Hearing this, Dimoli didn't hide anything and directly told everything.

"He came to me just now and said...

When he learned that someone actually entrusted Zuo Shotaro to find Dimu Calendar, Shi Mo became even more puzzled.

Someone is secretly looking for Dimu Li. As for who this person is, it is not yet known.

Since the other party is looking for Dimu Calendar, it proves that the other party should know Dimu Calendar.

But the problem is that Dimoli doesn't seem to know about this because he doesn't know that person at all.

This makes people a little confused.

Naturally, Shi Mo couldn't figure out what was going on here, and planned to tell Lu Li when he got back and let him solve it.

In Shi Mo's eyes, Lu Li was almost omnipotent.

Even Li Fengdu, who had once made her feel extremely terrifying, had no power to fight back in front of Lu Li and simply crushed him all the way.

Seeing that everyone around him had fled due to the fighting, Shi Mo shrugged helplessly.

"If you like something, just take it."

As expected of a witch, no one here cares about anything anyway, so just harvest it.

The simple Dimo ​​Koyomi was surprised.

"Sister Shi Mo, wouldn't it be a little bad to just take someone else's things? Isn't that just stealing?"

She smiled helplessly, why does this girl feel like she's still a bit stubborn?

Miyuki Yoshinaga was quite interested in these beautiful skirts and so on, and took a lot of them.

As for Chengguang, she has always liked wearing leather clothes and pants, and her goal is not here.

Bird/Ujingzaka, Mianyingtang.

Kao Zhenqingren was lying on the bed in the room upstairs, and his injuries were almost healed.

The reason why he was not sent to the hospital was simply because there was no need.

The beast knight transformed by Kousuke Nito can use healing magic.

After returning, he immediately used the dolphin magician's ring to transform into the form of a beast rider's dolphin cloak, and used healing magic to treat Haruto Soma.

After completing the treatment, Soma Haruto's injuries have almost fully recovered.

But due to the serious loss of magic power, I didn't wake up for a while.

"Okay, Haruto is sleeping soundly now. Nothing happened. He should be able to wake up soon."

Rubbing his arms, Kousuke Nito carried Kao Maharuto all the way back, and of course he felt his hands were soft.

After learning that Soma Haruto was injured, Daimon Rinko and Nara Shunpei rushed over immediately.

When she first arrived at Menkagedo, Daidai Rinko couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw the scarred Kōma Haruto.

However, she had not disturbed Kousuke Nito's treatment before, and she only asked now.

"Nito, what happened? Why is Haruto injured?"

Hearing this, Kousuke Nito stopped moving his hands and his expression became serious.

"Today we encountered a very troublesome guy. He was very strong, and he was not a phantom.

Haruto and I were no match for him, and in the end we both lost. I passed out and Haruto was seriously injured. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Kousuke Nito set his sights on 5.0 Mayu Inamori.

"Mayu, what happened after I passed out? How did Haruto lose to that guy?"

Inamori Mayu, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and said quickly.

"After you passed out, Haruto-senpai fought fiercely with that guy, and used his strongest kill.

But he was blocked by that guy, and he was sure to kill him... and was defeated.

Haruto-senpai was seriously injured as a result, and after Haruto-senpai passed out, the guy also took away Haruto-senpai's infinity ring. "


Everyone was shocked when they learned that the Infinity Ring had been taken away.

You must know that that is the most powerful power of Kao Zhenqingren at present.

Now that it has been snatched away by the enemy, how can I get it back?

"Trouble, trouble! Big trouble! Something as important as the Infinity Ring has been taken away, my God!"

After scratching his hair vigorously, Nara Shunpei felt that the seriousness of this matter was far greater than before.

Without the Infinity Ring, it would be very difficult for Kao Maharuto to deal with the increasingly powerful phantoms.

"Mayu, why didn't you tell me about this earlier! If you had told me earlier, I would...

Kousuke Nito was about to say, "I'll go grab it back," but he paused before he could say anything.


I was still in a coma at the time, what the hell!

Seeing the apology on Mayu Inamori's face, Kousuke Nito apologized quickly.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I don't blame you. Even if I wasn't unconscious at the time, I probably wouldn't be able to stop that guy."

He was very self-aware and knew very well that there was nothing he could do to stop Lu Li's actions.

Daemon Rinko said helplessly as she slapped her forehead with a distressed expression.

"Now that the Infinity Ring has been snatched away, Haruto will probably feel very uncomfortable when he knows the news.

What is the other party's purpose? Why take away the Infinity Ring? Can the other party also use it? ""

Chapter 502: Little hope! Medusa was confused, Mr. Lu, what are you doing?

Regarding this question, no one among several people can answer it.

Anyway, the problem before us now is that the Infinity Ring is gone.

Next, if you want to deal with the Phantom Demon, the difficulty will inevitably increase a lot.

