"Haha! As expected of the Category King, that's what you want!"

After laughing loudly, Lu Li suddenly thrust his right hand into the ground.

Then, Lu Li suddenly took out an ax from it.

Holy Glory Violent Biting Dragon!

This is an exclusive weapon generated using the power of the Dinosaur Core Coin.

"Come again!"

Lu Li jumped suddenly, and a pair of huge dragon wings suddenly stretched out from behind him, supporting his body as he flew in the sky.

Lu Li, who was flying in the sky, held up the Holy Glory Violent Dragon and jumped down from the sky, approaching the undead Wolf Spider creature.

Danger! !

The undead wolf spider creature, which possesses extremely strong senses, sensed the danger immediately.


The undead Wolf Spider creature sensed the crisis, so naturally it was impossible to just stand there.

When Lu Li was approaching quickly, he quickly rolled to the side to avoid it.

But in this situation, he could avoid the first day but not the fifteenth. Lu Li, who missed the first blow, counterattacked at a faster speed.

It doesn't give the undead wolf spider a chance to think at all.

After dodging two attacks, the undead Wolf Spider creature was predicted in advance by Lu Li when it dodged the third attack.


The Holy Glory Violent Biting Dragon instantly slashed at the right chest of the undead Wolf Spider creature.

Green blood spurted out from the place where it had just been struck, and the undead wolf spider fell to the ground in embarrassment.

He wanted to hide, but there was no chance.

The opponent in front of me is too strong and not easy to deal with.

Feeling quite heavy, the undead Wolf Spider covered the wound on his right chest, green blood still oozing out.

The power of the ax just now was not small at all.

Landing smoothly, Lu Li was still a little surprised.

The perception of the tarantula undead creature is definitely the strongest among all undead creatures. It actually avoided two attacks by virtue of its advance perception and prediction.

This alone is already very powerful.

The battle between the two made Cheng Guang watch with great concentration.

She can be very sure that no matter who she faces, she will lose in the end.

This is a no-brainer.

I couldn't help but sigh slightly in my heart, my strength was still far behind, I had to find a way to make myself stronger.

But how to become stronger is a problem in itself

Cheng Guang couldn't help but look at Lu Li's back.

This man has many powerful means, maybe... he can make himself stronger.

But how to speak?

Even though he had been following Lu Li for a while, Cheng Guang didn't know how to talk to Lu Li about this matter.

At this moment, Kamijo Mutsuki, who had been unconscious and lying on the ground, suddenly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a patch of weeds around him, and a war seemed to be happening not far away.

A guy I have never seen before, and a category King!

What happened? How come you fell into a coma?

PS: thanks

Feng Xie’s monthly ticket! wide"

Chapter 434 City Light:

You are trash! Achieve the category King and defeat it four times in a row!

Recalling that when I was conscious yesterday, I was still in another place.

But now he appears here.

He knew without thinking that the guy from Category Ace must have taken control of him again.

When he was about to stand up, he felt a force pressing on him from behind.

Only then did he realize that there was another person next to him.

When he saw Cheng Guang, who was paying close attention to the battle, he recognized him at first sight.

Isn't this the woman who has been following Lu Li?

No, to be precise, it should be an advanced undead creature!

Noticing that the person under his feet suddenly moved, Cheng Guang came back to his senses and glanced down at Mutsuki Kamijo.

"You woke up pretty quickly. Judging from your confused look, you probably don't know why you are here."

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly fell silent, not knowing how to refute at all.

What the other party said was true. He really didn't know why he was here.

But I also probably know in my heart that it must be Category Ace who wants to seal Category King to increase his power.

"let me go!"

Kamijo Mutsuki wanted to struggle, but Shiromitsu was also a high-level undead creature, so how could his power be comparable to that of an ordinary person like Kamijo Mutsuki.

With just one foot, he was able to pin down Mutsuki Kamijo so hard that he couldn't get up at all.

With a sneer on his face, Cheng Guang mocked.

"I really don't understand, what is the use of a brat like you? You can actually let that guy help you like this, and even be willing to contribute himself.

A waste who doesn't even have a firm belief and can't even control his own spirit. "

When Mutsuki Kamijo heard these words, a strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

He naturally understood that the other person was talking about him, but he couldn't refute it because it was the truth.

