The reason why I was able to overcome my fear and regain my fighting strength before was because this man helped me block my fear.

But the other party was an undead creature, so he must have ulterior motives for helping him, and Ju Shuo knew this very well.

But seeing that he was almost losing his ability to fight and had no way to overcome the difficulties, Ju Shuo could not accept such a result no matter what.

At this time, a voice suddenly echoed in Ju Shuo's mind.

"Tachibana, the effect of blocking fear has ended. Do you still want to continue being your Kamen Rider?"

The voice suddenly appeared in his mind, like a pair of thoughts communicating with him.

After being silent for a while, Ju Shuo also clenched his fists tightly.


Of course he wanted to return to the battlefield and be able to continue fighting the undead.

"Since you still want to continue fighting, then come to me at.

When Ju Shuo also learned the location of the research institute, the voice in his head disappeared without a trace.

Already knowing the location of the research institute, Ju Shuo didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and walked to the motorcycle, put on his helmet and drove towards the destination.

He must fight!

You must not fall down like this!

After spending a while to get to the research institute, Ju Shuo also knew in his heart that there were advanced undead creatures in this place.

If he had no fear, he would definitely take action here now, but now he even has to ask for help from advanced undead creatures.

It sounds extremely ironic.

Since he couldn't overcome his fear, he had to seek help from higher-level undead creatures.

In order to prevent himself from being completely swallowed up by fear, Jushuo needs to overcome his fear no matter what.

PS: thanks

One monthly ticket of 18265.! .

Chapter 400: Seen through! Seeing Jiu Sheng for the first time,

Sister Tiger’s fighting spirit

If he can't do it by his own strength, he can only rely on external forces.

Even though...this power comes from advanced undead creatures.

He wanted to prove that as a senior, he would not lose to a junior like Kazuma Kenzaki.

The reason why he chose to come to the institute was not only because he wanted to overcome his fear and strive again, but also partly because he was unwilling to be surpassed by a junior.

Poor self-esteem made Ju Shuo also choose to cooperate with advanced undead creatures.

Kishuo, who has a strong sense of self-esteem, also wants to prove that seniors are always seniors."

Every time he loses his fighting power during a battle, he can only watch Kenzaki Kazuma fight, but the opponent still calls himself Tachibana-senpai, and there is a feeling in his heart

Deep tingling sensation.

He wants to change this situation. He wants to prove that he must be stronger than Kenzaki Kazuma!

Taking off his helmet, Ju Shuo slowly walked towards the research institute.

When he came to a room according to the instructions, he found that there were three people in the room.

Besides Isaka and Lu Li, there was also a fierce-looking woman.

Judging from the state of the other party, it should not be those being controlled, which means that this woman is probably also an undead creature.

Moreover, the other party's ability to change into a human form proves that the other party is an advanced undead creature. Only advanced undead creatures can change into a human form.

Before Lu Li could speak, Isaka said impatiently.

"Ju, it seems that you have thought it through clearly, then there are some things that I have to arrange for you to do."

If you want to recover Category Ace, you must use the power of Kamen Rider.

Of course, Isaka was not sure whether Lu Li had the power to seal undead creatures. Even if he did, he would not take the initiative to mention it.

What if after sealing the category Ace, Lu Li swallowed the card all by himself, and he wouldn't have anywhere to cry.

Then it's up to Tachibana Sakuya. Even if this guy has problems later, Isaka can handle it with his strength.

Ju Shuo had already thought about it before he came. Since the other party would help him overcome his fear, he probably had a purpose. Wasn't this what he was doing?

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted him to do, Jushuo couldn't care about that now. He glanced at Isaka and nodded.

05 "I know."

He had already thought about this before coming here, and he knew what he should do.

"Okay, now that you're ready, I'll help you control your fear again for the time being."

At some point, Lu Li appeared behind Ju Shuoye.

Tachibana Shuoya, who was about to counterattack instinctively, restrained his movements abruptly. He needed to rely on Lu Li's strength to overcome his fear.

Putting a hand on his head, Ju Shuo was just like before, his vision suddenly went dark and he fell into coma.

The process of blocking fear is simple and only takes a few seconds.

After letting go of his hand, Ju Shuo also fell down.

Next to him, Isaka directly controlled Tachibana Sakuya's body with his thoughts.

"Isaka, his fear has been temporarily blocked by me. If there is anything you want him to do, just tell him directly.

Also, don’t always play tricks in front of me, I can see all your tricks. "

Although it was just a simple sentence, Isaka was shocked.

