"Is that so? You have begun to fall in love with that mother and daughter, am I right?"

Opening his eyes slightly, Aikawa Hajime thought that he was hiding deeply, but he didn't expect that the other party would still see it.

However, what he didn't know was that his concealment couldn't be hidden from anyone.

As long as the mother and daughter are in danger, he is willing to risk his own life to save them.

Although he did not admit it, Aikawa Hajime's silence was the best answer. He knew very well that he could not ignore the mother and daughter.

Not only that, he had unknowingly established bonds with certain people.

For example, he trusts Kazuma Kenzaki. Even though he is not willing to admit it in his heart, he does believe Kazuma Kenzaki.

"Just continue like this, you may be able to find the meaning of survival. There is not only fighting in this world, there are many things worthy of our attention.

Hajime Aikawa, live well.

Before he finished speaking, Shima Noboru turned around and left.

This time, Shima Noboru did not call him Jokeri, but called him Hajime Aikawa.

Watching Shima Noboru's back gradually go away, Aikawa Hajime stayed there for a while before leaving.

On the way back, he was thinking about a question.

Recalling that his own life as a human being seemed indeed good, especially his current life, he was very satisfied.

As long as he could protect the mother and daughter, he would be satisfied.

As for fighting, now he no longer has the strong desire to fight that he had at the beginning.

Although the wildness of fighting still drives him to fight when undead creatures appear, a strange power in his heart restrains his wild heart.

And this power comes from human undead creatures.

Cheng Antan was in a very bad mood after failing to successfully deal with Joker.

"Damn it! It's almost there. Just give us a little more time to get rid of Jokr!"

Kicking away the stone next to him, he vented his inner dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki just glanced at her lightly.

"You should be lucky that Category King didn't take action at that time, otherwise, the two of us would have lost.

It's hard to say who will be sealed by then.

When it comes to the Category King, Mutsuki Kamijo doesn't have much fear in his heart. He believes that his combat power is not inferior to the Category King.

As a Q player, although I lost to Lu Li many times, it was entirely because Lu Li's fighting ability was simply too high.

If a fight really breaks out, it’s hard to say who will win between myself and the Category King!

Cheng Antan naturally knew that he would not be able to continue taking action in the situation just now, and his eyes returned to Kamijo Mutsuki.

"What to do next? Now that that guy Jokr already knows about our cooperation, it won't be so easy to lure him out again."

PS: thanks

-kzkkzm’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 451 Lu Li is the ancestor of mankind? ! The targeted land

"Since there is no way to attract Jokr in the same way, the worst thing to do is find another way."

With a sneer on his lips, Kamijo Mutsuki knew it.

Aikawa Hajime cares about the mother and daughter very much. As long as he works hard on the mother and daughter, he will definitely appear.

Seeing how confident he looked, Cheng Antan couldn't help but wonder if this guy had any bad ideas again.

After the last time Lu Li used the wild Kallis form to eliminate Experimental Subject F, Hirose Yoshito no longer targeted Lu Li.

The main reason is that I don't dare to target Lu Li anymore. If he is discovered, it will probably completely collapse the subsequent plans.

He didn't want this to happen.

Researching the secrets of immortality of undead creatures has reached a critical point, and he doesn't want to fail because of Lu Li.

However, Yoshito Hirose did not give up his research on Lu Li.

Yoshito Hirose studied the previous battle data with Test Subject F many times.

Through this research, he discovered something.

That is, there are only twelve types of undead creatures that Lu Li fused, not thirteen.

Among the thirteen cards in the Hearts series, only the 2 of Hearts is missing.

The 2 of hearts represents human undead creatures!

Why is it that there is no shortage of anything else, but the only thing missing is this 2 of hearts?

Regarding this issue, Hirose Yoshito had a bold hypothesis in his mind.

That is whether Lu Li himself is the 2 of Hearts itself!

That is, human undead creatures, the ancestors of all humans

When he came to this conclusion, Hirose himself felt very shocked.

But the more I thought about it, the more I felt it was entirely possible.

No one knows what happened in the Extreme War ten thousand years ago.

No one has ever said that the ultimate battle only happened once, maybe it will happen a second time?

As for why the power used by Lu Li is similar to Jokr, Yoshito Hirose can't figure it out for the time being.

However, according to the research on the history of human foundation, it is found that as long as the extreme battle can be won, all the demands of the winner will be realized.

It is possible that Lu Li is the winner of another extreme battle and chooses to gain power similar to Jokr.

If this is the case, it seems that everything can be connected in series.

It totally makes sense!

Hirose Yoshito's wild ideas, although he was wrong in many directions, he also guessed a lot of things.

Just as he thought, Lu Li was indeed a human undead creature, and he was also the winner of the ultimate battle.

