After a careful investigation and search, Jin Ju found something useful last time.

A dust!

There should be no such dust in this place. The appearance of these things is obviously a bit wrong.

At the same time, in the dust, Jin Ju found a good piece of clothing.

When he saw this familiar piece of clothing, Jin Ju's pupils suddenly shrank.

Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi!

That's right, this piece of clothing comes from Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi.

Although there are some damaged places, it can still be seen that this is the black clothes that Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi often wears.

Staring at the dust on the ground thoughtfully, Jin Ju already has a guess in his heart.

Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi has been killed!

The remaining dust here is actually his previous body.

As for who killed him and who turned him into this, it is not clear for the time being.

But it is certain that the opponent must be very terrifying.

According to Jin Ju's understanding, Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi is definitely a very cautious guy, and it is generally impossible for him to reveal any flaws.

But if the opponent's strength is so strong that it exceeds this guy's caution, then everything seems understandable.


In Jin Ju's mind, there is only one person who meets this condition.

This person is the partner he was looking for before.

The Queen Tiger Undead creature beside the other party, and the combat power is even stronger than himself, the strength of that man may be stronger.

All this may be closely related to that man. The seal stone slab's restraint on the undead creature suddenly disappeared, probably because

It has been hidden very deeply, just to win the final extreme battle.

Jin Ju never thought that he would capsize in the gutter.

Not only capsized, but also capsized very thoroughly.

Now, even if he finally won the extreme battle, he could not get the power to dominate the world, let alone prosper his own race.

Thinking of this, Jin Ju covered his forehead with a bitter smile on his face.

It's over!

It's all over!

All the hard work has been useless now.

If he had known that things would develop to this point, Jin Ju should have taken action earlier and should not have been so cautious.

It is meaningless to say all this now. Jin Ju has completely lost his goal at this time.

The Extreme War was forced to be interrupted and ended ahead of time. Everything has been reset to zero. What else can he do?

He couldn't think of it.

As a category Kig, he is also proud in his heart. He hopes that there will be no humans in the world he lives in.

As a result, things have become like this now. He doesn't know what he can do next.

There are other undead creatures that have not been sealed. Even if this battle has no winner, it will not end so easily.

Slowly standing up and throwing the clothes in his hand on the ground, Jin Ju walked into the research institute with a gloomy face.

He needs to think carefully about what he should do next.

Is it to choose to live in the human world incognito or continue to fight.

How can Jin Ju, who has ambitions, live like an ordinary person in peace and happiness? It is absolutely impossible.

He did not give up and still wanted to continue to realize his ambitions.

Looking at the research institute in front of him, there might be some useful information in it.

Hirose Yoshito is preparing to make the next test subject at this time.

From the previous battle, he collected some good information.

Using these data to conduct test subject battle data should be of good use in dealing with the Emperor Sword later.

He was very happy at this time. The appearance of the Emperor Sword made him see the discussion of further breakthroughs in his research.

However, he didn't know that he was not only back, but also brought Kenzaki Kazuma and Shima Noboru back directly.

If he had known this would happen, Hirose Yoshito would never let Tachibana Saku know about his situation here.

As long as Shima Noboru saw Hirose Yoshito, he would know whether what the other party said was true or false.

When Tachibana Saku mentioned Hirose Yoshito again before, Shima Noboru felt that this (bfb) matter was definitely not that simple and there was something wrong.

So they decided to go and see together.

The three of them came to Hirose Yoshito's research institute. Through the monitor, Hirose Yoshito naturally discovered that in addition to Kenzaki Kazuma, Tachibana Sakuya also brought another person.

That person... Hirose Yoshito didn't know him.

Now Hirose Yoshito only wanted to study Kenzaki Kazuma, and didn't have too many ideas at all, nor did he care that Tachibana Sakuya brought one more person back.

Soon, Hirose Yoshito met Tachibana Sakuya and the other two.

As soon as he saw Hirose Yoshito as soon as he entered the door, Kenzaki Kazuma's face flashed a strong surprise.

"You are... Mr. Hirose?!"

There was a strong shock in his words.

He didn't understand that the dead Hirose Yoshito was now standing in front of him intact.

It felt like a dream, was he resurrected from the dead? !

He had never really met Hirose Yoshito, because Kenzaki Kazuma had not officially joined the Board at this time before the undead creatures were released.

However, he had seen the photos placed by Hirose Shiori at the back, and he was more or less impressed.