At this time, Wajima Shigeru suddenly interrupted.

"Since it has already happened, there is naturally no way to stop it.

What you should consider now is who is the enemy you are facing today?"

A powerful enemy suddenly appeared, catching everyone off guard.

Even if Soma Haruto used a wireless ring, he could not defeat his opponent, which was enough to show that this opponent was very terrifying.

Maybe he will face this enemy again in the future, and finding out the identity of the enemy is the focus of attention now.

Clenching his fist, Nito Kosuke said with a firm face.

"No matter how strong he is, I will definitely defeat him! I was careless this time! Next time, I won't give him this opportunity!"

He said this mainly to give everyone confidence.

The sudden enemy made everyone very nervous, and someone needed to stand up and give everyone confidence at this time.

Soma Haruto was actually in a coma, so the only one who could give this confidence was Nito Kosuke.

The others were silent and did not respond to Nito Kosuke.

Seeing that no one responded to him, Nito Kosuke covered his heart with a hurt face.

"Hey! Can you guys give me some reaction? Is this too much of a blow to me?"

Unfortunately, no one is playing with him now.

Just then, a hurried sound of footsteps came from upstairs.

Everyone focused their eyes on the stairs, and soon, Soma Haruto appeared in front of everyone.

"Haruto! Are you awake so soon?!"

Ninto Kosuke was a little surprised.

Even after his own magic treatment, Soma Haruto's magic power has always been exhausted, and he should need a period of rest before waking up.

Unexpectedly, he woke up so soon.

Although he has woken up, Soma Haruto's face is pale and his steps are a little weak.

Although he doesn't know what happened in the end, before Soma Haruto fell into a coma, the severe pain in his body made him very clear that he should have been seriously injured.

And now his injuries have almost recovered, it must be Nito Kosuke who used magic to heal him.

With a forced smile on his face, Soma Haruto thanked.

"Ninto, thank you, otherwise I might have to stay in bed for a long time."

26 Hearing this, Ninto Kousuke immediately raised his head and chest, with a happy expression on his face.

"It's a small matter! After all, we are friends. Since we are friends, we should naturally help each other."

Looking at this, he is actually a little arrogant.

Nara Shunpei and Daimon Rinko immediately went over to support Soma Haruto and helped him sit on the sofa.

"I heard what you said just now. He took away my Infinity Ring, probably to prevent me from continuing to transform into the strongest form.

He... should be in the same group with the phantom demon. I fought him once before.

However, I lost that time too.

Soma Haruto didn't mention this matter much, so naturally everyone didn't know much.

Nodding thoughtfully, Ninto Kousuke naturally didn't know what happened before.

"Okay! It turns out that this guy is not the first time to trouble you, but the second time! "

"Senior Haruto, even if you and Senior Nito join forces, they can't defeat him. The other party is on the same side with the phantom demon. We... have no chance of winning?"

With a slightly depressed tone, Mayu Inamori once again watched Medusa leave from her sight today, but she was powerless.

She was very unwilling in her heart. How much she wanted to avenge her sister in person!

Facing an unbeatable enemy, it is normal for Mayu Inamori to feel lost in her heart.

"Mayu, there is no unbeatable enemy. Have confidence. Even the most powerful enemy can be defeated!

Isn't it because of this that I got the Infinity Ring before? ”

He didn’t believe there was an enemy that he couldn’t defeat.

When he faced the terrifying phantom demon Legion before, even the dragon in his body was killed by the opponent. He lost his magic power for a time and became an ordinary person.

But in the end, he recovered his strength and obtained the Infinity Ring. With the power brought by the Infinity Ring, he successfully destroyed Legion.

As long as you don’t give up hope, there must be a possibility of victory.

Raising her head slightly, Inamori Mayu didn’t expect that after being defeated by such a powerful enemy, Cao Zhenqingren still retained hope and was willing to continue fighting.

This made her feel very surprised.

Why is Cao Zhenqingren so persistent, and the fire of hope in his heart will never be extinguished?

On the other side

Lu Li and Mei After Dusha left, she was not in a hurry to leave Bird/Uoisaka.

Now he only needs the last Jinchūriki, and he is ready to gather the last person to help him and start the magic feast directly.

After waiting for so long, it is time to replenish the Philosopher's Stone.

When the magic power is full, when Lu Li can get the Philosopher's Stone filled with magic power, he can help himself have magic power.

Of course, it is not just about having magic power, but also its power can make people evolve.

I just don't know if Lu Li can still help Lu Li evolve now that he is so powerful.

But even if he can't evolve, at least he can make Lu Li stronger, even if it is just a little stronger.

The stronger the strength, the more difficult it will be to improve in the future.

If Lu Li wants to improve his strength, he can rely on replicating other powerful targets, and he can also use some external forces.

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