But then a burst of golden energy suddenly burst out, covering Lu Li.

When the golden light dissipated, Lu Li, who had evolved into Wild Calis, appeared in front of Cheng Guang and the others again.

Wild Calis fully fused form!

After returning to this world, this was the first time Lu Li used this power.

So far, Yoshinaga Miyuki and Cheng Guang had never seen Lu Li in this form.

"This is..?!"

Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes widened slightly, revealing incredibleness.

Compared to the surprised Yoshinaga Miyuki, Cheng Guang looked much calmer.

When he first met Lu Li, he was defeated by a power similar to this form, but at that time Lu Li used the fully fused emperor form of Lian Geer.

Through the test body F, Hirose Yoshito naturally saw the wild Calis transformed by Lu Li.

At this time, his eyes revealed a deep shock.

Because the mantis pattern presented on the emerald green part of the armor at the entrance of Lu Li's palace, "290" is not the red heart Kig?

Why is it so? !

Hirose Yoshito can be very sure that the Red Heart King is still in his hands.

And the test subject F was created using its corresponding cells.

But why does Lu Li still have the power of the Red Heart King?

For a moment, Hirose Yoshito thought it might be his illusion, it must be!

But it is undeniable that the power displayed by Lu Li is indeed very outrageous.

At this moment, he finally understood why the king Lu Boshi was going to eliminate Lu Li in advance.

The opponent is completely an uncertain unstable factor, and the power he has is completely beyond their estimation.

With a serious face, Hirose Yoshito initially hoped that the test subject F could successfully complete this task and eliminate Lu Li.

But judging from the current situation, the battle has not yet begun, and Hirose Yoshito already feels that this battle has entered its end.

Although the combat power of the test subject F is very good, it can even be comparable to a high-level undead creature.

But even so, facing the current Lu Li, it is no different from delivering food.

Test subject F, who has been ordered to eliminate Lu Li, naturally cannot stop at this time.

He suddenly raised his right hand, and released a terrifying beam from his hand, heading straight for Lu Li.

This terrifying beam has an extremely high temperature, which can easily burn the target to ashes.

Raising his palm casually, Lu Li did not take this high-temperature beam seriously at all.

The next second, the high-temperature beam came into contact with his palm, and bursts of dazzling light burst out.

Test subject F thought his attack was effective, but when his beam ended, he found that Lu Li was standing there intact.

Only white smoke came out of his palm, and nothing else.

There was no scar at all, and the high-temperature beam released by test subject F had no effect at all.

"How could it be?!"

Test subject F's tone seemed to be a little shocked, his attack could not be so weak.

Could it be.... that the opponent was too strong? !

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki behind Lu Li clearly felt the power of the high-temperature beam just now.

If it were them, they would never choose to resist in this way.

Actively resisting such an attack is no different from seeking death.

Although the undead creatures will not die, they will be seriously injured.

For undead creatures, serious injuries are a very serious matter. If they are accidentally sealed, it will be a big trouble.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

Lu Li clapped his palms casually, as if the high-temperature beam just now was nothing.

This is indeed the case. In Lu Li's eyes, the high-temperature beam does not pose any threat at all.

You must know that even if it is an ordinary wild Calis, this high-temperature beam will not have any effect on it, let alone the wild Calis transformed by Lu Li.

Test subject F did not give up the intention of attacking, and immediately burst out with all his strength and rushed towards Lu Li at a high speed.

Since there is no way to solve Lu Li with a high-temperature beam, then use close combat.

Test subject F, which is made using the Kig cell category, has a very strong close combat ability.

With his hands on both sides, the wild slasher sickle on the outside of Lu Li's legs automatically popped out and grabbed it in his hands.

"Since you are here,

"Then... let me be a little happier. "

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li also rushed towards the test subject F.

However, when Lu Li took the first step, the whole person had disappeared.

It was as if he had teleported out of thin air, without any trace at all.

Test subject F, who was still sprinting just now, saw that the target he was attacking suddenly disappeared without a trace, and immediately braked to a stop.

Looking around with a vigilant face, trying to find Lu Li's trace.


No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it!

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice came from behind.

Test subject F responded immediately, and the three blades on his right hand popped out directly, slashing towards the back at a high speed.

"Shua! !"