With a faint smile on his face, Yoshito Hirose said calmly.

"Kensaki, this should be the first time we have met, I think you should have learned about your current physical condition from Tachibana.

Your body is now gradually transforming into Jokr. Fusion with the undead for a long time will gradually transform your body.

Especially your King.Form is very different from the King.Form we know.

I hope you can stay here at the institute for the time being, and I will study your current status as much as possible and help you adjust back. "

The words were very beautiful, and he looked like he was really good for Kenzaki Kazu.

However, only he himself knows what this guy is thinking.

The first time he saw Hirose Yoshito, Shima Noboru felt that the man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

To be precise, the man in front of me is no longer even a human being!

Although it is not a human being, it is not an undead creature at the same time. If nothing else, it should be the experimental subject they mentioned before.

Moreover, Shima Noboru had just keenly noticed that there was something wrong with Yoshito Hirose's eyes when he was observing Kazuma Kenzaki.

The other party probably not only wants to help Kazuma Kenzaki, but may also have other purposes.

Regarding Hirose Yoshito, Shima Noboru had heard about him from Agent Karasuma Kei.

A researcher obsessed with the secret of the undead's immortality, aiming to make people as immortal as the undead.

He was keen and felt that the other party's so-called desire to help Kenzaki Kazuma was probably to achieve this goal.

Kenzaki Kazuma's body is undergoing transformation due to the influence of the fusion power of the undead.

Once fully transformed, a successful transformation would be the first human to be transformed into an undead creature.

If we study it, I'm afraid it's really possible to get the secret of immortality.

After understanding this, Ming Sheng suddenly became enlightened.

That’s how it turned out!

Putting his eyes on Shimasabu, Yoshito Hirose had a puzzled look on his face.

"Who is this..?

Since he was resurrected as a test subject, he has not seen Shima Noboru, so naturally he is not worthy of who Shima Noboru is.

Hearing this, Ju Shuo also quickly explained.

"Mr. Hirose, this is Mr. Shima. He is a friend of the director. He has been secretly helping us deal with the undead."

Nodding thoughtfully, Hirose Yoshito always felt that the man wearing a turban in front of him was unusual.

At this time, Shima Noboru, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked.

"Mr. Hirose, I'm very curious, why do you wear human skin?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room fell into silence.

Everyone was surprised by Shima Noboru's words.

Even the person himself, Yoshito Hirose, looked confused.

He has the memory of being Hirose Yoshito, so he doesn't know that his real self is dead. The current self is just loaded into the memory using the experimental body.

"Mr. Naru, what are you talking about? How could Mr. Hirose be wearing human skin? He...

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also stopped.

He was very sure that he had witnessed Yoshito Hirose being seriously injured when he was at the research institute.

At that time, even if the institute's medical resources were used for rescue, the probability of being saved was almost zero. In that case, could the person really be saved?

He couldn't be sure about this.

Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know these things, anyway, he was confused.

"Mr. Naru, have you made a mistake? Mr. Hirose, a living person standing in front of us, how could he be a guy wearing human skin?"

As the person involved, Yoshito Hirose frowned unconsciously.

"Mr. Shima, why did you say these words? I am just a human being. There is nothing to question."

His subconscious has always believed that he is a person, not an experimental subject.

After using the experimental body as a carrier to resurrect, he thought that he had successfully survived the rescue, and never thought that his body had long since disappeared.


Shaking his head slightly, Mingsheng suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Hirose Yoshito's clothes and tore them open.

When the outer suit and inner shirt were torn open, the non-human skin underneath was revealed.

Seeing this scene, Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma opened their eyes wide, filled with disbelief.

The other party is really not a human being!

Since it's not a human being, it shouldn't be an undead creature, so what could it be?

"Are you...a test subject?!"

Ju Shuo was also the first to react.

Considering that test subjects have already appeared, he will naturally make guesses in this regard.

The main reason is that the other party also has the memory of Hirose Yoshito, so the only possibility is that it is a test subject.

As the person involved, Yoshito Hirose actually noticed his current state.

There was a look of deep panic on his face, and he kept retreating and fell into the chair.

"How?! Who am I?! Who am I?!"

At this moment, he no longer had the calmness and calmness he had before.

All along, he thought that he was Hirose Yoshito, and never thought that he was not a human being, but an experimental subject.

“Impossible! I’m Hirose Yoshito, how could I be anything else?!”

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