But what I can tell you is that the current Kalis is not the real Kalis.

I don’t know if you have heard that among the undead creatures, there is one who can use the power of the sealed undead creatures.

Even...changing his appearance into other undead creatures. "

These words made Gao Yuan's eyes suddenly change.

If this is true, then Kalis now has no previous memory at all, and it is also impossible to remember the agreement with himself.

"Callis...I will confirm this matter myself. Please don't interfere without authorization, otherwise...don't blame me for teaching you to treat it as an enemy."

When it comes to Kalis, Gao Yuan absolutely does not allow anyone to interfere.

Afterwards, Gao Yuan left directly. He now wanted to determine one thing, whether that man was the Kallis he knew.

Seeing that Gao Yuan no longer planned to hide under her instigation, Yoshinaga Miyuki showed a smile on her lips.

"The plan is successful, as expected of Lu Li, he actually knows so many things that I don't know.

hehe! It's getting more and more interesting, and it looks like this guy will leave soon. "

Turning and leaving with a chuckle, Yoshinaga Miyuki knew that the plateau would definitely be sealed even if she didn't look.

Her mission has been completed. There is no need to stay here anymore. She can go back and hand in the mission.

Inside the animal park.

The filming was coming to an end, and Hajime Aikawa was packing his things. It looked like he was planning to leave.

He walked over to the plateau with an indifferent look on his face.

He couldn't wait and wanted to confirm immediately whether this guy was the Kallis who had made an agreement with him.


When he called out the name, Aikawa Hajime turned around, his eyes full of seriousness.

The reason for the response is that he now mainly appears in human form and mantis undead form.

Therefore, he naturally became accustomed to these two identities, one being Aikawa Hajime, and the other being Callis.

On the contrary, his true identity, Jokr, has been deeply suppressed in his heart and is completely unknown to others.

Seeing this man again and asking him to call his name, Aikawa Hajime was sure that the man in front of him was an advanced undead creature.

It was hidden very well, without any breath leaking out, so he didn't feel it at all.

The things in Shenqiu were almost packed. When he noticed someone coming here, he came over and asked doubtfully.

"Sir? What's the matter? If nothing happens, let's go back first."

With that said, he was ready to help Hajime Aikawa get his things and leave.

At this time, Gao Yuan was in a bad mood. The woman in front of him was an eyesore, so he slapped her away.


Shenqiu, who was knocked out, fell to the ground and passed out on the spot.

She didn't do anything, so why was she suddenly beaten?

"What do you want to do?"

"Callis! Have you forgotten the agreement we made ten thousand years ago?"

Gao Yuan's tone was filled with excitement.

He hoped that the man in front of him was Callis, not the guy who stole Callis' appearance.


There was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

Hajime Aikawa did not have the corresponding memory of Kalis, so he naturally had no way of knowing what the agreement made ten thousand years ago was.

Seeing his confused look, Gao Yuan was shocked.

Just like what the woman said, the Kallis in front of him didn't even remember the agreement made ten thousand years ago.

The two of them had agreed to have a decisive battle, how could they forget it.

This means that the guy in front of me is definitely not Kallis!

"You're not Kallis, who the hell are you?! Where did Kallis go?!"

PS: Thank you

A monthly pass for A Leafless Autumn! ! .

Chapter 436 Fake Kallis! Black J is over! Sister Tiger: To refuse or not to refuse?

After a little testing, he already knew that the other party was not the Kallis he was looking for at all.

At this moment, Gao Yuan's eyes were filled with coldness.

The guy in front of me is not the real Kalis, so he can only be a fake."


In his opinion, the other party dared to use Kallis' appearance, which was a complete piracy.

Absolutely unforgivable!

This is a complete insult to the agreement he and Kalis made ten thousand years ago!

Thinking of this, the angry Gao Yuan directly switched to the form of the undead eagle.

After switching forms, the powerful aura on his body was released immediately.

Aikawa Hajime already knew that he was a high-level undead creature after seeing the other person's appearance and the aura emanating from his body.

The Awakening Device appeared on his waist, and Hajime Aikawa immediately took out the Ace of Hearts card and prepared to transform and fight.

Seeing this, the vulture undead creature didn't give him this chance at all and quickly shot out its hard feathers.