The blades cut the air frantically, trying to cut the target behind him.

"Clang! !"

A sickle suddenly slashed on the right arm of test subject F, instantly interrupting his offensive action, and sparks flew out of his arm.

At this time, the attack of another awakening sickle stopped as expected.


It quickly slid in front of Test Subject F's chest, splashing out a large number of sparks.

Before it was over, a series of attacks that were almost invisible to the naked eye struck the body of test subject F at rapid speed.

After slashing dozens of times in succession, Test Subject F's body was already covered in scars.

Lu Li didn't give the other party a chance to react and kicked him directly in the chest.

The powerful force directly flew the test subject F Rui away. His body hit the ground heavily and rolled several times before barely stopping.

What happened just now happened in a split second, without any unnecessary action.

The attack method is sharp and terrifying.

Yoshinaga Miyuki and Shiromitsu both looked at the battle with wide eyes.

"Good. What a fast attack!"

Feeling horrified, Yoshinaga Miyuki thought that she might not be able to keep up with the speed of Lu Li's attack just now.

If the target were to be myself, I'm afraid that my current situation would be even worse than that of Experimental Subject F.

Cheng Guang folded his hands on his chest and said expressionlessly.

"It's not good for this guy to target anyone, but he has to target Lu Li. The combat effectiveness between the two is not at the same level at all. The difference is too far."

The very pertinent comment made Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

In a battle situation, who knew the gap in combat power would be so big, she only just saw it.

Test Subject F, who was lying on the ground, managed to stand up with his body supported, but a large number of cracks appeared on his body.

The mission was not successful.

Experimental entity F, which was originally used to deal with Lu Li, has now become Lu Li's sparring partner.

In other words...it's not an exaggeration to say it's a tool for venting.

Seeing that Experimental Subject F's current condition seemed not to be good, Lu Li casually inserted the awakening sickle in his hand into the sickle sleeves on both sides of his legs.

"Using this weapon seems a bit too much to bully you, I won't use it now, come on.

As he said this, Lu Li gently raised his fingers in a provocative tone.

Faced with such a provocation, Experimental Subject F was completely indifferent, but he knew that his purpose was to eliminate Lu Li.

No matter how strong the opponent is, this battle must continue.

Test Subject F rushed over again, but the pace seemed slower than before, and the mobility was not as strong.

This time, Lu Li did not disappear directly like before, but stood quietly waiting for the arrival of the test subject.

He punched out fiercely and went straight to Lu Li's head.

The three blades on his right fist popped out instantly, looking like he was preparing to kill him with one blow.

Lu Li didn't expect that Experimental Subject F actually knew how to play tricks.

However, small tricks are always small tricks and cannot be put on the stage.

With a slight tilt of his head, Lu Li easily dodged the blade.

Without even noticing, Test Subject F pinched his wrist.

"It seems that you like to use knives very much, but using knives is not a good thing, and hurting people is not good."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li's right hand suddenly exerted force.


The powerful arm of Experimental Subject F was crushed to pieces by this extremely terrifying force.

Liquid that looked like blood flowed down the arm, but it was yellowish.


Yoshinaga Miyuki unconsciously put her hands behind her back. The impact of the scene just now was too strong.

He actually crushed one hand to pieces without giving the other party any chance to react.


If it were him, I'm afraid he would have started wailing in pain by now.

The arm was crushed hard, what an unbearable pain.

Even undead creatures might not be able to endure such pain.

Cheng Guang's eyes twitched slightly. She felt that Lu Li's move just now was too cruel.

But fortunately, the other party is not an undead creature at all, just an artificial test subject.

Experimental Subject F, who had one of his arms broken off, kept retreating, ignoring the tissue fluid dripping from his arm.

"The target threat has increased and cannot be eliminated!"

Test Subject F finally came to such a conclusion.

The current Lu Li is simply not an opponent that Experimental Body F can handle. The gap between the two sides is really too far.

Regarding the situation here, Hirose Yoshito had a clear view of it in his research institute.

Through the measurement of the instruments on Test Subject F, it is very certain that the power used by Lu Li now is the power of merging twelve undead creatures (Lu Li

Li itself is a human undead heart 2).

Moreover, the twelve undead creatures from the Heart series are fused.

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