The last Kalis, under such circumstances, naturally could not watch the battle end, he must defeat Lu Li himself!

He took out three awakening cards from the card box on the right side of the belt.

Hearts 4 Floating Dragonfly, Hearts 5 Diamond Digging Conch, Hearts 6 Hurricane Eagle!




The three cards instantly merged into his body.

His body slowly soared into the air, and with rapid rotation, it was like a dark conch.

After reaching a certain height, the super-fast rotating Kalis quickly pierced the white barrier below.


"Zizizizi! ! "

When the black conch and the white barrier touched each other, a series of strange crackling sounds were made.

The terrifying penetrating power still seemed to make it difficult to break through the defense.

The four knights released their ultimate moves almost at the same time, in order to break through the protective barrier set up by Lu Li.

I thought that the combined power of the four people could break through the defense released by Lu Li, but the result was disappointing.

The energy from the four sides burst out at the same time, but none of them broke through the defense, but a little crack appeared on the barrier.

Noticing the cracks on the barrier, Lu Li was also surprised.

I didn't expect that the barrier released by the Queen's memory extreme drive could be broken by their combined efforts.

It was indeed a bit surprising, but it was not something Lu Li could not accept.

Taking out the eternal memory in the fusion drive, Lu Li inserted it into the body slot on the right side of the belt.

Directly press the button on the memory slot.

"Eternal! Maximum.Drive (Eternal Maximum Drive!)"

When the power of the Eternal Memory was driven to the limit, a terrifying blue flame burst out from Lu Li's body.

After the blue flame burst out, it gathered madly on his right hand.

But it was completely covered by the blue flame, which looked quite weird.

The next second, Lu Li punched the ground under his feet.


An extremely terrifying energy instantly poured into the ground.

"Boom boom boom!!!" "

The surrounding ground seemed to tremble, as if there was an earthquake!

The four knights obviously felt the vibrations around them, but they had no time to care about anything else.

Shima Noboru, who was watching the battle, could feel that a violent energy was raging wildly underground and could erupt at any time.

And in the next second, Shima Noboru's face suddenly changed.

Here it comes!

At this moment, Shima Noboru keenly noticed that the energy had erupted!

The blue energy that soared into the sky surged out from the ground crazily.

Like a blowout, the terrifying energy poured crazily towards the barrier.

The barrier, which had already cracked and seemed to be likely to break at any time, could no longer hold up under the pouring of this terrifying blue energy.

"Pah pah pah! !"

A series of crisp sounds rang out.

The huge white barrier shattered in an instant, and the terrifying blue energy instantly blasted towards the four knights outside the barrier.

"Boom! !"! "

The blue energy and the accident, different energies collided with each other, and a violent explosion occurred directly.

A deafening sound rang out, countless pieces of gravel flew all over the sky, and the smoke and dust from the explosion rolled up all over the sky, and the smoke was filled with gunpowder.

"Shua shua shua! !"

In the thick smoke and dust, four figures suddenly flew out from four directions and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah! !"

"Hiss~! "

Wailings rang out, and the four people who fell to the ground looked very embarrassed.

Jian and Gelian canceled their transformation on the spot, and the knight system fell to the side.

Lenger's situation was slightly better, but now this guy was controlled by the spirit of the spider undead creature, so he did not cancel his transformation directly.

However, due to the violent impact, the spirit of the spider undead creature was shocked, and the control over this body dropped significantly.

Lenger wanted to support his body to stand up, but suddenly felt that the spirit from Kamijiro Mutsuki was competing with him for control of his body.

Holding his head in pain, Lianger had completely reached his limit.

Then the belt buckle on his waist closed automatically, and the purple light curtain popped up, forcing him to exit the transformation state.

The only one who can still maintain the transformation state is probably There was only Calis.

But even so, Calis was now unable to fight.

It was already very good that he could barely stand up, and the possibility of continuing to fight was completely zero.

It would be fine if he fought four people alone, but he could crush four people by himself.

The powerful fighting power displayed by Lu Li shocked everyone at the scene.

Shima Sheng's face was full of solemnity

Although he had known that the anomaly was not easy to deal with, he did not expect that this anomaly was so difficult to deal with.

The four knights attacked together, but they could not suppress the opponent in the slightest.

With this strength, Shima Sheng even felt that he might not be the opponent.

If he was not even the opponent of the opponent, how should he deal with this anomaly?

