But you can't do it yet, so you should get familiar with your current strength first, and don't rush it. "

Chapter 441 There is also a second set of cards! Winning cards! The fooled ones come to fight with Q!

Shirai Kotaro sighed slightly.

"Alas! I have new power, but I still can't defeat Lu Li. How strong is that guy! It's too outrageous!"

An extremely powerful enemy is right in front of you, but you can't deal with it. This is the saddest thing.

Knocked Shirai Kotaro's head hard, and Hirose Shiori frowned.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"I'm thinking that the enemy is too difficult to deal with? If it can be solved earlier, it would be the best.

Otherwise, the enemy will become stronger, and it will be more difficult to deal with in the future.

Kenzaki Kazuma also understands that improving strength needs to be done step by step, even if it is too hasty.

"I understand, Mr. Ming, I will improve my strength as soon as possible, and I will never let you and the director down."

He has to improve his strength as soon as possible.

It's just that I don't know where his category King is.

From the information recovered from the test subject F, Hirose Yoshito already knew that Lu Li had all the awakening cards of the Red Heart series, including the Red Heart Kig.

This was something that was impossible to happen. How could there be two awakening cards of the same kind?

This kind of thing was completely beyond Hirose Yoshito's understanding.

He really couldn't figure out how Lu Li did it.

About this important information, Hirose Yoshito certainly didn't dare to hide it, and directly told his immediate superior, the big boss behind the scenes, the king Lu Boshi.

This matter needs to be handled by the other party, and it is no longer something he can handle.

"What did you say just now?! There are two sets of cards?!"

The king Lu Boshi widened his eyes and looked at Hirose Yoshito in disbelief.

If he hadn't been sure that the guy in front of him was test subject B, and was very loyal in completing his orders, he really suspected that he was a chameleon undead creature.

Seeing the other party's surprise, Hirose Yoshito immediately showed him the data he analyzed.

"Mr. Tenno, this is the information collected by the test subject F I created. Do you think... this could be false?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Hirose Yoshito would never have known about this."

Seeing the twelve awakening cards displayed on the data analysis, all of them were red heart series, and there was also a red heart Kig in Hirose Yoshito's hand.


He took a breath of cold air.

Tenno Hiroshi suddenly discovered that this extreme battle that was supposed to be led by him seemed to have undergone unpredictable major changes.

In addition to the first set of cards discovered before, there was actually a second set of cards!

If he had heard this answer in the past, his first reaction would definitely be to not believe it.

But now the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

How could this be? !

There really is a second set of cards!

Lu Li, this extremely mysterious man, is now even more mysterious in the eyes of King Lu Boshi.

Like a target shrouded in layers of fog, it is completely unclear who the other party is and what his true identity is.

If he really has two sets of cards, this man may have a whole set.

That would be too terrifying!

No one knows whether King Lu Boshi's conjecture about the second set of cards is true or not.

Although he successfully left the sealing slate in the laboratory, he could not talk to the sealing slate, so naturally he could not ask any reason.

He is powerful, mysterious, and may even have a second set of awakening cards.

Based on the above three reasons, King Lu Boshi plans not to provoke Lu Li for the time being.

This man is too dangerous!

Intuition tells King Lu Boshi that it is best not to have too much contact with this man, otherwise he will put himself in danger.

This extreme battle has the biggest variable.

At first, Tianwang Lu Boshi thought that Lu Li was just a powerful high-level undead creature, but now it seems that this is not the case.

It can even be said that it is completely wrong!

It is impossible to determine who the undead creatures that are independent of this extreme battle are.


He exhaled frequently, and Tianwang Lu Boshi's mind was in a mess at this time, and he couldn't figure out anything at all.

An unexplored mysterious existence and a huge variable have made Tianwang Lu Boshi feel a huge pressure.

However, he is not completely without means to deal with it. At least he still has a winning trump card in his hand.

Thinking of this, Tianwang Lu Boshi took out an awakening card from the inside of his pocket.

This awakening card is an awakening card that has never appeared before. It is an awakening card made by humans from this era.

This card does not have any suits, but there is a conspicuous A in the upper left corner.

Category Ace card!

That's right, this is the fifth category Ace card, the 54th undead creature made by humans.

Hell three-headed dog!

It combines the advantages of all undead creatures and possesses a very special and powerful ability to absorb and seal other undead creatures!

This is an extremely crucial winning trump card!

With this card, King Lu Hiroshi doesn't have to worry about his opponent using the power of any awakening card.

As long as the power of the undead creature in the awakening card is used, it will have no effect on him.

