Even with the sealing slate, I probably never thought that someone could break through my own power:

When Lu Li just touched the sealing stone, the sealing stone immediately mobilized its power and seemed to be planning to leave the area.


The sealing stone slab disappeared instantly, and it seemed that he was preparing to use space power to move to another place!

Lu Li had expected all this. He already knew that the sealing stone would definitely escape after feeling his power.

Space blockade was used in advance to completely isolate the surrounding area from the outside world.

The sealing stone slab appears at the edge of the space blockade, but there is no way to pass through the space blockade.

No matter how the sealing stone is moved, there is still no way to leave this area.

When Lu Li Lewis approached the sealing stone slab, the sealing stone slab released a strange wave of energy.

Under the influence of this energy fluctuation, all time in this space stopped.

Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki just stood there in a daze, without any movement at all, and they were also stopped by time.

Since the Sealing Slate can create a time scarab that pauses time, it is reasonable that it has mastered the power of stopping time.

But unfortunately, it is not only the sealing stone that controls the power of time, but also the power of time.

Suspension of time at this level would not threaten Lu Li at all.

Lu Li, who had paused slightly just now, took action again and was not affected by the power of time suspension at all.

"Don't do useless work, I also have the power of time.

This is all thanks to you. If it weren't for you sending me to the void space, I wouldn't have been able to go to another world, let alone master these powers. "

Lu Li was able to have these encounters thanks to the "help" of the sealing stone.

Of course, the sealing stone slab was not really to help Lu Li, but to expel Lu Li.

There is nothing conceivable that can explain the situation.

The sealing stone slab that once held a dominant position 10,000 years ago has now become prey, and the dominant person has become Lu Li.

"No need to think about leaving 463, this place has been blocked by me, there is no way to leave, let alone use space to travel.

Okay, let's calculate the accounts from ten thousand years ago. It's time to understand the grievances between us.


The six golden blade tentacles behind him instantly reached out and pierced the sealing stone slab not far away at a very fast speed.

The sealing stone slab tried to resist, bursting out a force in front of it in an attempt to stop the sharp blade tentacles, but it was all in vain.

"Ding ding ding!!"

The six tentacles passed through this force without any hindrance and hit the sealing stone slab.

The surface of the sealing stone slab is pitch black and looks very smooth under the sunlight.

However, now, there are many marks on the smooth surface, all cut by the sharp blades on the tentacles.

Lu Li still had extraordinary confidence in the terrifying penetrating power of the sharp blade.

However, just the traces left on the sealing stone slab are enough to show that the material of the sealing stone slab is very hard.

"Hard? What's the use? You've already lost, why bother to persist."

Scarlet eyes lit up slightly, and a terrifying energy burst out from Lu Li's body.

With the blessing of this energy, the sharp blade tentacles attack more frequently, and their cutting power becomes more and more terrifying.

The sealing stone slab only showed traces in the face of previous attacks, but now you can see that the sealing stone slab is damaged a little with every attack.

The continuous and rapid attacks made the sealing stone completely unable to withstand it, and countless rubbles were about to fall everywhere.

Once upon a time, the lofty sealing stone slab turned into such a mess, the gap between the front and back was not too big.

The continuous attack lasted for about a full minute. The power released by the sealing stone had weakened to a certain point and fell to the ground at the same time.

The smooth and flat sealing stone slab now became uneven, with many signs of damage appearing on it.

The sealing stone suddenly appeared in front of him, and Lu Li grabbed the sealing stone.

The sealed stone slab suddenly escaped just now, and there will be no chance of escape this time.

Lu Li had previously recreated the Giver in the unknown universe. Although it was only a part of the power, this part of the power was already extremely powerful.

After all, the giver's extremely powerful strength has surpassed the sealing stone slab as a god.

The sealing slate is more like a god-like intelligence created by the earth.

The purpose is to be able to screen out the race that dominates the earth and lead the development of this earth.

The giver can even easily destroy a world. There is no comparison between the sealing stone tablet and the giver.

The power of destruction!

This is a kind of power that Lu Li received from the giver.

As the name suggests, this kind of power is very terrifying and can destroy everything.

When it is strong enough, it can even use this power to destroy the world.

However, because the giver himself was too powerful, Lu Li was temporarily unable to use the power of destruction as he wished.

Moreover, this power of destruction consumes a lot of money. Even Lu Li would not dare to use it casually.

Chapter 478 Destruction! The shackles were destroyed, and the extreme battle was forced to end.

It consumes too much and is not easy to control.

It's almost enough to use at critical times.

For example, right now, it would be difficult to completely destroy the sealing stone slab with the other powers Lu Li currently has at his disposal.

After all, the power of the sealing stone is equivalent to that of a god-level being.

