The highest peak energy has been recorded, and the forbidden memory can now be recovered.

The experiment is over, and it's time to go back and make adjustments.

The awakening device automatically emerged from his waist, and Lu Li took out the awakening mantis with the red heart a "580".



The invisible energy instantly covered Lu Li.

After the transformation, Lu Li lost the support of the bird awakening card, and his black and silver body fell to the ground.

After a flip in the air, Lu Li landed steadily on the ground.


The terrifying force instantly fell on the shore, and gravel flew, and smoke and dust rose.

Ripples splashed on the water surface.

The sudden unexpected situation instantly interrupted the one-on-one between the forbidden doping body and W.


Faced with the sudden huge movement, W was also confused.


For the sudden unexpected situation, the forbidden doping body was very alert in her heart.

In theory, such a powerful force makes her fearless of any opponent.

The only thing she was worried about was meeting the guy who made her feel terrified, the guy who gave her such a terrifying golden memory.

For some reason, she always had a feeling that she would meet him again.

The next moment, a voice that made her feel terrified came from the smoke and dust.

"Marina Tsumura, your work is done, now... hand over the forbidden memory."

When the dust dissipated, Lu Li appeared in front of the forbidden doping body.

Even though the forbidden doping body had never seen Lu Li in this form, it could tell from the other party's voice that it was that man.

The man who gave him power.

Sure enough, this man came.

The forbidden doping body had guessed that such a situation would occur before, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

She hadn't even completed her revenge yet, so how could she easily hand over this powerful power.

Even if she completed her revenge, she didn't want to hand it over.

Absolutely impossible!

"Don't even think about it! This power is mine now! No one can take it away! Not even you!"

The forbidden mixed body waved his arms vigorously, completely immersed in the powerful power.

And W, who was just about to escape, when he saw the familiar back, the whole person suddenly crashed.

"It's him!!" The two said in unison.

How could they not remember that unforgettable night.

It was this guy in front of him who killed Ming Hai Shouji.

Just now, there was still the idea of ​​retreating, but at this moment, Zuo Xiangtaro's heart surged with extreme anger.

This anger made him temporarily forget the gap in strength between the two sides.

A forbidden mixed body is not something he can deal with, let alone Lu Li who once killed the uncle.

The forbidden mixed body now has legs, and because of the fear in his heart, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

Shaking his head vigorously, she would never give up the forbidden memory.

"No! The forbidden memory is mine now. No one can take it away from me, and don't even think about taking it away from me!!

Even you can't! That's right! As long as I kill you, as long as I kill you! The forbidden memory belongs to me!"

Perhaps it was because the powerful force had overwhelmed her mind, so she actually had the courage to face Lu Li directly.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that this would happen.

Therefore, when handing the forbidden memory to her, Lu Li hid the forbidden memory in a way.

Once it was fatally injured, the forbidden memory would pop out immediately to ensure that the memory was not damaged.

As for the user of the memory, it depends on fate.

People with good luck may still be alive, but those with bad luck will be similar to Togawa Yosuke before.

"It's not that easy to get the memory back, but it doesn't matter, the result is the same.

It's just that this method will make you suffer a little."

After the voice fell, Lu Li's weapon, the awakening bow, appeared in his hand.

Since the other party doesn't want to obey, then beat her until she pops out.

The conversation between the two made Philip realize one thing.

That is, the advanced memory in Tsumura Marina's hand should come from Lu Li.

Recalling the night of the beginning, the forbidden doping body seemed to listen to Lu Li very much. Now everything is clear.

This is an experiment!

An experiment to liberate the power of the forbidden memory, and the test subject is Tsumura Marina.

"Shotaro! This guy gave the golden memory to Tsumura Marina, and he is the culprit of all this!"

Shotaro Zuo, who was in anger, heard Philip's words and his blood pressure soared.

"Damn it! It was the uncle a year ago! Now it's Marina again! Everything is because of you! Damn it! I want to avenge the uncle!"

Under the influence of anger, W has completely lost any idea of ​​escaping, and instantly pulled the trigger of the Magneto rifle in his hand.

