Looking at the retreating figure, Kenzaki Kazuma felt that his words should still be effective.

Aikawa Hajime's hesitation just now explained everything.

When Ju Shuo also woke up again, he found that it was already night.

I don't know how long I have been sleeping here, but it is like this every time I get rid of the fear in my heart.

With his mind groggy, Ju Shuo slowly stood up.


A thunder flashed across the sky, followed by a burst of thunder.

Seeing that it was going to rain heavily, Ju Shuo also returned to the motorcycle, clenching his fists and feeling full of strength in his body.

"Isaka! This time... I will definitely take back the category Ace. I will never allow someone as miserable as me to appear again!"

Afterwards, Ju Shuo also drove the motorcycle away gradually.

"Is it possible to defeat Isaka with just his strength? Even if there is no fear anymore, I don't think his strength can defeat Isaka."

Cheng Guang's voice suddenly sounded, and she was standing where Ju Shuo also woke up just now.

"I don't know either, but I think there is a possibility. Wouldn't you know if you try it?"

Sayoko was not dead, so naturally she did not have any mental impact on Jushuo.

Without the power of anger to help him completely overcome his fear and become stronger, it is unknown whether he can deal with Isaka.

But Lu Li was looking forward to the outcome of this unknown battle.

The outcome of the battle is unknown, which is why it's interesting.

If you already knew the outcome of the battle from the beginning, it would be almost meaningless.

"Let's go, it's going to rain heavily here soon. If you continue to stay here, you'll be soaked in the rain soon."

With that said, Lu Li took the initiative to pass his hand to Cheng Guang.

Perhaps because he was used to it, Cheng Guang put his hand in Lu Li's without any hesitation.

When she reacted, she found that she had already done so.

Why...would I take the initiative to give him my hand?

With a slightly dull expression on his face, Cheng Guang really couldn't understand when he had unknowingly trusted Lu Li so much.

When I followed this man, I felt an inexplicable sense of peace and gratitude in my heart.

It's like no matter what non-living thing you face, you don't have to be afraid of being sealed.

Since when did my mentality change so much without even realizing it?

When I came back to my senses,

This made Cheng Guang himself feel very incredible.

Lu Li naturally knew about these subtle changes in Chengguang, but he didn't take the initiative to bring it up.

Of course, with all the changes that took place in Chengguang, there was only one target, and that was Lu Li.

Regarding other undead creatures, Cheng Guang still has the same attitude as before, and this has never changed.

If he encounters other undead creatures, Cheng Guang still wants to fight with them to determine the winner.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Tachibana Saku no longer feels fear, he wants Isaka's plan to fail.

Since he had worked for Isaka before, Tachibana Shuo also naturally knew where the other party's research institute was.

We drove our motorcycle to our destination early in the morning.

The reason why he chose to come today instead of coming directly last night.

It was because he met Sayoko last night.

In the next battle with Isaka, he wasn't sure if he had a chance of winning.

If he loses this battle, he may die. He wants to see his favorite woman again before this battle happens.

There was a possibility that he would never be able to come back, but he still chose to go without hesitation.

He has part of the reason why things have developed like this, so he must be the one to put an end to this matter.

Of course, Tachibana Saku didn't say that he would fight Isaka today, but simply explained some things.

But the keen Sayoko also noticed something was wrong with Tachibana Sakuya:

So in the morning, she drove her car and followed Tachibana Sakuya from a distance, trying to see what he was going to do.

Tachibana Sakuya was thinking about the decisive battle with Isaka, but he didn't notice Sayoko following him in the distance.

If he had known that the other party would guess something because of his meeting with Sayoko, he might not have gone to see Sayoko last night.

Not long after, Ju Shuo finally arrived at the research institute.

This will be the location of today's decisive battle, and he is fully prepared.

And just about a hundred or two hundred meters away from here, a car stopped.

Sayoko got out of the car and looked at the research institute in the distance and Tachibana Sakuya standing there, feeling very confused.

She didn't understand why Ju Shuo came to this place, but it must have something to do with what he said last night.

Then, she noticed that Ju Shuo was also walking towards the research institute.

Sayoko, who had decided to figure this out, cautiously approached the research institute below alone.

She had no idea how dangerous her behavior would be.

At this time, in the research institute.

"I've got all the category Ace cards, but now I still can't find a suitable candidate?!"

There was a hint of anger in Isaka's tone, and his patience was being consumed bit by bit.

The powerful Lu Li and another high-level undead creature Cheng Guang have brought him great pressure, making him eager to create the strongest knight.