But the destructive power that Lu Li possesses can definitely do it.

Although Lu Li had successfully destroyed the surface of the sealing stone slab with his sharp-edged tentacles, he had not actually destroyed its essence.

After all, the sealing stone slab can be regarded as a god, so how could it be completely destroyed so easily.

A dark red energy appeared in Lu Li's hand. This energy was restless. He quickly brought this energy close to the sealing stone slab.

When this energy came into contact with the sealing stone, Lu Li could actually feel the sealing stone vibrating slightly.

This is not a sign of fear, but an instinctive fear.

The sealing slate is an intelligence that helps the earth select the winner of the extreme battle. It should not have any emotions in itself.

But after feeling the power of destruction, the destructive power was enough to destroy the sealing stone. This was the real reason why the sealing stone trembled.

When the dark red power of destruction came into contact with the sealing slate, it spread quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was all over the sealing slate.

Looking at the sealing stone slab that was completely wrapped in dark red energy, Lu Li immediately stepped back without any hesitation.

Although he already possesses the power of destruction, he has not yet completely mastered this power and cannot use it freely.

Therefore, it is best not to be affected by the power of destruction.

Under the influence of this destructive force, Lu Li could clearly see cracks gradually appearing on the sealing stone slab.

After a while, dense cracks were spread all over the sealing stone slab, and it looked like it might break apart at any time.

Seeing this scene happening, Lu Li took the initiative to cancel the transformation, and there would be no more fighting.

Six Evil Organization Core Coins and Dual Drives return to the alternate dimension.

"it's over."

Along with Lu Li's voice, bursts of faint white light bloomed from inside the sealing stone slab.

Through those cracks, white light gradually seeped out.

Perhaps it is because under the influence of the power of destruction, the sealing stone slab can no longer control its own power.

Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki also recovered from the time stop.

When they saw what happened in front of them, a deep shock flashed in their eyes.

"What happened just now? Why has everything changed? Could it be... that time has stopped?!"

Cheng Guang immediately realized that the power of time must have affected them.

Having been with Lu Li for so long, she also knew that Lu Li controlled the power of time.

Noticing that the sealing stone slab was wrapped in a dark red energy and that there were countless cracks on it, Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes were full of surprise.

"The sealing slate...is going to break?!"

The words were filled with wonder.

She never thought that she could see such a horrifying scene.

You must know that the sealing stone is the god who created them. No one knows how powerful it is.

But now, such a powerful god has been solved like this? !

For a moment, Miyuki Yoshinaga found it a little difficult to accept this result.

Compared to Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was extremely surprised, Shiroguang looked much calmer. She had already guessed that there would be a battle between Lu Li and the sealing slate.

I just didn't expect that the extremely powerful god would be so embarrassed.

The sealing stone, shrouded in the power of destruction, still did not give up at this time. Lu Li could feel the sealing stone using its strength to resist the struggle.

Unfortunately, facing the extremely terrifying power of destruction, the struggle to seal the stone slab was completely meaningless.

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying energy seemed to be escaping from the sealing stone slab.


Exploded instantly!

The sealing stone slab could no longer resist the destruction of the power of destruction and was completely destroyed.

A burst of dazzling white light made it difficult to open one's eyes, and Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki covered their eyes one after another.

Lu Li, on the other hand, seemed not to be affected by this power, his eyes staring at the white light without leaving it at all.

After a while, the white light gradually faded away, and nothing was left where the sealing stone slab had just been.

Not even a single crumb was left behind.”


Lu Li used the power of destruction for the first time, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Even the terrifying material of the sealing stone slab can be destroyed in an instant.

It is worthy of the power of destruction, and its power is indeed very terrifying.

At the moment when the sealing slate was destroyed, Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki were about to go over, but they suddenly felt a strange energy emerging from their bodies, making them unable to help themselves.

The Lord's returned to his undead form.

This energy separated directly from their bodies, and a faint white light flew out from their chests.

This faint white light disappeared directly in the sky, which was very similar to the white energy inside the sealed stone slab just now.

This kind of thing doesn't just happen to them.

At this time, Jinju was in another place, Hajime Aikawa, who had fallen on the roadside because Kazuma Kenzaki transformed into the emperor form, and Hato Noboru, etc., all of them were also

A ball of white light flew out.

All the undead creatures under the control of the Sealing Stone Tablet experienced this situation.

After the white light dissipated, Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki turned back into human form.

The two felt their bodies lighten, as if something was missing.


Although the Sealing Stone Tablet gave them powerful power, it also meant that they were shackled.

Now that the Sealing Stone Tablet was destroyed, they naturally broke free from the shackles and were no longer controlled by the Sealing Stone Tablet.

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