Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head.

“The current extreme war is not an extreme war started by the sealing stone, but started by humans.

However... when the final winner is decided, the sealing stone will still come.

I just want to achieve my goal. As for what my goal is, I can’t tell you for the time being. "

As for why he didn't tell Cheng Guang his purpose, Lu Li knew it. Cheng Guang respected the creator of the Sealing Stone Slate very much in his heart.

If she knew that Lu Li was going to deal with the sealing slate, she would definitely not choose to side with Lu Li.

Seeing that Lu Li did not reveal his specific purpose, Cheng Guang did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"Back to the topic just now, what exactly do you want me to do? And why did you bring me here?"

She has accepted reality at this time.

Although we still don’t know what kind of undead creature Lu Li is, we might be able to find out through other channels later.

By staying with Lu Li, it might be easier to know the information he wants.

PS: thanks

Monthly pass for Holy Angel Kesha!

thanks one

A monthly pass for the invincible Jotaro!

thanks one

Monthly pass for Dr. Bayi!

thanks one

Blank (.............1) monthly pass!

Chapter 398: Sister Tiger takes over, uninvited guest, Isaka suffers

At this time, Cheng Guang no longer resisted as before, and instead took the initiative to ask Lu Li about his purpose of staying.

Since he chose to keep him, it proved that Lu Li had no intention of sealing him.

Naturally, Cheng Guang was not as afraid of Lu Li at first.

At least. That’s the case for now~.

"I defeated you, so it's not too much for me to ask for something. I want you to do something for me. -"

When Lu Li stated his request, Cheng Guang frowned unconsciously.

But then his brows widened and Cheng Guang thought a lot.

There is no need to think that the battle between the undead creatures will continue. She has no means to seal the undead creatures for the time being.

Although cooperation is not his style, it is a fact that Lu Li defeated him after all.

There are too many problems in the Extreme Battle right now, so you might as well obey Lu Li's orders first and consider other things later.

She wouldn't be willing to end the battle here.

"Okay, before the final battle comes, I will obey your orders."

Among the advanced undead creatures, no one ever listens to anyone else.

After all, they are both high-level undead creatures, and they are not convinced by each other. How can they obey other people's orders?

But Cheng Guang and Lu Li set a precedent.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Lu Li has very strong strength throughout his body, and he can only do it if he is strong.

If both parties are equally powerful, even if they cooperate, it may be difficult for them to trust each other.

Lu Li had expected it from the beginning that Cheng Guang would agree to his request.

As long as she doesn't want to be sealed now, there is no reason to be disobedient.

In this way, as the most powerful Queen, Sister Hu has now joined Lu Li's camp.

at the same time.

on the other side

Since Lu Li successfully blocked Tachibana Sakuya's sense of fear, Isaka had nowhere to use his methods.

He still wanted to control a Kamen Rider for his own use, so he targeted Kazuma Kenzaki.

He already knew where Kazuma Kenzaki lived.

At this moment, Isaka has arrived outside Shirai Farm.

He was going to have a good talk with another Kamen Rider and persuade the other person to listen to him. He had the ability to make the other person stronger.

In his opinion, Kamen Rider's current power is very limited. If he can get his help, he can become stronger. There is no reason to reject him.

However, Isaka came here confidently, but he didn't know one thing.

That is the current farm, and there are undead creatures with very terrifying strength.

Shima Noboru, who was inside the farm, was actually walking with his canary when he suddenly stopped.

The wind had told him that an uninvited guest had arrived at the farm.

This was an uninvited guest, obviously coming for Kazuma Kenzaki.

Although he didn't want to fight, with Kenzaki Kazuma's current strength, there was no way he could deal with the advanced undead creatures.

The direction of progress suddenly changed, and Jiu Sheng walked towards the exit of Shirai Farm.

Since he already lives here, he should help deal with the trouble. After all, he is living and eating for free here.

Here, Isaka had just stepped into the gate of Shirai Farm, but suddenly felt the presence of other undead creatures.

The most important thing is that the aura exuding from the other party is very strong.

He couldn't understand why there was the aura of undead creatures in this place. It shouldn't be!

At this moment, someone from Isaka turned around and saw Shima Noboru not far away walking towards this side.

It was the aura emanating from that man, he was definitely an advanced undead creature.

He didn't know why there were advanced undead creatures here, but he had no idea of ​​fighting them now.