He did not like fighting in the first place, and suddenly found that things seemed to be very troublesome.

Who is Lu Li, who possesses such powerful strength?

So far, although Ming Sheng already knows that Lu Li is an anomaly, he only knows that Lu Li is not an ordinary undead creature, nor is he an ordinary high-level undead life.

But he is a very special existence.

He is not any of the fifty-three undead creatures he has fought before.

The mysterious identity makes Shima Sheng very afraid of Lu Li.

At the same time, he really can't understand what Lu Li's purpose is.

Like Isaka, the purpose is to create the strongest knight system, and then find a way to seal the other undead creatures and become the winner of the extreme war.

Lu Li has never shown his purpose, and the high-level undead creature following him is also very strong.

Two high-level undead creatures have not fought together, either they are in a cooperative relationship, or one has surrendered to the other.

Lu Li has such a strong strength, it is completely certain that he must have subdued another high-level undead creature with his strong strength.

Even for the category Kig, it is a very difficult thing to subdue other high-level undead creatures.

But Lu Li did it.

Even though Cheng Guang had seen Lu Li's strong fighting power, his eyes widened slightly at this time, and he was extremely surprised.

It would be fine if he fought four knights alone, but he could completely crush the four knights.

Sure enough... this man is not just mysterious.

Is this the strength of the winner of the first extreme battle?

Cheng Guang couldn't help but imagine that if Lu Li joined the second extreme battle, I'm afraid that battle would not be won by human undead creatures.

But even after watching this battle, Cheng Guang didn't think this was Lu Li's limit.

In the battle just now, Lu Li looked very relaxed, and it was obvious that this was not his full strength.

The power of this man is unimaginable!

Perhaps. He can even rival the Creator? !

Such an amazing idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and Cheng Guang himself found it incredible.

He shook his head quickly and threw away this unrealistic idea in his mind.

As the seal stone of the creator, it has a very powerful power, which can easily seal and create undead creatures, and even change the whole world.

Such a terrifying and powerful power is definitely not comparable to undead creatures.

But what Cheng Guang didn't know was that Lu Li did have the power comparable to the seal stone, or even stronger.

After many growths, Lu Li can no longer be measured by undead creatures.

Yoshinaga Miyuki was already shocked beyond words at this time.

Even though she felt that she was very optimistic about Lu Li, thinking that Lu Li might be a Kig or something like that.

But unexpectedly, even if Lu Li did not transform into an undead creature, he could easily crush his opponent.

Yoshinaga Miyuki has deeply experienced this powerful strength.

He challenged four knights alone and was able to win a complete victory. The opponent even found it difficult to touch his body.

Although he had been severely punished by Lu Li once, Yoshinaga Miyuki, who still had a little thought in his heart, had not completely given up until now.

But after seeing Lu Li's powerful strength, the little thoughts in her heart finally disappeared without a trace.

A trace of bitterness appeared on her face. She should stay by Lu Li's side honestly in the future, otherwise she would not know when she would lie down.

Undead creatures will not die, but they can be sealed. Yoshinaga Miyuki is not stupid, so she naturally does not want to be sealed.

There are so many interesting things in this world now. Once they are sealed, there will be nothing.

Lu Li did not know that he was just out to practice, so he directly dispelled the little thoughts in Yoshinaga Miyuki's heart.

The last time she defeated Lian Geer, Yoshinaga Miyuki still had a little luck in her heart, maybe there was still a chance.

But this time, one against four, directly drowned out the little luck in her heart.

The flying smoke and dust were gradually settling as time passed.

The white knight at the center of the energy explosion stood there quietly.

There was no dust on the pure white body, spotless.

Standing on the ground like a king, he gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Calis is indeed a battle maniac. Even in this state, he still did not give up the fight.

After standing up shakily, he staggered towards Lu Li, as if he was ready to continue fighting.

But in his current state, it was impossible for him to hurt Lu Li. Taking the initiative to go up would be a complete loss.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, before even getting close to Lu Li, Calis stumbled and fell down again.

It would be difficult to stand up again after falling down this time.

Looking around at the four people, Lu Li slowly closed the fusion drive.

The battle was over, and these four people could no longer pose any threat.

As for Shima, he had no intention of fighting at all, and the possibility of taking the initiative to fight with him was not great.

Looking at Shima, Lu Li suddenly said.

".Shima, you can't rely on them to fight me. I am looking forward to fighting with you. After all... we have never fought like this before."

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