It's just that his power does not come from the sealing stone, but from his own unique ability.

Living human undead!

As the ancestor of mankind, Yu is naturally closer to humans than other undead creatures.

If Lu Li could be brought in for experiments, it might help him learn more about the secret of immortality!

This was a very bold and crazy idea. He actually had this idea about Lu Li.

Considering that Lu Li was very powerful and very difficult to deal with, Yoshito Hirose did not dare to act rashly.

This matter must be considered in the long run, and finding a way to catch Lu Li will definitely bring about a major breakthrough in his research.

Hirose Yoshito, who had this idea in mind, took the initiative to tell the news to Tenwang Lu Hiroshi.

As the big boss behind Hirose Yoshito, Tenno Hiroshi wants to know what he has done. It is definitely not difficult:

Therefore, this matter must not be concealed, and one must take the initiative to tell others about Tianwang Lu Boshi and seek help from them.

Just relying on the experimental body in his hands was simply not enough to complete this task.

If we can get the support of Tianwang Lu Boshi, there may be some hope:

Therefore, Hirose Yoshito directly told Tianwang Lu Hiroshi his guess and the corresponding situation.

When Heavenly King Lu Boshi heard the news, it was impossible not to be shocked.

There was indeed an extreme battle ten thousand years ago, but it has never been said that there was no extreme battle ten thousand years ago.

Maybe there were other extreme battles that took place earlier than 10,000 years ago:

The cards in Lu Li's hand may be the best evidence, perhaps because the set of cards they unearthed were not from the first extreme battle, but from the second one.

Extreme battle.

According to this explanation, the card in Lu Li's hand can also be explained.

Next, there is another conclusion that Hirose Yoshito came to after analysis. Lu Li is a human undead creature.

Using cards from the Heart series to transform into a very powerful form, but the only thing missing is the 2 of Hearts, which is not quite right in itself.

Why is the 2 of Hearts missing?

Perhaps it wasn't because of the lack of the 2 of Hearts per se, but rather because Lu Li had the 2 of Hearts himself, so he didn't need the power of the 2 of Hearts.

After connecting everything, Heavenly King Lu Boshi nodded thoughtfully.

A human undead creature that has existed for a long time is naturally of great significance to research.

But when thinking about Lu Li's current powerful strength, the experimental body was unable to do anything to him.

Under such circumstances, we still couldn't deal with Lu Li rashly.

If the other party followed the clues and found him, this would not be in line with Tianwang Lu Hiroshi's plan.

His plan was to wait until all the undead creatures were almost exhausted, and then eradicate those few knights.

Then he will step forward and become the winner of the extreme battle, reset the human world, and become the supreme ruler.

In addition, he still has the fifty-fourth card in his hand, so he will definitely succeed!

No undead creature can resist the power of the three-headed dog of hell. This is an invincible power!

"Hirose, although what you said has not been confirmed, I know that there should not be any big problems with your analysis.

However, our strength is currently not enough to fight Lu Li. If he comes to our presence at this time, he may pose a threat to us. "

This answer was actually Tianwang Lu Boshi's decision.

But Tianwang Lu Boshi didn't know that Lu Li knew about his existence from the very beginning and also knew that he was the mastermind behind everything.

Hirose Yoshito's idea was not recognized by Tenwang Hiroshi, and he rejected his plan.

The plan was not adopted, and Hirose Yoshito could only leave in despair.

He just wants to unlock the secrets of the undead as soon as possible and how to become immortal.

This is the obsession left by the real Yoshito Hirose. He completely inherited Yoshito Hirose's intelligence and also inherited his obsession.

After Hirose Yoshito left, Tenwang Lu Hiroshi fell into silence again.

The news he got today really had a big impact on him.

He discovered that the history of the Extreme War might be different from the history they excavated and analyzed.

This matter may affect your plans.

Now that Lu Li has such a powerful form, he must be more careful and must not let the other party disrupt his plan.

Yoshito Hirose, who had not left for long, felt very unwilling in his heart.

Finally, the opportunity came before me, but I didn't dare to take action.


You must find a way to catch Lu Li and study his physical condition, which may help you uncover the secret of eternal life.

But before that, he couldn't directly choose to take action.

The first is the test body he created. Even the test body F created using Kig cells was no match for Lu Li.

Experimental Subject F possesses a very powerful and terrifying combat power, but even so, it is not enough.

Then we must first consider other methods, such as... using Kamen Rider.

But this matter must be considered in the long run.

At Shirai Farm.

Previously, through the undead creature detection device, we found the traces of Aikawa Hajime, Kamijiro Mutsuki and an undead creature.

After Shima Noboru appeared, the battle ended hastily.

"I don't know what the situation is at the scene, how is Hajime?"

Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't help but worry about Aikawa Hajime's safety.

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