anyone else.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Cao Zhenqingren couldn't help but flash a hint of disappointment on his face.

But a white figure unconsciously emerged in his mind.

White magician!

Could it be... that the white magician gave this magic gem to me?

Recalling the last time the white magician was cold to him, Cao Zhenqingren didn't quite believe that this was sent to him by the white magician.

Since he didn't need to take care of Li, why did he send him the magic gem?

What is the purpose?

Regarding these, Cao Zhenqingren has no idea at present.

This red magic gem gave him a very important feeling, as if it could make his power stronger.

Recalling the last battle with Lu Li, he was completely defeated by the other party and was easily beaten into a transformed form.

Since that battle, he has always felt that he is still too weak.

Now, there is an opportunity to make himself stronger, and he naturally does not want to miss it.

At this time, Wadao Shigeru came out of the inner room and greeted him, and he saw the magic gem.

"Yo! So early! Eh?! Isn't this a magic gem? Let me see it!

As a ring maker, he knows very well how to make each magic ring well in order to exert the strongest power.

After taking the red magic gem and carefully examining it, Wadao Shigeru patted his chest confidently.

"Just leave the things to me. I know how to make them. Leave it to me and the magic ring I make will definitely suit your taste."

He was so confident. Wajima Shigeru really liked making magic rings, and the level of the rings he made was also quite first-class.

Especially, the rings he made himself could help more people who were in despair, which was also a great thing.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Uncle Wajima."

"It's a small problem, a small problem."

Wajima Shigeru took the magic gem and walked towards the processing room in the house.

The hall was quiet again.

Nara Shunpei poured himself a glass of water and continued.

"Haruto, I asked for the news you asked me to find out, but there is no such news, and I didn't find the two people you mentioned."

Before losing to Lu Li, Cao Zhen Qingren was very concerned about this matter, so he asked people he was familiar with to help him find out about Lu Li and Metzl.

Unfortunately, there was almost no news.

Cao Zhenqingren felt a little disappointed when he didn't get the answer he wanted, but he quickly adjusted himself.

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