The next second, the test subject faced a rapid attack like a violent storm.

The terrifying claws cut the test subject crazily. Even if the test subject wanted to resist, its attack speed was too slow and it could not touch Sister Tiger at all.

While the two were fighting vigorously, Lu Li and Miyuki Yoshinaga had come to the side to watch the battle.

The surrounding area should have been a busy area, but it seemed extremely quiet at this time.

The people here have been scared away a long time ago. Whoever dares to stay here to face the monster is not asking for death?

Seeing this experimental body that had never appeared before, Lu Li naturally knew that it was made of undead cells.

"This guy is too weak. He doesn't seem to have enough fighting power."

After careful observation, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt that the combat effectiveness displayed by the test subjects was really not that good.

Lu Li glanced at her speechlessly, and he really wanted to say, are you drifting off, or am I unable to lift the knife?

Although the test subject was beaten so badly, it does not mean that it is completely incapable of fighting.

The reason why the performance is so poor is entirely because Sister Tiger's current fighting ability is extraordinary, but it is not like what Miyuki Yoshinaga said, the experimental body is really so unbearable.

If it had been Yoshinaga Miyuki, it was still unclear who would win and who would lose.

Seeing through but not revealing, Lu Li did not try to expose Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Sister Tiger launched a series of fierce attacks, and the test subject could only retreat steadily.

Just when the test subject was looking for a chance to escape, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"it's over!"

Just as the test subject was about to turn around, he heard a sound.


A pitch-black sharp claw pierced from the back to the chest, directly lifting the test subject's body up.

Even if the test subject has no fear or pain, when facing this situation, it is almost close to completely losing its combat effectiveness.

The tissue fluid in the body continued to flow down the wound and dripped on the ground.

Although the test subject has good vitality, it does not mean that the test subject will not die.

When the attack force exceeds the endurance range of the test subject, the test subject will also be unable to withstand it.

Just like now, the test subject fell weakly to the ground and no longer had the slightest strength to break free and escape.

At this time, Yoshihiro Hirose and Jin Ju, who had just felt here, happened to witness this scene.

Seeing an experimental experience being killed with his own eyes, Hirose Yoshito's face darkened slightly.

Unexpectedly, the tiger that Lu Li accepted was so ruthless and killed a test subject in such a short period of time.

Jin Ju's face was very calm and he pushed up his glasses slightly. Everything was as he expected.

Even a test subject can't deal with him, let alone Sister Tiger.

According to Jin Ju's estimation, at least three to five test subjects are needed to deal with Sister Hu.

Although he didn't want to admit this in his heart, Jin Ju still recognized this in his heart about Sister Hu's fighting ability.

Although she is a female undead creature, her combat prowess is stronger than even the male Kig herself.

Behind the two people were twenty-nine test subjects.

All the test subjects looked exactly the same, and their movements were uniform, looking like a well-trained army.

Sister Tiger naturally noticed Jin Ju and Yoshito Hirose opposite them. Seeing that they were carrying twenty-nine test subjects behind them, even Sister Tiger's expression changed slightly.


A test subject can relax on his own, even three or five should be no problem.

But if there were a little more, it might be difficult to solve.

To give full play to her speed advantage, Sister Tiger must have enough open space.

As long as the space is not open enough, even if it is effective, Sister Hu should be able to solve it, but it will take more time.

"It's finally here, can't you wait to do it to me after all?"

Lu Li's tone was very calm, as if he had already expected this situation.

As for Yoshinaga Miyuki, she looked quite nervous at this time.

After all, having so many enemies appear all at once will always make people feel nervous.

And those twenty-nine test subjects are all the same test subjects just now.

Yoshinaga Miyuki just said verbally that the combat effectiveness of the experimental subjects was not very good, but she knew very well that if it were herself, whether she could kill one was a question.


Noticing that Miyuki Yoshinaga was slightly nervous, Lu Li patted her shoulder gently.

"There's no need to be so nervous. These guys are just a bunch of chickens and dogs. It's no big deal."

In Lu Li's eyes, although the test subjects had good combat effectiveness, they were really not that powerful.

The only advantage is that he is obedient enough.

It's a pity that these guys didn't listen to their own words, but to the words of Yoshito Hirose.

Seeing Lu Li's extremely confident look, Yoshinaga Miyuki immediately calmed down.


Lu Li next to him should be the most powerful person. He even defeated the ruler of the Sealing Stone Slab with his own strength.

Are these guys in front of me qualified to compare with the sealing slate?

There is obviously no comparison!

The Sealing Slate is a powerful being with terrifying strength, who dominates extreme battles and can create undead creatures.