Category Ac is like another evil self, able to control his "277" body anytime and anywhere, but he doesn't even have the power to resist.

To be precise, Mutsuki Kamijo couldn't resist. He didn't have the firm will to fight against Category Ac...

Clenching his fists, Kamijo Mutsuki had strong unwillingness in his eyes.

"Shut up! I'm not a waste!"

But if he doesn't give in, he has no way to get rid of Cheng Guang's suppression.

At this time, Cheng Guang suddenly raised his leg.

Just when Mutsuki Kamijo was about to get up because he was out of control, the foot suddenly stepped on his head again, causing his head to stare at the dirt.



Kamijo Mutsuki, whose head was trampled into the dirt, could only keep struggling, but to no avail.

"What are you if you're not a waste? You're just a waste controlled by the category Ace. Without the category Ace, you can't do anything at all.

Do you know why Category Ac chose you? In addition to the relatively high degree of fit, the biggest reason is because you have easy control.

With a weak spirit and no firm will, he can more easily control you, and even devour you completely in the end! "

Mutsuki Kamijo, who was struggling, suddenly fell silent after hearing these words.

Back to the fighting side.

Facing Lu Li, who was attacking with increasing intensity, although the undead Wolf Spider creatures were occasionally able to fight back, they were unable to harm Lu Li at all. Instead, they continued to be injured.

Although it has a very powerful perception, in terms of combat power, the Wolf Spider Undead is still slightly inferior to the Kig of Spades, and is probably on the same level as the King of Hearts.


But even so, it is already very powerful. Compared with other advanced undead creatures, it is an invincible opponent.

Just when Lu Li was attacking from above again, the undead wolf spider creature made predictions in advance and jumped up, preparing to land on Lu Li's back first.

However, all of his predictions were based on knowing Lu Li's abilities.

Seeing that the undead Wolf Spider actually jumped up and approached him, Lu Li immediately sneered, and a powerful tyrannosaurus tail appeared behind him.

With a sudden turn in the air, the powerful and destructive Tyrannosaurus Rex tail instantly hit the waist and abdomen of the undead Wolf Spider creature.



He thought he had predicted the undead Wolf Spider creature, but apparently he didn't expect Lu Li to have special abilities.

Too careless!

The terrifying power instantly caused the undead Wolf Spider creature to fall.


The body was smashed into the weeds below, and the terrifying force of the impact left a huge pit on the ground and splashed a lot of flying sand and rocks.

"Buzz buzz!"

At this moment, the roar/whining of a locomotive suddenly came.

I saw two motorcycles arriving quickly. These two people were Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma.

They finally searched for the undead creature signal released by Shima Noboru, rushed all the way, and finally arrived here.

Before the two arrived they saw Shima Noboru being knocked out of mid-air.

The purple knight floating in mid-air was their first time seeing him.

But they had already seen the opponent's awakening device before.

Land from! !

They originally thought that Shima Noboru suddenly didn't tell anyone and came to take the initiative to seal Kamijo Mutsuki.

Unexpectedly, patient Lu Li would also appear in this place and have a fierce battle with Ming Sheng.

Of course, Lu Li also noticed the two people who arrived. The battle here happened to be almost over, and he had no intention of continuing.

The Wolf Spider Undead creature is indeed very powerful, and Lu Li has fulfilled a regret in his heart and seen the power of the last type of Kig.

Slowly falling back to the ground, Lu Li immediately canceled the transformation.

His body was completely spotless, and it didn't look like there had been a fight just now.

After the flying sand and rocks fell, the undead Wolf Spider creature in the pit finally revealed its true appearance.

It still looks like the undead Wolf Spider, but it doesn't look like it's in good condition.

There was green blood everywhere on his body and he looked scarred.

Xianxian re-transformed into a human, Ming Sheng looked very embarrassed at the moment.

Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma who arrived here quickly ran over.

"Mr. Shima!"

"Mr. Shima!"

The two of them carefully helped Shima Noboru up from inside.

"Mr. Shima, how are you? Are you okay?!"

Jushuo was also very nervous.

Yesterday, he had realized that Jiu Sheng might not have really agreed to everyone's request, but was just trying to reassure them.

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