The feathers shot out were so fast that they knocked the card out of Hajime Aikawa's hand.

Catching the card, the vulture undead creature saw the mantis undead creature sealed on it.

"Callis...has been sealed?!"

The words were filled with shock.

The undead vulture did not expect that Kallis, his friend and rival, would have been sealed long ago.


Staring at Hajime Aikawa fiercely, he showed off the undead creature.

"Who are you, this guy?"

Even though the Ace of Hearts was taken away, Hajime Aikawa was not nervous.

For him, Calis's power was just a little stronger than other undead creatures, and the compatibility was the highest. In addition, he had already gotten used to it after long-term use.

But this did not mean that he had lost his fighting power. He also sealed other undead creatures.

Seeing that Hajime Aikawa had no intention of answering his question, the vulture undead creature said coldly,

"Forget it, no matter who you are, you sealed Calis and stole his appearance, so you should be punished!"

Before he finished speaking, the Hideo Undead Creature immediately launched an attack.

Hajime Aikawa instantly took out another card.


This card was the 8 of Hearts he had sealed before, the reflective moth.

Since the target was an undead creature that could fly, the undead creature he could transform into was very limited.

The most important thing was that the moth undead creature had a very strong protective barrier, and it was not easy to break through this protective barrier.

Afterwards, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides immediately.

Unfortunately, due to the loss of the Ace category, Jokeri's power is obviously much weaker.

Even if he can temporarily fight the opponent by turning into a moth undead creature, there is no doubt that he has no choice but to fight the opponent.

In addition, the vulture undead creatures are always high-level undead creatures, and their power is not comparable to that of ordinary undead creatures.

After just a few rounds, the Hideo undead creature is now in the upper hand.

While the two were fighting, Kenzaki Kazuma rushed here quickly after receiving the news.

When he came here, when he saw the two undead creatures fighting, he was immediately surprised.

The moth undead creature had been sealed before, and Kenzaki Kazuma naturally knew this.

When he noticed the belt around the waist of the moth undead creature, Kenzaki Kazuma already knew who the other party was.

"Hajime?! That guy doesn't use the Ace category to transform, and he doesn't seem to be used to it."

Since Kenzaki Kazuma now knows that Aikawa Hajime's true identity is Jokr, he naturally knows that he can transform into other undead creatures.

It was just the first time I saw other forms besides Calis, and it looked quite strange.



Immediately transformed and joined the battle, he had already seen that the moth undead creature was currently at a disadvantage.

The enemy was a high-level undead creature, so the combat power was naturally needless to say.

Facing a knight who suddenly joined the battle, the vulture undead creature directly fought one against two.

The current combat power of the sword should not be underestimated. He had successfully sealed the goat undead creature of the Queen category before.

Of course, the reason why he could do this at that time was entirely because of the outbreak of anger.

But even so, the current combat power of the sword should not be underestimated.

After many battles, the sword can be evenly matched even if it faces a high-level undead creature alone.

Facing the pincer attack of the two, the vulture undead creature originally wanted to retreat temporarily.

But the moth undead creature immediately threw a card to the sword.

"Use this card"! "

Catching the card, Jian directly used up all the cards in the awakening device.

Red Heart 4, Floating Dragonfly!


After using it, you can gain the ability to float for a short time.

But Jian felt his body lighten, and he directly caught up with the vulture undead creature in the sky.

"Why can humans fly so fast?!"

Since the vulture undead creature woke up, it only knew that the undead creature could not be sealed in the way it was ten thousand years ago.

Most of the time, he was almost paying attention to the battle of Kalis, and he didn't even know much about Kamen Rider.

Who made this guy only have one Kalis in his eyes, and there was no place for others.

Immediately seized the opportunity, Jian instantly cut off one of the wings of the vulture undead creature.

Then he quickly turned around and cut off his other wing.

The vulture undead creature, which lost its wings, suddenly lost its high-altitude advantage.

The body fell to the ground and hit the ground heavily.

In the end, Jian successfully snatched back the red heart Ace and threw it to the moth undead creature.



Transformed into Kalis again.

When the vulture undead creature first saw the familiar appearance, it even forgot that it was fighting.

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