This is simply discrediting the Extreme War. How can Cheng Guang tolerate such a thing?

Seeing Cheng Guang's pretty face frosty and angry, Lu Li smiled and patted her shoulder gently.

"Everyone has their own ambitions. Everyone's ideas are different. Cheng Guang, you want to fight for your own population and for the prosperity of your own race.

But that guy doesn't have such an idea. He even hates fighting.

You have seen it last time. He has no sense of honor and disgrace for any race (Nori).

Hearing what Lu Li said, Cheng Guang felt even more sad for the clan represented by the wolf spider undead creature.

It just so happened that the sealing slate chose Shima Noboru, a guy with no sense of racial honor, to become the category Kig. It's really unique.

"He wants to be sealed, and he has to ask me if I agree. In the first Extreme War, I have never fought him. He must fight with me."

As for how to make Shima Noboru fight with him, Lu Li already has a perfect method.

Didn't he want Shangcheng Mutsuki to seal him?

Then catch that guy Kamijiro Mutsuki. I think in order to save him, Shima Noboru will be forced to fight with me.

And he must fight with me with all his strength, otherwise there is no way to save Kamijiro Mutsuki.

Seeing a malicious smile on Lu Li's mouth, Cheng Guang felt uneasy.

Every time Lu Li showed such a smile, it seemed that someone would be very unlucky.

I just don't know who the unlucky guy is this time.

Inside the Shirai Farm.

Regarding what happened before, Tachibana Saku directly told everyone else all the details.

When everyone learned that Shima Noboru took the initiative to seal Kamijiro Mutsuki again, everyone showed a strong refusal.

I was very surprised. I didn't expect Shima Noboru to be willing to sacrifice his life to save a human.

Although undead creatures will not die, what is the difference between being sealed and dying?

"Why? Mr. Shima, why did you do such a stupid thing as letting Lian Geer seal?"

Hirose Shiori looked confused and unhappy at the same time.

After this period of time, everyone has recognized Shima Noboru's existence. Although he is an undead creature, he loves life.

He has no ill will towards humans and enjoys his current quality of life.

The undead creature standing on the side of humans, and the powerful category Kig, is indirectly equivalent to them having one less powerful enemy.

This is a good thing.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 一

One by one, the crimson moon and the blue star! .

Chapter 432 Don't call me that! Fight with the last category King!

Moreover, even if Shima Noboru doesn't fight, he can use his special abilities to help them.

Everyone who unknowingly regards Shima Noboru as a friend really doesn't want him to get into trouble.

Shirai Kotaro nodded frequently.

"That's right, Mr. Shima, think about it, it's the time to be sealed again, it would be fine if Mutsuki's heart can win.

But what about the other way around? At that time, I'm afraid the power of category Ace will become even more terrifying."

Teasing his canary, Shima Noboru can naturally feel everyone's concern for him.

"How can I let him go? A good young man is controlled by Category Ace.

It even caused his personality to be gradually destroyed. I really can't sit back and watch."

He didn't want to watch a young man being destroyed like this.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone could feel Shima Noboru's good intentions, but this topic was really heavy.

Tachibana Sakuya, who was sitting next to the sofa, had a very heavy face.

"According to Mutsuki's current condition, if he continues like this, he will definitely be completely controlled by Category Ace's evil will.

But Mr. Shima, you are risking everything like this. We can't let you take risks."

Tenzaki, who was sitting on another sofa, also nodded quickly.

"Senior Tachibana is right, it's too dangerous to do this.

Besides... we don't want to lose you because of this risk, nor do we want Mutsuki to face more serious danger."

"Anyway, please don't do such stupid things again! You will also cause us to be scolded by the director. Can you promise me?"

At this time, Hirose Shiori took the initiative to bring up Karasuma Kei. After all, the two are friends, and bringing up the other party may be more useful.

Faced with everyone's dissuasion, Shima Noboru obviously hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.


Although he agreed here, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Because he knew that if he didn't agree, they would not let him go and would continue to nag in his ears.

He knew the good intentions of everyone, but there were things that had to be done.

Just when everyone thought that Shima Noboru really wouldn't continue to do this, they couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Among the crowd, only Tachibana Saku was also an experienced person.

