Although she was still a little unskilled in using it, she had no problem eating ramen.

Eating ramen with big mouthfuls, Lu Li found that the ramen in this ramen shop was very good, no wonder there were so many customers.

As for Cheng Guang, she ate ramen mouthful by mouthful, recalling what had just happened.

Although she didn't know how to use tableware, Lu Li didn't laugh at her, and was even willing to take the initiative to teach her step by step.

She glanced at the back of her hand slightly. Lu Li just held her hand and taught her how to use chopsticks.

For some reason, Cheng Guang had a strange feeling in her heart.

This guy in front of her looked pretty good.

Realizing that Cheng Guang was observing him, Lu Li raised his head and looked into each other's eyes.

Cheng Guang, who was discovered, seemed to be very guilty and turned his head aside.

Even Cheng Guang himself couldn't explain the changes that occurred unconsciously.

But this change did exist. Lu Li could feel that Cheng Guang's attitude towards him was very different from before.

After slowly tasting the ramen, Cheng Guang was indeed attracted by the delicious food. He suddenly found that there were so many delicious foods in the human world.

If it were the tiger tribe he belonged to, he would probably have to eat raw meat and drink blood, and it would be impossible for him to become like this.

Things like this now seem to be pretty good.

Such an idea suddenly came to his mind, and Cheng Guang was also shocked by this sudden idea.

How could he have such an idea?

Didn’t he want to revitalize his own race? !

He shook his head quickly and threw away the strange idea in his mind.

He must not have such an idea, as he was corrupted by the human world.

Lu Li could certainly feel the change in Cheng Guang’s mentality. He just smiled and didn’t say it clearly.

Under the dark night, on a tall building

The spider undead creature was standing next to the tall building at this time, and the purple mask looked like a terrifying and hideous face.

The three eyes emitting purple light looked quite creepy.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of small golden spiders were launched from his mouth.

These small golden spiders will fly to different places with the help of the wind to find the most suitable adapter for the spider undead creatures.

A large amount of gold, under the breeze, traveled far away and spread to various places.

The reason why the spider undead creatures are choosing the most suitable adapter now is to find the most suitable transformer before they are sealed.

He already knows that the knight system has appeared among humans, and the undead creatures can be sealed through the knight system.

This is a unique opportunity for the spider undead creatures who cannot seal the undead creatures.

Find the most suitable adapter, and then let yourself be sealed, of course, pretend to be sealed.

Take the opportunity to control the adapter, and you can become the strongest Kamen Rider.

After you seal all the undead creatures, it means that you have won this extreme battle.

This is also why the spider undead creatures suddenly spread a large number of small golden spiders, and he must find an adapter as soon as possible.

Every time the spiders are released, there are almost hundreds or thousands of them, which is very large.

But even so, it is not easy to find a suitable adapter.

The spider undead can only cast a wide net, and in this way, it can find humans who are suitable for it faster.

It can be said that the spider undead has begun to lay out. After finding a suitable adapter, he can choose to be sealed and go directly behind the scenes to manipulate and use his own adapter.

Although the spider undead only appeared for a moment, Isaka did feel the existence of the spider undead.

When he was about to search for the specific location of the spider undead, he found that the breath of the spider undead disappeared again.

"Finally... the last category Ace appeared!"

With a hint of excitement in his tone, Isaka can see that his knight system is about to be completed.

The strongest knight system!

As long as the strongest knight system in his hand is completed, he believes that he can solve it, whether it is Kamen Rider or Lu Li.

But what Isaka didn't know was that although he created the strongest knight system, he didn't even have the opportunity to use it, and he made wedding clothes for others.

This time, the spider undead creature appeared for a very short time, so he did not sense the detailed location.

But it didn't matter. When the spider undead creature appeared again next time, he believed that he would be able to find it.

Time passed quickly and it was the next day.

Just as Isaka thought, the spider undead creature really appeared.

And this time it appeared for a long time, and it was not ruled out that it was eating.

After noticing the target location, Isaka immediately notified Tachibana Sakuya and asked him to rush to the destination and seal the category Ac as soon as possible..

After receiving the order, Tachibana Sakuya also rushed to the destination without stopping.

He urgently needed to fight to determine how his body recovered now, and now there was indeed no discomfort at all.

The appearance of the spider undead creature just gave him this opportunity.

But it was not only Tachibana Sakuya, but Kenzaki Kazuma on the other side was also rushing to the destination at a high speed.