The two just looked at each other from a distance, but Isaka felt uncomfortable all over.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Isaka finally came to the conclusion that the opponent was very strong.

The possibility that he can defeat the opponent is not high, and a fight breaking out here will also attract the attention of the Kamen Rider, which will be very troublesome.

The reason why I came here was not to fight, but to conquer the Kamen Rider.

"Why are you here? Do you want to fight me?

Isaka was the first to speak, not sure what this man was thinking.

Hearing this, Shima Noboru shook his head with a faint smile on his face.

"I have no intention of fighting, but this is my territory, so please leave."

When he learned that this area turned out to be Shima Noboru's territory, Isaka immediately narrowed his eyes.

He was not sure what the man in front of him had in mind, and he actually regarded the place where the Kamen Rider existed as his own territory.

"Sir, do you know that there is a Kamen Rider here? That guy is sealing us undead creatures. Don't you care?"

Isaka still wanted to give up and was ready to test the other person's tone.

What is this advanced undead creature in front of me doing, and why does it regard this place as its territory?

"I don't need to worry about this matter, just get out of here.

Shimsho's eyes suddenly became sharp. He didn't want to continue talking nonsense with the other party.

If Isaka is allowed to stay here for a while, the possibility of Shima Noboru being exposed becomes greater.

At this time, he doesn't want to reveal his true identity to Kenzaki Kazuma and others just yet.

Now that their identity is exposed, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Kenzaki Kazuma and the others to believe in themselves.

Isaka, who was already prepared, was suddenly disrupted by the sudden appearance of Shima Noboru.

He was very unwilling to retreat like this, but he didn't dare to take action rashly because the threat emanating from the other party was very strong.

Taking action rashly at this time may be detrimental to yourself.

After a moment of silence, Isaka finally chose not to start a fight with Shima Noboru.

Choosing to go to war is tantamount to a foolish act.

Isaka cannot predict the consequences of rashly starting a war without even knowing the opponent's strength.

"Phew! Since this is your territory, I won't stay long. Goodbye!"

The last two words were spoken very hard, and Isaka was very unwilling to retreat like this, but he had to retreat now.

Afterwards, Isaka left just as he came.

Seeing Isaka gradually disappearing from sight, Shima Noboru once again carried the bird/cage and walked towards the farm.

The main thing is that if there is a real fight, he may be exposed, but the opponent will definitely lose.

As long as the other person is a smart person, he will know what to choose.

Although there is no way for undead creatures to seal each other now, don't forget that there are knights here.

If the other party arrives in time, Isaka will be offline gloriously.

After returning to the car, Isaka could only leave reluctantly.

His plan had already ended before it even started. Even if he was unwilling to do so, he could only grit his teeth and accept it.

"Damn it! How come there are advanced undead creatures here? Who is that guy?!"

Frowning his brows, Isaka was in a bad mood now.

I originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly subordinate Kenzaki Kazuma and make him his thug, but now I can only let it go.

The plan failed, it seems... I can only rely on Tachibana Sakuya.

Ju Shuo is also here.

Since overcoming his fear, he has been able to fight as he pleased before, without having to worry about the images of destruction appearing in his heart.

And after overcoming his fear, Ju Shuo also found that the fearful image no longer appeared in his mind.

It's like...disappeared.

Regarding his own changes, Jushuo was naturally very happy in his heart.

These changes in himself will undoubtedly allow him to return to his original position, and he can continue to seal undead creatures.

While he was happy, Ju Shuo still had doubts and a little worry in his heart.

That man....why did he want to cure himself?

He knew very well in his heart that there was no such thing as a free lunch, and the other party must have a purpose.

As for what this purpose is, I still haven’t figured it out yet.

Ju Shuoya, who couldn't figure it out for the time being, could only put this problem behind him.

His body had recovered, and he was no longer a burden. Jushuo, who was in a happy mood, went directly to Sayoko and explained his current situation to her, telling her not to worry.


When she learned that Jushuo could fight again, Sayoko was happy for him, but at the same time she was worried for him.

Being able to overcome fear in just a short period of time seems to her to be an impossible thing.

Because of Tachibana Sakuya's incident, she even consulted many well-known doctors for this, and came to the conclusion that it is not easy to overcome fear.

Unless there is a very strong stimulus, it is possible to completely cure the negative effects of fear in a short period of time.

But she knew that Ju Shuo had never experienced any strong stimulation recently. Logically speaking, he shouldn't overcome his fear so quickly.

has a problem!

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