Seeing this card, Tianwang Lu Boshi, who was originally worried, suddenly became extremely calm.


As long as you have this three-headed hell dog in your hand, everything will not be a problem.

This card is invincible!

No matter whether he is facing undead creatures or knights, they will not be his opponents.

The power of all the undead creatures has no effect on him, and he will eventually become the winner of this extreme battle.

But before that, he no longer wanted to do anything to Lu Li.

"Hirose, regarding Lu Li's matter, please stop it for now and don't attack him again. You can't deal with him with your strength." "

After receiving the order from Tian Wang Lu Hiroshi, Hirose Yoshito suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and showed no reluctance at all.

He himself had no intention of taking action against Lu Li, and Tianwang Lu Boshi had the same idea as him.

Lu Li is not an opponent he can handle for the time being.

Even if other test subjects are created, I'm afraid they will only serve to deliver food and will have no effect at all.

"Understood! I will temporarily stop all actions against him."

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye.

Jushuo was successfully released from the hospital after two days of short rest.

After leaving the hospital, he learned that Kazuma Kenzaki had obtained a new piece of equipment, the Awakening Fusion Machine, made by Kei Kaname Karasuma.

At the same time, he also knew that his own awakening fusion machine was being manufactured and would be delivered soon.

With this power, it can indeed enhance their strength.

After learning about the awakening fusion machine, Tachibana Saku also learned about Kamijo Mutsuki's situation.

Although it was the other person who pushed him down the hillside and made him stay in the hospital for two days, he did not blame Kamijo Mutsuki for this.

I'm afraid that the method he mentioned at the time stimulated Category Ace and caused the guy to have a stress reaction, and then he controlled Uejo Mutsuki to suddenly attack him.

But it was precisely because of Category Ac's attitude that Ju Shuo also felt that his method was feasible.

Therefore, Tachibana Shuo also took the initiative to ask Shima Noboru how feasible his method was.

After hearing Tachibana Saku's plan to liberate Category Ac, Shima Noboru couldn't help but frown.

He really hadn't thought about this plan at first.

If the spider undead creature can be liberated and the opponent is freed from the shackles of the awakening card, then his will will inevitably return to his body and he will lose control of Shangjomu.

Monthly control.

After thinking for a while, Jiu Sheng nodded slightly.

"Ju, the method you just mentioned has certain feasibility, but I can't say exactly what it will be like at the moment.

But the feasibility should be a little higher than my method. "

After receiving Shima Noboru's affirmation, Tachibana Sakuya and the other three people breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as long as we find other ways, we can avoid the threat of being sealed.

"I know, so let's hurry up, Kenzaki, where is Mutsuki these days?"

Hearing this, Kenzaki Kazuma nodded, he indeed already knew where Kamijo Mutsuki was.

"Then let's go quickly!"

The two immediately took the time to head to their destination, preparing to capture Kamijo Mutsuki and free the Category Ac in his hand from the seal.

Shima Noboru watched the two people leaving through the window and couldn't help but murmured.

"Is it really that simple?

If we simply unblock category Ac, no one can say whether the evil will of the undead spiders can be completely eradicated. We can only hope that it can.

The two of them rode their motorcycles and headed towards their destination quickly with a burst of wind and lightning.

Kazuma Kenzaki has learned about a so-called undead hunter in the past two days. During this period, he has had contact with the other party's members and knows where the other party's base is.

After taking some time, the two finally arrived at their destination.

But when the two of them arrived at their destination together, what they saw was corpses all over the ground.

Taking off his helmet, Kenzaki Kazuma saw the members of the Undead Hunters all over the ground. Everyone had injuries on their bodies. He knew at a glance that they had been attacked.

"how so?!"

His words were full of shock. Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't understand why he could see such a bloody and terrifying scene.

Quickly running inside, they found some people lying in the garage.

One of the people lying down was none other than Kamijo Mutsuki.

However, it seemed that Mutsuki Kamijo was not attacked, but simply fell asleep.

"What happened?!"

Ju Shuo also immediately ran to the computer nearby. When he saw the information on the computer, his eyes widened.

"Black fangs?!

His words were full of shock and surprise. He didn't expect that he could see the research on the jet-black fangs here.

The memory was suddenly pulled back to a long time ago, when the jet-black fangs were still being planned.

The plan at that time was to make the Jet Black Fang, which would be even better than the motorcycles he and Kenzaki Kazuma owned.

Unexpectedly, someone is actually making this thing. Who is that person?

After checking Kamijo Mutsuki's condition, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly shouted.

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