"Since you want to go, go ahead."


Lu Li did not stop Cheng Guang from fighting.

In Lu Li's opinion, the wolf undead creature with enhanced strength can only fight Cheng Guang equally, and it is still unclear who will win or lose.

Cheng Guang wanted to fight, and Lu Li certainly would not stop him.

Only by accumulating enough battles can one become stronger.

After getting Lu Li's approval, Cheng Guang smiled, jumped up, and turned directly into the form of a tiger undead creature while flipping in the air.

Tiger sister landed accurately on the road, appearing between the wolf undead creature and Lianger.


The wolf undead creature, who was still eager to move just now, was slightly stunned.

Obviously, he did not expect that other undead creatures would take the initiative to appear at this time.

Since the wolf undead creature had seen Tiger sister's human form before, it naturally did not connect the two.

"Waste boy, it seems that you have been used by him, it's really embarrassing.

The extremely familiar voice came, and Lianger immediately recalled some bad things.

I was stepped on by this woman!

He will never forget this incident!

Being stepped on the head and pressed into the mud by the other party is simply a great shame, how can I forget it?!

Damn it!

I didn't expect this guy to come too, it's really a narrow road for enemies!

"Since both of you are here, I will seal both of you! But...I'm here to fight!"

At this moment, Lianger still felt that he could seal high-level undead creatures with his own strength, and even thought that he could fight two alone.

I don't know where his confidence came from.

"Heh! "

The only response to his arrogant words was Sister Tiger's cold laugh.

He was just a waste, and at most he was just shouting. She even looked down on Lian Geer's fighting ability.

Of course, if Lian Geer was under the control of the spider undead creature's will, his fighting ability might be even stronger.

At this time, Jian and Ge Lian, who successfully found the traces of the wolf undead creature and Lian Geer according to the undead creature detector, also drove a motorcycle to arrive in time.

The two people who arrived here naturally saw Sister Tiger.

"It's that guy!"

Since Sister Tiger was here, the first reaction in their hearts was that Lu Li would definitely be nearby.

After all, according to the intelligence they had obtained before, Lu Li and Sister Tiger were almost inseparable.

Since Sister Tiger was going to compete with the wolf undead creature, there could be no other interference factors.

These three knights would obviously become obstacles, and there was also a Calis who had not arrived here.

If nothing unexpected happened, he should be on the way now.

Shifting his gaze to Yoshinaga Miyuki, Lu Li smiled.

"How about it? Do you want to choose an opponent? "

Pointing at the three knights below, Lu Li didn't care who gave way to Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Hearing this, Yoshinaga Miyuki shook her head on the spot.

"Forget it, this battle is obviously not suitable for me. You can fight if you want, don't worry about me."

Under the circumstances where she could avoid fighting, Yoshinaga Miyuki was naturally unwilling to fight.

Seeing that she was unwilling to join the battlefield, Lu Li did not force her.

Lu Li was not worried at all that Yoshinaga Miyuki would escape now, because the other party already knew that even if she escaped, she would not be able to escape anywhere.

Sister Tiger was alone between the two forces, but her eyes were always on the wolf undead creature.

The other party's fighting power was very strong, which successfully aroused her competitive spirit.

"Swish! ! "

The figure attacked instantly, and Sister Tiger directly launched an attack on the wolf undead creature.

Seeing this, the wolf undead creature exerted force on his feet and suddenly flipped to the ground.

He has become stronger, and now he wants to find an undead creature to verify his strength.

Sister Tiger's sudden appearance just happened to be in line with his wishes.

"Clang! !"

The sharp hook claws and wolf claws collided with each other, splashing sparks.

The two quickly launched an attack, constantly attacking each other's weaknesses.

Due to the high agility of both, when the opponent launched an attack, they were able to react quickly and avoid the fatal attack.

For a while, the battle between Sister Tiger and the wolf undead creature was fierce, but it left the three Kamen Riders next to them hanging.

The sword didn't understand what was going on.

"What are they doing? Are they treating us as if we don't exist? "

Scratching his head, Jian's face was full of doubts.

Now is the best time to get back the black fangs, and Gren certainly can't miss this opportunity.

