"Sorry, it seems there is no need for us to cooperate. You are not even strong enough to defeat Cheng Guang. I don't see your value."

Being defeated may not be considered an insult, but at most it can only be considered a lack of strength.

But when Lu Li said this to his face, the undead creature felt very aggrieved.

This is a complete humiliation of yourself!

As a powerful category Kig, when has he ever been insulted like this?

But the problem is that he can't even refute such an insult.

His current state is not very good. If the other party seizes the opportunity to kill him, he will be in trouble.

Moreover, the Saw-Shovel Undead creature had no idea what kind of means the man in front of him had, and he had no intention of using his words.

Lu Li reached out and patted the corner of the shovel on the undead creature's head, Lu Li smiled.

"If you want to cooperate with me, wait until you can not lose to Cheng Guang. Then I will consider it. Goodbye."

After saying that, Lu Li stood up and left directly.

Miyuki Yoshinaga hurriedly kept up without any hesitation.

Sister Hu also transformed back into human form, glanced at the undead creature with a saw and a shovel, who was in a very unwilling mood, and also followed Lu Li's pace.

After the three people left, the saw-shovel undead creature returned to its human form, with a little more injuries on its face, but it was not obvious.

After getting up and patting the dirt on his body, Jin Ju looked very gloomy.

Originally, I took the initiative to seek cooperation, but I didn't expect that the cooperation failed, and I was even humiliated by the other party.

If it weren't for Jin Ju's very cautious character and his ability to be patient, he might have exploded long ago.

Feeling the numbness in his hands, Jin Ju staggered away from here.

He didn't find a suitable cooperation target, so he had no choice but to leave it alone this time, but he also had other decisions in mind.

At least that was the current decision, which was not to offend Lu Li for the time being.

An unfathomable guy who rashly offends the other party will only be more disadvantageous to himself.

In order to win this unorthodox extreme battle, he must find a way to seal away other undead creatures.

But this is difficult. He doesn't have a knight system and can't do this kind of thing...

Or we can only start from Tianwang Road and see if we can find other ways to seal the undead.

Walking on the road, Miyuki Yoshinaga asked curiously.

"Lu Li, why didn't you agree to that category Kig just now? If he cooperates, our strength should be stronger."

In her opinion, having one more partner to work with will make things much easier in the future.

She only saw the surface, and did not see the ambition and vicious character of Jin Ju guy.

Of course, Jin Ju's ambition is almost the same ambition that most undead creatures have.

"Haha! That guy's strength is pretty good, but I can tell you very clearly that his so-called cooperation is just to take advantage of us.

This guy is a very cautious person. If there is an opportunity to stab us in the back, he will not miss it.

Besides, do you think that with our strength, we still need to cooperate with others?

It is better not to cooperate with a guy who is always ready to stab you in the back. "

Of course, Lu Li was not afraid of Jin Ju stabbing him in the back, but there was no need to make things difficult for him.

Lu Li's answer immediately made Miyuki Yoshinaga frown.

"This guy is so cruel?!"

At most, she only sells out her collaborators, and usually doesn't stab them in the back.

0Please give me flowers.

Unexpectedly, this guy Jin Ju was even more ruthless.

Crossing her hands, Sister Hu looked very calm.

"As a type Kig, he is powerful and very cautious. From the looks of it, he should be eyeing victory in the extreme battle."

Undead creatures have various personalities. There is nothing surprising about a sinister guy like Jin Ju.

“But he doesn’t know that no one can win this extreme battle from the beginning, because my existence has completely disrupted this extreme battle.

His purpose will eventually fail and he will never succeed. Of course, I believe he will not be able to escape the fate of being sealed.

There was one thing Lu Li didn't say, that was, if Jin Ju couldn't be sealed, Lu Li wouldn't mind helping him out then!

It's already here. Lu Li knows more than just Kenzaki Kazuma's imperial form. He also wants to see Tachibana Sakuya's imperial form.

At present, Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki belong to their own people, which means that it is impossible for Aikawa Hajime's wild Kallis to appear, and it is even less likely for Kamijo Mutsuki's imperial form to appear.


other side

After successfully getting back all the heart cards, Aikawa Hajime returned to his normal life.

He once again suppressed the wildness in his heart and suppressed Jokr's only hunting nature.

Because of Kenzaki Kazuma's trust, Aikawa Hajime became a little more cheerful than before.

At least when facing Kenzaki Kazuma, he talked a little more.

This change made Kazuma Kenzaki even more convinced that Hajime Aikawa would not destroy the world.

Because he is gradually getting closer to humans and becoming human.


Not only does he have this view, but Shima Noboru also has this view.

But there is another person who has a different view. Ju Shuo also always believes that continuing to let Jokr exist is an extremely dangerous thing.

The number of undead creatures is decreasing, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

The existence of the Jiu Sheng may not leave the last undead creature, but it is very risky after all, and no one can predict what will happen in the future.