He thought he could deceive Lu Li with his little tricks, but he didn't expect that the other party already knew everything.

Without saying anything, Isaka took Tachibana away.

At this time, Cheng Guang, who had been silent before, spoke.

"Isn't that guy just now a Kamen Rider? If he is a Kamen Rider, why would he choose to cooperate with you?

Is it because you can help him overcome his fear? He chooses to listen to you?"

In Cheng Guang's view, as a warrior, he must have the dignity of a warrior.

How can you bow to your enemy?

In her view, this is absolutely not allowed. Even if you lose to your enemy, you must never bow to your enemy.

What dignity can you have if you bow to your enemy.

Of course, Lu Li knows what Cheng Guang wants to express.

However, dignity also depends on the person.

Ju Shuo does have a strong self-esteem. He does not want to lose the power of a knight, nor does he want to be surpassed by his juniors.

For this reason, he is even willing to bow to his enemies, even if he chooses to cooperate with his enemies:

"Everyone has different ideas. He lost his fighting power because of fear. If he wants to regain his fighting power, he naturally needs to put down his dignity.

There is no contradiction between the two, but you may not understand it.

For Lu Li's explanation, Cheng Guang thought about it and shook his head slightly,

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway. What are you going to do next?"

Speaking of what to do next, Lu Li plans to go to Baijing Farm.

Who will be the high-level undead creature there?

Lu Li was also quite curious.

"Let's go, I want to meet someone, you can come with me."

As he said, Lu Li took the initiative to extend his hand to Cheng Guang.

Seeing this, Cheng Guang raised his eyebrows, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"What are you going to do? What does it mean to extend your hand? "

Obviously she didn't understand why Lu Li wanted to reach out to her.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Cheng Guang finally put his hand on Lu Li's hand.

The next second, the two disappeared directly into the room.

Just after the two left, Isaka suddenly walked in from outside.

He was going to talk to Lu Li about something, but Lu Li was gone.

His brows were furrowed into a river shape, and Isaka said in an irritable tone.

"This guy actually left directly? Forget it, but my goal should have been achieved, he should go find that guy. "

Being exposed just now, Isaka was a little embarrassed, but Lu Li didn't care about it, which made him relieved.

But because of this incident, Isaka wanted to find the last category Ace more urgently, seal it, and research the strongest knight system as soon as possible.

If he couldn't cultivate the strongest knight as soon as possible, it meant that he had to be suppressed by Lu Li all the time, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Category Ace, where is it now? Come out quickly, my knight system depends on you. "

Clenching his fist tightly, Isaka was eager to find the last category Ac..

At the same time.

At Shirai Farm

Kamikaze, who was leisurely drinking afternoon tea, closed his eyes and listened quietly to the sound of the wind.

It was because of the sound of the wind that he knew something else.


Opening his eyes slightly, he called out Tachibana Sakuya's name.

From the information just blocked, Tachibana Sakuya has now chosen to get the help of higher undead creatures.

The man he met at the edge of the farm before appeared in his mind, and he was probably related to that man.

Although Kamikaze could know some of the situation, it did not mean that he could know everything.

Although the sound of the wind could convey some information, it did not mean that all the information was absolutely complete.

Moreover, he knew that his existence had been exposed, and the higher undead creature he met before had already known his identity.

Next, he had to find a way to hide his identity as much as possible.

Try not to be discovered by Kenzaki Kazuma, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

He also thought about going directly to find Karasuma Kei, but the wind did not bring any information about Karasuma Kei, and he didn't know where to find him.

Through the currently known information, he knew that Kamen Rider Green would probably stand on the side of another high-level undead creature, and the sword would be very dangerous.

Moreover, he also knew from the wind that Tachibana Sakuya was unwilling to be surpassed by his juniors, which hit his self-esteem.

When the two meet again, I'm afraid there will really be a fight, which is also a troublesome thing.

Shaking his head helplessly, Shima Noboru turned his head to look at the bird/cage on the table next to him.

"Nacho, how do you think it will develop next?"

But obviously, as a canary, Nacho can't speak, just chirping.

With a faint smile on his face, Shima Noboru was about to say something when his face suddenly changed.

The smile on his face disappeared without a trace, and he stood up with a solemn face.

High-level undead creatures and... anomalies!

That’s right, it was the anomaly he had noticed before.

The reason why he came back early was that he wanted to see how big the impact of the changes brought about by this anomaly would be.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to find the anomaly, but he didn’t expect that the other party would take the initiative to come to him.

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