Then the two of them saw Di Muzou walking past with the two people who were being controlled.

This time, it can be regarded as the first official meeting between Fueki Kanade and Soma Haruto.

In the past, I almost always met as a white mage.

With his eyes fixed on Flute Music, Kao Zhenqingren said in a deep voice

"You...are the White Magician"~.

Things have reached this point. Since Dimuzou took the initiative to come to see them, he had no intention of concealing his identity.

"That's right, I'm the White Mage, Fuck Shine Haruto. This should be our first official meeting, and it should also be the first time you see my true face."

Holding the crutch in his hand, Dimuzo looked very calm.

Now that everything has become a foregone conclusion, he doesn't mind answering the other party's doubts.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Di Muzou. Of course, you may not know me, but the one you have been searching for is my daughter."

When he heard this, Soma Haruto suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Fueki Kanade in disbelief.

"Are you Li's father?!"

He found it very incredible that the man in front of him could be Li's father.

Seeing his surprised and shocked expression, Di Muzou smiled lightly.

"Don't be surprised, what I said is the truth, and there is no need to lie to you.

Damn it, Haruto, it was really thanks to you that you kept replenishing the magic power of Koyomi and maintaining her body during that time.

Originally all this was prepared for the calendar, but now it is no longer needed.

These words made Cao Zhenqingren confused. He didn't understand what the other party meant.

What does it mean to prepare for the calendar? Why is it no longer needed?

Afterwards, Dimu revealed his previous plan to use the Sabbat to resurrect the calendar.

After learning the whole story, Cao Zhenqing recalled what he had seen.

Now that Calendar has been resurrected, logically there should be no need to hold a magic banquet. What is Fueki Kanade's purpose in doing this?

Seemingly sensing Maharuto's doubts, Fueki Kanade said casually."

"The Sabbat was originally used to resurrect the calendar. Although it is no longer needed, I need to do another thing for the people who resurrect the calendar.

That is to infuse the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone. To do this, a Sabbat must be held. This is an agreement between me and others.

As for the four of you, you are all human pillars.

I will borrow your power to activate the Sabbat and fill it with the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone. "

When he learned that Fueki Kanade was actually trying to imbue the so-called Philosopher's Stone with magic power, Soma Haruto's face suddenly became angry.

"Are you going to hurt other people just for this kind of thing?!"

Hearing this, a mocking smile appeared on Fueki Kanade's face, and he looked at Kao Zhenharuto as if he were a fool.

“Fuck Maharuto, this world is originally about the jungle, only when you are strong enough can you decide everything.

When your strength is weak, you can't do anything you want. I have experienced that feeling before.

By the way, Mayu Inamori, there is good news that may make you feel a little better.

Your sister, to be precise, the phantom Medusa that occupied your sister's body has been eliminated by me.

Enjoy your last moments, the Sabbat will be held tomorrow.

After saying that, Dimuzou left with the two people under control.

In this magical space, the magic power and power of Haru Soma and Mayu Inamori will be greatly suppressed.

Therefore, even if the magic ring is in the hands of two people, there is still no way to transform, let alone to cast magic.

Inamori Mayu's face looked quite miserable at the moment. Originally, he just wanted revenge, but he didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

With Medusa dead, Inamori Mayu naturally lost her goal of revenge.

At first, she thought that the white magician who helped her become a magician was a good person, but she didn't expect that he just wanted to use her.

"Senior Haruto, it turns out that we were just tools from the beginning.

She was depressed, and anyone who knew she was just a tool would feel lost.

Even the previous Medusa was the same.

Seeing Mayu Inamori like this, Haruto Kou did not give up because of this, hoping to cheer up Mayu Inamori immediately.

"Mayu, don't give up. We haven't lost yet. Nito is still outside and will definitely come to save us when the time comes."

After his comfort, Inamori Mayu's depressed mood improved a little.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Lu Li came directly to Bird/Ujing Slope early in the morning.

The location of the Devil's Banquet was told to Lu Li yesterday by Di Muzou.

Early in the morning, Dimuzo had already prepared everything.

What needs to be done now is to fix all the human pillars in the four directions and let them provide magic power to open the Sabbat.

When he saw Lu Li arriving, Di Muzuo's expression suddenly became respectful.

"Mr. Lu.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li asked.

"How are the preparations going? When will it start?"

"I'm ready anyway. Now I just need to fix the four human pillars in four directions. I will make arrangements immediately."