The black fangs must not fall into the hands of undead creatures, they must be taken back, this is the power of Kamen Rider.

"Jian! Let's go together, we must take back the black fangs!


The next second, the two rushed over immediately, ready to join the battlefield.

Lenger saw that the two acted together, and naturally he was unwilling to fall behind, took out the awakening stick and rushed up together.

[Black fangs. Mine! ! ]

In his opinion, it was something he had already decided on, how could he give it to others, even Jian and Gren!

However, the three people's plan soon fell through.

A figure suddenly appeared on their running path.

Jian and Gelian, who had just accelerated, suddenly braked to a stop.

When they saw the figure clearly, the two of them felt quite solemn.

"Land from!"

If possible, they really don't want to meet Lu Li, their enemy.

For no other reason than because this theory is so terrifying and its combat power is so powerful that it makes people powerless.

Even Shima Noboru, a Category King, was defeated by him.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable, so one must be very careful.

Lienger, who arrived later, clenched his fists tightly and stared at Lu Li with cold eyes.

"It's you!"

He hated this man who let him eat other people many times, and he hated him to the core.

Even if the other party hadn't blocked him, he might have successfully sealed the Kig category now.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days. It seems that you are in good spirits. In that case, come and play with me for a while.

There is no need for you to intervene in the subsequent battle. "

The meaning is already obvious, they can't get through it.

Although they had already expected that Lu Li might suddenly intervene in this battle, they didn't expect it to happen so quickly. They didn't even join the battle.

was stopped.

If you can't defeat or entangle Lu Li, then everything is just a dream.

Wanting to get back the jet-black fangs is a complete dream.

"Senior Ju, it just so happens that I have gained new power, maybe I can entangle Lu Li!

Wait and see if you have a chance to rush over. You must find a way to get the black fangs back. "

Before he finished speaking, the sword was taken out to awaken the fusion machine.

Noticing that Jian was preparing to use new equipment, Green felt that there might be hope.

Although we don’t know how powerful the new equipment is, maybe there is a chance that it can hold Lu Li back?

Lenger, who was beside the two of them, was stunned when he learned that the sword had obtained new equipment.

He only stared at the awakening fusion machine on the sword's arm, with a hint of curiosity flashing in his eyes.

I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of new equipment is this? What effect will it have?

Lu Li, who was on the opposite side, naturally noticed the awakening fusion machine on the sword's arm.

Unexpectedly, Karasuma Kai's movements were quite fast, and he finally developed the awakening fusion machine.

After having this thing, the sword should now be able to use the guard form, and the combat power will be improved to a certain extent.

"Awakening Fusion Machine? Yes, then let me see how far you have grown."

Lu Li said it directly, which made Jian and Ge Lian shocked.

Isn't this your first time using the Awakening Fusion Machine?

Why would Lu Li know the name of this thing?

"Now that you have the awakening fusion machine, your current strength can indeed be improved to a higher level than before. Let me see your strength, sword!"

Lu Li couldn't help but feel eager to give it a try, and he couldn't wait to fight with Jian's guard form.

Although the outcome had already been determined, when Jian faced Lu Li, there was no possibility of victory at all.

"Stop looking down on others!"

Instead, Leng Geer took the lead and couldn't help but take action. Recalling what happened before, he was filled with anger.

Immediately draw out an awakening card and cross the end of the awakening staff.


Plum Blossom 4 Swift Moving Rhino can enhance the power of sudden advance!

His body suddenly exerted force, and the tip of the awakening staff in his hand stabbed Lu Li hard, pointing directly at his chest.

Seeing Leng Geer being so impulsive, Ge Lian immediately yelled, hoping to call him back.

"Musuki! Come back quickly, you can't beat him!"

But there is no turning back when the bow is fired. Lian Geer can't care about that much now, let's fight later.

He was just a Lienger, so Lu Li didn't take him to heart at all.

Lu Li was not afraid of such an attack even in his physical form.


The awakening staff slammed into an invisible barrier, causing waves of ripples, but there was no way to get closer to Lu Li.


Leng Ge was still very confident in the attacks he unleashed.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't even get close to Lu Li.

At this moment, Lenger suddenly felt uncomfortable and took two steps back, covering his head.

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