Or... is it just playing hard to get there, in order to attract more people to come in and launch another attack.

For Amazon, once it starts eating people, it is impossible to stop.

After eating people, the cells in the Amazon's body will awaken, the medicine will no longer be effective (Li Nuo is good), and it will attack people crazily.

"Go in?!"

The voice of the observer on the side unconsciously raised a few tones.

In his opinion, Lu Li's behavior is too dangerous.

If he enters the observation room directly, he may be bitten to death by the other party like the previous company employees.

And Sonosaki Saeko obviously did not have such worries, with a faint smile on her face.

"Okay, if you want to go in, then go in."

In the face of Lu Li's request, Sonosaki Saeko can almost be said to be obedient.

"This... President, it's too dangerous..."

The observer was about to persuade him, but Sonosaki Saeko raised her hand to interrupt him.

"That's enough. You should have heard what I said clearly. Let him in."

Noticing the sharp look in Sonosaki Saeko's eyes, the observer's heart skipped a beat and he immediately lowered his head.


He was just a part-time worker. The boss had already spoken, so how could he object?

There was no choice but to take Lu Li to the door of the observation room.

The door of the observation room was a special door with some traces on it, which was obviously smashed by the force from inside.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the masterpiece of the Amazon inside, but it still couldn't be opened.

Standing in front of the door, Lu Li said calmly.

"Open the door."

"This... Alas! Yes!"

The observer hesitated for a moment, sighed helplessly, and could only enter the password village on the door.


A strange sound came, and the locked door slowly opened.

After the door opened, Lu Li walked in directly.

And the observer quickly closed the door again, fearing that the terrifying guy inside would suddenly run out.

Inside the room, Amazon was reading a book leisurely, but his eyes occasionally glanced towards the door.

When he noticed that a guy was actually walking into the room, Amazon's mouth corners slightly raised.

His eyes revealed a bloodthirsty desire. He had been... hungry for a few days.

Chapter 79 Beat him up if he doesn't behave, Joker

A few days ago, he finally ate a guy, but unfortunately he was stopped in the end.

He has been locked up for a few days and has not eaten anything.

He can still barely maintain his sanity, which is already very good.

Once Amazon wants to take in protein, he will fall into a crazy state.

But because he has been in this state of almost no movement for the past few days, the consumption is not large, so he has not consumed a lot and fallen into madness.

He has been thinking about how to get more human flesh.

Today, it is almost the limit.

Once today is over, he will probably go crazy again.

I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to deliver it to the door now, which is really too good.

The observer returned to the observation room, and with a heavy heart, he and Sonosaki Saeko looked through the glass to observe the situation in the room.

Compared to the observer who looked a little worried, Sonosaki Saeko had no worry on her face at all.

She knew very well how powerful Lu Li was.

A mere Amazon was nothing to be afraid of.

Lu Li came to the center of the room, looked at the Amazon with his legs crossed, and got straight to the point.

"What's wrong? You haven't taken protein for a few days. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

When Amazon heard this, a look of horror flashed across his face.

Since the other party knew that he had to take protein, there was no doubt that the other party must have known his identity.

He thought he had escaped to Fuuto and could hide the truth.

The Amazon recorder he wore before had a malfunction by chance, which gave him this opportunity.

He came here just to be able to live freely and hunt humans at will.

But he didn't expect that he would be caught right after he arrived here and became the other party's experimental subject.

I thought that the people in this city should not know my true identity, but I didn't expect that the man in front of me actually knew that I needed to consume protein.

Now that I have been exposed, there is nothing to pretend.

Just now, he wanted to deceive the other party's sympathy by disguising himself, and then bite him to death when he was not prepared.

Unexpectedly, the plan had to end hastily before it even started.

Slowly standing up, Amazon stared at Lu Li with bloodthirsty desire in his eyes.

"Huh~, how do you know what I am? Who are you?"

Trying hard to suppress his desire for blood, he must first find out who the man in front of him is.