In an alley, a restaurant chef was taking out the trash when he felt something strange above his head and immediately raised his head.

As a result, he saw a terrifying monster right above here. When he was about to scream, he was trapped by the spider silk before he could scream.

His whole body was covered with spider silk and he collapsed on the ground. Through the eyes, he could only watch the terrifying monster and think about how he was coming step by step.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

Wave after wave of purple energy followed the spider silk and entered the mouth of the undead spider."

Releasing a large number of golden spiders consumes a lot of energy. Undead spiders need to obtain energy in this way.

This extracted energy is the chef's life energy.

After losing this life energy, the chef will die directly and become a mummy.

After a while, the chef, who was still struggling, finally lost his strength and turned into a withered corpse.

After doing all this, the undead spider spewed out a large number of small golden spiders, riding on the wind and flying to different places.

At this time, Ju Shuo finally arrived.

When he saw the spider undead creature, Ju Shuo also felt a surge of power in his heart.


I can fight the undead again!



He transformed into Ge Lian again and rushed over to fight with the undead spiders.

At this time, the spider undead creature does not want to be sealed yet, after all, he has not found a suitable adapter yet.

Only after finding a suitable adaptation will he be willing to be "sealed".

PS: Thank you

A monthly pass for Broly x! !

thanks one

Monthly pass for fireworks! !

Chapter 403: Fight, the targeted adapter, Sister Tiger: despicable!

During the battle, Ge Lian clearly felt that his body had fully recovered, and the undead spider creature in front of him was not blurry.

This means that he can completely see the movements of the spider undead creature.

"I must prove that I am stronger than Kenzaki!

He wants to seal the category Ace to prove that he is better than Kenzaki Kazuma.

He has no fear, he will definitely be able to seal the category Ac...

However, in the following battle, Gelian discovered that the category Ace was different from other undead creatures.

Compared to ordinary undead creatures, the Ace type is significantly more powerful in combat.

And compared with ordinary undead creatures, the Ace type is obviously more intelligent.

This guy knows how to use his own advantages, and he also knows how to lay out~.

In terms of combat, the Ace type is even comparable to advanced undead creatures. Although it is not comparable to the Kig type, its combat effectiveness is quite good.

For example, Kalis of the Ace of Hearts and the vulture undead creature of the Jack of Spades made an agreement 10,000 years ago to defeat all other undead creatures before the final battle.

Final battle.

It can be seen from this that the combat power of advanced undead creatures in the Ace category is almost very close.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are comparable.

The spider undead creature is very powerful in combat. If it doesn't want to be sealed, it can't be dealt with by the current Ge Lian.

For a time, Gelian was in a hard fight.

He tried to use the awakening card to attack several times, but the undead spider interrupted his release with spider silk, leaving him no chance to use the corresponding skills.


Compared with the undead creatures encountered before, the spider undead creatures are obviously more difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Kenzaki Kazuma finally arrived at the scene.

When he arrived, he saw Ge Lian fighting the spider undead and shouted quickly.




The sword immediately completed its transformation, drew out its awakener and rushed forward quickly, preparing to join the battle.

But at that time, Gelian didn't want his battle to be interrupted by the sword, so he immediately turned around and fired two shots at the sword.

"Bang bang!!"


The unsuspecting sword hit him on the spot, and he immediately let out a scream and staggered back a few steps.

Jian, who had stabilized his body, immediately questioned Green loudly.

"Tachibana-senpai! What are you doing?!"

Hearing this, Ge Lian's eyes were filled with indifference.

"This is my prey, you are not allowed to interfere!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately got into a melee with the spider undead creature again.

Even if he is at a disadvantage, he does not want the sword to interfere with his own battle.

Category Ace is his goal and must not be taken away by the sword!

Just yesterday, after Kenzaki Kazuma learned about Shima Noboru's identity, Mingsheng told Kenzaki Kazuma about Tachibana Sakuya's situation.

From Shima Noboru, Kenzaki Kazuma already knew that the reason why Tachibana Sakuya was able to fight like this was entirely because of the help of other higher-level undead creatures.

It's not that he overcame the fear in his heart, but the result of the help of other advanced undead creatures.

When he learned the news, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't want to believe it anyway.

How could senior Tachibana, who has a strong sense of justice, cooperate with the undead?

But recalling the previous situation and the current battle, he couldn't help but feel that Shima Noboru might not have lied to him.

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