After saying that, Fueki Kanade immediately arranged for two people under his control to bring out Haru Soma and Mayu Inamori who were in the closed space.

Take the two people to the corresponding places and lock them, and then the two human pillars return to the other two positions and lock themselves.

When Cao Zhenqingren was brought over and locked on the pillar, he saw Lu Li lying on the side of the railing and Di Muzou standing respectfully next to him.

"It's you?!"

Cao Zhenqingren didn't expect to see Lu Li here.

Suddenly, Soma Haruto recalled what Fueki Kanade said before.

The reason why he still holds the Sabbat is to help the resurrected people fill the Philosopher's Stone.

Although he had met Lu Li before, he had no idea who Lu Li's true identity was.

I had heard the name Lu Li before from Zuo Shotaro, but I never expected that it was the person in front of me.

"Are you Lu Li?!"

Everything can be connected.

Kao Zhenharuto didn't expect that the person who resurrected the calendar would be the man in front of him, which made him a little unacceptable.

In his opinion, the man in front of him was not a good person at all.

I used to think that the place where Li was staying was not bad, maybe a good destination.

But now it seems that is not the case.

He never expected that Lu Li would be that person.

.I haven’t seen you for a few days. I didn’t expect you to be in such good spirits. I haven’t formally introduced myself yet. I am Lu Li. "

Lu Li leaned on the railing and looked at Kao Zhenqing with a contented expression.

"Li...are you the one who resurrected me?"

Staring at Lu Li, she really hoped that this matter was not what she thought.

But with the facts before him, he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Yes, I resurrected Li, and she is living very well with me now, very happy.

She won't remember things from her time as a doll, let alone... you.

Lu Li's words seemed to have something to say.

After hearing these words, Cao Zhenqingren suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart and his eyes suddenly widened.

"It's you! Did you make Li lose his memory?!"

The words were full of incredulity, and he seemed to understand at this time.

The reason why Li lost his memory may not be because of the accident, but because of the guy in front of him.

"Bah bang bang!"

Lu Li smiled and nodded, not stingy with his applause.

"Your guess is very correct. After the resurrection calendar, I erased all her memories after becoming a doll. Naturally, she will not remember you.

Do you think this is bad? If she still remembers you, she may recall her life in Mianyingtang. In this case, she might as well make a clean break.

At least she is living a very happy life now, am I right?

These words sounded like sophistry, but Kao Zhenqing found that he had no way to refute.

Experience the joy of life now, isn’t this what you want to see?

This is why Kao Zhenqingren didn't show any anger, but remained silent.

After a moment of silence, Kao Maharuto only said one sentence.

"Take good care of Li.

He leaned against the pillar with his eyes closed and said no more words.

The whole person looked quite decadent and seemed to have no motivation.

At this time, Di Muzhuo suddenly appeared next to Lu Li.

"Mr. Lu, everything is ready, we can go there."

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded, and then he and Di Muzou used teleportation magic to reach the middle of the entire huge magic array.

Holding the Sabbat here can gather the magic power in the entire city and bring it together here. (Lee’s)

After appearing in the middle of the huge magic circle, Lu Li saw a circular stone plate depicting the magic circle.

I saw Dimu Zuo slowly walking over, taking out a heart-sized stone, and placed it in the middle of the circular stone plate.

Lu Li, who had already seen the Philosopher's Stone, would certainly not feel unfamiliar with it.

Now that all preparations were made, Dimu Kan directly took out the magician's ring and transformed.


"Change! Now!"

When he was able to pass through the golden magic circle, the white devil appeared in place.

I saw him taking out a rather strange-looking magic ring. This magic ring was made by him before with Shigeru Wajima.

Eclipse magic ring!

Through this magic ring, the White Devil can forcefully activate the solar eclipse.

In order to start the Sabbat, it must be opened during a solar eclipse.

"Eclipse! Now! M

The solar eclipse magic ring bloomed with a burst of eerie purple light.

The next second, the sun that was originally hanging high in the sky was suddenly obscured by a black shadow.

Forced eclipse!

Solar eclipses are supposed to occur after a long time interval, but because of the solar eclipse magic ring, solar eclipses now occur due to human intervention.

The sky gradually darkened, and the entire city was shrouded in darkness.

Not long after, the entire sun was completely covered, and the city fell into darkness.

The sudden solar eclipse was not reported at all, and everyone in the city was very surprised.

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