Hold the spider silk with one hand, and use the hook of the other hand to cut the pulled spider silk.


Although spider silk has very good toughness, it is of little use against sharp claws.

The moment the spider silk was cut off, the undead wolf spider creature quickly approached Sister Tiger.

A ball of invisible wind power was released from his left hand, instantly hitting Sister Hu's waist and abdomen.

A strong impact struck, and Sister Tiger flew backwards on the spot.

However, Sister Tiger did not fall to the ground in a state of disgrace. Instead, she was dragged by another force and fell to Lu Li's side.

Sister Tiger, who felt this power, looked at Lu Li in surprise.

She was very sure that the force that suddenly held her back must have come from Lu Li.

After landing, Sister Hu glanced at Lu Li dissatisfied.

"This is my battle, don't interfere with me."

Although she said this, Sister Tiger's tone at this time was no longer as cold as when she first met.

Interfering with the battle is a very annoying thing for Sister Tiger.

As for those who interfere with her fighting, Sister Hu usually doesn't give a good look.

But for some reason, this time, she didn't feel any disgust, just a little bit dissatisfied.

"I'm not interfering with you, but I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with him with your fighting ability."

It's not that Lu Li looked down on Sister Hu's combat prowess, Kig's power was far beyond what other higher-level undead creatures could compare to.

In the play, although the tarantula undead creature is the first type of Kig to be sealed away, it does not mean that he is weak.

The reason why he chose to be sealed was entirely to help Kamijo Mutsuki, who was controlled by Category Ac, and he was sealed willingly.

Kamijo Mutsuki, an ordinary high school student, became a Kamen Rider with the help of the driver created by Isaka.

But because I have no way to control my power, I feel like I have become a puppet of Category Ace.

If it weren't for the Wolf Spider Undead creature and Tiger Sister who sacrificed themselves together later, I'm afraid this guy wouldn't have been able to become a real Kamen Rider in the end, and would have always been just a puppet.


He is truly a crotch-pulling knight that neither his parents can handle.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, the combat effectiveness of the Wolf Spider Undead creature is definitely not inferior to that of other types of Kig. Sister Tiger is indeed no match.

It's just that he doesn't like fighting. He thinks fighting is meaningless, and he has no sense of racial mission.

Sister Hu wanted to refute Lu Li's words, but she held them back when the words came to her lips.

The result of the battle just now was actually very obvious, but she didn't want to admit it.

At this time, inside the villa on the farm.

Hirose Shiori suddenly heard the sound coming from the undead creature monitor and ran over quickly.

When she saw the undead signal appearing above, she was shocked.

"Two undead creatures, one of them is a Kig?! And right next to the farm?~.!"

She really couldn't figure out why there were two undead creatures on the farm, and one of them was a Kig.

Although I don’t quite understand what the Kig category means, I’m afraid they are also advanced undead creatures.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma hurried in.

"What's going on? Did an undead creature appear?"

"Yes! Kenzaki is right next to the farm where we are, very close, and there are two undead creatures in total, one of which is Kig.


Nodding quickly, Hirose Shiori criticized the signal on the monitor with a serious look.

"Two?! And the category King?! I'll go there right now!"

At this moment, Kazuma Kenzaki still doesn’t know what the category Kig means.

But he had somewhat guessed that they were probably very powerful advanced undead creatures.

But no matter who the opponent is, as long as it is an undead creature, Kenzaki Kazuma will never let the opponent go easily, and must find a way to seal it.

Since it is right on the edge of the farm, you can reach it in just two minutes by motorcycle.

Seeing Kazuma Kenzaki driving his motorcycle quickly, Hirose Shiori always felt something was wrong:

Category King, as soon as you hear it, you will know that it may be difficult to deal with.

Back here at the edge of the farm.

Seeing that Lu Li, the anomaly, seemed to have no intention of continuing to fight with him, the undead Wolf Spider creature was a little unsure for a moment.

What is Lu Li's attitude?

The tarantula undead creature didn't like fighting. Seeing that Sister Hu had no intention of continuing to fight, she immediately canceled the transformation and returned to Jiu Sheng's appearance.

"You two, is there anything else? If nothing happens, please come back.

Although his tone sounded quite relaxed, Shima Noboru felt quite stressed.

The anomaly was right in front of him, and he could feel an inexplicable sense of oppression from Lu Li.

Although this sense of oppression is not strong, it may have something to do with the fact that the other party does not use force.

Once the opponent uses power, the pressure brought to him may not be just that little bit.

The current situation is not optimistic, and he can't go head-to-head with the anomalies yet!

Once he is sealed, things will become more troublesome.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled lightly. He didn't come here to fight in the first place.

Just to see if the advanced undead creature existing on the farm is Shima Noboru.

Now that the goal has been achieved, he has no interest in staying here.

