After thinking about it, Wakana still shook her head.

"I haven't found a suitable agent yet, so let's use it for now. When I find a suitable agent one day, I can kick him away.

Brother-in-law, if I hadn't seen that this guy was still useful, I would have fired him long ago.

snort! I feel like a follower every day, which is annoying to death. "

If it were the former Sono Saki Saeko, she would definitely ask Sono Saki Wakana to come back to work at the company at this time.

But now, Sonosaki Saeko has mastered a more powerful taboo, and in her opinion, she is no longer weaker than her father, who is an emperor.

Naturally, there is no need to criticize Yu Yuan Saki Wakana.

After dinner, Lu Li and Sono Sakiko returned to the room.

What to do, of course I like to see the movement of creating "people".

As for Sonosaki Wakana, who watched them enter the room, she ran back to her room with a blushing face.

"Damn it! You two don't know how to restrain yourself!"

If you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig running?

How could she not know this!

Narumi Detective Agency.

This time the commission was considered completed, but what happened during this commission deeply affected Shotaro Zuo.

Especially Tsumura Shina, a childhood sweetheart, went crazy and went berserk because of the memory.

In the end, Lu Li took away the memory and died.

Thinking of these, Zuo Shotaro felt a strong hatred in his heart.

This is hate for the organization!

Whether it was his most admired uncle or his childhood sweetheart, Tsumura Shina, they all died because of the organization.

If there were no memory, there wouldn't be so many things.

At this time, a green slipper hit Zuo Shotaro on the head, bringing him back to reality instantly.

Such classic slippers, you don’t have to think twice to know who they are.

"Shoutaro, cheer up! How can you be a tough detective like this? Have you forgotten your goal?"

Narumi Asukiko naturally understands that Shotarou Zuo is very sad at the moment, but he must cheer up even if he is sad.

Sadness will not turn back time, and regret will not bring the dead back to life.

It is only true to cheer up and look forward.

Phillip nodded with deep understanding and helped.

"Ashuko is right, Shotaro, you have tried your best and put all the blame on yourself for any problem."

Everyone understands that this is the truth, but after all, it happened to me. If you want to fully recover, it will not be so fast.

Zuo Shotaro didn't say a word, just nodded slightly.

He was just adjusting his condition, not feeling sorry for himself.

Seeing that Shotarou Zuo remained silent, Asukiko Narumi really wanted to do it again with the slippers on her hands.

When I thought that Zuo Shotaro was very sad now, it was indeed a bit unkind to do so, so I finally let it go.

"Don't think so much for the moment. Otherwise, let's go eat something delicious first. Eating something delicious may help you relax."

"Forget it, I have no appetite..."

Shotaro Zuo was about to refuse.

As a result, before they finished speaking, Philip and Narumi Asukiko looked at each other.

The next second, the two of them picked up Shotaro Zuo, one on the left and the other on the right, and led him outside.

"Hey! It's not that big of a deal, okay, okay, okay, can't I go?"

There was really no other way, so Shotaro Zuo could only nod and agree.

But after feeling the concern of the two people, the heart that was originally full of pain was indeed soothed a lot.

Although the three of them are not really a family, when they are together, they are a family.

Another week has passed in the blink of an eye.

Within this week, the equipment in Lu Li's research laboratory produced two new memories.

They are Ice Age memory and Violence memory.

After the production is completed, it is the same as the previous memory, everything is in the most stable state.

Of course, Lu Li would not be idle during the process of making new memories.

In addition to the new awakening cards obtained in this world, Lu Li has a total of fifty-three awakening cards.

Except for the heart deck he uses, Lu Li doesn't use many other spades, diamonds, and clubs decks, and some cards are even not used at all.

For example, Lu Li had almost no chance to use the top-notch undead creatures Jack, Queen, and King in the three decks.

At most, he can use the ability of remote tapirs to release them and control them to help him fight.

Since everyone in Blade can create corresponding drives based on Joker's Awakening Device, there is no reason why Lu Li couldn't make a replica of Phillip.

Therefore, Lu Li began to try to build a new driver based on his own awakening device.

This drive can be transformed using three other categories of Ace cards.

Making a driver is not an easy task in itself.

Fortunately, Lu Li's awakening device was always on him and he could conduct data tests at any time.

A week has passed, and Lu Li has only completed collecting the data.

