What is this man's identity?

With a slight movement of his fingers, Lu Li seemed to be waiting for Kallis to attack him.

Seeing Lu Li provoking him, Kallis' heart suddenly froze, and he immediately rushed towards Lu Li with the Awakening Bow in hand.

Now he doesn't want to worry about it so much. The only thing he knows is that Lu Li is his enemy now.

Since the opponent is your enemy, you should go all out to completely defeat the opponent.

The eternal dagger appeared in Lu Li's hand at some point, and collided with the Xing Gong who struck quickly.


The two sharp weapons collided with sparks, and Lu Li stood motionless.

Feeling the strength coming from his hand, Kallis was indeed a little stronger than last time.

Perhaps because he was stimulated by Kenzaki Kazuma, he also became stronger.

However, Lu Li didn't pay attention to such intensity.

Now, even if Kallis faced Sister Tiger, it would be very difficult, let alone facing Lu Li.

With a little force, the seven bows bounced off the awakening bow.

Kallis could not resist this powerful force, and his right arm was bounced away under the impact.

But with a lot of combat experience, Kalis certainly couldn't be repelled so willingly. He suddenly turned his body and swept his legs straight towards Lu Li's head.

Lu Li had already seen through these actions of the other party.

Of course, this was not something Lu Li could see through with his own fighting ability, but another ability he obtained from the giver.

Battle prediction!

When fighting, you can effectively predict the opponent's actions and quickly make the best response.

With this ability, not to say that you can be absolutely invincible, but at least you can put yourself in an invincible position.

No matter how strong your opponent is, as long as you can predict it, you can dodge all attacks or seize the opportunity to counterattack.

The moment Kallis was about to kick, Lu Li's other hand had already grasped the eternal robe, and quickly pulled it over to wrap around Kallis' legs.

Not only did it remove the impact of Kallis' kick, but it also bound his legs.

Pushing forward with all his strength, Kalis couldn't resist the pulling force at all and was forced to get closer to Lu Li.


A ferocious fist slammed into Kallis' chest, and the violent force knocked Kallis away in an instant.


The body flew more than ten meters away, and Kalis fell to the ground in a panic, and then flew out for several meters before reluctantly stopping.

The severe pain in his chest made him feel as if his chest was about to explode.

Although I already knew that Lu Li was a very powerful opponent, I didn't expect that Lu Li's power was completely beyond expectations.

Cheng Guang, who was watching the battle from the side, squinted his eyes slightly, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

She observed the battle just now very carefully, and she was quite curious about the combat effectiveness of this legendary undead creature.

Judging from the performance just now, the fighting ability seems to be quite average, and she even doesn't think that this legendary undead creature can beat her.

Since it is a legendary undead creature, it shouldn't make sense for it to be so simple. Something feels wrong.

Sister Tiger had doubts in her mind. She couldn't help but wonder if the Kallis in front of her was really the legendary undead creature?

Feeling the pain coming from his chest, Kalis reluctantly supported his body and stood up.

Sure enough, the guy in front of him was still very powerful. Even if he changed into a form that he didn't know, he was still ridiculously powerful.

Although Kallis wanted to fight all the undead creatures and seal them, the process was long and troublesome.

But even so, Kallis will continue to fight without any fear in his heart.

Struggle can often stimulate the motivation in his heart and make him stronger.


Kallis struck again, as if the injury on his chest had been completely forgotten by him.

Even though he knew he couldn't beat him, he still pressed on. This was completely overestimating his own capabilities. Cheng Guang silently commented in his heart.


In her eyes, Callis' behavior was simply asking for trouble.

Enemies that cannot be defeated head-on can choose to use other methods to circumvent and defeat the opponent instead of head-on confrontation.

If you don't have enough strength, you still have to choose to fight head-on, and you can almost see the outcome clearly.

Only this time, while Kallis rushed over quickly, he quickly took off the awakening device component from his waist and installed it on the awakening bow.

Quickly draw out two awakening cards and slide them across the awakener component.




The Palm Split Double Bundle for the 3 of Hearts and the Hurricane Eagle for the 6 of Hearts.

The two awakening cards turned into phantoms and merged into Kalis.

Changing the Awakening Bow to his left hand, his right hand was surrounded by a green tornado, cutting the surrounding air crazily.


Seeing this, an awakening card appeared between Lu Li's index and middle fingers. He casually scratched the groove on the eternal dagger.

