Lu Li remembered this vengeance very clearly and could not forget it at all.

Now the power of the sealing stone tablet suddenly came out. Could it be that... the guy Lu Boshi, the king, had already materialized Cerberus?

Lu Li thought about it and suddenly found that this was really possible!

Seeing his sudden arrival, Lu Boshi must be very anxious.

He knew his own strength very well and knew that he could not fight against Lu Li with the power of the institute alone.

Releasing Cerberus at the risk of his life might be able to deal with him.

It was reasonable for Lu Boshi to take such a risk.


This was one of Lu Li's goals this time, and its powerful strength was indeed exciting.

As the fifth category Ace, Cerberus was undoubtedly the most powerful.

That guy was much stronger than the spider undead creature. Even the category Kig did not dare to fight him.

Lu Li was also very much looking forward to his extremely powerful strength.

"Lu Li, what was that power just now?!"

Cheng Guang naturally felt the power of the Sealing Slate, and a very familiar feeling emerged in his heart.

Yoshinaga Miyuki nodded solemnly.

"The Sealing Slate! That was the power of the Sealing Slate just now!"

As undead creatures created by the Sealing Slate, how could they be unfamiliar with the power of the Sealing Slate?

They had never known where the Sealing Slate was, but they didn't expect that the Sealing Slate was hidden in this research institute.

"Let's go, you will see God soon. Of course, I can't guarantee whether it will be the last time.

This time, Lu Li not only wants to get the card of the three-headed dog of hell, but also comes for the seal stone tablet. It's time to settle the account.

Lu Li continued to go deeper inside. Although Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki were shocked, they still followed him obediently.

The same question popped up in their minds at the same time, that is, who would win in the battle between Lu Li and the seal stone tablet.

They thought of Lu Li's victory.

Following Lu Li all the time, the two have become indifferent to the matter of reviving the race, and they are not very interested in this irregular extreme war.

What they are more interested in is another world, what that different world will be like.

Without the seal stone tablet, the extreme war will not happen again.

"Ah! ! "

The awakening bow in Calis's hand fell, and he covered his wrist in pain.

The red heart cards that should belong to him were all taken away by the giant beetle undead creature.

After Lianger, all the cards in Calis's hand were taken away, and now only Jian and Gelian were left.

However, Gelian's condition at this time did not seem to be very good. Although he could continue to fight, his combat effectiveness was not good enough.

Only Jian could still maintain his combat effectiveness at this time.

"Damn! Is there no way to deal with this guy? !"

Jian held the awakening sword tightly, and for the first time he found that the undead creature was so difficult to deal with.

The four knights joined forces and could not deal with the giant beetle undead creature.

"What? Is it no use? I haven't used all my strength yet, why can't you do it? "

The tone of the giant beetle undead creature seemed very relaxed, as if the previous battle did not make him use his full strength at all.

But it was almost the same. After a series of battles, the giant beetle undead creature would have a little bit of combat power decline.

Just then, the giant beetle undead creature suddenly stopped moving, and he had a familiar feeling.

"Category King?"

Suddenly turning around, the giant beetle undead creature saw a man walking towards this side with his green eyes.

"Mr. Shima? !"

Glenn's eyes were full of surprise. Obviously, he did not expect Shima Noboru to appear here.

All along, Shima Noboru was thinking about avoiding battles as much as possible and staying away from battles.

Now he actually appeared here on his own initiative, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

Lenger looked at Shima Noboru with a fiery look. He knew that this guy was the same category Kig as himself.

If he could seal this guy, his strength would be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, he had missed the best opportunity to seal, and now there is no such opportunity.

"It turned out to be you, why... Didn't you always dislike fighting? Why are you here now?

Could it be that... you want to fight for these knights? "

The giant beetle undead creature was quite surprised. He naturally knew Shima Noboru's character.

Ten thousand years ago, this guy didn't like fighting, and it's the same now:

He obviously doesn't like fighting, but he has to come and get involved in this matter. Isn't it making himself uncomfortable?

Shima Noboru shook his head slightly with a faint smile on his face.

"I really hate fighting, but you've gone too far. Their abilities are indeed not enough to seal you, but with me... it's hard to say."

Before he finished speaking, Shima Noboru switched directly to the wolf spider undead creature form.

Although he didn't want to participate in any struggle, now that things have happened, Jian and his team's strength is not enough to deal with the giant beetle undead creature.