As for the driver, Lu Li has already designed it, and there are also weapons corresponding to it. It's just data, and it won't be ready that quickly.

The appearance is similar to the Kamen Rider Leangle buckle, but the overall color is black and white.

The design is that when the three transformation awakening cards of spades, diamonds and clubs are inserted into it, different colors will be given to the driver.

At the same time, in order to be able to use higher-level evolutionary forms, the emperor form corresponding to the wild form, Lu Li must also design it.

In order to complete all the production, it will take at least some time according to the current progress.

This does not include testing. If testing is included, the time may be extended.

After the design is done, how to make the things, Lu Li does not need to worry about it.

There are many controlled scientists in the museum. Lu Li asked Sono Saeko to help him get two over, which is no problem at all.

Their work place is not in Lu Li's laboratory, but somewhere else.

After all, Lu Li's laboratory is used to manufacture memory, and he does not want any other problems to arise.

He has completed the relevant design, and the specific data and parameters have been collected. It should be no problem to hand it over to two scientists.

After a week of hard work, Lu Li can finally take a good rest. He can continue to be a hands-off boss and go for a walk when he has nothing to do.

Lu Li has been busy almost all week and has not even gone home.

In other words, Lu Li has not seen Sonozaki Wakana for almost a whole week.

Sonozaki Saeko came a few times during the trip, naturally to visit Lu Li.

Sonozaki Wakana asked her sister many times, but Sonozaki Saeko said that Lu Li was busy with something and did not tell her.

Sonozaki Saeko also told Lu Li about this situation.

I haven't seen my sister-in-law for a week. Now she is out, just call her to eat something together.

Lu Li just got off the car when he came to Fengzhiwu Radio Station in a special car.

Just then, he saw Sonozaki Wakana being harassed by a wretched man in the underground garage, and Shangwei Qiang was trying hard to stop her.

The wretched man held a bunch of flowers in his hand, and his hair had fallen out.

He looked quite old, and he shamelessly wanted to pursue Sonosaki Wakana.

There were many such people, and Sonosaki Wakana felt annoyed.

But she was an idol, and since she was an idol, these were naturally unavoidable. 0......

Just when Sonosaki Wakana felt very annoyed, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"Wakana, do you want to go together?"

Looking up, she saw Lu Li standing by a car and waving at her.

When she saw Lu Li, a flash of surprise flashed in Sonosaki Wakana's eyes.

"Lu Li?!"

She had been wondering why Lu Li suddenly disappeared.

Unexpectedly, she saw him again after a week.

Turning her head to see the two men still entangled behind her, she said coldly.

"Uewei, don't let him bother me again."

After that, she ran towards Lu Li happily.

"Princess Wakana! Please marry me!"

The bald man with shining eyes tried desperately to break free from Shangwei Qiang's control.

But Shangwei Qiang heard what Sonozaki Wakana said just now, so he desperately stopped the other party, making the bald man unable to move forward.

"Don't worry, Princess Wakana, I will never let him get close to you!"

Shangwei Qiang thought his actions were very handsome, but when he turned his head, he saw Sonozaki Wakana running to Lu Li.

He had never seen Princess Wakana smile so naturally and sweetly as she did now.

She was completely different from the Princess Wakana he usually saw. Is this the real Princess Wakana?

She looked so beautiful when she smiled!

It's a pity that Princess Wakana's smile was not for him, but for another man, which made him very jealous.

Isn't this man the man he saw last time?

He couldn't help but swear in his heart that he must find a way to get rid of this man and never let this man be with Princess Wakana.

Lu Li seemed to notice Shangwei Qiang's angry eyes and asked with a smile.

"Isn't he your agent?"

Without looking back, Sonosaki Wakana pulled Lu Li into the car.

"Don't worry about him, just leave this matter to him, let's go."

Then, the car left the underground parking lot.

After losing his target, the bald man finally stopped struggling and seemed to have given up.

Shangwei Qiang was exhausted and lay on the ground and took a few deep breaths, feeling very unwilling.

What if he is shorter and more wretched? This is not what he wants.

Can't he be loved by Princess Wakana like this?


He must find a way to get rid of the man next to Princess Wakana.

Silently clenching his fists, he already has an idea.

Isn't there a kind of memory that has been circulating in this city?

As long as you use that memory, you can become a person with superpowers. When you have superpowers, you must kill that man.

It just so happened that he had received a business card from a man before, saying that he could be contacted if anyone needed memory.

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