"Hey! Shotaro! With our current strength, there is no way to defeat him! Calm down!"

Philip noticed that Shotaro Zuo was about to go berserk, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have told Zuo Xiangtaro.

Now, it's too late to say anything!

Lu Li naturally noticed the situation behind him.

Even now, Zuo Shotaro still can't control his emotions.

As expected, he is still a half-baked tough guy detective.

Without hesitation, he turned around and drew his bow instantly.

He didn't even look at the trajectory of the turning light bullets and fired them in rapid succession.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The arrows shining with white light collided with the yellow light bombs and exploded one after another.

All light bullet trajectories seem to have been predicted!

"How can it be?!"

The opponent hurriedly fought back, and was able to shoot down all the light bullets he launched without falling a single one.

Such a precise and fast technique really shocked W.

"Ah!! Die!"

At this moment, the taboo doped body on Lu Li's back immediately seized this opportunity to suppress the fear attack in his heart.

Several tentacles behind him attacked Lu Li crazily. These tentacles were like his own arms, moving at will.

Lu Li quickly pulled out an awakening card from the card box and combined the awakening device components with the awakening bow in his hand.

"Tornado (Eagle)!"

This awakening card is the Hurricane Eagle of the 6 of Hearts.

A force similar to a strong wind.

A green hurricane surrounded Lu Li.

The tentacles that smashed down were blocked by the hurricane.

"how come?!"

To be able to block the tentacle's attack so easily was something the Taboo Dopant couldn't accept for a while.

I had just marveled that my power was unrivaled, but I didn't expect that my power was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party.

"I do not believe!"

The half-red and half-black skirt moved automatically without wind, and terrifying energy exploded instantly.

Ten terrifying dark red strange energy balls gathered in the sky. This is the only strongest attack that the forbidden dopant can currently unleash.

On W's side, the trigger memory is once again loaded into the trigger melin gun.

"Trigger! Mxamum.Drive!"

The yellow energy quickly gathered at the muzzle of the gun, and W held the trigger of the Melin gun with both hands.


When the energy reaches its peak, pull the trigger instantly.

Attacked from both front and back, very terrifying energy rushed straight towards Lu Li.

He quickly took out two awakening cards, namely the Digging Conch of 5 of Hearts and the Reflection Moth of 8 of Hearts.

Quickly swipe two awakening cards on the awakener component.

"Drill! Reflect!"

The shadows of the two cards blended into Lu Li's chest.

The next moment, Lu Li's body was wrapped in a dark force, and his whole body began to spin rapidly.

At the same time, bursts of white light appeared on the surface of his body, just like a mirror.

The power of the reflective moth is to reflect the enemy's attack, while the power of the drilling conch is to accelerate the rotation and increase the attack power of the auger.

The combination of the two allows Lu Li to fully utilize the full power of the Reflection Moth and block attacks from all directions.

Ten energy balls and several yellow energy light bombs hit Lu Li, who was spinning rapidly, from various angles.


The terrifying energy exploded instantly, and flames shot into the sky. The flames of the explosion drowned Lu Li who was at the center of the explosion.

"Did you make it?"

With the lessons learned from the past, W is not sure at this time whether Lu Li has been dealt with...

It was already the maximum energy output of the trigger memory. Coupled with the energy ball of the forbidden dopant, this attack would definitely not be able to withstand it if it were switched to W.

Even if it were in the form of a blazing metal with the strongest defense, it wouldn't be able to withstand such an explosion.

At this time, a very gentle sound came from the location of the explosion.

"Obviously you can leave directly, but why do you want to continue to wade through this muddy water just for your so-called childhood sweetheart?"

The Forbidden Dopant and W were shocked when they heard this sound.


They all couldn't believe that in the center of such a terrifying energy explosion, Lu Li could still speak so calmly. Is it really okay at all?

When the fire light dissipates, the smoke and dust recede.

The incomparable figure appeared in front of them again. Except for a little dust on it, there was nothing else.

"How is it possible?! My strongest attack has no effect?!"

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