Even Lu Li's opponent under such circumstances, let alone others?

Just a very short sentence calmed Yoshinaga Miyuki's heart, which shows how effective Lu Li's words are now.

Lu Li just said that he didn't avoid Jin Ju and Hirose Yoshito at all.

The two heard it clearly. Jin Ju was fine, but Hirose Yoshito was very angry.

This guy actually looked down on the test subjects he created so much, he must teach him a lesson.

Let him know how powerful these test subjects he created are!

Hirose Yoshito didn't intend to watch the arcs on his body, but planned to act with these test subjects under his command.

The next second, Hirose Yoshito directly transformed into his true appearance, Test Subject B.

With eyes with all-round vision, the power of his left wrist can petrify the enemy, and even release a thousand-degree lightning strike from his fingertips, instantly burning the enemy.

"Hirose Yoshito, no, now you should be accurately called... Test Subject B."

Lu Li revealed Hirose Yoshito's true identity in one sentence.

Test subject B paused for a moment, obviously not expecting that Lu Li would know his true identity.

Only a few people should know his identity, so how did Lu Li know it:

Of course, all this is not important now. He is more concerned about whether there is a chance to kill Lu Li with so many test subjects acting together.

Now, it is time to verify this idea.

Test subject B slowly raised his arm and waved it forward gently.


A sonorous and powerful word came out of his mouth.

As his voice fell, all the test subjects immediately took action and rushed straight to Lu Li.

Twenty-nine identical test subjects sprinted together, and the scene was very terrifying.

If it was Sister Hu, I am afraid she would have turned around and left without hesitation.

Strong combat power is limited to a limited number of enemies. If the number of enemies is too large, strong combat power is useless.

Her advantage lies in speed. If she is surrounded by enemies, then she will definitely not be able to play her advantage.

Advantages will turn into disadvantages, which is not good for fighting.

"So many test subjects, it's really a great honor for me, but... I really don't think highly of the fighting power of these guys."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Li threw out a bunch of strange things out of thin air.

At least in the eyes of Yoshinaga Miyuki, it was a very strange thing.

It looked like it could be held in one hand. The whole thing was oval, red, and decorated with black patterns on it. There was also a round button on the top.

These things that looked quite strange were nothing else but the Star Apprentice Switches.

No more, no less, exactly twelve.

It was the Zodiac Star Apprentice Switch that I had snatched from Wang Guangming before.

"I'm never afraid of more people than me."

As Lu Li's voice fell, a brilliant cosmic energy was released from his hands.

When these energies touched the Zodiac Star Apprentice Switches, all the Star Apprentice Switches seemed to be activated.

PS: Thank you

Shi Zhiling for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 489 The powerful suppression of the Zodiac! One-sided crushing, the plan failed!

The twelve zodiac star switches burst into brilliant light, and then were enveloped by a dark nebula.

In the dark nebula, their corresponding nebula patterns appeared, Sagittarius, Leo, Libra...!

The twelve zodiac signs!

When seeing the twelve zodiac signs appear, Hirose Yoshito and Jin Ju suddenly felt something was wrong.

Could it be that Lu Li still had some tricks up his sleeve? !

Jin Ju, who originally wanted to carefully observe what kind of power Lu Li had, focused his eyes on the constellations at this time.

He could feel that these constellations had a very special energy.

He had never seen or felt this energy before.

"What is this?!"

Jin Ju did not dare to be careless and directly transformed into an undead creature.

He quickly drew out his pair of greatswords, and the undead creatures were ready to fight at any time.

Under the injection of cosmic energy, a silhouette appeared in the dark nebula.

Soon, when the black nebula dissipated, the twelve zodiac star disciples wearing celestial palace cloaks appeared in front of everyone.

From Sagittarius to Pisces, there was no one missing.

The twelve zodiac star disciples at this moment were created by the cosmic energy released by Lu Li, and they did not have independent consciousness.

However, these twelve zodiac star disciples had a certain combat consciousness.

There was no problem in carrying out ordinary battles.


Everyone present was stunned. No one could have thought that Lu Li could summon twelve guys who had never been seen before at once.

And it seemed that these guys who had never been seen before were not simple.

As undead creatures, Yoshinaga Miyuki, Tiger Sister and Saw Shovel Undead Creature all felt a faint threat from some guys in the twelve zodiac star disciples.

This means that there are some guys with very strong combat power among the star disciples.

Test subject B also didn't understand how Lu Li did it at all, and he could easily summon so many helpers.

It's too outrageous!

Sure enough, Lu Li is a very tough opponent.

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