The belt buckle on the waist opened automatically, revealing the logo inside, the Spade Queen!

Jian threw out the blank seal card in his hand and absorbed and sealed the goat undead creature

Looking at the high-level undead creature card in his hand, this was the first time Jian sealed a high-level undead creature.

As for Calis, he had already left when the battle was over.

He would not rush to seal an enemy that was not defeated by him.

Seeing the goat undead creature being sealed, Yoshinaga Miyuki was filled with emotion.

A good hand was played to pieces by that guy. He had hostages in his hands, but he still lost.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame that guy for being too stupid and not knowing how to take advantage.

Of course, Calis's appearance was also unexpected.


Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly remembered Lu Li's confident look before, as if he had already known that the guy would be sealed.

In other words, Lu Li had already anticipated all this and everything was under his control.

Thinking of this, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly found that Lu Li seemed even more terrifying.

Not only does he have powerful strength, but he also has extremely high wisdom. No wonder he was able to win the first extreme battle.

I couldn't help but feel lucky that I didn't choose Lu Li to be against him, but joined his side.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I would be almost the same as the goat undead creature.

As for Cheng Guang, it seems that he has long been accustomed to Lu Li's planning and planning everything, as if everything is under control.

Cheng Guang didn't think it was strange that the goat undead creature would end up like this.

If you want to blame someone, blame that guy for being too self-righteous. He thought he could do whatever he wanted with a hostage.

Just now, Kenzaki Ichima didn't transform at all. Facing the goat undead creature, it can be said that he had no power to fight back, but that guy was thinking about hunting the target.

It was not until Calis arrived that this matter evolved into this.

So stupid, it's useless!

Now that he has the Queen category, Kenzaki Kazuma needs two more things to successfully upgrade to the guard form.

One is the awakening fusion machine, and the other is the Jack category.

Spade Jack, the vulture undead creature.

He is also the guy who sympathized with the real Calis in the second extreme war ten thousand years ago and agreed to fight together in the final battle.

It's a pity that these two guys obviously didn't make it to the end.

This time he was resurrected, his target was naturally Calis, and he wanted to fight the battle that was not completed ten thousand years ago.

Lu Li was not worried about the vulture undead creature at all, and the plot direction about that guy was not changed at all.

The only change is probably that Yoshinaga Miyuki is now under his command and cannot instigate the vulture undead creature.

"Miyuki, I want you to do something for me next.

During this period, Yoshinaga Miyuki has been following Lu Li and has done almost nothing. The only thing she did alone was to instigate the goat undead creature.

Now, Lu Li is going to arrange for her to do something again. Yoshinaga Miyuki not only does not feel unhappy, but is looking forward to it.

Assigning her to do something means that Lu Li trusts her now.

Don't worry about letting her go out alone to do things, and don't worry about her running away.

If it were before, if Yoshinaga Miyuki had such an opportunity, she would definitely Without hesitation, she chose to escape.

But now, she had completely given up the idea of ​​escaping.

It was because she knew very well that Lu Li was very powerful.

If she dared to leave without saying goodbye and chose to escape, she knew very well what would happen in the end.

I am afraid it would not be much better than the goat undead creature.

And as long as she stayed with Lu Li, even if her combat power was relatively low, she would not have to worry about being sealed.

With Lu Li, no Kamen Rider could attack her.

Comparing the two, she would naturally choose the latter.

"What do you want me to do?"

Yoshinaga Miyuki folded her arms, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

She was curious about what Lu Li was going to arrange for her to do, and she just hoped that it would not be too difficult.

After all, her strength was only like that. Once the task was too difficult, she might not only fail to do it well, but also mess it up.

Hearing this, Lu Li told her the task.

"I need you to pay attention to a guy. That guy is a vulture undead creature of the category Jck. He had a very special agreement with Calis ten thousand years ago.

Now that this guy has resurrected, he will definitely go find Kalis, but he doesn't know that Kalis is now Jokr. Your goal is to guide him and make him understand this.

His characteristics"

Although she didn't quite understand why Lu Li couldn't let her find the vulture undead creature, since this was the task assigned to her by Lu Li, she didn't need to ask so many questions.

Compared to the doubts in her heart, what she wanted to know now was where the vulture undead creature was.

"I understand, where is the vulture undead creature now?"

"I don't know.

Lu Li really didn't know where the vulture undead creature was.

It's just that according to the time calculation, this guy should be about to appear, but it's hard to say when he will appear.

"Ah? Don't know?"

I thought I would get an exact time, but I didn't expect to get a "I don't know" message. Yoshinaga Miyuki was a little confused.