For this reason, he had to come.

The main reason is that the giant beetle undead creature went a little too far this time. In order to lure Lu Li out, he did too many unnecessary things.

When the wolf spider undead creature saw it, the giant beetle undead creature sneered.

"Ha! You chose to stand on the side of humans? It doesn't matter. Since you want to be right, I will destroy you together."

Holding the great sword in his hand tightly, the giant beetle undead creature was not afraid of more than one enemy.

As a Kig of the same category, the giant beetle undead creature didn't know how much the wolf spider undead creature's power was compared to his own.

Ten thousand years ago, the two had never fought.

One hated fighting and wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible, while the other was not very interested in fighting.

But this time, the two of them met.

The wolf spider undead creature took the lead in attacking, and the spider silk was sprayed from the palm of his left hand, ready to bind the giant beetle undead creature first.

The white bead silk wrapped around the giant beetle undead creature in an instant, and the wolf spider undead creature quickly attacked.

Both have strong toughness, and ordinary attacks can't break free.


There was only a tearing sound, and the giant beetle undead creature immediately broke free from the spider silk.


The claws of the wolf spider undead creature and the great sword of the giant beetle undead creature collided violently, and the two faced each other head-on.

"You always avoid fighting, how much strength can you exert? Haha!"

A sneer came from the mouth of the giant beetle undead creature.

"Try it and you will know!"

The two of them exerted their strength to repel each other at the same time, and then launched a fierce melee.

The wolf spider undead creature, who was serious, was not much inferior to the giant beetle undead creature in terms of combat power.

Lenger's mood suddenly sank when he saw the wolf spider undead creature's combat power report.

At this time, he realized that when fighting with him before, the wolf spider undead creature did not use its full strength at all.

It can even be said that it was letting him go all the time.

Lenger clenched his fists unwillingly, feeling that he had been greatly insulted.

Damn it!

I originally thought that I could fight against the category Kig, but from the current situation, what I thought was a joke.

It was the first time for Jian and Gren to see the wolf spider undead creatures fight, and they were very surprised.

"Mr. Ming is so powerful, but he just doesn't want to fight.

"Fortunately, Mr. Yu is willing to stand on the side of us humans, otherwise... we might have a very difficult opponent."

Both of them were secretly glad that Shima Noboru chose to stand on the side of humans. Otherwise, they would have to deal with another powerful category Kig.

At this time, Gren didn't care whether Jian could transform or not, and hurriedly urged.

"Jian! Mr. Yu created an opportunity for us, so don't waste it!"

"Understood! "

The two of them quickly joined the battle, one on the left and one on the right.

They and the wolf spider undead creature besieged the giant beetle undead creature together. The combined strength of the three people was barely suppressed.

Yes, it was just a little suppressed.

It is definitely not that simple to completely defeat the giant beetle undead creature."

While the giant beetle undead creature was dealing with Gren and Jian, the wolf spider undead creature noticed the cards that the giant beetle undead creature had put up.

Spider silk shot out from the palm of his hand, stuck to the cards, and then pulled them over.

Feeling that the cards he had put up had disappeared, the giant beetle undead creature suddenly turned around, and found that the cards were in the hands of the wolf spider undead creature.

"You wanted to take the cards from me from the beginning!"

It was only at this time that he realized that he...seemed to have been fooled.

Hearing this, the wolf spider undead creature shook his head.

"No, I just happened to see it just now, so I took it.

These cards don't belong to you, they have better users.

Looking at the Queen card in his hand, the pattern on it is the sea snake undead creature.

Is that so, I didn't expect that she had already sealed it with Gel.

Has she been betrayed?

The wolf spider undead creature drew out this card and shouted at the same time.

"Ju! Use this card!"

After saying that, he immediately threw the card to Gel.

Gel heard the voice and quickly caught the card thrown over.

When he saw the pattern on this card, he was immediately shocked.

"Queen? ! "

He had been looking for the undead creature on this card, but he didn't expect it to be here.

Glenn's surprised voice was naturally heard by Lianger, and he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

[Category Queen... Could it be...!]

As a result, in the next second, Glenn immediately took out the awakening fusion machine and took out another card.

Diamond Jack, Fusion Peacock!

Quickly insert the category Queen into the awakening fusion machine, and quickly swipe the diamond Jack.

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

A golden peacock shadow appeared in front of Glenn, and then quickly merged into Glenn's chest.

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