Tachibana Saku, who had just untransformed, also fell silent, with a flash of self-blame on his face.

How he wished he could save Kamijiro Mutsuki, who had embarked on a road of no return because of him, but he didn't expect the other party to be so resistant.

Seeing his depressed look, Kenzaki Kazuma hurriedly comforted him.

"Tachibana Senior, this matter is not your problem. It's that guy who is too cunning. I didn't expect to use Mutsuki as a hostage."

While comforting, he also winked at Shirai Torataro and Hirose Shiori next to him.

The two immediately understood, and Shirai Torataro hurriedly said.

"Kenzaki is right, Tachibana Senior, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to blame yourself so much."

Nodding repeatedly, Hirose Shiori also kept explaining beside him.

"That's right, Tachibana, we have tried our best to help Mutsuki. Don't take all the responsibility on yourself. You are really too tired."

Without saying anything, Tachibana Saku just shook his head and walked towards the villa with heavy steps.

The plan failed, and it was still unclear how things would develop next.

Seeing him so depressed, everyone did not continue to follow him, and prepared to let him calm down a little.

"Mr. Shima, Category Ace took Mutsuki away, what will they do next?"

Hearing this, Shima Noboru sighed helplessly and said in a heavy tone.

"I'm afraid... Category Ac will choose to let himself be sealed, become a Kamen Rider again, and possess Mutsuki from the spirit."


I thought I had found a solution to the problem, but I didn't expect that I would fail in the end.

Outside Shirai Farm.

The spider undead creature that had already escaped a long way finally stopped and threw Kamijou Mutsuki on the ground.

In the eyes of the spider undead creature, Kamijou Mutsuki was once just his slave.

And it was limited to a slave.

The meaning of his existence was just to help the spider undead creature master the power of the strongest knight.

"It hurts! "

Mutsuki Kamijou, who was already injured, couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Although the spider undead creature looked very ferocious, for Mutsuki Kamijou, this guy was a partner who gave him strength.

"Leangle, what should we do now?"

The spider undead creature lowered his head slightly and glanced at Mutsuki Kamijou.

"Seal me again! As long as you seal me again, you can regain the power of the knight, and you are still... the strongest knight!"

His voice sounded like the whisper of a devil, ringing in Mutsuki Kamijou's ears.


Hearing this, Mutsuki Kamijou casually took out a blank awakening card.

He also had other cards in his hand, so he naturally had a blank card.

Seeing that Mutsuki Kamijou had taken out a blank card, the spider undead creature opened the buckle on his waist without any hesitation, revealing the pattern inside.

Ace of Clubs!

"Come on, seal me quickly! "

Under the urging of the spider undead creature, Kamijou Mutsuki did not hesitate at all and directly pushed the blank card in his hand to the chest of the spider undead creature.

The sealing power directly sealed the spider undead creature, and the category Ace card returned to Kamijou Mutsuki's hand.

Looking at the category Ace in his hand, Kamijou Mutsuki showed a strange smile on his face.

Yes, this is Kamijou Mutsuki at this moment, once again controlled by the evil will of the spider undead creature.

All the efforts made by Tachibana Saku before are now in vain.

Of course, Kamijou Mutsuki is not without losses.

At least for now He lost a 10 of clubs and could not release the undead creatures at will.

He stood up and patted his clothes. As if he could not feel the pain on his body, he went to protect Mutsuki Uejo and his figure gradually went away.

In the previous battle, Lu Li felt that Cheng Guang's strength had indeed increased a little when he met him, but the increase was not much.

This may be the limitation of the undead creatures.

Although the upper limit is relatively high after being created, it has become a problem to continue to grow.

However, Lu Li has a way to increase their strength.

The simplest way is memory!

Cheng Guang It is a tiger undead creature, and can use sabertooth tiger memory. The combined strength of the two can definitely make Chengguang's power reach a higher level.

Next is Yoshinaga Miyuki. As an orchid undead creature, Lu Li can also create orchid memory to help it enhance its combat effectiveness.

However, Lu Li has not yet made any specific related equipment.

Moreover, the technology in this world is relatively backward, and it is very troublesome to create memory.

Yoshinaga Miyuki doesn't like fighting anyway, so she can temporarily stop busy improving her strength.

Lu Li has extra sabertooth tiger memory on hand, and it is the kind of Pure memory, not Gaia memory with earth memory toxins.

After all, she has been with me for such a long time, Cheng Guang can be considered as one of my own now, so I can help her improve her strength.

Due to my arrival, this extreme battle, which was not regular in itself, has been messed up.