Seeing the confused look on her face, Lu Li nodded very solemnly.

"Yes, I really don't know where the guy from 940 is now, but you just need to keep an eye on Jokr, and that guy will appear.

And that guy has a very important agreement with Kallis, and there will be a decisive battle between the two.

You can wait next to Kalis, he should appear soon.

After learning this information, Yoshinaga Miyuki finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't have to look for a needle in a haystack.

If you don't know any information, then you are really blind.

But then Miyuki Yoshinaga thought of something and looked at Lu Li in surprise.

"By the way, how do you know what happened in the second extreme battle?!"

She still remembered what Lu Li said before. After he won the first extreme battle, he was expelled to another world by the sealing stone.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for him to know what happened in the second extreme battle:

But now judging from the information Lu Li revealed, Lu Li knew a lot of information, even more than them.

This is a bit interesting.

Lu Li slapped Miyuki Yoshinaga on the small buttocks behind him, and Lu Li smiled mysteriously.

"You can take a guess."

Feeling the strange feeling coming from behind her, Miyuki Yoshinaga could not get the answer she wanted.

He pouted slightly and stopped asking about this matter.

Lu Li's attitude was already very obvious. She would definitely know what she should know, and it was impossible for her to know what he didn't want her to know.

"Forget it, since you are so confident, I'll leave first and I'll wait for that guy."

After saying that, Miyuki Yoshinaga came back to her senses and gradually walked away with swaying steps.

After Yoshinaga Miyuki left, Lu Li also noticed Cheng Guang who looked confused.

"What? Are you also interested in what I just said?"

"Of course, although I know some things, I don't understand why you know so much. You even know what those two guys agreed on ten thousand years ago.


If I hadn't confirmed that you were not a participant in the Second Extreme War, I would have really suspected that you participated in the Second Extreme War and knew a lot of things. "

It's not surprising that Cheng Guang would have such questions. If Lu Li hadn't known the direction of the plot, he wouldn't have been able to make such a layout.

"You can also make a good guess. If you guess right, I can give you a reward."

When he heard the word reward, Cheng Guang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Since it can be called a reward by Lu Li, it must not be something ordinary.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In order to prevent Kamijo Mutsuki from being controlled by the evil will of the spider creature, Tachibana Shuo is also strengthening his training.

It is hoped that these trainings will strengthen his spirit and will, allowing him to resist the evil will of the spider undead.

During this training process, Kamijo Mutsuki acted quite casually, at least not seriously.

He didn't like this boring life, and he even began to prefer the inner guidance of the undead spider to him before.

Submit to the will of the undead spider, unite yourself with the evil will of the undead spider.

Chapter 431 Jiu Sheng wants to sacrifice himself! Lu Li: Want to sacrifice? Fight first and then talk!

This may be a bit dangerous, but it is also the current way to quickly overcome that unstable battle.

Moreover, after the previous mental erosion, Kamijo Mutsuki was now almost completely psychologically controlled by the spider undead.

As long as he is given a little guidance, this guy will obediently listen to himself.

Feeling that Mutsuki Kamijo seemed a little unfocused during training, as if he was worried, Tachibana Saku immediately asked him to stop training.

"Okay, let's end today's training. Mutsuki, I see that you are not focused enough. Continuing training will not have much effect."

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki lowered his head slightly, feeling very unwilling.

Why is it so difficult to become a Kamen Rider yourself?

Obviously he should be the strongest knight, but why did things become like this? !

I got the strongest knight system, but it was so unsatisfactory.

Full of unwillingness in his heart, Kamijo Mutsuki lowered his head slightly and was about to go home.

Just as the motorcycle he was driving was some distance away, he suddenly noticed a figure appearing not far away.

That figure was naturally familiar to him.

Shima Noboru!

However, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't know Shima Noboru's true identity.

He just knew that Shima Noboru seemed to be an acquaintance and friend of Karasuma Kei, who developed the knight system.

However, at this moment, Kamijo Mutsuki's expression suddenly changed.

The next second, the whole person's face looked very evil.

Yes, at this time the will of the spider undead creature had arrived and took control of his body.

He braked suddenly and swerved, and the motorcycle stopped in front of Shima Noboru.

"I know, you are the Category King! It's been such a long time!

The evil-looking Mutsuki Kamijo changed his tone of voice at this time.

Seeing this, Ming Sheng couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"What are you going to do to this boy? This boy's body and mind belong to him."

With a sneer on his face, Uejo Mutsuki said in a deep voice.

"Category King,

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