"Heat! Maximum.Drive!"

Blazing extreme drive!

There is a blazing flame burning in his right hand, and the blazing light is eye-catching.

Clenching his fist, Lu Li aimed at Kalis and smashed it.

The fist burning with blazing flames and the hand knife wrapped with tornado finally came into contact.

The two violent energies merged together, and a stronger energy burst out.


The terrifying energy exploded!

The terrifying hand knife wrapped with tornado by Calis did not cut the flame on Lu Li's fist as smoothly as before.

Instead, the flame burned more vigorously under the influence of this wind.

The powerful force directly blasted Calis back, and his feet stepped firmly on the ground, but even so, he was still pushed back more than ten meters by this violent energy.

There was a sharp pain in his right hand, and Calis could feel that his right hand seemed to be out of control.

Under the burst of powerful energy just now, he almost couldn't bear it.

His hands were shaking violently, and Calis looked very embarrassed.

His unyielding character made him want to continue fighting, but he knew very well his current state. If he continued to fight, he was afraid that he would not get any good results.

Calis was extremely unwilling to give up, knowing that he had lost again this time.

He was unwilling to give up after failing twice at the hands of the same opponent.

But it was not a question of whether he was willing or not, but whether he could continue to fight.

In his current state, it was very difficult for him to even hold a weapon with his right hand, let alone fight, which was completely a pipe dream.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 一一一一 @ Lie @火!

Thank you for the monthly ticket of 一一一一 ilg.!

Chapter 405 Mystery, Sister Tiger's strong curiosity! 】

The spider who let him go

The battle ended very quickly, and Cheng Guang couldn't help but be secretly shocked when he watched from the side.

Sure enough, when fighting with him before, although Lu Li transformed into another form, he definitely held back on him.

Otherwise, with the energy burst just now, Cheng Guang didn't think he could withstand it.

As expected of Lu Li, a man who could make her recognize his strength!

I don't know why, seeing Lu Li win so easily, Cheng Guang actually felt a little happy in his heart.

Of course, Cheng Guang himself did not notice this.

He just thought it was the excitement brought by his desire to fight.

Although Calis was still in the transformed state, it was unlikely that he would continue to fight.

Without the intention of continuing to fight, Lu Li directly canceled the transformation.

The white knight armor on his body disappeared without a trace, and Lu Li still looked calm.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly cancel the transformation, Calis was a little confused about what Lu Li wanted to do.

"What do you mean?"

Facing Calis's questioning, Lu Li just shook his head slightly.

"It doesn't mean anything. You are too weak now. If you want to fight me, you need to become stronger.

Keep going and get stronger. I look forward to our fight after you become stronger."

After that, Lu Li no longer paid attention to Calis and turned away.

Cheng Guang took a deep look at Calis who was covering his arm, and quickly followed Lu Li's pace to leave.

After the two left, and sensing that the two were indeed gradually moving away, Calis unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out the awakening card of the 2 of Hearts and switched back to human form.


Aikawa Hajime came to the side and sat down with a difficult look on his face, breathing heavily, and a layer of cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

As for his right hand, green blood kept oozing out of his clothes.

Not only was he injured, but he was also seriously injured.

The last time he was injured so seriously was when he didn't know, and Aikawa Hajime couldn't remember it.

The intense pain made him very uncomfortable, and he kept grinning.

In the next two days, even if he wanted to fight, he might not be able to exert his full strength.

I thought I had become stronger than before, and maybe I could fight Lu Li for a longer time.

But unfortunately, the result was not what he wanted.

This time he not only lost, but also lost miserably,

because he noticed that during the battle this time, Lu Li had always stood in the same place and had not retreated a step.

And he took the initiative to attack the weak, and gave the right to attack to Lu Li. How long can he hold on?

A big question mark appeared in Hajime Aikawa's mind regarding this question.

He even felt that he might not survive more than two moves, and it would be very miserable.

He had no idea what the awakening card Lu Li used was.

This man... has too many secrets!

Not only does he have an awakening device similar to his own, but he also has an unknown card. Who is he?

After a short rest, the severe pain in his right arm finally eased a little, and he casually found a piece of cloth to bandage himself.

The injury has been relieved, and he only needs to heal the wound. For undead creatures, wound recovery is still quite fast.

After barely resting for a while, Hajime Aikawa staggered away from here.

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