Tachibana Saku has always firmly believed that sealing Joker now is the best choice.

It is precisely because of this incident that Tachibana Saku is not with Kenzaki Kazuma for the time being. He wants to find an opportunity to seal Jokr.

But what he didn't know was that he was completely fooled by Hirose Yoshito.

Today, Hirose Yoshito brought Tachibana Saku to the laboratory he is currently using.

As soon as he entered the laboratory and saw the extremely familiar environment around him, Tachibana Saku was also very surprised.

"Tachibana, do you miss it very much? It's very similar to the research institute of the Board.

At this time, Tachibana Saku suddenly noticed that the walls were covered with photos of Kenzaki Kazuma, and it seemed that they were taken from various places.

"Mr. Hirose, why are the walls covered with photos of Kenzaki.

Hearing this, Hirose Yoshito did not explain too much.

"I'll tell you about this later."

Without getting an answer, Tachibana Saku immediately asked about what he was concerned about.

"Mr. Hirose, are you also looking for Joker? In order to help you solve the secret of the undead creatures?"

He knew that even the current Hirose Yoshito still had the obsession to solve the secret of the undead creatures.

"Joker's existence is extremely dangerous, but...if it is Joker E who calls himself Aikawa Hajime, maybe we don't have to be so anxious."

As he has the memory of the real Hirose Yoshito, he certainly knows the horror of the real Joker E.

With a frown, Tachibana Saku didn't understand why Hirose Yoshito said that.

"What does this mean?"

Since Joker is dangerous, why is Aikawa Hajime not dangerous at the moment.

"From the current situation, he has not yet revealed the violent characteristics of Jokr.

The one who is more dangerous than him is... Kenzaki. "

"Kenzaki? ! "

This made Tachibana Saku even more confused as to why Kenzaki was in greater danger now.

Nodding slightly, Hirose Yoshito pressed the enter key on the computer keyboard next to him.

The experimental cabin next to him suddenly opened, and a monster that looked like an undead creature appeared in front of Tachibana Saku.

It was the test subject F!

The test subject created using King cells and human genetic data.

"Undead creature? ! State

The first impression of seeing the other party, Tachibana Saku also recognized it as an undead creature.

"It is not an undead creature, it was created by my hands."


Tachibana Saku was also very surprised. He did not expect Hirose Yoshito to be able to create such a life form.

"It is a test subject made of undead cells and human genetic data, an artificial undead creature.

I am gradually unraveling the secret of the immortality of undead creatures. If this research can proceed smoothly, humans will one day be able to obtain eternal life.

Before he finished speaking, Hirose Yoshito pressed the enter button again.

The door of the experimental cabin slowly closed, and test subject F was once again sealed in the experimental cabin. Loss!

Chapter 466 Successfully fooled! Use Q to betray, the second Queen to be sealed

Looking at the closed experimental cabin, recalling the appearance of test subject F, Tachibana Saku also asked directly.

"Mr. Hirose, what is your purpose in showing it to me? "

Hirose Yoshito slowly raised his head, looked at Tachibana Sakuya sincerely, and began to deceive again.

"Tachibana, Kenzaki is in danger now. If he continues to transform, he will... humans will..."

When he heard that Kenzaki Ichima was in danger, Tachibana Sakuya was a little anxious.

Although he was very disgusted with Kenzaki Ichima's stopping him from sealing Jokr, he did not stand on the opposite side of Kenzaki Ichima because of this.

"What happened to Kenzaki?"

Standing up, looking at Tachibana Sakuya intently, Hirose Yoshito continued.

"I will tell you everything, but at that time I will ask you to assist me in transforming the test subject F and bring Kenzaki back. This is to save him. "

"Save him?"

Still confused, Tachibana Sakuya had no idea that he had been deceived by Hirose Yoshito at this time.

"That's right, it's to save him. Even if you have to use force, you have to protect him and isolate him from the knight system. "

Then, Hirose Yoshito told Tachibana Sakuya the half-true and half-false information.

When he learned this information, Tachibana Sakuya was shocked. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

At the bar.

After two days of silence, Cheng An Tan saw that Kamijiro Mutsuki had no movement, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

According to the news that Kamijiro Mutsuki had conveyed before, Joker may have taken back the cards.

It will not be so easy to deal with Joker next time.

But we can't do nothing. If we continue, Jok will become stronger and stronger, and then they won't even have the possibility of winning.

Seeing Kamijiro Mutsuki playing cards next to him, Cheng An Tan frowned and said.

"What are you thinking? Why is "187" not making any moves now? Are you going to leave Joker alone?

Don't forget what you promised me! Joker must be eliminated!"

Hearing this, Mutsuki Kamijou, who was playing cards, suddenly stopped.

He turned around and glanced at Tan Cheng An.

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