In this case, let's make it more chaotic.

At this time, Cheng Guang was still reviewing the battle that had just happened.

The battle with the wolf undead creature gave her some new experience.

If she encounters this type of enemy again next time, she can gain an advantage from the opponent more easily.

After being enhanced by the jet-black fangs, the undead wolf creature's combat power is almost the same as that of Cheng Guang, and is even slightly stronger.

As the opponent, Cheng Guang naturally has a deep understanding of this.

My own strength was not enough. Just to deal with the wolf undead creature, even with all my strength, I could not quickly deal with the opponent.

What's more, I want to challenge Kig, a more powerful force, so the pressure is even greater.

But when the Creator created these undead creatures, he had almost fixed the strength they could possess.

Category King is the undisputed king and the strongest.

As a category Queen, it is not that difficult to defeat the powerful category King.

Or it can be said that there is almost no such possibility.

But Cheng Guang is not an undead creature that stays put. While fighting, he is still thinking of ways to make himself stronger.

Even if it's just a little bit, as long as you accumulate enough combat experience, you might be able to defeat Category Kig head-on.

"Chengguang, do you want to become stronger?"

The sudden sound directly interrupted Cheng Guang's memories and brought her back to reality.


With a trace of doubt in his eyes, Cheng Guang didn't quite understand what Lu Li meant.

But Miyuki Yoshinaga who was next to her heard it clearly and couldn't help but murmur to herself.

【Become stronger? How to become stronger? Is there any special way to help undead creatures become stronger? 】

In Yoshinaga Miyuki's view, this is simply impossible.

All undead creatures have almost limited ability values ​​when they are first created by the Creator.

How can it be possible to exert more powerful power? It is absolutely impossible.

But Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly thought that Lu Li seemed to be an undead creature, but the combat power he displayed had completely exceeded Miyuki Yoshinaga's knowledge.

Even the Category King is no match for Lu Li.

Is it possible...does he really have any means to make undead creatures stronger?

She couldn't help but secretly curse in her heart, Miyuki Yoshinaga actually had a hint of expectation at this time.

"I mean, do you still want to become stronger? If you want to become stronger, I can give you a chance."

Lu Li repeated it casually.

"Give me a chance to become stronger?"

Frowning slightly, Cheng Guang couldn't figure out how Lu Li would make himself stronger.

"Of course I want to become stronger, but...what do you mean by the opportunity to become stronger? What do I need to pay?"

There is no such thing as a free lunch. This is something Cheng Guang learned after coming to the human world.

If you don't pay the price, why should you become stronger?

Seeing that Cheng Guang actually knew about equal exchange, Lu Li couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't have to pay anything. The reason why I help you become stronger is simply because I treat you as one of my own.

Asking for flowers...

Since you are mine, I naturally don't mind helping you become stronger, you can just say whether you want to or not.

He didn't care whether Cheng Guang would be able to deal with him after helping her become stronger, and no matter how strong she became, she could never be his opponent.


This time, Chengguang didn't hesitate at all.

Of course she wants to become stronger. Only when she becomes stronger can she be qualified to challenge the Category King.

"If you want, just take it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li took out a memory stick.

Looking at the memory in his hand, Cheng Guang saw this thing for the first time.

I couldn't help but wonder secretly, could it be that such a small thing could make me stronger?

Are you kidding yourself?

Before Cheng Guang could speak, Lu Li said directly,

"Don't think about questioning me now. You won't know the power of this thing until you use it. Try it first.

By the way, you can change back to your true form first, then press the memory and insert it anywhere on your body.

Cheng Guang, who was about to open his mouth to make a sound of doubt, fell silent immediately.

Think about it, wouldn’t you know if you try it yourself?

Thinking of this, Chengguang Zhenxin suddenly changed and transformed into an undead tiger again.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was standing nearby, had strong curiosity in her eyes. How can this little thing help Shiroko become stronger?

With this doubt in her heart, Yoshinaga Miyuki is also looking forward to it.

Sister Tiger gently pressed the saber-tooth tiger memory.


Without thinking too much, he directly aimed at his chest and inserted it.

I have never doubted whether this thing would be harmful to my body, or whether it has any disadvantages.

The reason why she trusted Lu Li so much was because Sister Hu felt that there was no need for Lu Li to deceive her.

There was already a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and Lu Li would gain nothing by deceiving him.

She didn't think Lu Li would make fun of her.

When the memory interface of Sabretooth Tiger touched the chest, Sister Tiger suddenly felt an inexplicable force integrated into her body.

The next second, the saber-tooth tiger memory entered the body directly from the chest.

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