His arrival has caused a major change in the original plot. Shima Noboru returns to the Extreme Battle ahead of schedule. What direction will the next thing develop in?

Lu Li cannot predict the future, so naturally he does not know what direction things will develop in.

"Chengguang, since they don't welcome us, then we should leave."

Before the voice fell, Lu Li turned and left.

Sister Hu looked at Shima Noboru unwillingly.

I didn't expect that after resurrection, I would actually meet the category King now.

Unfortunately, her current combat power is not strong enough. Even if she wants to deal with Shima Noboru, she is not an opponent with her strength.

She turned back to Chengguang, looked at Shima Noboru expressionlessly, and then turned around to follow Lu Li's pace.

When watching the two leave, Shima Noboru's nervous mood also quietly relieved.

He really didn't want to have a head-on collision with Lu Li now.

One is that he is not sure whether he can beat the other party, and the other is that he is not sure what kind of anomaly Lu Li is.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

A roar of a motorcycle came.

Soon, Kenzaki Kazuma, who drove a motorcycle here, stopped the motorcycle next to Shima Noboru.

Take off the helmet, Kenzaki Kazuma looks surprised.

"Mr. Ming?! How come you are here?!"

Aren't there undead creatures here? Why is there nothing after I came here?

At this time, the voice of Hirose Shiori came from the communicator.

"Kenzaki, the signal of the undead creatures has disappeared, both of them have disappeared."


You know, he came here within two minutes, how could the other party disappear inexplicably.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma involuntarily looked at Shima Noboru.

There was a trace of disbelief in his eyes. Although he didn't want to think about it, he had to think about it.

"Mr. Shima, are you...?!"

There was a strong shock and surprise in his tone, and Kenzaki Kazuma really didn't want to believe his guess.

Shima Noboru didn't want to expose himself so quickly, but he still did.

Although this was just Kenzaki Kazuma's guess, how could he explain it?

With a slight lead, Shima Noboru decided not to hide this matter anymore, so he took the initiative to switch to the form of a wolf spider undead creature.

Seeing Shima Noboru suddenly transform, Kenzaki Kazuma's heart tightened, and he quickly took out the knight's buckle.

But in the next second, Shima Noboru turned back into human form.

"What do you mean? Are you not going to fight me?"

Full of doubts, Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't figure out what Shima Noboru wanted to do.

"Kenzaki, I don't like fighting myself, and I hate fighting very much.

It was the first time I heard such an answer, and Kenzaki Kazuma's face was full of disbelief.

"Why do you want to pretend to be a friend of Director Karasuma? What is your purpose in approaching us? ! "

Since the other party is an undead creature, Kenzaki Kazuma has reason to believe that the other party is deliberately pretending to be a friend of Karasuma Kei and intends to approach them.

Faced with Kenzaki Kazuma's doubts, Shima Noboru shook his head.

"No! I didn't lie to you about this. The photos I showed you are real. I am indeed a friend of Karasuma.

If you don't believe me, you can go to Karasuma to confirm it yourself and see if I lied to you. ”

With a calm expression, Shima Noboru behaved very calmly, not panicking at all because his identity was exposed.

Seeing the other party so calm, Kenzaki Kazuma still didn't quite believe it in his heart.

In his opinion, since the other party was an undead creature, how could he be the director's friend.

The previous photo might also be synthesized.

Just this photo, there is no way to prove that Shima Noboru is harmless.

But seeing Shima Noboru so confident, Kenzaki Kazuma felt that there was no need for him to lie.

Noticing Kenzaki Kazuma's intention to continue transforming and fighting with him, Kenzaki continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Kenzaki, do you think that with my ability, if I really have any purpose for you, can you stop me with your current combat power?

Although I don't want to say this, I am also a category Kig after all. As a powerful high-level undead creature, my combat power is still unquestionable. "

Thinking about it, it seems to be true. Kenzaki Kazuma slowly put down the knight's buckle in his hand.

There was scrutiny in his eyes. Although he had believed what Shima Noboru said, he did not completely believe Shima Noboru.

The best way is to find the director first and then confirm this matter from the director.

After a moment of silence, Kenzaki Kazuma stared at Ming Sheng.

"I will believe you for now, but don't do anything that will make me misunderstand, otherwise I will not let you go!"

After getting such an answer, Ming Sheng nodded slightly with a faint smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I don't have to lie to you. The reason I came back was not to participate in this extreme battle, but because I learned from the wind that there were variables in this extreme


The existence of variables will bring great changes to this battle. I don't know whether it is good or bad for humans, but I hope that humans can continue to survive. "

The last words resonated with Kenzaki Kazuma's heart/Woo.

He has been fighting hard, and he is unwilling to give up even when facing dangerous undead creatures.

It is because he has a heart that protects all humans and is willing to give everything for it.

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