Seeing that the other party was very uncomfortable, Lu Li opened his hands and said.

"Are you very hungry? If you are very hungry, why don't you come over? What are you waiting for?"


The saliva at the corner of his mouth kept dripping on the ground, and he was very hard to bear it.

"If you don't want to answer my questions, then die!!"

Amazon instantly transformed back into its original form, Amazon the owl.


The observers in the observation room shouted loudly when they saw this scene.

The noisy sound made Sonosaki Saeko next to her frown.

"What's your name? What's there to call it?"

The cold voice instantly stopped him from screaming, and he quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

In the room, Amazon, the owl that pounced on Lu Li, had no idea what a terrifying person he was facing.

The Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist, and Lu Li took out the Eternal Awakening Card that he had not used for a long time.

"Change! Enter!"

A brilliant white light flashed.

The owl Amazon only felt a burst of very dazzling light, and his eyes could not see anything.

He immediately stopped his attack.

When the white light gradually dissipated, what stood before him was a pure white knight with a black eternal robe behind him.

There are faint blue flame stripes on the arms and ankles of both hands, giving people a very cold feeling.

"This is……?!"

It was the first time for Owl Amazon to see such a situation, and his eyes were full of shock.

I don't understand at all. What is going on? Why did this guy suddenly transform?

Sonosaki Saeko, who was in the observation room, saw Lu Li in this state for the first time. She was just a little surprised, but she didn't find anything strange at all.

Even if Lu Li changes into another form, Sonosaki Saeko will not be surprised.

Just because he is Lu Li, the man Sonosaki Seiko recognizes cannot be too strong.

"I happened to have completed a few cards. Since you are here, I would like to use you to try my hand at them."

Lu Li's tone was very relaxed, as if he didn't take the owl Amazon seriously at all.

"No matter what you are, I will eat it today!! Die!"

The owl Amazon once again pounced on Lu Li, trying to end the battle as quickly as possible.

However, he was just dreaming.



Afterwards, Lu Li swiped two corresponding awakening cards in succession.

The power belonging to the Blazing Memory was integrated into Lu Li's right arm, and the power belonging to the Ice Age Memory was integrated into his left arm.

There was a burst of heat on the right side, while there was an icy heat on the left side. It was a complete combination of ice and fire.

Lu Li didn't want to kill the owl Amazon, he just wanted to get some information from his mouth.

However, it is not that easy to get the other person to speak obediently.

If you want him to speak, give him a good beating before talking.

Easily dodging the swooping owl Amazon, Lu Li's flame-filled right arm punched him hard on the head.


Amazon, the owl who went out in the morning, was slammed into the wall next to him.

The high-heat flame instantly ignited the hair on his body.


After the owl Amazon reacted, he quickly lay down on the ground and rubbed his head vigorously, trying to extinguish the burning hair.

"Do you feel very hot? If you feel very hot, then I will help you cool down."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li opened his left hand, and an extremely cold air hit him instantly.

The owl Amazon, who originally felt very hot, felt waves of coldness coming over him before he could recover.

His whole body was invaded by this terrifying cold air, and he was shivering from the cold.

Even Amazon feels cold.

Having experienced the blazing heat just now, and now the sudden cold, Owl Amazon fully enjoyed what it means to be in the world of ice and fire.

"Cold! Cold!"

Their bodies were hugging each other and shaking non-stop, completely losing their previous arrogance.

Lu Li took out another awakening card and swiped the awakener components.


The shadow of the awakening card blended into Lu Li's chest, and a strong force surged into his body.

The effect of the awakening card transformed from the violent memory is still to strengthen the whole body's muscles, especially the wrist strength.

The next second, Lu Li appeared next to the owl Amazon, grabbed him out, and slapped him hard on the head.


That slap was harder than a slap in the face.

The owl Amazon, who was still dazed due to the freezing, was instantly stunned by this slap.

It’s inexplicable why I was slapped.

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