Although he had received Shima Noboru's answer, he still didn't believe that Shima Noboru would give up on this matter.

Therefore, he decided to pay more attention to Shima Noboru in the future and must not let him do anything stupid.

As night fell, the cold moonlight fell on the city roads.

After the battle, Kamijiro Mutsuki did not choose to go home or look for his girlfriend, but went to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

The reason why he went here was because he felt that there was a guy here who looked very similar to him.

Yes, in Mutsuki Kamijo's view, Hajime Aikawa should be the same as him.

I just arrived here, and I happened to see Hajime Aikawa preparing to come out and close the door.

"It's you."

Turning his head to glance at the mother and daughter who were cleaning the room, Aikawa Hajime came to Kamijo Mutsuki.

"What are you doing here? If you have something to say, say it somewhere else.

He didn't want a fight to happen here, because if he wasn't careful, the safety of Kurihara and his daughter might be affected.

Afterwards, Aikawa Hajime walked directly to another place.

Seeing this, Kamijo Mutsuki immediately followed.

He came here not to fight, but mainly to learn some information from the other party.

The two came to a secluded place.

Turning around, Aikawa Hajime looked at Mutsuki Kamijo in front of him with a wary face.

He has not forgotten at all what kind of guy the other party is.

"Are you going to fight? Are you going to end it with me?"

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki shook his head decisively this time.

"I want to know, the will swallowed by the undead

How does it feel? "

The inexplicable question made Aikawa Hajime confused.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"You should be an undead creature, but you have a human body. Are you also borrowing other human bodies?

Or... it's just like me, my will is gradually being swallowed up.

In Mutsuki Kamijo's view, Hajime Aikawa's state should be the closest to his:

However, what he didn't know was that Hajime Aikawa was completely different from what he imagined.

"Your question is too ridiculous and I don't want to answer it."

Regarding the issue of his identity, Aikawa Hajime tried his best to avoid it.

Since using the power of human undead creatures and living in the human world, he has been assimilated by human undead creatures unknowingly.

I began to hate my identity as Jokr, and even more disgusted with that wild power.

This is why when Mutsuki Kamijo brought up the issue of identity, he would choose to avoid it.

"Please answer me, I beg you!"

Kamijo Mutsuki had a pleading look on his face, and he wanted to know what he would become in the future.

Is it because you don’t recognize your relatives? Or become a monster?

Hajime Aikawa, who was originally not prepared to answer this question, finally answered his question after seeing him like this.

"I'm not undead, but... I'm not human either."

(cbcf) The answer to this question was something Kamijo Mutsuki never expected.

Neither human nor undead, so what?

"What...what does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. It's impossible for you to understand.

The only one who can understand what my existence represents is myself, so I want to tell you that it is impossible for you to defeat me. "

Aikawa Hajime's face was very calm.

Although he lost to Lenger before, he will become stronger and stronger as he seals the undead.

Lowering his head slightly, Kamijo Mutsuki became very depressed.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand."

Suddenly, Kamijo Mutsuki's originally confused expression suddenly changed, and he raised his head, his eyes full of evil.

At this time, Mutsuki Kamijo was once again controlled by the evil will of the undead spider.

The undead spider apparently heard the conversation between the two.

In his memory, there is only one existence with such a unique identity!

"Jokr, haha! I know you, don't worry, I have no plans to do anything to you at the moment.

I will become stronger and wait until then for the duel with you. "

Aikawa Hajime's expression changed, he stared at Kamijo Mutsuki with sharp eyes and growled.

Don't call me by this name! "

With a sneer, the will of the spider undead creature was directly hidden.

When Mutsuki Kamijo came back to his senses, his face was full of confusion, and he had no idea what happened just now.

"Just now I...

Apparently he himself guessed what just happened.

"Your will was swallowed up by that category Ace, it must be very painful.

By the way, tell that Category Ace that I'm always waiting for him and I'm ready to fight. "

Since the other party did not come to fight with him, he naturally planned to go back.

After all, if you go back late, you will definitely be scolded by Tianyin again.

He likes his current life very much and doesn't want his life to be disturbed.

Maybe it would be better if he didn't fight, but his destiny is to fight, it is inevitable.

Kamijo Mutsuki, who was left alone, had a flash of confusion in his eyes.

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