But now things are not going as he wished, and they have not been able to develop as he wanted.

I thought the strongest knight system had been completed, and I just needed to find an adapter, but I didn’t expect that the adapter could not be found.

The researchers bowed their heads and said.

“I’m really sorry, we are trying our best to find it now!”

It’s not that they don’t try hard to find it, but they really haven’t found it.

For some reason, the most suitable adapter has never appeared, and I don’t know how many groups of people have been captured, but it’s always the same.

Suddenly, Isaka noticed something and turned his head suddenly.

When he saw the figure standing at the door, a smile flashed in his eyes, as if he had expected such a result.

"Tachibana, I knew you would choose to come back. You can't do anything without your power.

Everything is under control. Isaka doesn't think Tachibana Sakuya has the power to fight him now.

Of course, what he doesn't know is that Lu Li once again helped Tachibana Sakuya block the fear in his heart.

Now he can exert the strongest strength he can exert at present.

As for whether there will be a breakthrough and improvement, it depends on Tachibana Sakuya himself.

"Hand over the category Ace, I won't let you complete your so-called strongest knight system!

For those with tragic fates, I am enough."

Tachibana Sakuya's voice was cold, and it seemed that he had made plans for a decisive battle with Isaka.

Hearing this, Isaka, who originally thought that Tachibana Sakuya also wanted to return to his side, changed his face slightly.

Why is it different from what he thought?

"Tachibana, do you know what you are talking about? Do you think you can deal with me with your strength? Don't joke"

With your broken body and the fear you are shrouded in, why do you fight with me? It's a joke. "

A flash of disdain flashed across his face. Isaka didn't know that Tachibana Saku was not shrouded in fear now.

"You can only know whether you can win after fighting!"

After saying that, Tachibana Saku immediately put on the knight's buckle.



Slowly passing through the blue light curtain in front of him, Gren appeared in front of Isaka.

This time, Gren was not polite at all. He raised the awakening device and aimed at Isaka to stop the flight.

"Bang! !"

The flames spewed from the muzzle, and this shot accurately hit Isaka's face.

No blood flowed, but Isaka was completely enraged.

The next second, Isaka directly transformed into his true appearance.

Peacock Undead Creature.

"Tachibana! "

Accompanied by the roar of the peacock undead creature, he immediately rushed forward and rushed out of the research institute with Ju Shuo.

This research institute is still very important. The strongest one has not been produced yet, and it must not be damaged like this.

The two came to the outside of the research institute and a fierce battle broke out immediately.

At this time, Sayoko, who was hiding next to the research institute building, naturally saw Ge Ren who was fighting with the peacock undead creature.


She didn't expect that Ju Shuo also ran here early in the morning just to fight the monster.

The monster seemed to be very strong, and she couldn't help but worry in her heart whether Ju Shuo could beat the monster.

Gren, who had no fear in his heart, burst out his strength with all his strength, and for a moment he caught the peacock undead creature off guard.

"How is it possible? ! Didn't you lose your strength because of fear before? ! "

There was a hint of disbelief in his tone. The peacock undead creature had never expected such a situation to happen.

How could it be so?

Suddenly, the figure of Lu Li flashed through the mind of the peacock undead creature.

"Could it be... Lu Li? ! Was it that guy who helped you to control the fear in your heart? !"

After reacting, the peacock undead creature questioned Ge Lian loudly.

Faced with his questioning, Ge Lian did not give a direct answer at all.

"Who knows, do you still have time to care about these now?"

Put the muzzle of the gun against Isaka's abdomen and quickly pull the trigger to shoot continuously.

"Bang bang bang! ! ”

The peacock undead creature, which was hit at such a close distance, was beaten back continuously even though it had good defense.

But the bullets in the Geren awakening device did not have the power of 1.3 plus cards at this time. Although there was a certain amount of damage, it was not enough to make the peacock undead creature unable to resist.

Isaka, who was extremely angry, immediately took out his long sword.

He didn't expect that he would be beaten so badly by Geren. How could he not be angry when he had never thought much of Geren.

"Lu Li, this bastard! How dare he backstabbed me! When I control the strongest Kamen Rider, I will definitely make him pay the price!"

The voice gnashed his teeth, and the first person he suspected was Lu Li.

The only ones who could help Geren overcome the fear in his heart were himself and Lu Li. If he didn't do it, then it could only be Lu Li.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, he was actually tricked. How could he not be angry?

But anger was anger. Now he had no way to deal with Lu Li. Even if he knew the result, he couldn't do anything.

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